Eat Junk Food and Stay Skinny?

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Eat junk food and stay skinny is that even possible and would you want to

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coming right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to

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truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So more

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and more searches more channels more questions are coming up with can I eat

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this and still be skinny and what we want to try to answer is is that even

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the right question so because obesity is epidemic in the

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United States and the whole Western world and because it's associated with

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so many other complications now we've come to the point where all disease is

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blamed on obesity where most disease is blamed on it and it just doesn't work

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like that so we'll try to clear up a few things around that so first of all

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weight gain is primarily caused by insulin resistance insulin is a fat

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storing hormone when you eat carbohydrates you trigger insulin

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insulin is necessary to bring the sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cell

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and once you become instantly resistant you have to make more and more insulin

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to get the job done and eventually you get to the point where the cells say no

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I don't want that sugar I can't use it I can't do away with it and now we develop

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insulin resistance and weight gain because that insulin is a fat storing

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hormone it prevents us from using the stored fat so that's the foundation now

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eat junk food and stay skinny how do we do that well insulin resistance has to

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do with eating food with a high glycemic index it has to do with how often we eat

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food because every time you eat you trigger insulin that's a message to

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store more fat so if you eat six times a day you're telling your body six times

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to store fat if you eat once you're only telling your body to store fat once and

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finally these are the first two there can

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short-term influences their immediate influences but then there's a third

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influence on insulin resistance and that's degeneration from deficiency and

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toxicity so the pancreas which is located on your left side right about

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here is the organ that makes it produces insulin so if we don't get the proper

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nutrients over time over years decades and if we develop toxicity if we have

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toxins and poisons that interfere with with the function of your body cells

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then over time every cell in your body is going to work a little bit less it's

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going to make it harder for the body cells to do their work and that includes

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the pancreas so by eating a poor diet year after year after year you are

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ending up with deficiency and toxicity so the work capacity of your pancreas is

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getting worse and worse less and less until eventually it can't keep up so the

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first two are related to the insult of the food the short term the immediate

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urgency for the pancreas to make more insulin and the third one relates to the

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long term inability due to weakness of the pancreas to produce this insulin so

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this happens rather quickly this could take years or decades so let's look

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first at what we're supposed to eat if we eat whole food meat fish natural

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products grass-fed wild-caught we eat vegetables organic without pesticides

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and we eat high quality fats like grass-fed butter extra virgin organic

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olive oil coconut fat natural fats from nuts and avocado et cetera now we have a

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low impact on glycemic index extremely low we have a low frequency of food

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intake because the food is so rich and so nutritious and

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satisfying that we don't feel a need to eat more than once or usually twice

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maybe three times a day but that's typically only in the face of

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transitioning into this most people who eat this way are not going to be hungry

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more than twice a day there is none or low degeneration from the toxicity and

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efficiency because the body we're not taking toxins in and we're giving the

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body all the things it needs so this is optimal all the food is natural low

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process the way we're designed to eat the way humans have eaten for hundreds

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of thousands of years let's go to the extreme on the other end this is the

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fast food the standard American diet the processed food the packaged food the

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soda beer Donuts ice cream etc and glycemic index it's gonna have a medium

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to high impact the high impact is going to be the sugar and the grains but it's

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not going to be super high because they're gonna have some meat some

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protein some fat in there so we got a medium to high glycemic index unless

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they try to eat a low fat diet now that would make it even worse on the

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frequency of food we could go all the way from low to high if people try to

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abide by the advice to eat small frequent meals they might still eat this

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way and eat six times a day or they can go to the other extreme like there's

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some people experimenting with who eat once a day but they gorge themselves

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they eat all their junk food and in one sitting and now you have a low frequency

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of food but you're still just basically eating eating the processed garbage of

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course with that type of diet we are taking in a lot of toxins and we're not

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providing a lot of nutrition so the degeneration aspect is very high so then

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some people say oh well I've heard of Kido I've heard of low carb dieting and

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that's the way to lose weight and get skinny so that's what I'm gonna do and

