Fad Diets & Why They Are So Bad For You

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fad diets and why they are bad fad diet is a label that people throw around all

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the time but what is a fad diet nobody ever explains it we kind of think

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we know what it is but today we're going to evaluate and talk about what it

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really is then we're going to talk about why diets fail and what sort of

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principles do we need to understand when we develop a lifestyle so that we can

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lose weight and reverse insulin resistance and reverse diabetes or

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whatever other condition we have going on and achieve and maintain the health

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that we all like to have coming right up

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I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything so I just went on the computer and I've typed fad definition and here's

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what came up fad is something that has an intense and

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widely shared enthusiasm people get really excited and go kind of crazy

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about it second especially one that is

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short-lived meaning people get excited and it's kind of a fly-by-night it's

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it's there and then it's gone and people have no idea why they were excited about

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it and number three it's without basis in the objects qualities

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it's a craze meaning people get so wound up they get so focused on a promise or

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whatever they're excited about that they forget to evaluate whether it's a good

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idea whether it's safe or sound could it actually be dangerous so that's what a

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fad is some synonyms are also things like mania compulsion fixation novelty

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that people just kind of lose their mind over something and then we call it a fad

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or if in the case of food we call it a fad diet so some of the craziest ones

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and the the list goes on and on and on but things like the chocolate diet or

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the wine diet or the pickles diet or cottonballs diet or baby food diet I

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swear I saw cotton balls diets so then someone suggested that you dip your

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cotton balls and something and then you eat them and then the cotton would fill

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up so that your stomachs you would feel full and of course that's just

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ridiculously dangerous I mean if you have a suicide if you have a death wish

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then then go for that the others they just fall on their absurdity because of

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course you could lose a little bit of weight but it is so far from sustainable

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it is far from nutritious and it's nothing

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that anyone could do for more than a couple of days so we're not even going

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to go there but some of the other things that are called fad diets they're

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actually more like cleanses and we're not going to get into detail here but a

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cleanse has there's a time and a purpose for a cleanse if you understand why you

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do it you don't do a cleanse to lose weight and then go back to doing the

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things that you did before the cleanse that's just absurd you're just going to

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recreate the problem but if you do what's called for example the lemon

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cleanse where you drink lemon juice sweetened with maple syrup or you just

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eat grapefruits or you do just cabbage soup or you squeeze fresh juice for

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yourself when you do a juice fast these are cleanses and the purpose is

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not to lose weight it's to give your body a break from digestion it's to give

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your body a break in some shape or form now you can do the same thing really

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with just a fast or a water fast so there are many different ways of doing a

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cleanse but realize it's there for a reason it's not to lose weight and it's

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for a limited time okay so we're gonna leave those and then we're going to talk

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about some of the most more common ways that people are trying to lose weight

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because I'm just gonna assume that for most people when they go on a diet

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it is to lose weight that's just 99% of people the ones we're going to look at

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is calorie restriction as one way to lose weight we're going to talk about

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keto and low carb high fat and intermittent fasting when you talk about

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those as a group because they share the common principles that make them

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effective then we're going to talk about the USDA recommendations / the standard

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American diet and I know they're not exactly the same so I'm gonna qualify

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why I put them on the same line here in a little bit but let's start with

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calorie restriction that's been the most common way for the last

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years or so people just say oh I'm gonna eat less and I'm gonna lose weight and

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then they think that that's the way to go and this is what the calorie in

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calorie out people talk about for the most part they think that if you can

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just create a calorie deficit then you will lose weight and that's the only way

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and they're right in the sense that it is all about calories that whatever you

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put in has to get burned but they miss the big picture they miss the point that

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if you restrict calories your body will slow its metabolism and then you eat

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even less and your body will slow its metabolism even less so it's a vicious

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cycle let's talk about does it work and again when we say work doesn't mean can

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you lose weight and the answer here is yes because you can lose weight most

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people can lose weight by eating less of anything and when they restrict calories

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they usually restrict carbohydrates also here's the problem calorie restriction

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means you're always eating a little bit less than you would like

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that's called deprivation and if your body then slows its metabolism so you

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have eat even less and it slows its metabolism and you have to eat even less

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then it doesn't work in the long run so when we say does it work that's kind of

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a big question mark here because you could lose weight initially but if it

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really worked we would have a lot of skinny people in this country and in the

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Western world the point though is you can't sustain it and therefore it

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doesn't work 98% of people who lose weight on a calorie restriction will

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gain it back because they don't like being hungry so we'll just say yes you

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can lose weight but no it typically always fails because sooner or later you

