Doctor Explains THE TRUTH about the novel Coronavirus

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coronavirus 2019 2020 is it really serious or is it all hype today we're

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going to talk about what you can do to protect yourself and of course we're

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going to cover some things that don't get mentioned in the regular channels

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coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything as you probably heard there's an outbreak of a virus called corona

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virus it started in Wuhan China and that's where most of the cases have been

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so far but it's already spread to a number of countries including the United

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States so there's tens of thousands of cases in China and there's a handful in

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the United States and this particular corona virus is called 2019 and CoV so

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coronaviruses it's a group of viruses there are many different strains of them

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and some of them are not so harmful a lot of common infections that we have

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are actually corona viruses most people have these infections many times during

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their lifetime but recently there have been some more serious forms of mutated

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corona viruses so typically viruses are specific to a species so viruses that

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affect humans usually don't affect cats and dogs and vice versa so a lot of

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these corona viruses live in animals and they don't pose a threat to humans

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unless they mutate until they change their shape so that they have some

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receptors some tags that fit into our receptor sites and now they become a

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threat so in this particular case they believe that it started in a bat and

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that it's possible that it was a single case of a bat that had mutated virus

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that was transferred to a human and started spreading that way so a lot of

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times these can be bred from animals to humans if these

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viruses are mutated but then once they're mutated they can also spread

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from human to human which is what's happening with this virus now and here's

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what's really concerning they believe that you are mostly at risk of spreading

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the virus when you have the most symptoms and when you have a high fever

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and you're coughing and sniffling and sneezing you're also the most contagious

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but there is also a possibility or probability that asymptomatic people may

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spread this they've had some reports they don't know for sure but there are

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some reports on people spreading this who are asymptomatic so this is a very

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serious situation the World Health Organization has declared it a health

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emergency and in the United States they have evacuated about 200 people from

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Wuhan China and they placed them in quarantine for testing until they no

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more and was so scary about this is that we know so little we're dealing with

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something unknown and that's where they want to be using all the precaution they

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can so that this doesn't get out of hand if we can contain it

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early then there may not be a big deal but if it gets out of hand it could be a

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worldwide pandemic which of course nobody wants but we still have to put

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this in a little bit of perspective and we need to understand a few more things

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we don't want to just panic and read all the scary facts and go crazy with it

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there were a couple of previous coronaviruses one was called MERS and it

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was very very virulent it was 30 percent fatal but they only had about 2,500

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cases so there were about 800 people dead from the MERS virus and there was a

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SARS virus which was 10 percent fatal and there were a few more cases 8,000

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and resulted about the same amount of dead people now this new corona virus

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2019 nco so far is about 2% fatal so out of

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14,000 cases in China they're about 3% debt and all but one of those I believe

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were in China so this is very frightening it is very scary if this

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would get out of hand it could be terrible but we also need to remember

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how things work in the big scheme of things so there's something called a

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seasonal flu that's the flu the influenza that you get vaccines for and

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and that is a nuisance every year we're in flu season right now with a winter so

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in the US every year there's about thirty to sixty thousand people who die

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every year in the United States from the seasonal flu and we don't get so scared

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about it because it's sort of the same thing over and over we don't believe

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that it's going to get totally out of hand and in world worldwide if we look

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globally then there's 300,000 to 600,000 dead people every year so the regular

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stuff that the hundreds of thousands that we have every year of course they

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dwarf these numbers but it's the fact of the uncertainty and the potential of a

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pandemic that we want to be very cautious with so I'm not going to list a

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bunch of things that you can read up for yourself for many reasons first you can

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read it yourself secondly they're changing all the time okay this is

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changing every day and the CDC and the National Institute of Health and the

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World Health Organisation's those are the three organizations that

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you want to get your facts from they're updating this on their websites on a

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daily basis so you can see what they're learning you can see what's happening

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and you can get the correct information from those sources so I'm not going to

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speculate I'm not gonna talk about a bunch of things that they have already

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said but here's what we want to real briefly understand that there's three

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steps to what you can do and one of course first is don't get it and you

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want to avoid travel if you want to avoid any non-essential

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travel because anytime that you go into airports you're going to planes you're

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going to closed spaces you expose yourself to a lot of different people

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then you increase the chances dramatically exponentially you want to

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avoid travel you want to avoid any kind of crowd if you can help it and you want

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to avoid sick people if they're already coughing and sneezing then stay away and

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they believe this spreads with droplets with particle droplets so if somebody

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sneezes there's usually like a six foot range where those droplets spread and

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then what's also important about this virus is that it can live it can land on

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a surface and you can stay it's not really alive because it's a virus but it

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can stay active and virulent for several days so that's why you want to avoid