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so they stopped eating the sugary stuff but they don't understand the concept of

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whole food so they end up somewhere in the middle so glycemic index would be

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low because they've given up sugars and grains they've heard those are bad they

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trigger insulin let's let's not eat those and because they're cutting away

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their sugars they don't get as hungry they fill up with fat and protein so

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they have a low to medium frequency they might eat once or twice or three times a

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day but the degeneration aspect from deficiency and toxicity is very high

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because unknowingly they're eating a lot of processed food so let's look at that

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they typically still eat artificial sweeteners they eat a bunch of chemicals

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in the form of preservatives and coloring and flavorings and msg and

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yeast extracts and all what it's called they eat processed fats they don't care

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if it comes from from margarine or processed canola oil they might eat

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grain fed meat mass-produced toxic meats with a really poor fat profile then they

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probably still eat pasteurized dairy they make no difference between cream

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cheese or pasteurized milk or or whole yoghurt and they might eat farmed fish

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so they're cutting back on their foods with the glycemic index so they're

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reducing their insulin resistance but they're eating a lot of things that are

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not good for their body that is causing a high rate of toxicity and degeneration

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so the disease might take longer to develop and maybe they'll start gaining

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weight eventually maybe not but it's not a healthy way because they're not

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supporting their body so in this case it's optimal you will keep an

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optimum quality of life you will maintain vitality and energy for as long

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as possible here you'll feel good because you don't

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have the insulin swings so you'll feel good for a while but you're very

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unlikely to live as healthy as possible for as long as possible and over here

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the disease will come rather quickly because you're violating the laws of

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nature on so many points so here you've also added back in in addition to these

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things that these people eat you're still eating sugar and white flour and

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grain and high fructose corn syrup and so on so can you eat junk food and stay

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skinny probably you can probably do that but is that really the goal is that

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really what you want and again we have become so conditioned to put an equal

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sign between disease and obesity people come in all the time and they say oh

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well I have this back problem I have this headache and my doctor said if I

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only lose some weight and they believe it but that's not the problem because

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what is your goal is it health or is it to be skinny there's a lot of skinny

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people with diabetes with heart disease with brain fog with fibromyalgia with

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autoimmunity with stroke and cancer lots and lots and lots of them is there

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slightly more people who are obese that get these yeah certainly because they're

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violating their body at more levels but it doesn't mean that you're healthy just

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because you're skinny so don't fall into that trap of oh I can eat whatever I

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want as long as I avoid the sugar because it's not a healthy recipe

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ask yourself what you're truly after and a lot of the people who go this way they

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have such a short term horizon and they may still be young and they're thrilled

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that they can lose some weight and they're 25 30 35 years old but it's

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gonna catch up with them and fortunately I was one of those people

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who didn't figure this out really quickly I would eat somewhere

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between here and here for most of my life for most of my athletic career and

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as a result my athletic career probably wasn't what it could have been even

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though I did go to the Olympics and had some success but who knows what would it

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be impossible if I didn't have all those injuries and if I had eaten to actually

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support my body I ate five six thousand calories in these categories and I

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worked out enough that I didn't develop much insulin resistance but I did

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degenerate from deficiency and toxicity so you can't violate the laws of nature

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you have to play by the rules I didn't make up the rules I just let you know

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what they are so figure out what your health goal really is and I'm sure that

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after you think a while it's not about weight it's about energy and vitality

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and hobbies and hiking and playing with kids and grandkids and staying healthy

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into your late years so that you can do what you want if you think about it I

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would guarantee that your goals include all or most of those and it has very

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little to do with weight so figure out your goal and figure out by watching

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this channel how to stay healthy in a natural way by working with the body so

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please share this video with as many people as possible because we have to

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get this information this truth out there there are so many people getting

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hurt by doing stupid things and eating all these chemicals and all these junk

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and their only criteria is whether they lose weight or not it is very very

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short-sighted if you enjoy this sort of content make sure you subscribe and hit

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that notification bell so that we can keep this content coming your way and

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thanks for watching

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