Fake Burger: Better Than Meat & Saves The Planet?

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Hello Health Champions.

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These are plant-based meat products that look, taste and even bleed like real meat.

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They're taking the world by storm and are served in a number of restaurants now.

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For most people there's a fascination with how science and technology can improve our

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lives and move mankind forward.

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And when it comes to fake meat the one concern that most people are going to have is the

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How is this going to be able to trick my taste buds, my brain into thinking that this is

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the real thing.

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Plant meat is also promoted for being better for the environment so how great would it

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be if it could also save the planet.

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And since this is a health channel, I also want to place particular emphasis on question

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number three.

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Is this actually good for you?

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So the first question is: How does it taste?

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Well frankly, I don't care, because ultimately the only opinion that's going to matter to

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you, is yours.

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If you don't like it you're not going to eat it, so give it a try.

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One of the top brands is called impossible burger and it is made with this stuff that's

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all plant-based.

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Another major brand is called Beyond Burger and they put this stuff in it and we’re

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going to come back to these ingredients.

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Question #2.

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Is this fake meat better for the planet?

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Even if most people don't think much about this initially I think everyone would agree

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that saving the planet would be a good thing.

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Unfortunately, most meat, especially in the US, come from huge animal factory farms, and

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even meat lovers could probably lose their appetite if they knew everything that goes

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on there.

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There is for example animal cruelty, there is unsanitary conditions, the animals are

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in poor health they pump them full of antibiotics just to keep them alive, and then they pump

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them full of hormones to make them grow faster.

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And this is one of those uncomfortable truths that we would rather not be reminded of, because

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we just love those low prices and the convenience of mass-market meat and fast food.

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But if we could get meat without these animal factory farms, that would be a great thing,

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and that's one of the implied promises of these plant-based burgers.

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Another argument why plant-based food is better for the environment is this.

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We can feed plant food directly to humans or we can feed plants to the animal and then

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we eat the animal.

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But when we go this second route via the animal, we have to feed them 8 calories in order to

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generate 1 calorie of meat.

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So that would seem pretty wasteful because we could get 8 times as much food by eating

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it directly rather than feeding it to the cow.

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But there's a problem with that argument because it's only wasteful because we spent tremendous

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resources growing these specifically for the animals.

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These are not plants that we grow for humans.

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And here's the kicker: the cows aren't even supposed to eat any of the types of food that

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we feed them.

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So we grow them this unnatural food and we feed it to the cows and then we make the argument

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that the cows are bad for the environment because they eat this food we grew them.

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Cows would be totally happy just living cow lives and eating grass and then they would

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actually be great for the environment.

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And of course cows are supposed to eat grass and humans can't.

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So are plant burgers going to be able to solve that problem?

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Well, maybe a little bit.

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They're not as wasteful as feeding it to the animal, but they only solve a part of the

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problem, because modern farming is the bigger problem.

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It's the way that we do the farming whether we raise plants or animals.

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Modern farming contributes to soil destruction because we're so eager and so greedy to get

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everything out of the soil that we take 50 nutrients out of the soil and we only put

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back 3.

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And that's enough to make things grow for a while but the soil gets more and more depleted.

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We’re depleting it of minerals.

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We’re depleting it of life-forms that keep it alive that make it soil: bacteria, fungi,

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And when the soil is dead, now it leads to erosion and even desertification.

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The thing that actually grows our food is called topsoil.

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It's the top layer that is alive and full of nutrition that makes food for us.

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And we have lost 50% of the topsoil in the world in the last hundred and fifty years.

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Not because we grow plants or animals but because the way we do it.

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When we first destroy the soil with unsustainable farming practices and then we feed those crops

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to animals that aren't supposed to eat it, now we're committing a double crime against the

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planet and against the animals.

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What we really have to focus on is to raise both plants and animals inside a sustainable

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So when we have rain that waters the plants and microorganisms that recycle waste, and

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we have the soil with the microorganism growing plants, and then these plants feed the animals

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and the animals fertilize the soil.

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You get the idea.

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Now we have an ecosystem.

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We have a system that's sustainable for thousands and thousands of years.

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And here's the question you've been waiting for: Is this plant meat good for you?

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And now you're going - What are you talkin’ about?

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It's a plant.

