Cure For Diabetes? 5 Revealing Facts Your Doctor Has Missed

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Is there a cure for diabetes? So many people are confused they're asking me

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these questions because a lot of people are getting off medications they're

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normalizing their blood sugars through lifestyle intervention through lifestyle

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changes and yet their doctors are telling them that there is no cure

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the official viewpoint is that this is a chronic incurable disease so what is it

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how can people get these results today I'm going to talk about this and we're

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gonna give you a different perspective so you're gonna have a whole new

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viewpoint and a whole new outlook on this you're gonna like it stay tuned I'm

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Dr. Sten Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything I did some research on diabetes cure and here's what says Is

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there diabetes cure with all the research on diabetes and advances in

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diabetes treatments it's tempting to think that someone would surely have

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found a diabetes cure by now but the reality is that there is no cure for

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diabetes neither type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes so let's just make it really

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clear that for the purposes of this video we're talking about type 2

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diabetes which is insulin resistance too much insulin type 1 is a completely

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different thing and we'll do some other videos on that but that is a complete

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lack of insulin so they're really two opposites we're going to talk about type

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2 diabetes here so first we need to clarify some terms when they say is

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there a diabetes cure what does the word cure actually mean so let's look at that

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so I looked that up the official definition cure can be a verb or a noun

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as a verb cure is to relieve a person of the symptoms of a disease and they say

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that a synonym of of a cure is to heal or restore to

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health so here's the problem they first of all they think that the cure is to

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relieve the symptoms they think that if you have cured someone and relieve them

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of a symptom then you have healed them they believe that health is merely the

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absence of symptoms okay and that's the first problem they don't understand

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physiology they don't understand that diseases develop as a result of a long

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term imbalance for example a heart attack if someone gets a heart attack

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that's the first symptom but this person spent 20-30 years developing the

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physiology getting the body out of balance to the point where the heart

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attack was inevitable and the heart attack was the first symptom but they

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were unhealthy they were out of balance for 20-30 years so lack of symptoms does

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not mean that you're healthy but when they're looking for a cure they're

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simply looking for a way to relieve symptoms of a disease that's the

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official definition and how are they looking to do that that comes in the

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noun the cure can be a noun and now they're looking for a substance that

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cures a disease and a synonym for the substance would be medicine or

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medication so the only way that you can cure something is to treat a symptom

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with a medication that is the definition of a cure is there a cure for diabetes

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no absolutely not and we're not interested in a cure we're going to talk

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about something completely different we're going to talk about reversing

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diabetes and we're going to talk about five facts five truths five realizations

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that is going to completely change the picture on how you look at these things

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first we have to understand the word cure is not what we're looking for that

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the cure is not about reversing a disease and that's why

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they will never find a cure and will well get into that they will never be a

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pill to restore health there may be a pill to treat a symptom but again

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they're not going to change the underlying conditions and this is what

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we're going to talk about here's a big one for you the number two fact you have

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to understand is type 2 diabetes is not a disease

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and now you're going hey whoa now you lost me you made some sense from time to

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time but here you're just really getting off so what do I mean type 2 is not a

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disease well let's talk about that and we need to understand a few things as

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part of that that it's not a disease it's a physiological adaptation okay

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it's not a disease because there's nothing broken there's nothing missing

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the body parts are still there the pancreas is still making insulin but the

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body is responding it's adapting to something that brings us to part three

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that the body is smart it has homeostasis this the body isn't

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random everything the body does is on purpose everything that gets out of

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balance in the body is because something is making it go out of balance

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something is pushing it out of balance there is a principle in the body called

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homeostasis and that's the principle of balance that's the principle of healing

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that the body will always attempt to return to homeostasis homeostasis is

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balance something pushes it out of balance as soon as the push is gone as

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soon as the pushing factor is gone the body returns to homeostasis that's sort

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of like gravity that gravity works on water a spring a water stream coming

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down a mountainside will always attempt to bring that water down to sea level

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always no exceptions the body will always attempt

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to return to homeostasis just like the water returns to the sea the body

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returns to homeostasis gravity doesn't work sometimes healing doesn't work

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sometimes physiology doesn't work sometimes it always works that's just

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the way it is it's built into the fabric of nature that your body is designed to

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do the right thing for the right reasons if it appears that it's not doing the

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right things there is a factor there's something creating an imbalance okay so

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we have to get to that understanding of the body's innate intelligence the

