Coronavirus: Your #1 Absolute Best Defense Against COVID-19 - Holistic Doctor Explains

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Hello Health Champions.

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Today I want to talk about the number one absolute best way to defend yourself against

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the coronavirus or any other pathogen that might come around for that matter how do you

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get your body to the optimal state where it can defend itself to whatever comes around

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coming right up hey I'm dr.

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Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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Master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit

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that notification Bell so you don't miss anything we have learned that most of the victims of

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the coronavirus are elderly and it's always tragic when a young person dies.

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Jonathan Coelho was 32 years old a cancer survivor but in good health when his wife

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says he began showing early symptoms of coronavirus about a month ago he underwent a series of

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treatments was intubated doctors told his wife Katie they expected him to survive he

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But the question is these young people who are being called normal and healthy and without

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underlying conditions are they truly healthy is a person who recently had cancer truly

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healthy these are some of the questions we're going to explore and before we're done you're

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going to have a totally clear picture have you ever really, really ask yourself what

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is the difference if two people get infected and one will live and the other one will die

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what is the difference if it was the same pathogen the difference is that one person's

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body had the ability to defend itself and the other one didn't that's called an immune

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system and some people get infected they don't even notice and that's what we're finding

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now with this coronavirus that as many as 20-30% of certain populations already have

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developed immunity and they didn't even know it a lot of people when they talk about an

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immune system they're talkin about a cell-based immune system with the white blood cells and

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the things that support the cell based immune system like the white blood cells they have

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to have vitamin A and vitamin C vitamin D and zinc and calcium for example to support

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to activate to make possible the activity of the white blood cells if we don't have

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enough of these then the white blood cells don't work the way they're supposed to but

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again these are nutrient it doesn't mean that if you take a thousand times as much of these

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that you're going to have a thousand times more white blood cells it doesn't work like

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that we also have something called specific immunity that if we've been exposed to a specific

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pathogen we can develop antibodies which is the body's memory it remembers what that pathogen

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looked like and it developed an antibody that's fit specifically to that pathogen and it remembers

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and this immunity could last for many months or many years or even a lifetime and that's

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what we're not quite sure about with the coronavirus is it just going to last the season or is

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it going to give us lasting immunity but more than just a cell-based immune system we want

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to talk about the body defenses the whole body defense because the immune system the

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way they talk about it it's not really a system it's just certain body parts okay but your

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whole body is the immune system you are the immune system you have 40 trillion cells and

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the healthier those 40 trillion cells are the better their nutritional status the better

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their ability to make energy the better their ability to do what they're supposed to do

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the healthier you are the stronger your defenses is and some of these cells provide physical

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barrier so your skin is a physical barrier you can get the virus on your skin and not

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be infected you can wash it away and you'll be okay cuz you have a barrier you also have

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a physical barrier in your intestinal lining and your lung shining and there's many different

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types of physical barriers then you have cell membranes like a virus can only replicate

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inside a cell so it has to penetrate a cell membrane so the healthier and stronger and

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better working your cell membranes are the more difficult for a virus to make entry you

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have mucus membranes that secrete mucus to trap and move pathogens away you have chemical

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defenses you have cells that spew out free radicals and toxic substances and hydrogen

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peroxide that act as poison on these microbes and you have detoxification because these

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microbes produce toxins in turn and then you need a liver and a kidney and so forth to

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filter out and neutralize those toxins and then you have a spleen that can filter out

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cellular debris and residue so all of these cells all of these organs are part of your

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immune system you are the immune system and of course your white blood cells the cell

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based immune system is also super important but they're only part of the total defense

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what are the official US spokespeople is dr. Anthony Fauci and he has said repeatedly he

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is convinced there will be a coronavirus in the fall and he also said not just him but

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the general consensus is that if we have a vaccine in 12 to 18 months that is happening

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really fast that's the quickest we can expect it and it might take longer than that so the

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things that we have done in stopping the spread all of the social distancing and the quarantine

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has been important it has been critical essential to not overwhelm the crisis Healthcare System

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but it may not be so much of stopping the spread as delaying the spread that has been

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the purpose and the goal all the time because if we’re going to have a coronavirus in

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the fall if it's going to come around anyway and there won't be a vaccine then it wasn't

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so much about stopping as it was delaying it so we may not be able to avoid it altogether

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and if we all sort of protect ourselves but the virus is still around then as soon as

