Drink THIS For Serious Fasting Benefits

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Hello Health Champions Did you know that  fasting can provide tremendous health benefits,  

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but a lot of things people drink during fasting  will backfire and negate a lot of those benefits  

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so by watching this video today you will learn not  only what to drink but why and the best fasting  

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drink by far is called water and it doesn't matter  if your goal is weight loss or improved metabolic  

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Health to reduce insulin resistance and reverse  type 2 diabetes if you're looking for improved  

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energy or Focus or if you're fasting for religious  or spiritual beliefs it works perfectly for all of  

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those also if you're trying to improve immunity  or if you're trying to reduce inflammation and  

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pain then the water is still the best drink by far  the only time that you're fasting and water is not  

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good is if you're doing something called a dry  fast which I recommend being very very careful  

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with we're going to talk a little bit more about  that in this video now strictly speaking fasting  

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means to not eat and eating obviously provides  calories and resources to the body so when you  

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don't eat when you fast you want it to be zero  calories water obviously has zero calories but  

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there are some other things that you can still  enjoy that has zero calories like coffee and tea  

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but the reason water is still better is that it  also provides better hydration it has it is the  

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perfect hydrator and coffee and tea are obviously  liquid they're waterbased but there's a little  

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question mark on the hydration there and the  reason is that caffeine can affect the body and  

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caffeine has a slight effect on the pituitary it  turns off a hormone called anti-diuretic hormone  

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so the anti-diuretic means to keep fluids in the  body and caffeine turns that off just a little  

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bit which means we're losing fluids so on the one  hand you're adding fluids through the coffee and  

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the tea but you're offsetting that by losing a  little bit through the caffeine so again water  

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obviously you're adding but you're not having the  caffeine so you're not losing and it's not a huge  

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difference but it's something that we still want  to be aware of but then there's one more factor  

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that I'm going to call cleansing and here water  is still the perfect one and we're going to put  

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a question mark on the coffee and the tea so  if you imagine that you have a cell in the body  

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and in this cell we have particles there is a  certain number of particles that's normal for  

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the body now as your body goes through and does  what it does it produces metabolic waste and some  

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of this metabolic waste is particles so now we  need to flush those out when we get dehydrated  

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that means that we're losing the water but we  are keeping the particles so there's a higher  

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concentration of these particles and that's kind  of what happens with dry fasting is that you're  

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not adding the water to flush that those things  out so now imagine that you add a drop of water  

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now if this water is pure it's going to have  no particles in it if it's a mineral water it's  

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going to have just a few particles in there but  they're going to be good particles they're not  

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going to be metabolic waste they're going to be  the electrolytes that your body is looking for  

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now on the other hand let's say that you drink  something with a bunch of sugar like a soda or  

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even in this case the coffee or the tea wouldn't  be as bad as soda but soda cannot hydrate you  

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even though soda still is based on water it has a  higher concentration of particles in it than the  

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body fluid does on average so you're not adding  water you're not hydrating the body when you're  

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drinking soda you're adding more more particles  that is actually going to pull water from your  

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body at first so therefore what you want to add is  you want to add pure water as pure as possible and  

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that way you can flush these you can dilute these  particles and restore that balance of the number  

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of particles called osmolarity and a very simple  analogy would be if you wash your car then you  

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soap it all down and then once it's all soapy of  course you can't just leave that because it's just  

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going to dry and cake on you need to rinse it off  if you rinse with clean water now you've done the  

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job it's a nice clean car but if you wash it with  Coca colola or you wash it with coffee there's  

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going to be some residue there and obviously the  more junk is in there the worse so I'm not saying  

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that this is a huge issue with coffee and tea but  I am saying that water is always going to be the  

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best thing that meets all of these criteria and  as long as you don't add sugar or anything else  

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to it the tea could be black tea green tea white  tea herb tea ginger chamomile hibiscus dandelion  

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it doesn't matter if it's based on water and you  just sort of soak some things steep some things in  

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it it's still going to be fine and then we have  things that have almost zero calories so now if  

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you're strict if you're a purist then technically  you're not fasting anymore but if you're looking  

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more to the results or the benefits then there  are some things that are still totally okay or  

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even desirable so apple cider vinegar even though  it has three calories per tablespoon which is very  

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very little it doesn't raise blood sugar it has  something called acidic acid in it and that's  

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a short chain fatty acid it can be turned into  energy rather quickly and it can feed and your  

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beneficial gut bacteria but if you just have it  a little bit by itself you're probably going to  

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absorb it and use it and you can turn that into  energy rather quickly without raising blood sugar  

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at all and apple cider vinegar has also been shown  to improve the body's insulin sensitivity you can  

