Eat, Move & Feel Better - User Manual For Humans S1 E13 - Dr Ekberg

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Good evening and welcome tonight we're doing User Manual For Humans part 13

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that means we've actually done 12 of these before and because we're recording

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them you can go back and find every one of them online so there's like a look

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video library of knowledge for those who have attended all of them or a lot of

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them you will see that a lot of this is sort of a repetition but what we're

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doing is we're pointing out some highlights tonight but more than that

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we're bringing some some more specific examples so each well note well do well

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the first thing that we need to figure out about that is why why would we be

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interested what is what is our told what's our desire what are we trying to

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accomplish and in one word what we're trying to do is to get better health

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we're trying to get more out of life and now I'm going to sound a little strange

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and I'm going to say you know health isn't for everybody and this sounds even

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stranger because on my court it's printed health and peak performance is

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for everybody but the car didn't have room to print health and peak

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performance is for everybody who is interested and willing to take some

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action that was just too long to put on there okay so some people are perfectly

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content to eat hamburgers and drink a six-pack of beer and go back and forth

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from the fridge to the sofa and have heart attacks at 50 and it's not our job

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to try to change that so first of all we need to understand that the Y comes from

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each one of us that if we want to be healthy if we want to do something

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different than most people and that's that's the design

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and then we learned to do the things that that accomplished that so who says

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to do these things well you can read them in in magazines and we live in a

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world where there are a lot of shoots you they tell you everywhere you should

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exercise more you should eat more vegetables you have it live if you're

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not interested in better health then you don't have to so figure that out first

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and and and know why so there's no right or wrong or should but what we're going

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to talk about is that there are laws of nature and these laws of nature are much

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much stronger and more infallible than the man-made laws see the man-made laws

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you can violate them and it only matters if you get caught but the laws of the

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universe the laws of nature you can't violate because you get caught every

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time so that's what we want to talk about laws of nature laws of biology or

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of ecosystems if you will because you are an ecosystem and violating the laws

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have consequences every time to sort of spur on the motivation a little bit what

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happens to the people who violate these principles well let's look at the state

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of health in this country we hear every day in the propaganda that we have the

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best health care system in the world okay we spend two trillion dollars on

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health care and yet we rank somewhere around 37 or 38 which is virtually last

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of most developed countries so it's not the amount of money or how sophisticated

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the the toys are that how healthy we get so if you look at

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slide number two this is from a government site aging stats gov chronic

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conditions reported by people 65 and over and this is a few years ago but it

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hasn't gotten better trust me high blood pressure fifty two percent of people

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arthritis fifty percent of people heart disease 32 percent diabetes 27

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percent cancer 21 percent strokes nine point two and then asked my bronchitis

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and emphysema so people over 65 are really not doing very well and why

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because they have violated the laws of nature they're just not living in

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accordance with them and that's what happens so there's our motivation if we

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don't want to be part of this statistic then we have the choice to do something

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different so that's what this is about please review earlier video so I'm going

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to rush through this but there's a lot of detail in if you're looking back the

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first thing to understand is that the body is designed to heal if you have a

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scratch on your hand or anywhere else it heals because it's in the very fabric of

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nature to heal and it can heal anything not just little scratches but it can

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heal heart disease it can heal cancer it can heal anything because it's built-in

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and if you take a handful of pebbles and you just throw them up in the air and

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they're gonna fall down and they're going to scatter totally random but when

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you take little pebbles called molecules and you introduce them into your body

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they don't scatter randomly they follow an intelligent path

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and your body incorporates it so that this was a piece of salad and this was a

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piece of tomato and chicken and the body knows what to do with it it's

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intelligent it's non-random and we have to start learning to trust that that

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there is an idea behind this system on the other hand disease and imbalance

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what happens with disease and imbalance there's only two things that can happen

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something interfere with this intelligent system or this intelligent

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system is missing something that it needs that's basically it that's all we

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need to know and everything else is just details so we'll talk a few things here

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queue a few moments about requirements for health and I was just setting the

