Coronavirus: When Will Things Get Back To Normal?

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hello health champions even though it's only been a few weeks of coronavirus

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shut down feels like an eternity so the question on everyone's mind is when is

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he going to get back to normal so today I want to talk about some of

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the variables that we want to understand to see where we are in the process of

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returning to normal coming right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a

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holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss anything the number

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one concern about returning back to normal is public health because the

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sooner we go back to meeting people and working the greater the risk of

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reinfecting people and not putting a stop to this the other risk is financial

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because the longer we stay at home the less we can produce and earn money for

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food and rent and so forth so it's always about weighing these two against

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each other and making the best possible decision so a lot of this is a political

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decision the White House just issued a plan on how to get back to normal and

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they call it a phased approach we can do this state by state or even county by

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county because everyone's at a different place in the process the number one

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concern is to protect the vulnerable to save lives by not exposing those people

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who have a lessened immunity and defense system and the second big concern is to

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reduce the risk of having a second wave of having a new outbreak of having it

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escalate again after it has started dying down and there are three phases so

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in phase one they keep the schools closed everyone who is vulnerable needs

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to stay sheltered and avoid contact everyone else needs to still practice

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social distancing and good hygiene and so forth as far as employers they want

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to encourage people to telecommute they want to limit staff and close all

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common areas and then when we get to phase 2 it's pretty much the same except

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that at this point the schools open up again but we still shelter the

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vulnerable we maintain social distancing and so forth it's in phase 3 that we

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really start going back to normal where the vulnerable come out even though they

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still want to practice some good social distancing and reduce their risk for

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exposure as far as employment they recommend full staff but to limit

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interactions and avoid crowds and not have large gatherings over 50 people and

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so forth the criteria are very general what they're looking for during a 14 day

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period to have a consistent reduction in flu-like symptoms and coronavirus

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symptoms they're looking for a decrease in documented cases or a reduction in

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the percentage of positive tests so they want to maintain the testing but they

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want to see a less and less percentage of people who are infected part of the

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plan is to have enough resources for hospitals to treat all critical cases

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but also to have a robust testing in place for all healthcare personnel

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including antibody testing now these are very general guidelines and very general

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criteria and even though they put some markers down they don't really tell us

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when any of this is going to happen so I want to look at a few of the numbers on

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a look at some of the trends and try to understand where we are in the process

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the very first thing that we're looking at the first thing that has to happen is

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that we want to slow down the doubling rate what we're looking for is a

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reduction in overall numbers now if we had an increase a linear increase that

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would be bad enough but the absolute worst is an exponential increase they

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so-called doubling rate and here's how that works let's say on day one you have

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a thousand people infected and then the next day you have 40

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and 14 that's an increase by 41% if that rate stays and we have another 40 that

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1% then we would have a doubling in two days

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it goes from a thousand to two thousand in two days and that means in another

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two days we'll have four thousand and then eight thousand and so forth this is

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totally out of control and the quicker we can get away from that the better

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another example would be if we had a thousand on day one but now it only

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increases by 15% and it keeps going at 15% until day six so in five days we

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double the rate again so obviously this is still a really bad scenario but it's

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not as bad as doubling every two days so it's still a step forward so let's look

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at where we are on March 23rd the world had an 11 percent growth rate of new

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cases the US has 31 percent close to the 41 that we talked about most of the

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other European countries were in the teens and Russia and India were also

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very high that indicated a doubling rate for the world of seven days for the u.s.