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improve your metabolic Health all things being  equal so there are some strong reasons to take  

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a little bit of apple cider vinegar during fasting  another thing that you can take is lemon juice and  

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it has a tiny little bit of sugar in it but if  you put it in water you're probably just going  

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to put like a teaspoon for a tall glass of water  and it only has five calories per tablespoon so a  

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teaspoon would be a third of that so can we take  some apple cider vinegar and lemon and still meet  

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our goals be true to our goals well all of these  things that we talked about before they're still  

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going to be totally fine except if you're fasting  for religious or spiritual beliefs then obviously  

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you have to refer to whatever they dictate and  then we want to understand something called  

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autophagy which is actually responsible for a  lot of the immune Improvement and inflammation  

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Improvement and autophagy means means self eating  and it's not as dramatic as that sounds it simply  

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means you get better at recycling and taking  advantage of resources on the inside when you  

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don't eat you're not adding any new resources and  therefore the resources that are already existing  

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in the body become much much more precious body  upregulates it's recycling ability so it starts  

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going after things that are just not quite right  cells that are a little damaged proteins that are  

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a little misfolded any piece of extra junk or even  foreign pathogens like virus and bacteria they can  

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be used as resources your body upregulates its  immune system and its Scavenging ability and the  

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most precious resource in the body at this point  is protein so the body is looking for protein in  

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all the nooks and crannies and a lot of the health  benefits that we see from fasting has to do with  

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this mechanism of autophagy so a lot of people  who don't have any weight problem or metabolic  

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issues or inflammation they're feeling great  they're still occasionally doing some fasting  

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just to get all the benefits from autophagy and  then there are some things that have a little  

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bit more calories still and again now we're not  really fasting anymore but these can still provide  

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some benefit fits under certain circumstances  and that would be things like MCT oil medium  

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chain triglycerides that have 115 calories per  tablespoon we have butter that have 105 calories  

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per tablespoon and chia that has 37 calories per  tablespoon and the first two have been popularized  

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by something called Bulletproof Coffee the people  fast they make some coffee and then they whip in  

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some butter and or MCT oil and now a lot of people  get the idea that this is better than fasting but  

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I want to clarify that and and set you straight  it's not better than fasting so why would you do  

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it then it can be a good idea if it helps you  extend your fast so if you're shooting for 20  

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or 24 hours but somewhere along the way you start  getting really hungry and really cranky and you  

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don't feel so good especially if you're new to  this if your body hasn't adapted and it's not  

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knowing where to get the energy it's not really  good at burning fat yet and you cut back on the  

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carbohydrates and you go longer between meals now  the body is wondering where is my energy so now  

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if it helps you extend the fast if it helps you  go from 16 to 20 or 24 hours now that's a good  

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thing so again it depends on if you have a purist  if you have a strict view of fasting or if you're  

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just looking for the benefits and the results  so here is how it normally works that when you  

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eat a large meal you're putting resources and  calories into the body that your body needs to  

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release a corresponding amount of insulin to bring  down the blood sugar and to process through these  

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calories these carbohydrates especially but if  instead you are fasting now this insulin you're  

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not adding any calories so from the time that you  had your last meal or a few hours after you had  

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your last meal you are going to have pretty much  a straight line for the first first few days where  

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your insulin is going to drop then eventually  it plateaus at a very low Baseline level just  

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to maintain your basic blood sugar to handle  your basic blood sugar now if you go and you  

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have some MCT oil or some butter or even put some  cream in there and let's say that you got here to  

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16 hours and you're trying to get to 24 and at  6 15 hours you had something that triggered a  

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tiny little Spike of insulin well you haven't  ruined your fast you're not creating any blood  

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sugar you probably will have a little bit of a  reaction you'll have a little bit of change in  

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insulin and the nutrient sensors in the body but  it's so slight and if it helps you get another  

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four or eight hours all that happens is you're  getting that little blip and then you continue  

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and you get much much further than you would have  if you couldn't get through it so MCT oil medium  

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chain triglycerides would probably be the best out  of these from that perspective because basically  

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it's about half as long of a molecule as most  regular fats and because of that it gets into your  

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circulation faster and then it breaks down into  energy faster so it's almost like a carbohydrate  

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in the sense that it can provide faster energy but  the beauty is it's not a carbohydrate it does not  

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raise blood sugar it's a different molecule and  chemistry altoe it's just a faster form of energy  

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so if you're new to fasting or if your body can't  maintain its energy throughout then taking a tiny  

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little bit even just a teaspoon of MCT oil can get  you that little boost and and get you through you  

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want to be careful with MCT because if you're  not used to it it can create some stomach upset  

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so I probably would suggest starting with just a  teaspoon anyway now butter is going to have more  