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we open up again then we risk a second wave anytime there is a crisis like a pandemic

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there are things that we can learn it's a learning opportunity and depending on who

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you are you can learn different things so the healthcare officials the government and

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the CDC and the official agencies their job is to learn contact tracing and good hygiene

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to learn how the virus spreads so that they can teach us good hygiene and good protective

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measures like social distancing and they learn how to optimize the crisis care system so

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that we have the capacity when we get a wave then we have researchers and their job is

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to study the viral strain study their genomes and study their pathogenicity and their receptors

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to figure out exact how it works so that they can develop a vaccine that's their job and

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then what about you your job is to listen to the good advice of the authorities on how

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to prevent the spread but other than that your job is to get healthy your job is to

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optimize your body to optimize your chances to have a positive outcome to beat the virus

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if you should get infected and what is so astounding to me is that there is no talk

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of getting healthy there has been millions of hours and millions of miles of writing

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on the topic of the coronavirus and yet I haven't heard anyone talk about health about

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how to strengthen your body to increase your chances and I think the reason for that is

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that we have a passive medical Model we are told to just do whatever you do eat the standard

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American diet eat your processed food eat your sugar I haven't heard anyone say to reduce

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your sugar consumption for example and then we're told to take pills to compensate for

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the symptoms and the problems created by our deficient food and our toxic food and then

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to get the flu shot and wait for the vaccine that's a passive model there is nothing about

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health in that passive model then why is it that no one talks about health and I believe

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that it is because as a culture the entire modern world we don't know what health is

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we have completely equated health with the absence of symptom and once we have a symptom

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we think we're sick and then the system The medical model their job is to treat the symptom

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not to get you healthy.

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As a matter of fact we don't even have a healthcare system in the modern world what we have is

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a sick care system and at least where I'm from in Sweden and I don't think it's because

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they're nobler or anything that just happens that they call it a sick care in Sweden it’s

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called “sjukvård” it's not called health care because it isn't health it's about treating

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sickness and that's not a bad thing but they're different questions being asked in a healthcare

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model or in a sick care model they're asking how do we treat this symptom what sort of

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chemical or pill or medication do we give to suppress this symptom in this crisis situation

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and that's not a bad thing that can be very useful in a crisis but it has nothing to do

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with health we've all heard that there are certain risk factors associated with the coronavirus

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covid-19 and one is obesity if you have a body mass index over 40 your risk of dying

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increases dramatically if you have diabetes or if you have one or more of the things associated

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with metabolic syndrome such as cardiovascular disease type 2 diabetes high blood pressure

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chronic lung liver or kidney disease most of these are associated with insulin resistance

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some of them directly and others more indirectly then we have people who are vulnerable we've

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all been told to shelter the vulnerable and these are people who in addition to the first

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three they might have had chemotherapy they might be weakened from from smoking or chronic

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steroid corticosteroids or any other chronic disease or neurodegenerative disease and the

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greatest risk factor of all is to be old being over 70 years old and why is that because

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by the time you get to that age you tend to have a little bit of all of the above you

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have more cardiovascular disease you have more type 2 diabetes more high blood pressure

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more arthritis you have accumulated a lot more of these in short you are less healthy

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most of the risk factors of covid-19 are associated with insulin resistance so what else does

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insulin resistance do well every year around the world it claims 17 million lives from

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heart attacks seven and a half million from hypertension 5 million deaths from stroke

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1.6 million from diabetes and the list goes on and if insulin resistance already kills

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this many people is it really so surprising that it would also have a tendency to kill

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off more people with coronavirus infection if we want to put it in the simplest possible

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terms then I would say that these people die and the people from the coronavirus die because

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they are less healthy their body has less ability to defend itself but then the question

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is what is health and who is perfectly healthy we'll health is a continuum it's like how

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much a capacity How much cellular capacity do you have to defend yourself on the one

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and it would have Optimal Health when everything is working perfectly and on the other hand

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nothing would be working and we have death everything in between is a spectrum it's a

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continuum and the large portion in the middle where probably the majority of the world's

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population are is called functional illness and people they're not super healthy and they

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don't have a disease they're just sort of on their way there so perfect health would

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be over on this end and I don't think there's anyone on the planet that has perfect health

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because there are heavy metals and chemicals and depleted foods and hormones and so forth

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there's there's enough interference already that we probably don't really have perfect

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health but the people who do their best to take care of themselves and who are really