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get caught up you start eating because you kiss can't keep it up

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anymore does it address the root cause what is the root cause of obesity and

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weight gain the root cause is called insulin insulin is a storage hormone

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insulin makes you hungry because in insulin's attempt at lowering blood

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sugar it stores the excess in the cell and when you're in storage mode that

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means you don't have access to the fuel so if you have all that fuel stored but

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you have don't have access to it now you're gonna get hungry so insulin makes

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you hungry so does it address the root cause which is insulin resistance and

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the answer is no and that is the whole problem that is why it fails that's why

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the body lowers its metabolism that's why you get hungry that's why you feel

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deprived because the root causes insulin resistance and unless you do something

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to address the insulin resistance then that is not addressing the root cause

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and therefore it is also not sustainable so these cannot all go together because

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we can't be deprived we can we can suffer for a period of time but then the

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body adapts and we suffer more and we suffer more and then we hit a plateau

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and then we can't stand it and we start eating and we gain the weight back so it

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doesn't really matter if it's technically possible to sustain calorie

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restriction because in the end nobody will do it and that's why we are so

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overweight because yo-yo dieting is exactly that and the vast majority of

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people 96 98 percent fail miserably and that we have the the record in hand then

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let's talk about keto low carb and intermittent fasting does it work in the

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sense that can you lose weight on it that even the skeptics even the

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detractors will agree wholeheartedly that yes absolutely

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that keto low-carb is probably the fastest way to lose

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weight so does it work absolutely yes and in terms of maintaining the results

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we have thousands of people who are finally losing weight and are keeping it

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off so maybe we'd have to wait another 30 40 50 years to really see the

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long-term results but my vote would be that yes it is very very sustainable

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because it works with the principles of the body does keto low-carb intermittent

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fasting address the root cause yes and that is the only reason it works in the

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long term because it is the only reason is the only thing that addresses the

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root cause which is insulin insulin is triggered by carbohydrates by sugar

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especially and if we keep eating the sugar we're going to keep producing

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insulin we're going to keep being insulin resistant the only way long term

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to reduce that insulin resistance is to reduce the carbohydrates and keto does

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low low-carb does it quite a bit keto does it a little bit more and

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fasting does it the most because during fasting you eat no carbs at all so the

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answer is yes it handles the root cause is it sustainable

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yes because things that are not sustainable is because you don't get

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satisfied and fat and protein are very very satisfying and that's the first

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thing that people notice when they go on a diet like that or a lifestyle I should

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say because they find that eating three meals a day of highly satiating food of

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food that makes you full three meals is a lot and before you know it you

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probably start cutting back a meal some people are just nervous to cut back a

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meal because they've heard oh you have to eat three meals a day you have to eat

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every few hours but because it is so satiating because it is so filling you

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end up eating less and it's only when you're satisfied that it is sustainable

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the difference between a diet and a lifestyle is that the lifestyle is

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something that you plan to continue a diet is something you don't plan to

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continue and therefore if you change something for the time being then it's

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like implied that you plan to go back to doing the thing that didn't work before

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you did the diet so obviously you're going to fail so diets ultimately always

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fail that's why you should never ever do a diet again because if you do something

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temporarily you plan to go back to doing the thing that didn't work so just

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figure out what a lifestyle is that you can sustain and that you can maintain

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and it has to be one in the long run that is satisfying because otherwise you

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won't be able to sustain it so next let's talk about the USDA the US

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Department of Agriculture and some dietician commented and said that oh

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it's ridiculous nobody would ever suggest 60%

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carbohydrates in the diet sixty percent of calories I don't know where you got

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those numbers so let me tell you again I got those numbers from the USDA

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recommended guidelines it's the 2015 edition they published them on a

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government website you can look it up they publish they'll show the whole

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thing for you you can download it it's a long long PDF lots of detail and if you

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read through the different sections and you analyze it then you'll find exactly

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what I'm listing here so in a 2,000 calorie diet they recommend three cups

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of dairy and they say that it should be nonfat or 1% fat because the fat is evil

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as we all know and if you have three cups of dairy one cup of dairy has about

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14 to 15 grams of sugar the sugar in milk is called lactose but it's still a

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sugar it's a disaccharide and raises blood sugar and it acts exactly

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the same way as table sugar does on blood sugar and insulin and so forth

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then they ask you to eat two cups of fruit and some of that can be fruit

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juice and you could eat canned fruit or fresh fruit or dried fruit and if your

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two cups of fruit the average fruit is going to have

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somewhere around fifteen grams of sugar per a hundred grams so two cups of fruit