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groundwork here to get us in the right frame of thinking requirements do not

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mean if something's required that does not mean that it's a hint it does not

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mean that it's a suggestion it doesn't mean try it you might like it

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or it's a good idea if you find that you have some spare time if it's required

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means you have to have it but it's not required for everybody it's only

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required if you want the results of Health okay there are no shoulds

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there's only law and consequence so what is this universal law what if we take a

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million plants you have a million plants to feed and what are you going to feed

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this plants what's the first thing you're going to get

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anybody for water alright who says sunshine and nutrients some

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good soil okay you take a million plants and you try to keep them alive for a

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year and give them two out of three how many plants do you have at the end of

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the year zero pretty much okay if something's required you cannot raise

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something healthy with two out of three it just doesn't work so next we want to

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figure out what are the requirements for humans and that's the topic the

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requirements means you have to have them is you need to eat well move well and do

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well those aren't optional if you want health you can get by for a while with

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two out of three but you cannot achieve optimum health and peak performance and

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live happily and joyfully into your 80s and 90s without these so let's just look

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at a little bit of what that might look like with humans what does it actually

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mean two out of three or three out of three so let's say that this is

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nutrition and this is movement and this is happy thought so if one of them goes

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away completely you will die very very quickly but let's say that you have this

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much movement then you're stimulating the system a little bit but you're not

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stimulating it enough for form optimal health and we'll subdivide this one in

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and let's say that this is how much we need for optimal health

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this is optimal health so this this is calories or fuel this is actual

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nutrients this is movement and this is let's call it happiness so how many

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people think we get enough calories alright mr. McAlary Department I think

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we're doing pretty well but when we process food we're keeping the calories

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and destroying the nutrients so how many people think we're a little bit short on

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nutrients exactly and we we've had both seminars about this then on movement how

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many people do you think get an optimal amount of movement throughout the week

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one in ten that some of us this this amount here is walking from the sofa to

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the fridge for another beer okay he's getting some movement but not a whole

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lot this is the guy who walks across the parking lots and maybe doesn't always

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look for the closest spot and then this is the guy who goes for a walk with a

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dog and invest some yoga tai chi goes to the yam get some aerobics go for iran

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and so on and and there is an optimal amount then of course we can do too much

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and that's where we've not giving the body time to recover so there's always a

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balance and happiness how many people here hands up would say that you feel

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completely peaceful and joyous 100% of the time no hands

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and how come well we're human we live in a society that's that's teaching us to

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worry basically so for it for most of us I would say that we're falling far short

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of optimal so yeah we we can live for a while but if we can understand this and

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work on it we can get to the optimal level of each of these and that is what

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the ecosystem requires for optimal health all right

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so eat well what does that mean well it means eating things that contain

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nutrients that the body needs that's the first part the second part is that and

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we've talked about these also please review that it's also about after you

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put it in your mouth and swallowed it doesn't automatically become tissue

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there's the process in between so the better that you chew it the better that

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you enjoy it the better that you are aware of the flavors and the textures

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and you pay attention the more you're going to activate your digestive system

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to actually incorporate this food into your body so it's a whole mind body

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experience rather than just stuffing food in into the one hand then if we

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rush away from from the meal and we go straight back to work or we go out and

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we start stressing again now we're shifting the resources in the body so

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we're not leaving enough blood in the digestive tract to actually digest that

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food so it's more than just eating the right foods it's also about enjoying the

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food taking the time and then learning to

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slow ourselves down so that our body can do something with it

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then we also want to eat enough fiber and drink enough water so that we can

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eliminate it because if we still put stuff in one end and it doesn't come out

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the other that means that the stuff is getting old and rancid and we're

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starting to reabsorb a lot of toxins and that's called Auto toxicity and that's

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why you want two or more bowel movements every day because if you have one a day

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that means that the old food is sitting in the large intestine an average of 24

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hours and that's too long that means it starts to be absorbing a lot of the

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stuff that's supposed to get out and not to mention the count of the people that