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principle of homeostasis and that physiology is this principle it's these

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factors it's the study these factors that that guide healing that guide

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homeostasis if type-2 diabetes is not a disease then

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what is it it is an adaptation what is an adaptation it's when your body adapts

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it copes it's changes in response to something so let's take a few examples

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just to make you more familiar with that what is hypertrophy it's when something

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grows larger so a bodybuilder he puts pressure he puts stress on his muscles

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he puts a tremendous stress repeated many times many hours a day and now the

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body senses hey you know if I'm going to be able to keep up with this work in the

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future I have to change I have to build more muscle I have to create more muscle

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fiber so I can cope better with this stress in the future that's an

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adaptation that growing muscle is an adaptation to an imposed demand we have

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pushed the muscle and the muscle responds the opposite happens with

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someone who's a couch potato or if you break your arm or you break a leg and

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you put a cast on it now when you take that cast off a couple

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months later there's virtually no muscle left there is atrophy because when we

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don't use the muscle the body senses hey you know this there's not much use for

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this muscle tissue if this if the owner of this muscle isn't going to start

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using it I'm going to downsize I'm going to down-regulate it I don't want to

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spend precious resources rebuilding that muscle if it's not going to be used for

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anything use it or lose it that's where hypertrophy and atrophy

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comes in but everything the body does is in

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response to something if you normally live at sea level and you have a certain

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amount of red blood cells and then you move up in the mountains at 6,000 feet

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above sea level what's going to happen your body is going to up regulate the

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production of red blood cells so now all of a sudden you got 20% more red blood

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cells why because there's less oxygen in the air that's the stress so there's an

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imposed demand your body needs to make more red blood cells so you can still

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transport the oxygen when there's not so much of it around that's an adaptation

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it's a physiological adaptation so what does that have to do with with diabetes

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well diabetes is a late stage result it's the late stage of insulin

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resistance so when we eat things that trigger insulin primarily sugar and

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carbohydrates then insulin production goes up if we do that six times a day

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then insulin production goes up six times a day and insulin then starts

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pushing blood sugar into the cell and the cell is grateful at first for this

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fuel but then eventually when the cell has had enough fuel it starts resisting

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it starts adapting it's a physiological adaptation because this

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l can only use so much fuel so when there's more and more and more more

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coming what's the cell going to do it's going to be smart it's going to be

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intelligent it's gonna say enough is enough I'm gonna start closing down the

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gate so I don't get flooded with all this fuel that's what insulin resistance

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is it's not the body being stupid it's not the body being random or mistaken or

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broken or flawed the body is doing exactly what it's supposed to when it's

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being overwhelmed it's going to try to oppose that factor that's overwhelming

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and it's going to become insulin resistance until that avalanche of fuel

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and sugar starts to pull back so this is a crucial factor in the understanding of

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holistic health that there are no mistakes in the body and there are

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virtually no diseases as at least not when we're talking about functional

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problems when we're talking about high blood sugar and diabetes and digestive

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problems we're talking about functional problems we're talking about imbalances

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that develop over time because we're pushing the body and the body is

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adapting to respond so type 2 diabetes is not a disease it's a physiological

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adaptation it's an intelligent response to an unbalanced environment and the

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unbalanced environment is on modern food it's food that we have never ever seen

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before it's in its carbohydrates and sugar and processed foods in amounts

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that the human body has never experienced not even close so once we

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understand that number four is more obvious it kind of follows that when

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they say that there is no cure in the medical world they're right because what

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would that mean if the body is always on purpose and it always returns to balance

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then a cure would be a way of inventing a medication a substance that could

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somehow make the body be happy out of balance that we keep insulting it with

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an overwhelm with an avalanche of fuel and we expect to be able to create a

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pill to maintain that imbalance and keep the body happy it can't work it won't

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work because that would be like trying to find a cure for gravity we can't do

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it there's never going to be a cure for physiology physiology is the body's

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tendency to return to balance gravity is water's tendency to return to the sea we

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won't find a cure we can't find a cure because it's not the way it's supposed

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to be and if the water is held up by a dam then it can appear that the water

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isn't returning to the sea for a while we can observe an imbalance we can

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observe high blood pressure we can observe insulin resistance and in high

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blood sugar but the moment that we remove the barrier the moment that we

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remove the interference the factor that has been upsetting the balance then the