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is about 400 or 500 grams so I am counting sort of low here with 60 grams

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of sugar from the fruit and yes it is slightly better than table sugar because

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it's not processed it occurs in the fruit so you're getting it in a natural

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form you're getting it with some fiber you're getting it with some vitamins but

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in the end the glucose and the sucrose is gonna raise blood sugar and the

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fructose is going to create insulin resistance in the liver it doesn't

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matter in the end where it comes from or what you call it

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yes there are some that are a little better but in the end it still causes

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insulin spikes and insulin resistance in the liver then they suggest you have six

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ounces of grain and one slice of toast is one ounce basically so that you

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should have six units equivalent to a slice of toast and half of that should

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be whole grain so that leaves you to do whatever eat whatever you like with the

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other half so that could be white toast or white flour products of some sort and

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each of those will give you about 55 grams of sugar and they don't call it

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sugar they call it carbohydrate because sugar is when it's reduced down to a

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single molecule to a single ring of sugar or two rings of sugar called a

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disaccharide but the starch in the grain is just the same

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sugar molecules linked up in change so it's only ten minutes away from becoming

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the same kind of sugar that you get from table sugar or glucose and the impact on

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blood sugar is exactly the same it's gonna differ a few percent some points

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up or down depending on how nature how the the sugar is packaged in the food

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but in the end it all breaks down into sugar and it all creates an insulin

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response then they tell you to have no more than ten percent of your total

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calories from added sugar so these are things that you either add yourself like

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two teaspoons of sugar and the coffee or sugar on your yogurt or sugar in the

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yogurt or sugar in cookies or soda etc and they say you can have up to fifty

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grams or 10% of your caloric intake so 2,000 calories 10 percent of that is 200

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calories 4 calories per gram of sugar means they think 50 grams of sugar per

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day is an okay amount in addition to the other sugars you're already consuming

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they recommend somewhere around 300 grams of carbohydrate in total they say

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you should eat a few cups of vegetables and if it's leafy greens that'll give

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you about 4 or 5 grams of carbohydrate of sugar per hundred grams of vegetable

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and then you have some potatoes and some starches to total up the balance there

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so if we look at this then if we take the dairy which is lactose we take the

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fruit which is fructose sucrose and glucose in various mixes in that fruit

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and we add in the added sugar so now we're just talking pure sugar we're

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talking monosaccharides and disaccharides that's a hundred and

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fifty-five grams of sugar that they are recommending in the diet

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and if you add in the white our that is devoid of nutrients and is

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ten minutes away from becoming these mono and disaccharides

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now we're talking two hundred and ten grams of sugar so I understand that the

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USDA their recommendations they include and they say you should eat some

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vegetables and you should have some salmon and you should have some eggs and

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you should have some meat and so forth and that the general population eats a

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whole lot more processed food eat a lot more candy and potato chips and Doritos

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and chemicals but all in all it is not that different

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it comes sure there's a little bit more process here and there but in terms of

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insulin resistance they're pretty much right on par with the standard American

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diet and the main distinction that they make if you read the fine print in the

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USDA publication they say that we think that no more than 10% of calories should

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be added sugar and today the the general public the average American the

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statistics say that they eat 13% so whoopty-doo they say that most of the

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problems that we have with obesity and diabetes is because they eat 13% of

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their calories from sugar instead of 10 so if they just reduce it by 3% then

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they should be able to reverse all of these conditions and there's nothing in

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these guidelines about insulin resistance or the effect of

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carbohydrates the only thing they have against sugar at all the added sugar is

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that it is refined it doesn't have the nutrients the vitamins and the things

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that come in the fruit and the dairy so other than the fact that it displaces

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calories that has more nutrients they don't see any problem at all with that

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sugar so let's look at if it's a good idea now that we understand a little bit

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more or what it is so does it work does it

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mean does it can you lose weight on it so well if you combine it with some kind

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of restriction then yeah you could lose weight temporarily you could lose it for

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a few weeks or a few months or however long you can keep that up but if you eat

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the same proportions to maintain your insulin resistance then no you will not

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lose weight at all does it address the root cause and the root cause being

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insulin resistance can you reverse insulin resistance eating 210 grams of

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sugar and again we're being generous here because the whole grain has about

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the same impact on insulin as well the point being the majority of calories the

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majority of food you eat are gonna spike insulin so absolutely no you are not

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reversing insulin resistance in the least if you are pre-diabetic you will

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become diabetic and that is why the statistics are the way they are they say

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if you we monitor and you become pre-diabetic you will probably become

