Do Probiotics Work? How probiotics work - Health and Wellness

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Do probiotics work? What do you need to know to not waste your money? Let me

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explain. Hi I am doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. There's

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a lot to talk about probiotics and yogurt and supplements and things like

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that for the for the bacterial culture in your gut but there's also a lot of

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confusion so I'm gonna explain some basics so that if you take them that you

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don't waste your money so first of all what is a probiotic Pro is something

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that is for and bio is something that has to do with life so these are things

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that support life and the life we're talking about is your biome

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the bacterial culture in your gut so you have roughly 40 trillion cells in your

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body and you have roughly the same number of bacteria in your gut according

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to some new calculations probiotics are supposed to support the

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beneficial balance of your gut flora so what makes them beneficial the first

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thing that they do is that they most of them secrete lactic acid lactobacillus

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acidophilus it eats lactose and it produces lactic acid and most of those

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beneficial bacteria they produce some form of organic acid that lowers the pH

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because everything that happens in the large intestine needs to be slightly

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acidic and the bad bacteria don't like it when it's slightly acidic so that's a

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huge component of maintaining balance down there number two they support the

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barrier so if you've heard of leaky gut that's when the barrier loses its

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integrity when it gets leaky when it gets little holes in it so the

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beneficial bacteria helps support the integrity it strengthens that barrier

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to avoid leaky gut and allergies and so forth third it helps with immune

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modulation you have the majority of your immune system is in the gut and the

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presence of enough healthy bacteria helps support and balance that immune

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system the expression of that immune system for it outcompetes the bad

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bacteria so when we call them good and bad bacteria that's not even the whole

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truth because nothing is bad as long as it's in a certain balance so even the

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stuff that we call bad they have certain beneficial functions they produce some

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good stuff they produce some vitamins they help with some good things the time

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that they become bad is when they grow out of proportion so one of the most

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important things that beneficial bacteria do is they out-compete they

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compete for the food resources and they compete for the physical space and as

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long as we have a vast majority of good bacteria then the bad bacteria aren't

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really bad at all so it's all about balance but where does it go wrong

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there's something called dysbiosis and that's when the condition when the

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balance has gotten out of hand that basically means unbalanced in that

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bacterial life system and there's three things that cause that problem above all

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others the first is antibiotics because it indiscriminately kills off bacteria

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and then when we eat sugar starch and processed foods we tend to feed the bad

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the opportunistic bacteria selectively so first we kill off most of everything

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and then we feed the bad ones and now we have chaos and a war zone down there and

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the third part is stress because when we have stress we activate the sympathetic

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nervous system which you can check out this video on sympathetic versus

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parasympathetic and when we activate sympathetic we suppress the

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parasympathetic and everything to do with gut health is governed by the

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parasympathetic nervous system so everything from stomach acid to enzymes

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to peristalsis it's all controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system which

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is suppressed by stress so these three things which the vast majority of people

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do on a regular basis is why dysbiosis is almost the norm these days then

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people hear ok my gut is messed up let me take some probiotics that's a good

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thing right well maybe maybe not the idea of

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probiotics is that they're basically seeds that you take seeds and you're

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looking to seed your internal garden but the question is do you have good soil in

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the garden or do you have something that looks more like a paved over parking lot

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because there's no amount of seed that you throw in a parking lot that's gonna

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result in any growth and that's the whole idea you're throwing down the

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probiotic seeds and hoping that they'll take seed in the good soil and reproduce

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and maintain that culture because it's not about eating probiotics all the time

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to out-compete the bad guys it's about regrowing a healthy

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environment you can never eat enough probiotics to out-compete anything it's

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all about regrowing that culture so this makes it a little

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bit of a catch-22 because if you're healthy already then you're maintaining

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the balance and you don't need probiotics but if you're unhealthy and

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you really need the probiotics then they do you no good because then they're not

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going to seed and they're not going to result in a healthy culture so the main

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thing to understand about these guys they're all good they can assist the

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body in regrowing but we really have to focus much much more on developing that

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healthy environment by not taking antibiotics by cutting out the sugar

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starch and the processed foods by and then we start to develop the healthy

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lifestyle habits which is about everything that we talked about in

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videos about health and it's about getting enough sleep

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it's about meditating it's about getting exercise because all this manages and

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balances every aspect of your body more specifically though what you can do for

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your gut is you want to start eating whole food not processed foods you want

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to eat lots of vegetables vegetable fiber not brand fiber not from grains

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vegetable raw vegetable fiber so make smoothies and salads and things like

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that you also want to start trying to introduce some fermented food like

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sauerkraut like yogurt like kombucha and because anything that is fermented has

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those bacteria but they're already in a growth medium that that can support

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their growth so it's a more dependable way of restoring that flora and then is

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a good time to start checking and seeing if you need some probiotics so it's not

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a super easy thing you can try them and you can see how you feel and if you got

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improves but a lot of people don't really know and what we do in our office

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we test for these things with muscle testing so people bring in their

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probiotics and we have our own probiotics that we sell because I'm all

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for them when it's the right time but very rarely when people really have a an

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upset system very rarely do they actually test where we very rarely do

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they actually work so we're not going to be in a hurry to to sell people anything

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when we test and they don't work then we know we have to wait we have to do some

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other things first so most people don't test for them and then we have to start

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restoring the other functions we have to get them some digestive enzymes we have

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to give them some breathing and relaxation exercises we have to make

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sure that the liver and the gallbladder are working we have to make sure that

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the pancreas is working we have to make sure that they don't have too much of a

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leaky gut so there's all different ways of supporting each and every one of

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those and then when they start working better now we have cultivated the soil a

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little bit to where they might actually test and benefit from these so they can

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be great assistance along the way but very often they don't work so well in

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the beginning so if you do take them there is really no harm there are very

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few side effects the worst that could happen is you take a bunch of them and

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you get some gas or some loading or some constipation or diarrhea but there's

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nothing really damaging about it if you take them I would suggest you take them

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on an empty stomach because a lot of them they're they're alive and if you

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eat a big steak and your stomach turns into an acid VAT which it's supposed to

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then it's going to kill every one of those bacteria there's can be a rare

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bacteria a probiotic make it through that acid whereas if you eat it up take

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him on an empty stomach then a larger percentage is gonna make it through and

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you may waste your money it might do some good or you might just be flushing

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your money down the toilet so what I would suggest is find some qualified

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help to help you figure these things out and maybe get tested we use what's

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called nutrition response testing and if you look that up there's you could maybe

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find a nutrition response testing practitioner in your area and that in my

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mind would be the best way to figure out how to go about this so they can be very

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beneficial but a lot of times they are a waste of money so I hope this

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information was helpful in understanding some of this and maybe help you toward

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your next step and if you're new to this channel make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. Thanks for listening.

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