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of the longer chain so it's going to be absorbed  slower but it's also by far the tastiest obviously  

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so if you're just looking for a treat in your  coffee and that helps you get through then that  

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can be a good thing too and chia are seeds they  are high in protein they're high in fat they're  

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very low in carbohydrate and they're high in  soluble fiber so if you take a tablespoon or  

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two and you drop it into water then these seeds  are going to soak up the water and turn into gel  

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basically and then you can drink that and it's  kind of cool you feel the little gel particles  

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and then you can add you can flavor it with some  lemon or cinnamon or all of the above maybe a drop  

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of stevia maybe a Sprinkle of salt and you have a  pretty decent drink and because of all the fiber  

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that can give you a sense of fullness and help you  carry through and again none of these are going to  

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be a problem because they provide a little bit of  energy a little sense of fullness but they do not  

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spike your blood sugar so strictly speaking you're  breaking your fast if you're just looking at the  

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results you're looking for then you're still okay  so I hope it's clear that Bulletproof Coffee can  

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be okay but it's not better it doesn't do anything  magical Beyond fasting and if you make it then MCT  

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oil is totally fine butter is totally fine and  then some people like to put some creamer in  

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there they want that Creamy Feeling that whiteness  of the coffee and now skim milk is not going to  

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be a good choice half and half it's going to be a  lot better but still not the best and heavy cream  

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is going to be the best thing if you're looking  to put some creamer in there and there's several  

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reasons for this the first is that skin milk has  55% of the calories come from sugar and it's not  

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the worst sugar it's lactose so it's slower and  better than than table sugar but but it's still  

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a sugar that can raise your blood sugar and when  55% of the calories are sugar that means there's  

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no fat in there to slow down the absorption half  and half has about 12% of the calories from sugar  

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but heavy cream has only 3% of calories from sugar  so the rest is fat basically which is just there  

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to slow it down and two tablespoons of heavy  cream has less than one gram of lactose it's  

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like 0.7 0.8 and because half of the heavy cream  is fat almost and skin milk has none that means  

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there's almost twice as much sugar it's not just  a percentage but there's twice as much sugar in  

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the skin milk and it's unopposed it's not slowed  down by any fat but then there's one more factor  

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which is probably even a bigger Factor how much  of it would you use so if you start off with a  

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little butter or MCT or a little bit of both and  then you want to put some creamer in a tablespoon  

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of heavy cream goes a long way but if you put a  tablespoon of skim milk you probably can't even  

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notice a difference it's still going to look like  black coffee so chances are if you try to cream  

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it up with skin milk you're probably going to be  using three or four or even five table tablespoons  

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before you see any difference and the reason this  becomes important during a fast especially is  

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even things that wouldn't be a huge deal during a  time when you're eating during a fast your body is  

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super sensitive because it has gone without added  resources it's looking around very very carefully  

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in the body for extra resources any little thing  that you put in there is going to really upset and  

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change the balance of what's going on and then  we also want to understand bone broth because  

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a lot of people will associate fasting with bone  broth and think that well you can't really fast  

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you should have bone broth when you're fasting  and bone broth can have some benefits during  

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fasting if your primary goal is gut healing then  it provides some collagen and some nutrients that  

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can actually help you heal the gut but it depends  on what your goal is so if it's anything else than  

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gut healing you probably want to stay away from  it and we want to understand protein when you're  

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fasting protein becomes the most precious resource  carbohydrates not a big deal fat not a big deal  

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you have some carbs stored and you have a ton of  fat stored as you fast your body switches from  

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carbs to almost pure fat so it can go weeks and  months on that stuff protein is the precious one  

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because we need it to maintain tissue we need it  for hormones Etc. so it's basically the lack of  

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protein that drives autophagy it's the strongest  factor and bone broth has 10 grams of protein per  

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cup and it may not sound like a whole lot if you  eat 80 or 90 or 100 grams a day but during fasting  

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it's a lot so there's been a lot of research Arch  done on something called the fasting mimicking  

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diet and what that means is that you eat in a  way that mimics fasting you restrict certain  

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things very specifically and how does that work  you reduce calories by half or little more than  

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half like 30 to 40% of your normal total but then  you also restrict protein much more strictly to 9  

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to 18 gram a day based on body size basically and  if you have some bone broth then and you have even  

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just one cup you could already exceed that limit  and turn off the autophagy because if you put that  

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much protein in now protein is not such a scarce  resource anymore so like I said if gut healing  

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is your primary concern then bone broth could  be a good thing if your primary concern is to  

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improve blood glucose and insulin and metabolic  Health then you're still fine you're getting  

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a minimal impact on insulin by from 10 grams of  protein but autophagy is going to be effectively  