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have a bowel movement a week I mean they are very in trouble they're in trouble

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so basically every time you eat you put something in one end something should

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come out the other end if you're having enough fiber and enough water to drive

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the process and also if there are some food supplements if there's some

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nutrients that are just generally low in food then we need to supplement those

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and we talked about that a couple of weeks ago the number one thing you want

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to think about is fish oil because it's just not available in

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natural form enough so some more pointers on how to eat well first of all

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and and most people when they try to do changes they feel great resistance they

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say oh that's too much nobody can do that

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I just won't bother so we need to start understanding and implementing changes

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gradually because otherwise it's a shock to our habits it's just too much to cope

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with and too much to deal with so start wherever you are and just set a

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goal to increase so for example beat Whole Foods does those are the foods

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that contain nutrients the ones that they haven't put into packaged with long

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labels if you start with 50% of Whole Foods and then work your way up then you

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can do it at your own pace eat raw foods and raw foods are primarily vegetables

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but of course you can eat fruits and eggs and meat and fish and things like

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that as well start with the mall you may not want to eat raw fish I'll take that

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back so primarily that vegetables and fruit would be the raw stuff so start

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maybe with 20% and then then work your way work your way up the fish and the

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meat that's the whole food start eating organic so organic cost more it's harder

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to find so start slow make a goal of maybe eating 20 percent learn which

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foods are the most important which ones are the most contaminated by toxins such

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as grapes and strawberries you hardly ever want to eat those unless they're

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organic because they use tons of pesticides and

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you eat the peel that they sprayed something else like a banana which

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you're gonna peel is not as crucial so pick a few and and start working your

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way up reduce bread and starch and especially wheats so if you're not ready

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to cut it out completely out of your life then just make a goal of cutting it

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in half try to eat half as much as you do now and

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sugars and starches are and breads and starches sugars they are the number one

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reason why 27 percent of the elderly people have diabetes and why 50% of them

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are insulin resistance we had a whole seminar on that we are just not designed

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to eat large quantities of starches that in genetically speaking if if our DNA is

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this old then bread was introduced over here it is

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still a very very novel thing to our to our DNA into our to our bodies

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next sugar and alcohol neither sugar nor alcohol is a poison

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they only become that when we have too much there both the bodies are designed

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to process them naturally we have enzymes we have systems to break them

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down we have alcohol dehydrogenase which is an enzyme to break it down which

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means it's a natural thing it only becomes a problem when you exaggerate

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and the same thing with sugar so my suggestion and this is just opinion you

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can research and come up with your own numbers I would suggest keep it below 20

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grams per day and that's for for sugar and/or alcohol

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building c20 I would also say avoid pasteurized dairy Dairy is is a good

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food when it's passed from mother to child the straight source but when we

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extract it and new kids and do all sorts of things with it it becomes a very

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unsuitable food it's very very difficult to break down when they take milk and

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they make yogurt out of it they return those enzymes and bacteria to the milk

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that they took away so yogurt is actually digestible but stick with plain

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and not the the fruity kind because those have more sugar than coca-cola and

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take a high quality fish oil supplement so this these are just simple plain

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suggestions to get you going and this is not a simple process it's a

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life-changing process so you've got to figure it out for yourself I've used

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theirs these as guidelines so what will it prioritize when we're looking at at

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eating well for health purposes the number one thing that we're looking for

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when we're choosing our food and designing a plan is stabilizing blood

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sugar if we don't want to do anything else just work to stabilize blood sugar

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and look at the the diabetes video to learn

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do that and why secondly I would say avoid toxins so and toxins are not just

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the the non-organic foods they're also anything anything processed where they

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use preservatives or artificial colors artificial flavors artificial sweeteners

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artificial aromatics artificial anything these things are poison and the more

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that you eat of them the harder it is for your body to function and thirdly I

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would say start buying organic buy free-range and buy locally grown and as

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a fourth point I would also say maybe start looking at a pH but if you're

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following the other rules and that sort of follows by itself so people always

