Doing THIS Might Save Your Life...

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Hello health champions. Today we're going to  talk about the easiest thing that you can do  

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that might save your life and I think this might  be a little bit different than what you think.  

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Plus at the end we're going to talk about  how doing this thing could not only reduce  

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your risk of heart disease and stroke, but it  might even save you from cancer. What if there  

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was something that you could do that could save  you time but actually take no time? What if it  

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could save you money but cost no money  there's nothing that you would have to buy  

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and if this thing might even save your life  in the process? So here's what most people  

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do basically because we've been told to do it this  way they wake up they have breakfast then they  

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have a mid-morning snack then they have lunch then  they have an afternoon snack then they have dinner  

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and then they have an evening snack. And we've  been told to do this because it's supposed to be  

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so good for us and the only thing that you have  to do is don't do what everyone else is doing  

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and you skip the snacks and then you  skip breakfast and now you basically eat  

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all the food you're going to eat in two meals  and obviously you can see how that would save you  

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a lot of time because you don't have to spend the  time making this stuff or eating the stuff and it  

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will also save you money because you don't have  to spend money at so many different times but how  

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would this actually save your life. So we need  to look at what people actually die from and in  

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the united states last year there were 3.3 million  total deaths from all causes all different reasons  

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the number one was cardiovascular disease 697  thousand cancer was 602 000 co-morbidities 19  

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was 351 thousand accidents accounted for 201 000  pneumonia was 153 Alzheimer's was 134 000 and  

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diabetes was 102 000. now I want to calculate  the percentage of some of these and then we'll  

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talk about that so cardiovascular disease was 21  cancer 18 Covid 10 Alzheimer's 4 and diabetes 3  

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and why am I putting percentages on these because  they have something in common including covet 19  

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is that they are all caused or  a strong contributing factor  

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is metabolic health Covid 19 virtually all of  the deaths the vast majority had co-morbidities  

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like cardiovascular disease and diabetes and high  blood pressure and what they all have in common is  

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their metabolic disease now if we add all that up  that's 56 of all deaths that are either directly  

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caused or have a strong component of poor  metabolic health now here's the problem that  

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if you do some reading on this they're going to  tell you that the number one cause here is obesity  

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and there's two problems with that because  first of all obesity isn't the cause of anything  

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and secondly there's a lot of obese people who are  actually metabolically healthy who have the same  

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or close the same life expectancy and who don't  have any of these problems so what we need to  

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understand is that it's really about something  called hyperinsulinemia that simply means  

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chronically high levels of a hormone called  insulin in the bloodstream now why is it so  

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important that we understand the difference  why don't we just call it obesity because if we  

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think that obesity causes disease then we might go  after the wrong thing we may end up with some bad  

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advice so we need to understand is that there is a  type of overload when we put more into the system  

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chronically put more into the system that it  can process then we end up with high levels of  

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insulin chronically high levels and we end  up with inflammation and these are the actual  

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causes these are the causes of disease and  for the most part the cause of obesity so  

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understanding this we can go after the true cause  and understand what the mechanism is and not  

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think of the problem as obesity so we want to take  away this arrow that indicates causation and when  

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people don't understand the true mechanism the  true cause then they come up with stupid advice  

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such as this watch your weight right they always  tell you to treat the end symptom like watch your  

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weight control your blood sugar control your blood  pressure well they don't tell you how to do that  

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so you're going like well watch my weight I'm  doing that I'm watching my weight and it's going  

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up year after year I need some tools right and the  reason that they give you stupid advice like that  

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is that they're stuck in a model called calories  in calories out they think that if you just  

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ate less and exercised more then you'd be fine  because that works for one percent of people but  

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what happens is you get some short term results  and then something kicks in called a set point  

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that's like a thermostat your body remembers where  it's been so if you cut down the calories and you  

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expand more after a little while your body says  hey you know this is stressful this is dangerous i  

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want to get back to my set point so it's going to  lower your metabolism and you end up gaining the  

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weight back and one of the primary reasons  that it's hard to change the set point is  

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for the hormone insulin because insulin is  an anabolic hormone it's a storage hormone  

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so when you have chronic high levels of insulin  it's going to tend to store more it's going to  

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build tissue it's going to put on more tissue  on your body the other reason that calories  

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in calories out don't work is when you try to eat  less for any extended period of time when you have  