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Of course it's better.

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Because plants today are politically correct.

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We’re told all the time that eat more plants eat more plants eat more vegetables more fruits

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and vegetables.

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So they're politically correct. There's no argument here and meat is politically incorrect.

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It has cholesterol.

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So in this question it’s almost like a knee-jerk response - Duh.

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Of course it's better.

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It's a plant.

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And it's like case closed.

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Well as a clinician who doesn't just see the average case.

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Most of the people I see they've been to a dozen different doctors and they have no help.

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So we have to look a little bit beyond the mainstream beyond the usual perspective on

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And here’s a gentle man who took a look at the properties of food from a different

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This was Weston Price he was born in Canada but he practiced dentistry in Cleveland, Ohio

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from 1893 to 1930.

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And what he saw was a tremendous increase in caries or tooth decay in the early nineteen

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hundreds and he wanted to understand why.

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So he took ten years out of his life basically to travel the world and he looked at 14 different

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countries on every continent to try to figure out what was the connection between food and

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tooth decay but also while he was at it he looked other diseases. Degenerative disease

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and health in general.

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And he wanted to find cultures that were self-sustaining with food.

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People that grew and hunted and picked all of their own food that had no influence from

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the outside world or so-called civilization.

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And what he found interestingly was that they had almost perfect teeth. He found they had

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virtually no cavities and any place in Africa he studied 13 different tribes and couldn't

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find a single misaligned tooth. And in a time when there was a tremendous increase around

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the world in degenerative diseases like arthritis and heart disease, in these people he could

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not find any. So I don't know about you but I would want to find out what were these incredible

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What were these secret or magical food that they were eating?

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Maybe some of the things he found that they ate could even be found in some of these plant

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Maybe it was soy protein or maybe methylcellulose?

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Maybe it was yeast extract, modified food starch or maybe the secret ingredient was

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soy leghemoglobin.

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One of the first places he started was in the Swiss Alps in a place called Löetschental.

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They had a population of about 2000 people.

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They had a good infrastructure, they had schooling, education system, they had a church and they

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have been living over a thousand years

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they had maintained his culture at an altitude of about 5000 ft.

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There were no roads there.

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They had no carriages, no machinery everything was done by hand.

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They carried things wherever they needed to go.

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They had cows, goats and sheep and they grew rye.

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So their diet consisted of rye, butter, raw milk, and cheese.

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And then about once a week they also had meat.

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This village had no medical doctor, no dentist, no police or no jail, because they had never

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needed any.

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When doctor Price started examining their teeth he had to go on average to 3 people

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to find a single cavity and none of them had extensive tooth decay.

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And what was also interesting was that in Switzerland at this time tuberculosis was

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rampant as it was around the world, but in this village they had never had a single case.

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He found that these people were very different they had different genetics, different cultural

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backgrounds, different climate and among the many different tribes that he studied around

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the world some were the Masai in Africa, he went to the Fiji islands in the Pacific, the outer Hebrides

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off the coast of Scotland.

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He went to the Aborigines, the original population of Australia, and the Maoris in New Zealand.

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And everywhere he went he documented extensively. He took over 15,000 photos and everywhere he

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found people with excellent health and excellent teeth.

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He also found that they didn't have a whole lot in common with the foods they ate.

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The foods were quite different - a wide variety of foods.

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Some people lived on milk, blood and meat like the Maasai.

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Other people were fisher populations they lived on fish, oats and maybe a little barley,

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like the people off the coast of Scotland.

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Some people ate a few local plants but it wasn't like they were either vegetarian or

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Everyone ate a little bit of a mixed diet.

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But what he found and concluded was that what they had in common was that all the food,

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100%, was unprocessed, or in other words untampered with.

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He also found that when families split up and move to different places their health

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change. These are two Gaelic Brothers. They grew up on the Isle of Harris and the brother on the

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right here he was still on the island whereas the brother on the left he had gone off to

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seek his fortune in the so-called civilized world and started eating processed foods.

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So after traveling for 10 years and meeting tens of thousands of people, the conclusion

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of doctor Price was that it wasn't about a specific food.

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That people can thrive on the variety of different foods as long as it's not processed.

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Another thing I look very closely at in my clinic is allergies, because of one man's

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food is another man's poison and if something causes a reaction in you, it's not a good food

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for you.