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ask me what what do I eat what do we do how do you do this thing and there's not

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a set way for everybody but one example that I have developed that works really

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well for me is on slide number 8 I start my day with the smoothie virtually most

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every day and with the smoothie I put 2 cups of water 1 TSP of psyllium husks 2

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tablespoons of protein powder and you want to make that something that's not

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soy and not flavored because those are typically full of all sorts of junk two

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celery stalks one cup of spinach and I use frozen I use half a banana and one

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cup of berries and fruit and I use the frozen fruit I buy big bags take them in

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the freezer and just put it in every morning that way you have the

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convenience of things not spoiling and I finished up with it with a little

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batch of stevia which is a natural sweetener so what this this does and I

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forgot one thing which is one of the most important is a half a cup of

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almonds go ahead and write that in if you want to do this half a cup of

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almonds provides most of the protein and when you do a smoothie do you want to

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provide plenty of nutrients you want to provide plenty of raw foods but remember

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what number one priority was stabilize blood sugar so if you make a smoothie

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from fruit alone that will jack up your blood sugar severely if you mix in some

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vegetables that will make it better if you make sense some protein powder that

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will make it even better and if you make send some almonds which has both protein

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and fat now you're gonna get a smoothie that will give you almost perfect blood

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sugar levels okay there's the protein and the fat slows

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down the sugar from the fruit plus when you use the whole fruit it is much

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better than drinking a juice because juice is basically just a tiny little

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better than than soft drinks so when they say oh it's made from fruit juice

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and all that don't buy into it because it still just sugar I start my day that

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way and I get a bunch of good quality fats good quality proteins I get fruits

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and vegetables I've already had as many more fruits and vegetables than most

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people get then I have a salad for lunch or dinner

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and then I have one more sort of regular meal somewhere in there meat and potato

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whatever you you enjoy but with this this idea now you have pretty much

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accomplished everything that I explained previously to set out to do to eat more

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than half of your food raw you're getting plenty of fruits and vegetables

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beginning you're stabilizing your blood sugar you're doing all those things so

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just an example move well what is move well what does that mean what why what's

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it all about again look back at the videos the movement stimulates the brain

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every cell in your body needs food and stimulation to live and the brain lives

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on movement much much more than it lives on thinking or seeing or hearing or

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anything else the main nutrient the main stimulation

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for the brain is movement and that movement comes from movements of joints

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and muscles so when a joint moves through its full range of motion whether

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it's a shoulder joint or whether it's a neck joint or whether it's a low back

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joint that joint sets a signal to the brain and that is the whole purpose of

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movement or the the major purpose of movement and without it we we just can't

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function properly when we move we also utilize muscles and muscles stabilize

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joints so they they sort of supplement each other and they they together they

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provide full function and as you all know muscles don't operate by themselves

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they only take orders the brain so to move well means that

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your brain and your muscles and your joints are in control and they have full

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balance and full range of motion so that means that the brain knows where the

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head is supposed to be in relation to all the other body parts and most people

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you see they're walking around like this and with this you are not going to have

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proper movement it's not possible if you imagine a bowling ball and you're

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holding a bowling ball that weighs about eight to ten pounds that's how much the

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head weighs so if you're balancing that bowling ball then there is a certain

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movement and you can balance that and it sort of works but if you move it forward

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two inches you just increase the muscle load about ten times and you have

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reduced the motion there is no proper motion and fluidity in that position

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anymore so that's why posture matters that's why

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this stuff is important and that's why I keep on everybody about doing their

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their bird exercises and their long wheel chair which we now have videos on

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so move well is simply use it or lose it you cannot obtain optimal health without

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regular movement and it doesn't have to mean exercise go experience pain in the

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gym it simply means do something on a

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regular basis whether it's just spending up doing some stretches or whether it's

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doing a tai chi class or yoga or whatever you enjoy those are fine but

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the basics is just to keep moving how do you move well well if you have had your

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neck out here and your neck isn't moving and it's been there that way for 20

