Eat This For Massive Fasting Benefits
Hello Health Champions.
Today I want to talk about the best foods to eat when you're doing intermittent fasting
and immediately some people will say well that's a contradiction because fasting is
when you're not eating so why are you talkin about what to eat when you're not eating.
Well fasting is about eating nothing that's the period
when you're not eating but intermittent fasting is about controlling and regulating the periods
It's about time restricted eating so you could do for example a 14 hours out of every twenty-four
if you don't eat that you're fasting.
And that leads to 10 hours to eat and that's a great place for lot of people to start and
if you get results great if not then you push that window out a little further so you might
have a 16 hour or an 18 hour or 20 hour fasting window. So when we talk about the best foods
to eat for intermittent fasting we're talking about the best foods that will support you
for that fasting period
What kind of food are the best to eat to make it through that fasting period
the easiest and with the least hunger and with the most stable energy. Now some people are probably
wanting to hear about some magical fat-burning food or some magic herbs that will melt off
the pounds even if that existed and I'm not saying that it does or it doesn't but it's
not what we're interested in because that would be a stimulant it would push your body
into burning the fat but what we want to talk about is addressing the root cause and the root
cause the reason that your metabolism broke in the first place is because of sugar and
stress and because of frequent dieting when you restrict calories for a period
of time and then you go back to eating junk which is more sugar and more bread and more
processed foods over time you're pushing your body out of balance more and more and more
and you actually break your metabolic machinery so if we address the root cause instead of
trying to find a quick fix like some stimulants addressing the root cause will allow the body
to restore normal balance and that is the only thing that were interested in in the
long-term that's the only thing that will create long-lasting results and the food's
then are the ones that help you maintain the most stable blood sugar and here's where a
lot of people fall into a trap because they have abused their metabolism and they're jacking
up their blood sugar and the blood sugar comes crashing so they're both hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic
and then they feel the only time I feel good is when I restore my blood sugar when
I eat frequent meals when I eat carbs and even though that feels good in the short-term
it's ruins your chances of improvement in the long run so at some point you have to
cut back on the sugar and the carbs to allow your body to create some stable blood sugar
the best foods are also going to be the ones that create the least upset to your equilibrium
your body likes to be stable that's the most important thing is your blood sugar but there
are other things as well with hormones so you want to address all of these the sugar
and the stress. Then the best foods are also going to create a lot of satiety they're going
to make you full and I'm going to keep you full. So foods that are low fat and high carb
they're not very satisfying but your body also burns through them quickly you want to
think of this as a campfire you put a big log on the campfire it's going to burn slowly
and keep you warm through the night that's what your food is supposed to do as well if
you want to eat something that burns slowly so that it'll keep you going from many hours
until the next but then some people say that you know it really doesn't matter what you
eat because I eat whatever I want as long as I do some intermittent fasting as long
as I restrict my feeding window and I only eat once or twice a day it doesn't matter
I lose weight anyway so don't come talking about different foods and quality. I eat pizza, ice
cream and candy and it works just fine. Well to those people I just want to say three things
first great for you if that is getting everything done for you fine. However it is still not healthy
so if your only goal is to lose weight you can probably do that but if your goal is to
be as healthy and functional as possible if you want strong healthy organs in a strong
brain when you get into your 80s and 90s then these foods will not do that for you. I ate
a lot of garbage when I was an athlete and it came back to bite me I ate pizza and ice
cream and candy I 6000 calories a day and a half of that was junk but I worked
out so much I had a 3% body fat and I thought that was okay but I had a lot of injuries
that kept me from reaching my full potential and today I know better so now I'm looking
at optimizing health into my 80s and 90s & beyond. And the third thing I want to tell these people
are we are all different so just because it works for you don't go and give advice to
other people. Because it works for you it may not or probably won't work for others.
One of the most important things is to not look at the results of others it can be very discouraging
so just figure out how to learn enough and apply enough that you start getting the results
and don't look at how much results someone else got or how long it took them because
all that matters is a you do enough for you and that you're patient enough for you it's
going to be a lifestyle for the rest your life anyway. "The way" does not exist there is
no one way that's going to work for everybody there is no best diet there's no perfect number of carbs in a day etcetera.