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diabetic within 5 years that's the official version and of course that's

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going to happen if you eat this kind of food and keep spiking that insulin is it

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sustainable well that depends on what is it that you'd like to sustain can you

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keep eating this for the rest of your life absolutely if you would like to

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maintain and and keep growing the epidemic of obesity and diabetes and

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cardiovascular disease and all of the degenerative conditions that are

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associated with metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance then yes it is

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sustainable does it get any results you want No so we'll put a yes with a

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question mark because absolutely you could do it it's not going to get what

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you want so now that we understand some of the

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principles to look for then let's talk about what fad diets are and why they're

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bad so is calorie restriction a fad diet

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well let's start looking here is it intensely and widely shared enthusiasm

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well maybe not people may not be so enthusiastic but since most people try

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this the majority of people try this every year there's hundreds of millions

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of people every year that tried this I would say that's pretty intense and

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widely shared enthusiasm or idea of that concept so we're gonna say that it meets

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criterion number one especially one that short-lived

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so is that short-lived we can look at it two ways how long can you keep it up at

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a time and that's not very long most people do it for a few weeks the other

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way looking at it is how long have humans historically been applying that

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principle so out of human existence being about 250,000 years calorie

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restriction has been practiced for probably about a hundred years maybe a

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hundred and fifty so a couple of hundred years so yeah I would say that short

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lived on on both of those accounts and criteria number three without basis in

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the objects qualities and meaning do they care it may not be dangerous per se

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but are they getting any results are they doing it despite the fact that it

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never gets them anywhere so yeah I would definitely say that that they're not

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really paying attention to the results that they're getting they just don't

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know any better it's like okay well it failed ten years ago and nine years ago

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and eight years ago and a yo-yo and every time I lose 20 pounds I gained 25

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back so I would say that's without basis in the object qualities let's talk about

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keto low carb high fat and intermittent

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fasting intense and widely shared enthusiasm it's not practiced by

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hundreds of millions it's not practiced by the majority of the population every

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year but it's pretty popular because it's getting fantastic results so I

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would probably have to say that there's becoming a widely shared enthusiasm and

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and I can't really blame people because it's doing what it's supposed to is it

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short-lived well again don't be confused by how long we have called it a keto

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diet that label was invented in the early 1900s when they were treating kids

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with epilepsy so the label ketogenic diet is relatively young but how long

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have humans actually been in and out of ketosis on a regular basis well anytime

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that there weren't a whole lot of plants or fruits available grains weren't even

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invented a hundred thousand years ago so they had meat they had nuts they had

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fish and anything and if they had food they could eat that if they didn't then

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they were fasting and that would put them in ketosis so even though we call

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ketosis a new thing it's it's a modern concept in the terms of pursuing it it

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is something that humans have done for as long as we have been around so is

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that short lived it's as far from short-lived as you can get it's the

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entire human existence that we've done that so absolutely not

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number two and number three without basis in the object qualities it's a

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craze well this would imply that it would be dangerous that people would do

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it because they get some sort of promise but they don't really care if it's

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healthy or good for them and some people might get into it with being so

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desperate to try something that finally works that they may not care but when we

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look at the results when we see people reducing insulin resistance getting off

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metformin getting off insulin losing weight blood sugar going from the 300s

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to normal 80 or 90 when we see people getting off cholesterol medication when

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their seizures go away when we see people getting off blood-pressure

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medication when they have fewer heart attacks then we can't say that that's

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without basis in the objects qualities it is getting all the results not just

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the weight loss but it's basically creating not all but most of the results

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that people are looking for there are still other factors there's still

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disease processes outside of insulin resistance there's toxicity and

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autoimmunity and so forth but 90 plus percent of diseases are related to

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insulin resistance and if you practice keto low-carb intermittent fasting with

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whole food then you are going to get excellent excellent health results so we

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have to give it a a non check on number three as well it looks like calorie

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restriction is a fad it looks like keto is not a fad unless you discount the

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fact that people get excited about it that it's a fad so let's look at the

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USDA the the standard American diet and again I know they're not exactly the

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same but the principles are so close and it's what people have been eating for

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the most part and as the government recommended against fat about 30 40

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years ago when they started publishing these guidelines the rate of obesity and

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the rate of diabetes went from a fast growth to an exponential growth it just

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took off like absolutely crazy because when people were afraid of fad and they

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thought anything nonfat was good they started eating more carbs and more bread

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and more cookies and more sugar and the results speak for themselves is it a fad

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an intense and widely shared enthusiasm what is most of this

