Cortisol And Stress Response (What You Must Know) - Dr Ekberg

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Cortisol and stress response. You've heard these words thrown around all your

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life, but what does it mean how does it work so I'm gonna tell you what you need

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to know hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So let's

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talk about cortisol in the stress response so first there's two questions

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what is stress and what does core is all do once we understand this then a lot of

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things are gonna fall in place what is stress we could answer that a thousand

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different ways but let's just really look at the basics stress is not a bad

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thing stress is what keeps us alive if we

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didn't have stress the body would have no reason to respond or really do

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anything so exercise is stress just walking gravity is stress it makes us

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function but then there's bad stress then there's stress that becomes chronic

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that wears us down and that's the kind we're gonna talk about so stress is

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anything that the body has to respond to anything that's a challenge that the

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body has to do something to to cope to adapt is a form of stress it's also

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known as fight/flight so if you have a tiger coming at you if you have a

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grizzly bear if you have a Mack truck coming at you

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you need to move quickly that's a fight/flight situation and your body

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responds with a stress response what his cortisol have to do with that well when

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your body has to respond with a fierce activity like run the hardest you can

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climb a tree fight what's the first thing you're going to need its energy

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your body has to produce energy to get out of that bind and what's the fastest

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way to produce energy it is sugar it's blood sugar so as soon as you have a

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stress response your body is gonna try to find ways to raise that blood sugar

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so that you can produce energy to save your life

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that is the prime a function of cortisol the body makes

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cortisol to raise blood sugar because in a stress response we need more energy

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and once the body does that there's a few more things that happens as a result

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of cortisol cortisol is also concerned the stress response is concerned with

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survival in the moment so healing fixing stuff down the road is not a big deal

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it's not high on the list of priorities so inflammation healing the first

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response in healing is inflammation and the body says no let's do that later

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so cortisol is anti-inflammatory cortisol works to down-regulate

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that part of the immune system that handles inflammation and at the same

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time if the body is going to raise the sugar if the body's gonna try to make

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more sugar where does it get it well it gets it from protein primarily it's the

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second fastest way to get energy because protein can be converted into glucose

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so cortisol acts to break down protein in an attempt to raise blood sugar so

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again you're saying well that seems awfully stupid protein and muscle that's

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a good thing right well if you have to save your life then you worry more about

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saving a life in this moment because you can always rebuild the protein tomorrow

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or next year so the stress response is all about survival in the moment and

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that's what cortisol is about also so even though these things may seem

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destructive they will save your life in the moment that's what the stress

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response is all about what happens then if the sugar is unstable so this is one

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people talk about stress but they usually think about emotional stress and

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they don't so often think about the physiological response what are some of

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the other things that can invoke this response so let's look at blood sugar

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if we eat a lot of carbs if we eat a lot of processed foods then we're gonna have

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a blood sugar rollercoaster so the body the brain likes to keep the blood sugar

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right smack in the middle of this blue zone here but if you eat lots of carbs

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you're gonna go up the body's gonna make a bunch of insulin and it's gonna come

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crashing down you get what's called reactive hypoglycemia what happens when

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the blood sugar is too low you get cranky

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you get cravings you get irritable you lose focus that's not a nice place to be

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so the body says oh let's raise let's generate some blood sugar how does it do

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that it does it with cortisol so every time that your blood sugar drops below

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ideal your body is gonna make more cortisol and what does that mean what's

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the significance of that it means every time you have low blood sugar you are

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creating stress you are in a high stress mode chemically you're getting all of

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the destructive consequences of a stress response simply by having low blood

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sugar and that low blood sugar is only a result of that high blood sugar in the

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beginning so stabilizing blood sugar is one of the most critical things that we

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can do to reduce the stress response and reduce the cortisol so what do we do

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about this well - how do we balance this system naturally you adopt a diet of

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whole food whole natural food the way nature made them the way we've been

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eating them for hundreds of thousands of years which means you reduce the car if

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you have a lot of inflammation if you have a lot of sugar problems then look

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into keto and we got some videos on that here where you can learn more about a

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extremely powerful I wouldn't call it extreme because it's still a very

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natural and pleasant way of eating but it's extremely powerful way of reversing

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inflammation and insulin resistance and you can also do breathing exercises

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because a lot of this stress is also emotional one of the most damaging forms

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of stress is when we feel we have to be on the go all the time all the time all

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the time we have this racing thoughts in our minds that just won't shut off we'd

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give anything for just a break well breathing and meditation can give

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you that break you can you can reset that stress response in a 5 or 10 minute

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session of breathing and meditation you notice how you get cravings that are

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toast totally out of control when your blood sugar drops that's that's a

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cortisol issue it's the cortisol it gives you those cravings etc if you have

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any questions let me know if you have any comments let me know I'll be more

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than happy to try to discuss this either in the question section or with a new

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video please share this video because it's all about health it's all about

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getting the population of the world healthy so that we can stop having all

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these degenerative diseases we can learn how the body works and start working the

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right way again thank you so much for watching

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