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shut off by the time you exceed that and then the  other benefits are going to be a little uncertain  

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like immunity inflammation and pain control we  don't quite know because you're still getting  

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some benefit from improving insulin insulin  creates an inflammatory State and anytime that  

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you eat significantly less then you are reducing  inflammation but when we shut off autophagy now  

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we're offsetting we're negating a lot of these  other benefits of immunity and inflammation  

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because a lot of that comes from the autophagy and  then there are some other drinks that we want to  

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understand as well that people often associate  with fat fasting they think it's super healthy  

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and therefore you should have them when fasting  so first we want to talk about serving size that  

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very often if you go out and buy some juice for  example then even if a cup is considered to be  

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a serving size it just depends on how much they  put in the bottle because even if a bottle is a  

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cup and one serving or if it is two cups and two  servings most people are going to think that the  

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serving is the bottle and they're going to consume  that as a serving so when I looked for some green  

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juice it could have anywhere from 5 to 53 gram  of sugar not just carbs but sugar and this is  

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the bad stuff this is not the lactose this is the  sucrose which is 50% glucose and 50% fructose the  

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bad stuff that's the same as table sugar so you  obviously don't want 53 grams of sugar during a  

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fast that's kind of obvious if you made your own  juice and you base it mostly on celery and some  

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leafy greens you're going to get really close  maybe even slightly under the five grams and  

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at that level I would give it a question mark  I think it's still probably more than you want  

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because you're getting it as pure sugar it's not  like the heavy cream where it's buffered by fat  

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five grams of sugar is going to create a blood  sugar Spike it's not going to ruin your fast but  

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if you did that I would suggest you do it closer  to the end of the fast like when you're about to  

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eat a meal then it's not going to have a whole lot  of detrimental effects but overall I really can't  

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recommend green juice during a fast so we're going  to put a big red X on that and the same thing with  

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fruit juice fruit is going to have a whole lot  more sugar than green juice so we're not going  

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to have any fruit juice start off at five grams  you're going to have one cup of typical juices  

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like orange juice or apple juice are going to be  20 grams and it's going to be hard to get over  

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53 because that is basically what fruit juice is  so what that means is this green juice here was  

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probably just fruit juice with a Sprinkle of green  in it so again not recommended then we have this  

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thing called coconut water and a lot of people  think that this is some magical thing and if it's  

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natural and you live on a tropical island then  yes this is a good food to consume along with the  

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coconut but with coconut water now you're getting  11 gram of sugar per cup a larger serving could  

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obviously have twice that so so again way way way  too much sugar and even though there are some good  

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things in coconut water they are mostly overrated  and exaggerated there's no critical magical amount  

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of minerals or nutrients in there and then we  need to understand hydration which obviously  

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has a lot to do with water but also with osmotic  pressure and with particles if you recall the cell  

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that I drew up here with the particles in it those  particles act like a sponge and they hold water to  

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them they pull water to them so the body doesn't  have water pumps the body can't pump water around  

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it pumps particles across cell membranes and then  the water follows and the particles that the body  

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pumps the primary ones are sodium and potassium  and we know them as electrolytes they're charged  

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particles and the body body regulates all kinds  of things they create signals electrical signals  

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because they're electrically charged and then the  water follows so during a fast you're going to be  

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losing water because you're going to be losing  some sodium and some potassium and the water  

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follows there's two factors when you use up your  carbohydrates they act as a sponge and then when  

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the sponge is gone you release that water also  when you're f in and your insulin drops there  

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is less of a tendency to reabsorb the sodium so we  lose a little bit more sodium and with that again  

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goes the water so the way that you hydrate during  the fast is to first drink water and then you need  

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to supplement primarily with sodium and potassium  so the simplest way would be to just take some  

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table salt make sure that you put a Sprinkle of  table salt in everything that you drink drink  

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but if you don't get the potassium that's going  to create a little bit of an imbalance for a lot  

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of people and then there are some other things  that are not as critical but that can be very  

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beneficial in general and especially during a fast  and that's magnesium calcium trace minerals that a  

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lot of people are deficient in there's about 7080  of those and then also manganese and zinc that can  

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help Regulate immunity and blood sugar and so  forth so I created my own electrolyte product  

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and rather than just put sodium and potassium in  there like a lot of them do I put all of this in  

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there so it's the most complete electrolyte on the  market and it's ideal for fasting I'll put some  

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information down below if you want to try it out  so in order to hydrate you want to drink a lot of  

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good clean water so you can flush out the toxins  and the metabolic waste but then you also want  

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to take in some of the good particles the proper  electrolytes so that your body can regulate the  

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fluid balance properly if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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