Feeling Cold On Keto? (or I.F. Intermittent Fasting)

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Feeling cold on keto? Well I'm gonna explain it so you get it once and for

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all. Coming right up. So let's break this down step by step and let's make it very

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very simple if you're feeling cold and we're assuming that you're endorsed in a

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controlled environment if you're feeling cold it's because

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you're not producing enough heat and why would you not produce enough heat what

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where does that come from there's two reasons one would be hypothyroid if your

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thyroid is basically your thermostat it's what makes a thyroid hormone that

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tells every cell in your body to crank up their action to turn up the heat

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production to turn off their activity so if for any reason that you are

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hypothyroid then that's gonna turn down the thermostat it's gonna turn down the

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heat production and even if you have plenty of fuel available the cells just

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won't do anything with it so check out that video on thyroid

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besides hypothyroid is if there's a fuel shortage that if your body doesn't have

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access to fuel or doesn't think you have access to fuel or doesn't have enough

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fuel so there's two basic reasons for that one would be that you have plenty

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of fuel but that you don't have access you can't get to it it's locked away and

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the second one is that you're actually running low on fuel you just don't have

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enough and the body perceives a shortage so let's talk about fat because fat is

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your energy reserve that's your fuel reserve you're you're walking around

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with a tank of fuel on your body as fat reserves so someone who is relatively

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lean like myself I have about a hundred thousand calories of fuel reserves on my

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body in fat alone I have a little bit more in protein and other tissues but

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hundred thousand in fat that's about thirty

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hounds so I weigh about 185 I'm about 15% body fat

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maybe a little bit less these days give or take or it could be 150 pound person

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with about 20% body fat still still pretty lean then on the other end of the

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scale would be someone who has maybe a hundred and fifty pounds of fat that'd

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be a 300 pound person who has 50% body fat and 50% body fat is not as rare as

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you might think most people that we check even people who don't look

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overweight are going to end up somewhere around 35 to 40 percent body fat so we

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have a lot of calories we have a lot of fuel reserves on our bodies and that's

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for survival purposes that's why the body packs on the fat because the person

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with the more fat can survive a starvation longer and historically that

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was a really good thing because in the wintertime or during periods of

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starvation the really skinny people would die off and the people who are

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better at storing fat they would survive so people have humans have developed the

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ability to store fat really well as a survival advantage but if you can't get

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to that fuel if you have all that fuel but you can't get to it if it's locked

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of a way it's inaccessible this is what happens with insulin resistance insulin

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is a fat storage hormone it creates a pressure to push that fat inside the

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cells and you don't have access to it even though you have all that fat it

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just won't be available to come out of the cells and to be burned as fuel

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so now as long as you if if you're on a high carb if you have insulin resistance

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and you keep eating high carb now you're still going to be warm because you're

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topping off your blood sugar you still keep filling up the fuel you keep

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packing it away but you keep adding more so you have enough but now you have the

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bright idea to restrict calories you want to lose some weight so you follow

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the popular advice of eat less so it's they say it's all about portion can

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trol in calories well it's not because once you have insulin resistance and use

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strict calories now your body senses that hey you know I need 2,000 calories

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for my metabolic needs to keep the heat production up but you're only feeding me

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1,500 so I'm 500 short I don't have the fuel

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that I need so I'm gonna turn down the thermostat and this is what happens when

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we crash metabolism through calorie restriction in the presence of insulin

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resistance and that's what happens to most people because most people are

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insulin resistance their insulin is packing the fat away now they start

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eating less they can't get to the fat so even in the midst of plenty even with an

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abundance of fuel reserves your body is starving

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it only has that 1,500 so it's gonna turn down the thermostat and you get

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cold if you are trying keto and you feel cold you're probably not fat adapted yet

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because if you're truly in ketosis if you are burning fat then the ketones

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being in ketosis producing ketones is the evidence that you're good at burning

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fat that means in ketosis you do have access to these fuel reserves and even

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if you start eating less your body says okay I need 2000 calories and you're

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only eating 1,500 no problem I know where to get it I'm fat adapted I know

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where there's several hundred thousand calories sitting around I'll just get it

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from the fuel stores so if you're fully fat adapted and not insulin resistance

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you can eat less without turning down the thermostat without crashing your

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metabolism because your body doesn't care where you get the calories it

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doesn't care if you eat them or if the body if you can burn them from existing

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stores and that's why kita works that's why if you're truly in ketosis

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then you're not gonna crash your metabolism you're not going to turn down

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that thermostat just because you eat a little bit less and the beauty of keto

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the beauty of being fat adapted is that you don't get hungry because your body

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knows hey if you don't eat I'll just get it over here okay

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the other reason is an actual lack so at some point a lot of people they get so

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enamored with ketosis and they feel so good doing it and they get in a certain

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routine so they lose the weight and lose the weight but it comes a point where

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they don't really need to lose any more weight such as myself and with I skip a

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few meals it's usually no big deal but if I go for a week and only eat one meal

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a day or so then my body starts getting a little cold it starts turning down and

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saying hey feed us a little bit more because the body is starting to sense

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that maybe we're taking this fat-burning a little too far maybe we're getting a

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little too close to that edge of of survival it's like we're not dying yet

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but we'd like to have just a little bit more fat reserves just in case there's

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there's a long starvation ahead so if the body starts sensing that it's

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getting kind of close to the end of the fuel reserves then it's also going to

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cut down it's going to turn down that thermostat and you start feeling cold

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so the solution obviously is if you don't have access to the fuel then get

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fat adapted now you just learn enough about this you get some some way of

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testing yourself you start counting your your carbs carefully and you make sure

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that you get into ketosis probably get down under 20 grams or so for for a

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solid week and see what happens and if you are getting down to or below your

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desire wait then make sure that you eat enough

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okay you can stay on keto but you may not want to stay on on one meal a day

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anymore because it's just really difficult to eat that much if your body

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needs to 2,000 calories it's kind of hard to eat that in a single meal

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sometimes so at that point I probably suggest that you spread out your feeding

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window a little bit you stay low carb but you don't have to follow all the

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rules for weight loss anymore you can still stay in ketosis you can still be

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low carb you can still feed your brain the the good fuel but the rules have

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changed a little bit you're not needing to lose the weight you need to eat

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enough to meet your metabolic needs so I hope that was helpful please let me know

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if this works for you let me know your experiences if you have additional

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comments or questions or suggestions with videos let me know that as well and

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I'll be more than happy to take a look at that share this video with as many

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people as you can because we need to get clarity on how these things work we need

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to understand the basics so the more that you can share this with other

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people the more you can enhance their quality of life thanks for watching

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