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your three meals and your three snacks and you try  to eat fewer calories so you have a 100 calorie  

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snack and you have a 300 calorie meal which is  green lettuce and dried chicken with no dressing  

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you never feel satisfied there is no fun in eating  there is no reward you always feel like I would  

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have liked to eat a little bit more and how long  can you really keep that up deprivation is not a  

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lifestyle nobody can keep this up and this is why  calories in calories out fail 99 of the time but  

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if you do what i suggested you cut out the snacks  you cut out the breakfast you shorten your feeding  

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window you eat twice a day now you can eat rich  satisfying rewarding food with more calories  

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twice a day and still end up eating less and now  you don't feel deprived this is something you can  

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turn into a lifestyle and there's three reasons  this works three things are probably gonna happen  

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number one you'll probably eat less calories  because you only eat twice that's not necessarily  

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true because some people still eat the same  number of calories in two meals but it still works  

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why because it is so potent it's so powerful  in reducing insulin and then you change your  

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set point you change your fat burning you change  your metabolism and the third thing that happens  

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is that hunger goes away biggest reason that  you get hungry is that you eat something  

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if I have breakfast then I'm hungry by 11 or 12  o'clock if I skip breakfast I don't think about  

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food until the afternoon hunger is a habit and  most people aren't even hungry in the morning  

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when they wake up they only eat because they think  they're supposed to but why is fasting so powerful  

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even more powerful than low carb or keto because  every time you eat you stimulate insulin even  

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if you just have a dab of butter it's the tiny  tiny amount of insulin but you still stimulate  

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insulin if you eat a high carb meal then you  stimulate a lot of insulin it's like a batch  

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of food coming in you're going to have a batch  of insulin to handle it if you eat low carb  

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then there's going to be a much much smaller batch  of insulin however if you're fasting if you're not  

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eating any new food during that period of time  there is no batch there's no new insulin produced  

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you're making a trickle of insulin just to  maintain blood sugar levels for whatever  

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the body is making for maintenance but there  is no batch of food coming in so there is no  

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batch of insulin and therefore insulin goes down  even faster let me make it even simpler for you  

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so whenever you eat something you're loading up  the body think of it like loading up the pantry  

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you buy something you stick it in the pantry  you eat something you stick it into storage  

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and then if you go eat again and you eat again  and you eat again then you're going to over load  

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it's like the pantry if you keep buying things and  you never take anything out the pantry is going to  

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be overloaded it's going to be congested it's  going to be stagnant it's going to be all the  

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stuff in there because you never take anything out  when you fast now you do the opposite you unload  

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all right it's as simple as that you're  taking stuff out of the pantry so instead of  

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overloading all you're doing is you're allowing  for a natural balance in the body between taking  

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something out and putting something in and  repeating that cycle and I know this makes so much  

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sense to you right now but for a lot of you in  the back of your head there's this nagging doubt  

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well I heard someone who said that they knew  someone who said that it was dangerous that if you  

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don't eat you won't have energy you can't regulate  blood sugar you get hypoglycemia and so forth  

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well here's what I want to show you that there is  one hormone to bring blood sugar down but there  

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are four hormones to bring it up there's glucagon  adrenaline human growth hormone and cortisol and  

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they're all there to balance blood sugar now  here's an interesting point these four hormones  

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are called counter regulatory so let's understand  that word regulation means to bring something up  

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or down regulation means both but we have gone so  far with regulating our blood sugar with eating  

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that we think the only regulation of blood sugar  is to bring it down that's why insulin is called a  

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regulatory hormone and the other four are called  counter regulatory as if they didn't belong  

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as if that was some special case but the reason  we call that regulatory and the others counter  

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regulatory is that we have become a society we've  been trained to regulate our blood sugar bringing  

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it back up only by eating we've been told to eat  so many meals and so many snacks because when your  

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blood sugar goes down the only thing that can  bring it back up is to eat and that is so false  

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when you rely on that model you're bypassing the  wisdom of the ages that's built into your body  

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that brings the balance back to the body of  loading and unloading but if you eat all the time  

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you put that completely out of commission so  we need to understand there's no such thing as  

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counter regulatory there is only regulatory  balancing it up or down and the body knows  

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how to do both and what they tell you to do the  six meals a day unless you have an extremely  

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high metabolism some very favorable genetics  or you maintain very very high activity levels  

