Do Energy Drinks REALLY Give You More Energy? Dr Ekberg

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Do energy drinks work? Stay tuned I'll explain how it works.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to master health

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by understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification so that you don't miss anything. Do energy drinks really

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work? What do they do? Well it all depends on how you define that question because

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it's sort of like asking do credit cards work. Well of course they do but it

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depends on what you want out of it. So an energy drink can't truly give you energy

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any more than a credit card can truly give you wealth. Both have their

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applications so if you're having a really sluggish day or if you have some

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deadlines to get through and you need a temporary boost of energy and focus sure

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you can take an energy drink and you can get through that crisis that event a

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little bit better. But if you're looking long-term to provide the body with more

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energy then it doesn't really work any more than a credit card can get you

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wealthy so the only way that you truly get energy is if you supply your body

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the things that it needs to make energy so your cells make energy your

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mitochondria inside the cells is what actually makes most of that energy so

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you need fuel substrates you need fat protein carbohydrates then you need

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oxygen and then you need all these little cofactors such as vitamins and

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minerals and all the little stuff in between and if you provide all that and

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there's not much too much stuff in the way then your cells can make energy and

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if you take an energy drink however and you feel that boost of energy that's not

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really making energy that's called a stimulant and a stimulant is kind of

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like your whipping a horse that's plowing the

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field sure you can get him to go a little bit further but if you don't

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provide some rest and some proper nutrients and some environment for that

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to recover then it's not gonna work very long so every time that you take a

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stimulant it's sort of like you're using a credit card you are borrowing from the

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resources of the body sure it'll get you through the next little thing through

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the next period of time but it's not building you energy so if you're looking

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to get through a couple of stressful hours sure use it occasionally if you

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feel like you have to but understand it is not a healthy thing because just like

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a credit card you're gonna have to pay it back at some point you are paying

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with your health so occasionally it probably is not gonna hurt you too much

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even though I wouldn't necessarily recommend it

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long-term I would definitely not recommend it so let me know what your

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experiences are you could leave comments or questions down below and if you're

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new to this channel and you enjoy the sort of content where you start

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understanding what's going on behind the scenes of the body then make sure that

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you subscribe and hit that notification bells so that you don't miss anything

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thanks for watching

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