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years then you need chiropractic adjustments so chiropractic what it

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actually does it restores range of motion so that the body can talk to the

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brain through that motion that is what chiropractic does it also sends a

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powerful message during the adjustment so that the brain wakes up we interrupt

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neurological patterns basically next if you want to you can do some yoga Pilates

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tai chi chi-gong weights aerobics whatever you like whatever you feel good

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doing and I would suggest 30 minutes three to five times a week the more

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variety you put into it the better off you are then learn to do some simple

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things like we teach here the wobble chair the spinal hygiene that

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bird exercises learn to do those they take about a minute or two and you can

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fit them in throughout the day and that provides that ongoing motion that that

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feels great because you stimulate the brain and all of us most of us have jobs

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where we're going to be sitting for a large portion of time many people sit

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for six or eight hours straight and when that happens what we want to do is we

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want to get up and do something every thirty minutes set an alarm clock or

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have a little box on your desk so you can sit down for a little bit and then

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you can stand up and do something and sit down but change it around do

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whatever you have to so you're not sitting like this for eight hours and

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what are the priorities of moving well well number one always stimulate the

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brain that is what movement does and because the brain regulates everything

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else in the body that's why exercise works for everything they tell people

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you have this problem you have that problem you have pained you're depressed

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go exercise and it works and that's the reason so the second reason to exercise

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where removed would be get fit if you enjoy doing racist if you enjoy hiking

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or climbing walls or whatever you need a certain level of fitness and the

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movement will will support that use it or lose it

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thirdly it improves circulation it basically increases circulation and your

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your you're fixing applying your you're shooting more blood through the plumbing

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and in clean stuff up it exchanges nutrients faster and it activates

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so yes there's some benefit there but that benefit is far far far down the

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list compared to the to the brain benefits and yet the the circulation and

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the heart that's basically all we hear but the reason again they work better is

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because the brain gets stimulated and works better so this brings us to think

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well and we'll introduce one of my favorite cartoons and there's this

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psychiatrist or psychologist talking to his patients says every time I see you

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all you do is talk about your problems no wonder you're depressed and what I

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like about it is that it's funny we sort of joke about it but that's really what

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it's about that really is what it's about

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depression is when you predominantly think depressing thoughts use it or lose

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it whichever pathways if you use a muscle you keep it if you don't you lose

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it it's the same way with pathways and neurological patterns that ones that you

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use get reinforced the ones that you don't wither away so if you practice

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your depressing thoughts a lot get one guess what you're going to be depressed

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if you practice your happy thoughts a lot you will be happy the problem is

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that we believe that it's the world around us that dictate our thoughts that

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dictate our reactions and that's not the case we've just learned to interpret it

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that way

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so what does it mean to think well it means we need to learn how to feel good

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it doesn't happen by accident it doesn't happen when things in our

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lives fall in place because they never will did you know that you will never

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get done that's one of the secrets of life you're not gonna one day get to the

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end of your life and everything will be done so you can go ahead and die there's

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going to be some stuff left over weight when you move on so learn how to feel

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good and learn to think about what you want rather than the absence of it

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that means focus on the solution rather than the problem and you can you can ask

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people all the time well what do you want and they say well I don't want this

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I don't want this I don't want this yes but what do you want well I'd like this

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but I don't want this and I don't want this a lot of us are so so stuck in that

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mode of thinking and it's the conversations that we have with

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everybody is about what's wrong so it's a it's a process of learning these

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things than it's a choice just for fun you want to stand up we'll do a quick

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little demo here yes

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just to illustrate that point so if you stand right there and face me I use

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something called muscle testing because muscle testing can ask the brain

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questions so if you hold your arm out for me and you hold it there real nice

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and strong and I'm gonna push down and you resist as strong as you can hold

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strong okay and that's nice and strong so most people would say that's a strong

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muscle what I would say that is a a strong muscle test where the brain is

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able to send a signal strong enough to maintain that muscle so now move your

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left leg forward like you're taking a step okay and hold this arm for me again

