Eye-Opening Insulin Facts (Milk vs Cream + more) - Which Is Better

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Hello Health Champions. When you put a creamer in your tea or coffee is it

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better to use milk or whole cream or maybe skim milk or half and half which

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is better. There has been so much misinformation about fat and some of the

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products that have been promoted as heart healthy or guilt-free are actually

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your absolute worst choice so today we're going to talk about this from a

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perspective of what really matters which is how do these products affect your

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blood sugar and your insulin response coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything so let's talk about glycemic index real quick that's a measurement of

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how quickly your blood sugar rises in response to eating a food. In other

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words after you consume the food how long does it take before that food

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enters your bloodstream now they've done measurements with this

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and you can find tables but there are some problems with this as well there's

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some limitations to the measurements and to the concept the first limitation the

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first problem is that this measurement is highly variable from person to person

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right you can measure it on one person you give them a certain food you measure

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how much the blood sugar rises you give it to another person and the response is

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completely different the second problem is that they haven't done a whole lot of

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measurements they haven't done studies on a regular basis so we get a really

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good average and even if they did they wouldn't necessarily predict how you

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respond another problem is that when you're in a low carb diet or ketogenic

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diet then there's hardly any information there to be found because most of the

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measurements are done on high glycemic index foods and they're just looking at

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super high and kind of high and not so high they don't really look at the low

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glycemic foods like vegetables and meat and fat they look at various forms of

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grain and processed foods so that makes it very difficult to really find out how

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these work but the good news is that once you understand how this works

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then you'll be able to predict a little bit how they're gonna work on different

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foods and if you eat low carb then that's going to be your best bet to get

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really low glycemic foods another limitation of this measurement is that

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when they test it they give the person one food only. They give them milk or they

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give them potatoes or rice or lentils or oats they don't give them the butter or

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the meat or the vegetables with it and that's the way that we normally consume

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food and that changes everything so we want to take these numbers with a grain

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of salt but it's still a useful concept in that it helps us start to understand

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the general ideas the general principles that are in place another limitation

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with the glycemic index is that it's not really the glucose that we're interested

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in it just measures how much does the blood sugar the blood glucose level rise

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but what we're really interested in is how does it affect insulin and glucose

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is not the only thing that affects insulin protein also effects insulin so

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the glycemic index kind of pretty well predicts your insulin responses but it

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doesn't do a real good job however once we put the protein into the equation now

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we get a much better prediction because protein has some influence on insulin so

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let's talk about these six dairy products we have butter which has a

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glycemic index of zero heavy cream I couldn't find a number but it's really

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low close to zero half in halves a little higher but still very very low

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whole milk is 27 skim milk is 34 and low-fat yogurt is 33 so all of these

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foods would definitely be classified as low glycemic index because high glycemic

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index they consider like 60s and 70s but then we look at the insulin index which

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is what we're really interested in because the insulin in the end is is the

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key to metabolic syndrome and heart disease and diabetes and so forth so

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butter is - which is very very low heavy cream is four still very low

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half-and-half starts coming up a little bit which is 18 and we're going to

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explain exactly why these numbers are the way they are whole milk is

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twenty-four skim milk is 60 so now we're getting some really strong insulin

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responses and by the time we get to low-fat yogurt its 84 it's super high

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it's in with a rocket fuel the candies and the jellybeans and so forth. And this

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low-fat yogurt we're talking about is something that has added sugar and it's

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not that the sugar affects the glycemic index so much but the percentage of

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sugar in that product goes up dramatically now let's start taking a

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look at the macros in these foods so you can start understanding why the numbers

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are the way they are when it comes to sugar butter is zero heavy cream is two

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point eight we have half and half is four point three we have whole milk is

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four point eight skim milk is five point one and the low-fat yogurt which is kind

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of a fruit or vanilla or something has added sugar so it has 18% sugar so all

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of these macros are in grams per hundred so it's a percentage basically then we

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look at protein and butter has a tiny little bit of protein it's less than a

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gram heavy cream is going to have two point one half and half is three whole

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milk three point three skim milk and low-fat yogurt so these are only going

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to differ primarily based on yogurt is strained so they concentrate they drain

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off some fluid but all the milk products are going to be about the same heavy

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cream is going to be less because a lot of that is fat and butter is almost

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exclusively fat when we look at the fat portion butter is about 80% fat heavy

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cream is about 37 half-and-half is about 12 full milk about three and a half skim

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milk 0.1 0.2 somewhere depending on on where you find the information and this

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low-fat yogurt had a 1% milk fat so now that we know what the numbers are we can

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see how these differ in composition of the macros

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let's go and take a look at how much different macros affect insulin so if we

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put the index at carbs we have that as a reference point then we say carbs is a

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hundred percent then how much do the other ones stimulate insulin

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comparatively and protein is going to be about 50 percent so for every gram of

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protein the protein is going to stimulate about half as much insulin now

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there are some other differences it's going to affect it slower because

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protein is absorb much slower but overall it's about 50 percent fat on the

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other hand is some around two to three percent it is negligible it's close so

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close to zero it really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things when we're

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talking insulin resistance and that's why low-carb diets ketogenic diets

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high-fat diets that's why they're so powerful at reversing insulin resistance

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so keep these bars the height of these in mind and we're going to take a look

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now at the composition of the macros from a calorie perspective so if we draw

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this out the sugar in butter is so low that it wouldn't even show it's like

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zero point zero something all right it wouldn't show the protein is less than

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1% so it's that tiny tiny little blue bar right there and the rest of the

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calories the macro the calorie percentage in butter 99 percent of

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calories in butter comes from fat and fat has virtually no insulin response so

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that's why that insulin index is so low when we look at heavy cream it's still

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mostly fat all right it has almost 40 percent fat there's a tiny bit of sugar

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there's a tiny bit of protein but 94 percent is still from fat 94 percent of

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calories come from fat and that doesn't trigger much insulin so it has a very

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very low insulin index when we get up to half and half now the percentage of fat

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Croesus so fat is still dominant but we shift this just a little bit but with

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80% 79 percent of calories coming from fat insulin index is still very low and

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then is where it gets surprising because the protein and the sugar is not that

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different but the fat is very different and the fat is what slows things down so

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when we look at whole milk even though it still has the same glycemic response

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as the other low-fat there is the fat slows it down the fat slows down the

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absorption and the blood sugar response and the insulin to where it's only

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barely above 18 still a very low number however when we get to the skim milk

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with 0.1 percent fat even though the protein and the carbs is virtually the

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same in skin and whole milk there is no fat to slow it down alright we just have

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this tiny little bit of fat to slow down the insulin so now we get an insulin

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response of 60 which puts it at a high glycemic food and low-fat yogurt is

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again because so much of the calories come from sugar then we're gonna have a

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much faster insulin response from that so here's what I want you to take away

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from this is to understand the proportion of these different macros

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when you put them in graphics like this you can see that it goes from almost all

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fats even in cream which doesn't seem too far from from skim milk the

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percentages changed dramatically and if you understand this about food you

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understand that the sugar is what drives it the protein is kind of in the middle

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and the fat is what slows it down then you can tell how different foods are

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gonna affect you if you enjoyed this video make sure you also check out that

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thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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