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Then it's causing inflammation. And things that cause immune responses and inflammation

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are also tied to digestive disorders and even autoimmunity.

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All of which are rampant today.

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And symptoms can be aggressive or silent so a lot of people have very strong reactions

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but other people can get an inflammatory reaction and not even know it.

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So I believe it's very important when we compare regular meat with plant-based meat that we

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keep in mind that regular meat is very, very hypoallergenic.

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That it is one of the least allergenic foods we know of.

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And why is the carnivore diet so popular all of a sudden?

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I believe it's because a lot of people are highly allergic to a lot of foods, often times

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they don't even know it, and when they eat mostly or all meat now they're avoiding a

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lot of those foods that they’re sensitive to and their bodies can start healing and

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reducing that inflammation.

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So allergies are not going to be a problem for everybody, but you have to keep in mind

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that when you opt for plant meat, you’re increasing the potential for an allergic reaction

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because when you're getting the soy protein and the pea protein and the mung bean protein

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and the rice protein those are much more common allergens.

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And in addition to that you're also choosing something that is quite highly processed because

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they're extracting these proteins from different things.

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You're not eating that whole food anymore.

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And the fat that we get in regular meat is actually pretty nutritious, especially if

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the animal has been raised on good food, whereas the canola oil and the refined coconut oil

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that you get in the plant meat are very very highly processed and basically has no nutrition

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left in it.

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So keeping in mind the conclusion of doctor Weston Price, that the number one problem

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with food was that he was processed and then we look at this ingredient that sheer long

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list by itself tells us that this is a highly processed food.

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And it's so called secret ingredient in the Impossible Burger is called soy leg hemoglobin.

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And the official version is that this is a natural compound that you can find in the

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root of the soybean plant.

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However, in the real world, the way that they get it is that they have actually genetically

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modified bacteria and these genetically modified bacteria grow this soyleghemoglobin.

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I don't know about you but that's a science experiment I'm not quite ready for.

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One thing I like to remind people of, to bring perspective, is that no other species on the

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planet has ever had processed foods.

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Humans are the only ones, and of course the pets that we keep and the animals that we keep

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in the zoo's, which is why they're almost as sick as we are today.

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Now I have to admit I love science and technology as much as the next geek, but we have to understand

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our limitations.

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Biology is different from machines and electronics.

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Humans still haven't been able to create life in any shape or form and honestly I'm still

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anxiously waiting for the first example of something man-made that works better in the

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body than something nature made.

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And here is the final verdict on plant meat.

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Is it good for the planet?

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Well, the worst thing for the planet is the animal factories.

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When we first use resources to grow food and then we waste those resources by feeding it

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cruelly to animals in factories that's about as bad as it gets.

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So plant meat is a whole lot better than that.

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I would say it's about eight times better.

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But it still isn't all that great because it's still destroying the soil.

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It's not about the plants it's about how we grow them.

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If we're serious about taking care of the planet, then we need to move a whole lot more

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of our food production of both meat and plants into sustainable ecosystems.

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And how good or how bad is it for you?

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Well, I don't think it's any more dangerous than any other processed foods or fast food.

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So if I was one who ate out a lot, and I ate some fast foods then I would probably choose

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this fake burger quite a bit simply because the alternative is so damaging for the planet

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and the animals.

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If we consider the fact that the population is not all that healthy and we want to try

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to get them healthier, then I would say that for the individual a fast-food burger with

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real meat is going to be a step above.

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Now that's not saying a whole lot considering all the chemicals and the sugar and the grain

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and the artificial things that you get along with that meal.

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A better alternative would be if you didn't have it as fast fast food but you cook it

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at home so if you have this plant meat at home then that would be a whole lot better than

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getting it in the form of fast food and the same thing holds true though with the real

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meat burger I would put that slightly ahead of the fake burger because the fake burger

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is more processed.

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But again eating and cooking whole real food from meat and plants that were raised in a

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healthy environment is always going to be in a totally different category and hopefully

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we can move more and more of our food production into this category in the next few decades.

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And remember that we all vote with our wallets.

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If you don't buy the garbage food they're going to stop making it.

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If you enjoyed this video you're going to love that one.

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