It's kind of funny I've even gotten comments on my videos where some people say
"you just don't know what you're talkin about you're giving us so many different factors just tell me the one that's going to make the difference"
and again they're totally missing the point because it's about your individual activity
level your basic metabolism your emotional level what have you been through how stressful
has your life been did you have child abuse or marital problems or post-traumatic stress
disorder what's your set point what's your age what's your gender what's your genetic
predisposition right so everyone is different that's why we have to learn the principles
and apply them until we get the results. Here's one way we can try to illustrate this and hopefully that'll sink and even more
that let's say that your average and this is your thermostat for your metabolism and
the yellow zone is where you kind of stay the same get a little better a little worse
but nothing really changes but if you get a little bit worse and you're in the red zone
now things really start getting worse however if you dial back on the carbs in the sugar
and the frequency of meals then you dial back a little bit now you're in the green zone
and you're start getting results and if your average you probably don't have to dial it
back to much and then we have the people who have it just so easy and these are the
people who still eat pizza and ice cream and they just stopped eating snacks so they go
down to maybe two meals a day because they just have to dial it down a tiny little bit
to be in the green zone and now they're getting results and telling everybody else just do
it like me that's how it works.
That's all there is to it. But if you're watching this video chances are that it wasn't this
easy for you and I sympathize 'cos I meet a lot of people like that in my practice. So if
you are stubborn if your body is stubborn if you're a tough case then it might seem
like you have to dial things back forever and that is essentially how it is that if
you do things just a little bit worse now you're in the Red Zone but you'll have to
just improve you have to get so much better it seems ridiculous before you're in this green
zone well that's life that's just what you have to do then but understand that this is
you and this is somebody else and it's not fair but if you want the results just learn
what it's going to take to get there I'd like to start the list of good foods with animal
protein these are in no particular order I think you want to try to get a wide variety
of but I think animal protein are some of the best because they're very satiating and
they're a complete food so if you get like a meat like grass-fed ribeye then the grass fed fat
has a good balance of Omega-3 to omega-6 so it's actually a healthy fat and you want to try
to eat high-fat steak same thing if you eat ground beef then and its grass-fed look for
20 to 30% fat in there because you're basically get the tastiest results and the best bang
for your buck however if you are unable to find grass-fed or if you feel like your budget
doesn't quite allow for it then if you eat the grain fed the conventional meet now I
would recommend that you eat the low-fat version cuz that's fat is not super healthy and instead
you add some healthy fats to the meal as you're eating it or as you're cooking it and we'll cover
those fats in a little bit next fatty fish like salmon and sardines and mackerel are about
as high in protein as the meat and these fats are excellent they're called the essential
fatty acids the EPA and the DHA so great source of food for a fasting diet another great food
is whole eggs or egg yolks and why am I not talking about egg white because a lot of people
think - Oh protein that's the egg white. Well your body doesn't utilize it very well I did a
video very recently where I explain this in detail but basically in order for your body to utilize
it to turn it into tissue you need a certain combination of amino acids and some of those
critical amino acids are actually in the yolk so if you eat mostly egg whites then you're not
getting that complete assortment of essential amino acid and you're going to use less of
it so egg white is actually a pretty low grade protein and egg yolks are actually higher in
protein than egg white all of these animal proteins are whole food they have zero carbs
egg has a trace amount but don't worry about it they burn very slowly so again this is
the log on the fire that's going to keep you going for hours and hours at a time these
foods are also some of the most satiating meaning you get a great sense of fullness
and they carry over for a long time and finally they have a very high protein value a lot
of this protein gets used for body tissue and if you eat a food that have a less rate
of utilization if it doesn't become tissue then it gets turned into glucose and now it
becomes blood sugar and it triggers insulin so these foods have some of the highest utilization
and therefore also the least impact on blood sugar and Insulin. Fats and oils are great for cooking food
but also if you feel like you want to add some fat if you want to add some calories
for satiety to make you more full but without adding carbohydrates or protein fats are great
my favorite is butter and of course you want to look for the grass-fed that does make a
big difference in the health of those fatty acids olive oil is another one of my favorites
I would look for extra virgin olive oil it first pressing because that still has some nutrients
in it these foods have zero carb they're very satiating and they're very mildly processed
it doesn't take much effort it doesn't take pressure or heat to get the fat out of these
foods so therefore the molecules are still very much intact now why do I often talk
about the importance of organic and especially when it comes to fats I would say always with
organic do the best you can when it comes to fats and oil it is super important I would
