Do You Need A Diagnosis To Get Healthy?
Diagnostic labels, Making a diagnosis, (Disease diagnosis and treatment), when is it appropriate and when is it
not so appropriate? What are the pros and cons? Coming right up Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg
with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by
understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and hit
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So diagnoses are based on symptoms and signs so you present to the doctor and
you tell them what's bothering you you have rash here and you have a headache
and you have a pain here and they put it all together and they say you have this
That's making a diagnosis and when is that appropriate because that's what our
entire "health care system" is based on it's making a diagnosis and finding the
appropriate treatment, but diagnoses are based on signs and symptoms symptoms are
the things that you tell the doctor and signs are the things that they find such
as high blood pressure and and so forth but symptoms can be due to either trauma
or they can be due to functional factors so functional factors those are things
that your body regulates things that your body turn on and off that your body
turn up and down such as stomach acid and blood pressure and blood sugar and
pH and hormone production all of those things are managed on a second to second
basis by your autonomic nervous system that's called regulation it regulates
your physiology and if there's an imbalance in one of those then you have
a functional problem so that's where it's not due to a trauma but it's
something that is functional. Trauma obviously is an accident it's something
that happened you fell down the stairs you're in a car accident
something happened so here the diagnosis would be in a trauma would be that your
you're bleeding from your abdomen you're bleeding from your arm or something like
that then they want to sew it up and fix it you can have a fracture you could
have a fracture to any bone in the body and they make a diagnosis they figure
out where it is they treat it they set it they'd give you a cast and they allow
time to heal burns is another form of trauma so in
all these cases it is very very appropriate to make a diagnosis it's
critical to make an appropriate diagnosis so that you can treat the
signs and symptoms as fast as possible and save lives on the functional side we
can have two categories so something cannot work for a long long time and
give rise to a crisis and now this is something life-threatening that could be
something like appendicitis it could be a stroke a heart attack a diabetic coma
and once again it is critical to make an accurate diagnosis and to treat the
correct condition and we treat the signs and the symptoms and we save lives so
here drugs and surgery and emergency or crisis intervention is absolutely
critical and it helps save lives every day millions if the functional problem
is a chronic one and not life-threatening then it is not so
valuable to make a diagnosis because these are things like heartburn and
headaches, insomnia fatigue, ADD, high blood pressure, hypothyroid and the list
goes on and on and on and on and if you open up I don't recommend this but if
you open up the Merck Manual where they have the 50,000 different diagnostic
conditions and labels you'll find that 99% of them are in this category these
are lifestyle problems these are imbalances
and what we have to understand here is that these things are not the problem
these are the result of an imbalance and if we treat the symptom we allow the
imbalance to continue and if we allow something to continue it will get worse
every time so here it's very very appropriate to treat the condition and
to treat the symptom but here the symptom is not what it seems to be it is
because of something else the heartburn could be due to a hundred different
things it could be stress could be low pituitary could be a slow thyroid could
be eating the wrong kinds of foods so unless we address those things and we
just treat the heartburn we are allowing the problem to get worse and as a matter
of fact once we treat symptoms in this category we are actually doing something
dangerous this may be one of the worst things that humans have ever come up
with because once we treat this and allow the
problem to get worse this is what accounts for most of our suffering like
I said 99% or so the things that we suffer from are in this category and
when we treat the symptoms we allow the underlying imbalance we allow the
underlying problem to get worse the only thing to make this better long term is
to listen to the body and to restore the health so it's not about right or wrong
it's knowing when do we need to do one or the other and we need to understand
that the thing called "health care" is not really about health care the thing that
most people that most of our society's money is spent on is actually treating
this with drugs and surgery when it's completely inappropriate and this is a
very very small portion so the thing to remember is that this is crisis
intervention this is where medical care is very very
appropriate this is where you need true health care and the medical system has
nothing to offer in this area because drugs and surgery will never make
anything work better they can save a life but they cannot restore health so
when we talk about health there is only one goal in health care and that is to
return the body to normal when we return the body to normal it will handle it
will fix it will correct all of these things unless it is just too far gone so
the value of diagnostic labels is when there is a condition that needs where
it's appropriate to treat the symptoms such as a trauma or a crisis when it's
very very inappropriate when it's either useless or dangerous is when we have a
chronic functional condition and we apply a label and we try to treat the
label then that is counterproductive and it is harmful so I hope this has been
helpful if you enjoy this kind of information and you're new to this
channel make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we
can keep this content coming to you and please share this information because we
are spending three trillion dollars a year on applying the wrong kinds of
treatments we need health care in this country we need to help people
understand how to restore bodies to normal thanks for watching