Fall Asleep And Stay Asleep Naturally! (Adrenals Keeping You Up? )

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Adrenals and sleep problems do they have anything to do with each other?

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Well I'm gonna explain hey I'm dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if

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you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything so a lot of people have stress and a lot of people have sleep problems

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so we're going to talk about one mechanism that is very very commonly

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involved with that adrenals what do they do well your adrenal gland sits on top

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of the kidney right about in here but in the back and it is the gland that

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responds to stress so when your brain detects that there's something urgent

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that we have to defend ourselves or deal with then it signals to the adrenals to

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increase hormones for energy production so that we have more energy available to

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deal with that and the energy comes from the short term energy comes from two

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things from adrenaline that increases blood pressure heart rate

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vasoconstriction and the second one is from cortisol which is also a stress

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hormone produced by the adrenal gland that raises blood sugar because if we

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need fast energy blood sugar is the fastest way to get that for an emergency

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situation the other thing to understand it when it comes to sleep as cortisol

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relates to sleep is that the sleep hormone is called melatonin and it is

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released it's secreted by your pineal gland that sits right about in the

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middle of your head right there it's a tiny tiny little thing like a tip of

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your pinky finger but it's very important because melatonin is what

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allows you to go to sleep it regulates your sleep cycle and cortisol and

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melatonin are directly opposed to each other meaning cortisol will turn off

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melatonin and vice-versa but cortisol is always going to have the

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upper hand because it risks Bonz to stress and whenever we have

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stress then there is no time there is no second option to delay we whenever we

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have stress we have to act on it because if we don't we won't might not get a

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second chance so cortisol helps regulate your blood

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sugar and it does that during the night also

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so cortisol is supposed to be the lowest when you go to sleep because presumably

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you have fed yourself during the day so your blood sugar is is high and your

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cortisol is low because it's not needed to produce blood sugar and because

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cortisol is low it allows your melatonin to be high and put you to sleep then

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during the night your blood sugar drops because you're not eating and now the

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body has to create blood sugar from other sources and cortisol is the

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signaling molecule that does that so cortisol is gonna rise through the night

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until you get ready to wake up in the morning then it's gonna be at its

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highest because it's maintained blood sugar through the night the longer you

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go without eating the more cortisol is needed to bring that blood sugar up then

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when you wake up in the morning cortisol at is at its highest which means it

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opposes melatonin the most so your melatonin is the lowest and you wake up

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it's a beautiful system then during the day when you have opportunities to feed

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yourself the cortisol is supposed to decline it's supposed to drop during the

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day and then until it's at its lowest level around bedtime and this cycle

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starts all over the problem now is that we don't have stable blood sugar anymore

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in our society because we have introduced too many refined foods too

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much sugar too much carbohydrate grains and pasta and all those things that

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stimulate the trigger blood sugar when our blood sugar is high then we trigger

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a lot of Celyn so blood sugar comes crashing down

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and it overshoots and we create these roller coasters of blood sugar and

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whenever it's at a low whenever we have a valley that's called hypoglycemia and

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guess what now the body releases cortisol because

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your blood sugar is low and whenever it's low that's an emergency it's really

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important it's stress so as long as we have the ability to

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feed ourselves during the day and if we eat the right things then our blood

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sugar is going to be stable so cortisol is not really supposed to be much of an

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issue during the day as far as regulating blood sugar but when we

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create a blood sugar rollercoaster we get these episodes of hypoglycemia where

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we don't have enough blood sugar and the body has to release cortisol and the

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more that happens during the day throughout the day the more we fatigue

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the adrenal gland it's like a horse that it's pulling the the plow in the field

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and it's getting really tired and we need to give it some rest but we got

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these important things to get through so we just keep whipping the horse until

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it's just totally fatigued and that's what we're doing to the adrenals as well

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when we keep demanding cortisol during the day so the more fatigue the adrenals

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are and the more we invoke cortisol during the day the more irregular our

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cortisol rhythms are going to be so if we can't if we have unstable blood sugar

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so that blood sugar really starts crashing throughout the night now the

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body has to do a burst of cortisol during the night and it turns off the

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melatonin and we wake up so a lot of people wake up in the middle of the

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night because of blood sugar imbalances the other factor of course is when the

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cortisol starts becoming unregulated then this curve that's supposed to be

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nice and predictable starts becoming very random and haphazard and anytime

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that we get a blood sugar drop and a cortisol spike we tend to wake up the

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long-term solution of course is to stabilize blood sugar stop eating

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refined foods and processed foods and sugar and grain and pasta and donuts and

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all those things because that's what sets up this vicious cycle in the first

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place then once you eat real food and you have some stable blood sugar then

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it's a great idea to start doing some relaxation practice and we have some

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other videos on that but we're not going to get too much into details that's a

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whole other topic we just wanted to talk about how the adrenals and cortisol

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relate to the sleep problems that a lot of people have so I hope that was

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helpful if you have any questions or comments or suggestions please let me

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know down below I'll try to answer as best I can and we can also make

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additional videos on these topics if there's something that you'd like to

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have more clarity about if you're new to this channel and you enjoy this sort of

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content make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you

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don't miss anything thank you

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