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surfaces where high-traffic areas you want to be cautious about public places

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with handles and things door handles but keep in mind you want to be cautious but

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you don't want to freak out there's still in a very very very small chance

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there's six cases so far confirmed in the United States and hopefully the

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number won't go up much so the risk is very very small but do what you can just

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be cautious anyway the next thing you can do is you wipe surfaces and you've

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wash your hands frequently and you want to use warm water and soap okay hand

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sanitizers you use them if you if you want to if they're available but they

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don't do all that much because they primarily designed for bacteria they're

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called antibacterial sanitizers they may or may not do anything for a virus so

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wash your hands frequently warm soap and water the second thing is don't spread

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it okay don't get it don't spread it so even if you feel like

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you're really strong you don't have a whole lot to worry about you want to

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keep in mind that it the very young and the very old and the

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weak the immunocompromised who always perish from these epidemics from these

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infections so do all the same things that you would avoid to get it do those

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as a courtesy to other people to prevent from spreading it obviously and now

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number three and this is what nobody else talks about nowhere in where I read

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up I watched some videos I did some research I check the website nobody

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talked about this up regulate your immune system there may be some random

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chance and some bad luck in contracting and being exposed to the virus but how

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well you fare how well you deal how well your body deals with the virus is not

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random chance okay we want to think about these things the worst of these

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viruses was 30 percent fatal that's devastating it's horrendous but 70

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percent of people made it through so which ones were the people who made it

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through they were the people with the strongest immune system ten percent

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fatal 90 percent survivability COV two percent fatal 98 percent survivability

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okay so with the seasonal flu who are the people who die from the flu every

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year it's the very young and the very old and the immunocompromised the people

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who are weak for some reason so if you are malnourished and if you're sick

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already any virus can be a deadly threat and here's something else that I found

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very very interesting that with the seasonal flu there's thirty to sixty

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thousand dead people in the US every year that's ten percent of all the

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casualties in the world yet the US only has five percent of the world's

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population so the death rate from the seasonal flu is twice as high in the US

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as it is anywhere in the world how come

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have the best and the most expensive health care supposedly it's for sure the

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most expensive it's supposedly the best and we have the highest rate of

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vaccinations against that seasonal flu and yet we have twice the death rate so

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I believe this is my humble opinion I think it is because the United States

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has the worst nutritional status of any country in the world we have the most

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stress and the worst nutrition so other than just being generally smart and

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don't getting it and don't spreading it just protecting yourself with some

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common sense the next thing that you can do is to get healthy give your body the

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best nutritional chance give it the best possible defense system and the best

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healing abilities that you can give it all right so first thing you want to

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stop is sugar because sugar will down regulate your immune system it will feed

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all the pathogens not necessarily virus but it will feed all the other pathogens

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that assist the viruses that compete with the viruses so the more the immune

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burden is on your system the more the opportunity the better the opportunity

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for the virus to make you sick you want to stop processed foods because again it

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has tons of sugar but it also has lots of chemicals that places another burden

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on your immune system and it has virtually no nutrition it doesn't have

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anything that your body is really looking for except a few calories in the

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moment and then you want to avoid stress and we've done several videos on this

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channel talking about this that your nervous system has something called the

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autonomic nervous system you can have stress and being fight/flight or you can

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relax and be in feed breed or in healing mode all right you dramatically improve

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your immune system when you are relaxed you dramatically

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reduce your immune system when you're stressed so learn how to do some

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breathing exercises check out some videos on that do a meditation meditate

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twice a day until they've got this crisis figured out it's really kind of

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sad that they sell out of all those mouth guards and all these protective

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masks but I bet you anything that they have not reduced the sales of soda and

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candy and sugar and fast food all right so people are so concerned they want to

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protect themselves they want to know what to do but before you go buy a face

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mask stop eating sugar so I'm not saying the face mask is a bad thing but it is a

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small part compared to what you can do for yourself in taking care of yourself

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so here's another problem if you're watching this channel then I'm kind of

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preaching to the choir you already know most of this stuff because you've

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watched some videos before but there's a lot of people out there who have no idea

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that you can actually do something for yourself so if you've never shared a

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video before then please take this one and send it out to as many people as you

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can share the link send it out so that they can start understanding what's

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really at stake and what how much power they have for themselves to do something

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about up regulating their immune system and most importantly don't panic because

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panic is a form of stress it will down regulate your immune system so stay calm

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stay positive and do the things you can don't listen to the gossip don't listen

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to the fear mongers listen to get your information from the reputable sources

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who can be professional and unbiased about it get some good information do

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the things that you can and you'll be all right if you enjoyed this video make

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sure that you also check out that one thank you so much for watching and I'll

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see you in the next video

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