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sort of examples of of health I think they're going to be somewhere in this range over on

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the other end we have people with a diagnosis these are the underlying conditions the cardiovascular

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disease the high blood pressure et cetera these are people have made it far down enough

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that they have been diagnosed with something then what about the people who don’t have

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a diagnosis right now but who are being called perfectly healthy like the person in the clip

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in the initial clip in the news anchor said that this person was a cancer survivor but

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otherwise healthy if you had cancer than you're already way over on this side of the spectrum

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cancer is not something that happens overnight to perfectly healthy people so even if this

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person was a cancer survivor then he might have made it across the line and gotten a

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little bit better but most of the factors that caused the cancer will probably still

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there and that person was probably not over here and that's what we have to understand

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that I'm not saying that anyone is perfectly immune I would never be arrogant enough to

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think that that I was way over here because there's so many things we don't know but we

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know that there are certain things we can do to improve our chances so in my opinion

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I believe that a lot of the people who are called perfectly healthy actually a probably

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over here and you can be here even if your 20 or 25 or 30 years old so in their current

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sick care system the question they ask is how can we treat the symptom what kind of

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chemical can we give and what kind of body part can we remove and those are good questions

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in a symptom care system in a sick care system now let's switch around and start asking health

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questions let's start asking what is required for health so if we had a five-year-old and

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we asked what does a plant need to be healthy what are the requirements of a plant I think

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the five-year-old could get it right I think they would say that the plant needs water

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and if the water isn't making it healthy then it also probably need some sunshine and if

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we giving it water and sunshine and it still doesn't thrive then you probably needs some

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good soil and I think the five-year-old could also tell us that it has to have all three

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of these at the same time we can't deprive it of one of these three for any length of

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time and have a healthy plant we have to have all the things that are required so that brings

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us to the next question what are the requirements for human health well we have a chemical aspect

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to our body we have a structural aspect or body and we have an emotional aspect to our

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body and there's some of those aspects that will increase life that will provide more

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life that will enhance Optimum Health and there's some of that will subtract that will

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interfere when it comes to chemical or nutritional we need fuel but in addition to fuel we also

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need essential fatty acids essential amino acids we need vitamins and minerals this is

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called nutrition and whole food provides it whereas processed food does not on the downside

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of the chemical we have sugar and frequent processed carbohydrates that cause insulin

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resistance that clog up the body that has a congestive and toxifying effect we have

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pure toxins that are chemicals and pesticides and so forth and then drugs are another form

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of toxins they are chemicals designed to interfere and it doesn't mean that they're always bad

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they can save a life in a crisis but it means that they can never make you healthier they

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can never create a long-term solution they can never raise you from a lower health state

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to a higher health state in the long run The body is structural you have a mechanical aspect

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your body moves and movements is necessary it's a requirement movements provide the majority

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of the signals to keep your brain alive there is virtually no physical no physiological

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mechanism no system in the body that doesn't work better with movement and that works less

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with a lack of movement movement is required for every system in the body and good posture

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is a requirement for proper signals good posture facilitates it normalizes movement if you

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have poor posture if your posture is stuck then you're not going to get the proper movement

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or the proper signaling and if you have poor posture if you have areas of your body that

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aren't moving then chiropractic is a great way to jumpstart that movement but it's not

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a total movement solution it's just getting you to the place where you can move and then

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you take it from there the opposite of good movement is a sedentary lifestyle where you

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don't move and if you're trying to move but you have poor posture or if you've had a lot

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of trauma that restricts the motion now you also cannot get proper movement humans are

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also emotional and when we have peace and we have joy and we have purpose everything

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that feels good makes your body work better a little bit of short-term stress is fine

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but for the most part we have to have some good emotions we cannot have only bad emotions

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because then the body prioritizes to defend itself instead of heal itself the opposite

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would be anything that feels bad like stress and anger and fear and frustration and overwhelmment

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to the absolute best way to defend yourself against the coronavirus or any of the pathogen

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is to make your body stronger so it can defend itself take an active role in rebuilding your

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health in restoring your body and giving your body all the things that it needs all the

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things that contribute to more life and avoid as much as possible the things that interfere

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with the building of health it looks like the coronavirus might be with us for some

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time and if it goes away then who knows what comes next in the long run your best defense

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is always going to be strong health so why not use the current epidemic as a really really

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good reason to start doing something about it if you enjoyed this video make sure that

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you also check out that one thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next video.

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