never ever by fat that isn't organic. Why? because whether it comes from a plant or an
animal the toxins are fat soluble and therefore they get stored in the fat tissue of the animal
and in the fat that gets dissolve in the fat of the plant and if you are eating something
that's not organic that has a lot of fat now you're also getting a lot of toxins
so spend a couple extra dollars on the fats and oils to make sure it's organic another oil
worth mentioning is MCT oil which is made from coconut oil so these are sort of similar
except that the MCT oil, medium chain triglycerides, is more refined they have isolated certain
components from the coconut oil and the reason they do that is that they isolate ones that
can boost your ketones so both of these will do that but the MCT oil will do it much better
and this can be helpful if you're just transitioning from a standard diet or you're just starting
to lower your carb or lower the frequency of meal in that transition your body hasn't
quite figured out how to make energy from fat and therefore if you boost just a teaspoon
or two of MCT oil it helps you make some extra ketones and it helps make that transition smoother, but what we
want to remember is that MCT oil is more processed and it has basically no micronutrients no
vitamins or minerals or anything else of value except some fat calories that can turn into
ketones also very important is to be able to make things creamy and here we have creme
fraiche which is french and delicious you can also use sour cream but it doesn't have
that same thickening effect it's a little bit lower in fat but it's still delicious
and it works great with a lot of things also great and sauces but also in coffee and tea
are heavy cream half-and-half and coconut cream and heavy cream is usually 35 to 40% so you
would think that half and half as the name would imply is about half of that which it's
not it's more like 1/3 but still a great product is still very low in carbohydrates and a lot of
people will like that for coffee and tea. Coconut cream is also great both for cooking and for
coffee and tea and has the advantage of being good for people with dairy sensitivities so
if you notice for example that your throat gets a little scratchy or if you have to clear
your throat after consuming dairy then you probably have a bit of a sensitivity and you
want to give coconut cream a try instead and obviously the first two on the list the creme
fraiche and the sour cream or fermented so they're sour and that's not going to work very
good in your coffee but these are great all of these are great for cooking and the last
three are great for your beverages even if one of the main points of intermittent fasting
is to cut out the snacks you could still have some snack in between your meals with
in your feeding period
if you like and then things like nuts and seeds come in handy my favorites are macadamia
nuts, pecans and walnuts and why is that because they're very high in fats they're very low
in carb but also because they taste good when they're raw and the raw nuts are going to
have the best nutrients and the healthiest fats if you eat some other nuts that you have
to roast a little bit then try to make sure that they're mildly roasted if they're roasted
too hard now you destroy the healthy fats in these nuts on the seed side you want to
eat things like flaxseed and chia seed and pumpkin seed all of which are high in fat
high in protein and very low in carbs and pumpkin seeds are usually roasted but they're
kind of lightly roasted so that's usually okay still I also recommend that you eat quite
a bit of vegetables a lot of people on low carb and keto they focus on the meat and fat
and some people are even opposed to vegetables like carnivores I think that if you tolerate
vegetables there are a lot of benefits to them if you have a lot of upset if you have
a lot of bloating and you don't tolerate them that I think carnivore can be a good thing
to try for a period
of time when you kind of get your gut that straight but in the long run I think you should
include a good amount of vegetables my favorite is avocado and when you open it up it usually
doesn't look like this would be nice but you have to add the egg yolk yourself other good
vegetables are broccoli cauliflower bell pepper and these are all very low-carb the avocado
is high fat the others are low everything which means that they're not very satiating
in themselves but you eat something else that's satisfying and fulfilling than these are a
great complement if you eat more of these by themselves then you want to add fat to
them add some butter add some olive oil so that you increase your fullness. Other good
vegetables include leafy greens and these are things like lettuce and arugula spinach
kale etc one thing to be careful with maybe is the spinach it's very high in oxalic acid
so some people don't do so well with that it can irritate your gut lining a bit and
it can also contribute to kidney stones and then a lot of people are going to worry about
what about all the other leafy greens what about Boston lettuce and what about this type
of lettuce and can I eat this or that well if it looks sort of like this if it resembles
any of these like a leaf and it's green or purple or whitish or yellowish then you're
probably fine and I want to mention cabbage separately because even though it is technically
a green leaf like the others we talked about this one's a little different cabbage does
really well when you cook it you can eat it raw like with coleslaw or you can make various
different salads with it but also you can cook it you can make soups and stews and casseroles
and all sorts of things and it's a great filler for that and you can also turn it into sauerkraut
which is a very inexpensive process of making probiotics by fermenting it and now you can
also have it contribute to your gut health and help heal your gut.
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