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then six meals a day is dangerous if you do that  with a more or less sedentary lifestyle maybe some  

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exercise here and there you are probably going to  create a disease with that it might take 20 years  

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it might take 50 years but you will most likely  be moving in that direction and fasting is so  

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much easier than most people realize if you're  sleeping eight hours a day then you're already  

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fasting eight hours every day and it's so simple  to stretch that to 10 or 12 or 14 hours if you  

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do it gradually you won't even notice any change  and for a lot of people this is enough to start  

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reversing all these different conditions reversing  metabolic disease reversing type 2 diabetes  

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lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and  high blood pressure and stroke and like i said  

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you can dramatically reduce your risk of any covet  19 complications by becoming metabolically healthy  

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and bringing your body back to balance in all  of this you can do with some very simple changes  

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and you can maintain that as a satisfying  lifestyle with intermittent fasting and when  

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i say a lifestyle just on basic intermittent  fasting I'm talking about eating all your  

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meals in an eight-hour window and fasting 16 or  maybe eating all your meals in a six hour window  

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and fasting 18 hours and this can even reduce  your risk of cancer because cancer does have  

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some metabolic components to it but if you  really want to start reducing the risk of cancer  

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then we will need to understand what causes it  what is this thing so cancer is caused by genetic  

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mutations but these genetic mutations don't  happen for no reason these mutations are caused  

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by toxicity that's why they talk about smoking  and carcinogens and pesticides these are chemicals  

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that cause mutations then that cancer cell  is promoted by insulin because insulin  

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is an anabolic hormone insulin makes  things grow it promotes growth of things  

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and then it is fed by blood sugar because cancer  cells are much more dependent on glucose on blood  

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sugar for their energy than other cells of the  body most other cells can switch pretty readily  

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to burn fat but cancer doesn't like fat it likes  sugar and then that cancer has to be missed by  

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your immune system because you have killer t  cells you have macrophages you have different  

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cells in your body that fight cancer and that  eliminate cancer many many times during your  

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lifetime so there are four different factors that  cause and promote a cancer now what if there was  

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one thing that could basically handle all of  them the toxicity the insulin the blood sugar  

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and that could boost the immune system how  amazing would that be and now we're talking  

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about therapeutic fasting this is when you take  it one step beyond just your everyday lifestyle  

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things so this is a fast that lasts more than two  days and this has been proven to be so powerful  

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that it can shrink some tumors and it can do  that rather quickly the mechanism is something  

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called autophagy this is something that happens  when you fast a long time because when you add  

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fuel when you add resources to the body the body  has plenty of them when you stop adding them when  

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you stop eating resources become scarce so now  they become more valuable and the body will start  

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up regulating its recycling system everything  in the body becomes more precious and therefore  

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your body is going to take better care of stuff  as a result it goes out and it starts cleaning  

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all the nooks and crannies looking for stuff so  this is a very powerful form of detox and part of  

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this recycling crew is your immune system because  guess what viruses and bacteria they have protein  

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in them so the body makes more of these killer  t cells it makes more of these macrophages  

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and immune cells so it can go out and clean up  better and some of those things it cleans up are  

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virus and bacteria at the same time fasting and  autophagy is the most powerful way to bring down  

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blood sugar blood glucose and to reduce insulin so  here we have all of those four factors that cause  

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and promote cancer we can powerfully influenced  with a longer fast so what we're talking about  

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to get these benefits now is to do a three to  five day fast a couple of times a year or maybe  

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three to four times a year and i believe it is  very very safe for the vast majority of people  

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if you have a condition if you feel that you're  not very stable then don't do this on your own  

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but if you have done the intermittent fasting as  a lifestyle if you sort of graduated from 14 to  

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16 to 18 maybe doing one meal a day fasting 24  hours then it's not that difficult to go into  

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a three-day fast and what you do is you just pay  attention to how you feel if you don't feel great  

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break the fast get some electrolytes make sure  you drink plenty of fluids you get some salt  

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then when you've done a three day next time  you can do a four day and next time you can  

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do a five day fast as long as you feel good and  i think this could be a powerful part of a health  

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regimen if you're just maintaining health  you're preventing disease then this is fine  

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if you have a disease if you have a condition and  you like to do more then i suggest that you get  

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some supervision you get some help by someone  who is qualified and experienced and who does  

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this sort of thing if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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want to master health by understanding how the  body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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