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and hold real nice and strong and now it's not working anymore so what changed

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did you all of a sudden lose half the muscle no it's still there so what

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changed is the signal from the brain to the muscle your body found a reason to

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decrease the signal okay and in this case it's supposed to happen you can

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relax for a second it's supposed to happen because when we walk the brain

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knows that this doesn't work very well that this works much better so your

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brain will send a signal to turn that muscle off in order for you to walk

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properly so it's not an accident I picked that on purpose okay but what it

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means is we can use a muscle test to find out when the brain is turning

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things on and turn things off okay so let's have a little

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bit of fun with this and stand and face me oh just some fake feet side by side

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so hold realizin is strong and don't let me push down

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and then I'll think about something that you like okay an old strong and that's

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nice well actually let me do that again

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you might want to be careful with that you thought it was something you like

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eating or I can't tell you you can't tell

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okay all right so what's it on all right all right

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so you think about we'll just use a couple of words okay we'll just use the

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word appreciation and hold real strong okay and that makes you strong then

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we'll say frustration and hatred and it doesn't work the same because they

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represent different things in your mind and therefore your brain has different

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kinds of output now going back to this the the problem versus the solution now

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think of a problem that you're having and don't let me push down

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okay and that's not working at all think of the solution to the problem an holy

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rock solid so that's what our brain does all the time when we focus on the

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problem we're shutting down resources not just to solve the problem we're

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shutting down resources for our body for our health when we think about the

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solution all of a sudden we're enabling resources and we're getting stuff done

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and we're getting help in the process so that's how much all of this matters

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thank you very much

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and we won't ask what that thing was

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we'll teach you some releasing and where were we yes solution rather than the

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problem other very well working Thanks our practice appreciation there are

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books written on that stop worrying okay do you know what what Woori is it's

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anticipating something you don't want that's what it is so here's here's not

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worse there are there are two kinds of things there are things that you can do

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something about but if you can do something about them then you don't have

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to worry about them you just do it don't worry the other kind of thing is are

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things that you can't do anything about but if you can't do anything about them

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you don't have to worry about them right so that encompasses all possible things

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things you can do something about what things you can't do something about and

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me that one of them makes any sense to worry about and yet how much time do we

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typically spend okay so practicing thinking practicing

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feeling good encompasses learning to think and and reason and sort of

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deselect things that we don't want mind over matter

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that is a little cliche but I love it because what it really means is if you

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don't mind it doesn't matter hmm okay and that

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means that you accept what things are you you stop offering resistance and

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resistance is a mental thing we look around and we see things that

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aren't the way that we want them and then we have two choices we can try to

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change the thing or we can change how we feel about it and most people do the

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third thing they resist it they worry and they fret and they feel

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bad about it they don't change it and they don't

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accept it and it makes no sense so mind over

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matter if you don't mind it doesn't matter so just let things be as they are

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and the ones that you can't change and want to change you do leave the rest to

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them to themselves and then understand that you can change your beliefs you can

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choose your beliefs that we think that oh well this is my belief system this is

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this is how it is a belief is nothing more than a thought you have practiced

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over and over that's what beliefs are and you can change them so choose some

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that worked for you and get to it so this is a very brief overview I don't

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expect you to to sort of grasp all of this all at once but I'll give you some

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resources and again you can look back at some videos so some suggestions to

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practice to learn thinking well that starts with breathing exercises I cannot

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emphasize that enough and there's a whole seminar on that just breathe

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slowly five to ten minutes twice a day Plus every chance you get when the

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computer freezes when you're sitting at a traffic light when you click the print

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icon and it takes 30 seconds you have time for two breaths okay it's perfect

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then you learn also gradually to add a positive emotion and to clear your mind

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and now before you know it you've changed your breathing into meditation

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and meditation is not about chanting and yellow robes chant meditation is about

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feeling good and learning to clear your mind giving your body some peace so that

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it can get on with what it's supposed to do

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I would recommend do whatever you can and work up to when you can do a 10 to