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it's sugar and grain it's comfort food or people crazy about that

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is there a lot of processed foods that have these components that people are

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excited about you bet it's trillion dollar industry that's why

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people have carb addictions and sugar addictions it's the greatest drug

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addiction in the history of mankind I would say that's definitely an intense

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and widely shared enthusiasm especially one that short-lived so we've been

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eating processed foods for maybe a hundred hundred and fifty years we've

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had an abundance of processed foods for maybe 50 to 70 years and we've had an

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abundance of processed low fat food for about 35 40 years I'd say that's

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extremely short-lived so definitely it meets criteria number two so let's look

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at number three without basis in the objects qualities well I don't know

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about you but it sort of seems crazy for the USDA to publish some guidelines when

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they see that there's a crisis in obesity and diabetes they say this is

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how you're supposed to eat and then after that it gets worse and then they

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do some studies and they find out that well more people are actually following

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the guidelines according to the surveys there's a greater percentage that are

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following the guidelines there's a greater percentage that are exercising

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more and yet the epidemic just keeps going that looks kind of crazy to me and

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if the end result is the current healthcare situation where we're

Time: 1890.83

spending more money than any other country in the world and we ranked last

Time: 1895.9

on the health scale of the quality of life scale of any industrialized nation

Time: 1901.59

then that seems kind of crazy that seems like they're recommending something

Time: 1907.65

without paying any attention to the results that they're getting

Time: 1912.4

so what does this mean well if you're honest about this and you understand

Time: 1916.33

what a fad diet is you understand that keto low-carb intermittent fasting are

Time: 1923.23

not fad diets you would also have to conclude that the fad diet that the most

Time: 1931.69

popular the most widely spread the one that meets the most criteria except

Time: 1937.36

maybe these absolutely ridiculous ones for you just consuming cotton balls or

Time: 1943.03

wine which I think we can agree we don't need to consider the USDA the standard

Time: 1949

American diet is the worst fad diet we have ever seen it's been around for a

Time: 1954.22

very short time it has disastrous results and they keep recommending it

Time: 1959.23

even though it has no promise of changing anything

Time: 1963.309

so fad diets are bad because they don't work diets are bad period because you

Time: 1971.29

can never create a long-lasting solution unless you develop a lifestyle that you

Time: 1976.75

can sustain is there any fad diet that I would recommend absolutely not I don't

Time: 1982.84

recommend a diet I don't recommend a fad diet I don't recommend calorie

Time: 1988.21

restriction I don't recommend the standard American diet or the USDA

Time: 1993.33

government guidelines I recommend you learn as much as you can about how the

Time: 1999.85

body actually works the principles that govern insulin the principles of whole

Time: 2006.78

food and what it does to the body learn more watch the videos on this channel

Time: 2012.36

that talk about brain and cortisol and stress because all of that participates

Time: 2018.42

in the big picture the only lifestyle that is sustainable is one that is

Time: 2023.22

satisfying and that provides the nutrients that your body needs those are

Time: 2028.11

going to differ for different people some people are going to have to do a

Time: 2031.95

lot of intermittent fasting to reverse and maintain their insulin resistance

Time: 2036.929

some people can live on a low or low to moderate carb level and never develop

Time: 2044.25

insulin resistance and then that's their balance as long as

Time: 2048.369

they stay away from toxic stuff and things that are allergic to they'll be

Time: 2052.359

fine and that might even be close to what the government is recommending if

Time: 2058.45

they have if they're active if they eat whole food and if they have never

Time: 2064.389

developed insulin resistance in the first place I don't think I would

Time: 2068.679

recommend anyone to go to 300 grams but they might be able to eat half of that

Time: 2073.71

150 grams and be fine if you have developed insulin resistance though if

Time: 2080.319

you have obesity or pre-diabetes or something like that then you can never

Time: 2085.839

go even close to these numbers probably ever again so there's a balance that you

Time: 2092.649

have to figure out for yourself where do you fit on that on that continuum so

Time: 2098.98

don't let anyone talk you into a fad diet not even the so-called balanced

Time: 2103.779

diet that is promoted by the USDA guidelines if you're new to the channel

Time: 2108.91

and you enjoy this kind of information make sure that you subscribe and you hit

Time: 2112.9

that notification bell so we can keep this information coming your way and

Time: 2117.369

make sure that you share this information and that you check out our

Time: 2121.809

enormous library of valuable information on related topics everything that you

Time: 2128.079

want to know that you should be able to find a good video on it and if not let

Time: 2133.089

me know and I'll try to make it thanks for watching I'll see you next time

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