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water starts flowing again we don't have to teach the water to flow again it

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already knows how gravity never stops working

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your body's healing your body's homeostasis never stops working because

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it can't it's built in to the innate intelligence into the very fabric of

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nature but it's easy to understand why there is so much confusion if we have

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these two different worldviews if we on the one hand understand the innate

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intelligence and homeostasis and on the other hand in the medical world they

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believe that the body is random and that it's mistaken and that it breaks down

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for no reason on occasion that it does stupid things that it randomly starts

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resisting insulin so the official view of insulin resistance is that the cells

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are no longer responding normally to

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blood-glucose in other words the implied statement there is the cells are not

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responding normally to normal food anymore and of course normal food today

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is 300 grams of carbohydrates 170 grams of sugar and the food pyramid with the

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base being starches okay of course if you believe that is normal food then

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you're not going to understand anything that we're talking about here we have to

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first put the body back in the picture of what is normal food for humans what

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have we been eating for the longest time and we've discussed all these topics in

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more detail on other video so feel free to check those out for the for the

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complete version of each of these so this brings us to number five so that we

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started out asking is there a cure for diabetes and we've pretty much come up

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with based on the medical definition of a cure no there isn't

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but once we understand that type-2 diabetes is not a disease it is a

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physiological adaptation then number five becomes the obvious question can

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you reverse a physiological adaptation yes

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so adaptations are reversible and once we start understanding this then all

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that it comes down to is that we want to reduce reverse the factors that forced

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the adaptation in the first place so if you move up in the mountains and start

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making more red blood cells you're and then you move back to sea level then

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your body is going to start down regulating red blood cells because you

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don't need so many anymore 20% less will do just fine at sea level and if you go

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back in the mountains it'll start going back and forth back and forth it will do

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it again because it's intelligent so if the insulin

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resistance developed because we forced certain things on the body then the

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moment we stop forcing it then it will start returning to homeostasis it's as

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simple as that what does it mean then to stop the

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factors it means eat less of the food that stimulates insulin and what is that

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primarily sugars and processed starches any kind of starch really but but

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especially processed starches so we want to eat less sugar we want to be moderate

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to very little fruit if you're already insulin resistant we want to cut out

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grains both processed and complex because there's very little difference

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in blood sugar impact and we want to start eating more fats moderate protein

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and more whole foods because they have the fiber and they have the whole

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package of what you need we also want to eat less frequently because if you eat

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something that stimulates insulin and then you do it once you get one burst of

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insulin if you do it six times now you're pushing insulin six times you're

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giving the read the cell six reasons to become insulin resistant the longer you

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go between meals the bigger the chance the greater the opportunity for the cell

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to start burning through some of that fuel so that maybe it gets hungry again

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maybe it will want some fuel sometime in the future

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so there's lots and lots of different videos we've done videos on each one of

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these on lchf low carb high fat on ketogenic diet on intermittent fasting

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so that's about reducing the the insulin production and the frequency and then of

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course you also want to add in some exercise and some stress management

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because exercise makes the muscles more insulin sensitive it gives your body a

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chance to burn through some fuels besides all the other benefits of

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exercise and become a little more insulin

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sensitive and stress management is because stress produces higher blood

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sugar stress causes cortisol releases and cortisol raises blood sugar which

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raises insulin and you can actually become insulin-resistant pretty much

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from stress alone the more of these things that you do the greater your

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chance of reversing these adaptations so don't wait for a type-2 diabetes cure

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and understand when they say that there is no cure understand why they're saying

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that they're speaking a different language they're talking about a

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substance to reduce a symptom whereas what you're really looking for is a

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healing process it's a reversal of the adaptation and there's never going to be

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a pill that can cure that can fix the homeostasis because the body is always

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intelligent it's always adapting to the imbalance and if you have an imbalance

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then just remove the cause for that imbalance and your body will go right

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back to doing what it's supposed to do so both healing and gravity are laws of

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nature they always work do we know if they're

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going to work tomorrow we can't say for sure but my bet would be that gravity

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and healing are still gonna work tomorrow

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if anyone want to bet against me on that then please just leave your comments

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down below and I'll get back to you if you enjoy information like this and you

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like learning how things really work then make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything and please share

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this information with as many people as you can because diabetes is a bigger

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problem than we have ever seen as far as health concerns and the official version

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is that there's nothing you can do about it but now you know better so let them

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know thanks for watching

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