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15 minutes once or twice a day I don't think there's anything else that you can

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do that has more benefits for your health and your joy and your well-being

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and your success than than to do that and here's a controversial one that I

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would say that I would recommend stop watching news there's nothing in there

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you have to know there really isn't if there's some crucial stuff that that

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your career depends on or some things you have to know there are sources where

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you can find that out once a week in five minutes

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but the watching of the news every day just reinforces the world trying to tell

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you how bad things are so just don't do it you'll be amazed give give it two

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years and practice this stuff stop watching news create your your own

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thoughts and vibration you'll be amazed stop listening to gossip when people

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start complaining about what things are then change the subject walk away do do

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something just don't notice when people are doing it and don't buy into it and

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if you lose some friends over it you'll get new and better ones then I would say

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read books and/or listen to some sort of uplifting programs or courses or videos

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or tapes or CDs just start putting in something positive rather than the

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television and and the mainstream default input you start putting in

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something else and before you know it you'll have some different beliefs spend

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less time at looking at what is and more time looking

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what if and this goes all hand-in-hand with with the other things we talked

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about so what what can we hope to accomplish with that what's the priority

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we'll first it will get you healthy it will provide the positive vibration that

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your ecosystem requires your system your health cannot thrive without it it's

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required so do enough to feel good then you'll find that you get more out of

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life you learn to enjoy the present moment you learn to enjoy where you are

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you find more things to enjoy wherever you go and you'll get more energy more

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happiness more joy and in doing this don't try to change anybody else don't

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worry about anybody else just create so much momentum for yourself that you lead

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by example and that they can't help but want to follow and get curious about

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what's going on with you

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number 14 cartoon time so most people now say well you know this is also good

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but I'm so busy does that thought occur to anybody I'm gonna like to live well

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what fits your busy schedule better exercising an hour a day or being dead

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24 hours a day so one of my favorite metaphors is don't be like the

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lumberjack and the lumberjack was this guy there was a whole team of lumberjack

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but one of them he was always far behind and the the management came and checked

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up on him and it is lacy is not doing his job well it turned

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out he was working harder than anybody else he came there first in the morning

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and he left last at night and he could never get as much done so they went and

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checked up on him and they found out that everyone else had really really

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sharp axes and his was just terribly terribly dull so they asked him well why

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don't you sharpen your axe and he said are you crazy I'm so far behind why

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would I have time for that okay so all of what I've talked about here is

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about sharpening your ax it doesn't take time it looks like it takes time but it

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gives you life it gives you all the things that you really want last I've

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just listed some resources and you can check with me depending on how

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interested in open-minded you are which you may be looking for there's a couple

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of links and if you just type those straight in that's a webcast but Oprah

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did that is absolutely phenomenal there's there's ten videos each of

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between an hour and a half and two hours where she sits down and talks with one

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of my favorites teachers at carte Ola there's no charge

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you just go in there and look at it and they're talking about a lot of these

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things about why do we worry why do we do the things that we do and Oprah is a

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is a wonderfully conscious and forward-looking person so that's a great

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resource the second one is you can sign up for a daily news

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and it's just a little work to give you some some upliftment but another one of

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my favorites called Abraham Hicks and

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you can talk to me about that one also if you're open-minded no problem but

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some people are yeah they have some issues it's some of the most wonderful

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truths and uplifting simple ways of looking at things that I have ever come

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across I've listened to hundreds of hours and it just comes back to me super

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fresh and exciting then there's some books and there's some authors so I

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won't go over those but just talk to me if if you're interested in don't be like

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the lumberjack you take some time spend 15 20 30 minutes a day reading through

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some things that will give you new ways of looking at things that will give you

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energy and that may be the best thing that you do so I would like to thank you

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very much for coming hope you enjoyed it hope you got

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something out of it so please feel free to ask any questions we'll do this again

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next week I don't know what the topic is yet but we always keep moving forward

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and feel free to bring someone that you care about that needs to know this stuff

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but don't force them thank you very much

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