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in three days and every other country on March 23rd

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was doubling the number of cases in less than a week if we jump forward to April

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17th we see that all of these numbers have come down very nicely so that is

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progress the only number we're concerned with is

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Russia that still stays up very very high the doubling rate now for the world

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is 18 days u.s. 15 days Spain Italy Germany Switzerland they're all

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increasing their numbers but Russia is still doubling in less than a week

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the second factor we look at is that the number of new cases are slowing down so

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here's what the world looked like from March 25th up through April 17th and

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I've smooth out the curve just a little bit by running a three

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day average so every marker every bar here represents that day and the two

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days before that way we see more of a trend and not so many spikes we see that

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we have a slowing of the new cases they're not decreasing tremendously so

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it's far from over but it's more of a linear growth because we have the same

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number of cases today as we did a couple of weeks ago but at least it's not going

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up exponentially Spain a little bit up and down and we thought that we would

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have a good solid two weeks of decrease but then the last 3-4 days it's been

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going up again Italy some ups and downs but a pretty good steady decline Germany

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also some ups and downs but a pretty steady decline for almost three weeks

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the UK we don't really know where we are yet because for the most part it's still

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going up this is hopeful as far as leveling but it's a little bit early to

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tell Switzerland's looking pretty good

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they've had a good two three weeks of a steady decline even though even at that

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rate we see that things can come back a little bit in India is a big unknown

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because there have very very few cases relative to the population it is going

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up and we're seeing some some blunting here and we hope that it's gonna level

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off and not take off but that's a lot of people in India so you never know where

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that could go in Russia is a big concern because they are where a lot of other

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countries were a month ago the new cases are going up at a very

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fast rate the United States is looking pretty much the same thing we've leveled

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off it's not going away anytime soon but at least it's not shooting straight up

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the third thing I want to look at is the active versus total cases and when are

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we going to pass the peak of the active cases and why does that matter well the

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total cases are always going to go up and they're going to plateau at a

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maximum eventually but the active cases they're going to reach a peak and then

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they're going to taper off and in the beginning the two curves are going to go

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together because there is a two to three week lag that people need to recover in

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the beginning when people get infected a week later all those infected are

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still infected but two weeks three weeks into the process some people are going

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to be recovered and why is that peak important because that's the maximum

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number of people that the healthcare system has to deal with at any given

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time so once we've reached that peak then we're not home free per se but it's

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gonna get easier from that point on so when the situation resolves then this is

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going to level off and this is hopefully gonna get down towards zero

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now that's an unknown because we don't know exactly what the residual long-term

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level is going to be hopefully we'll get down to zero but we don't know really

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what's gonna happen so here's the trend for the world as a whole and the yellow

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is the number of total cases and we're seeing that it's between two and two and

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a half million now but the red is the active cases so we have over 1 million

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recovered people in the world but as we see with the red we see the trend is

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still going up we haven't reached the max number of active cases when we look

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at South Korea even though they're still having some new cases we see the yellow

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slowly going up we also see that the red is steadily declining so they had their

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maximum number of active cases of little over 7,000 on March 11th so they were

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about here and then they have been steadily declining Switzerland is a

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country that made a quick turnaround they had their maximum of 15,000 on

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March 30th and since then it's been a good steady trend so here almost all the

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cases were active but in two weeks they have most of their cases

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recovered in Spain a lot of people started recovering but then it seemed

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like it was a plateau that they still had so much new cases that it kind of

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matched the people who were recovering so even though the active cases seem to

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have reached a maximum there's they're still very slowly increasing but they

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hopefully are plateaued and we'll be heading down now the u.s. is the yellow

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is the total numbers the red is the active cases and as we see the vast

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majority of the cases are still active and we see that the red is steadily

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increasing which means that we have not reached the max there's no telling how

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long that's going to take but it's still growing steadily let's look at the

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percentage growth rate of active cases so on March 23rd most countries were in

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the teens to 30% range and by April 2nd we had a good decrease or a dramatic

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decline by then and Switzerland was even in the negative meaning that they were

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getting fewer active cases at that point on April 17th most of the rates are way

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down they're approaching zero and now we also have Germany at a negative growth

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rate the main concern is Russia that's still growing very very quickly now

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let's look at the doubling rate of the active cases so in the world we still

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have a doubling rate of 21 days in if it keeps at this rate will have twice as

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many active cases in 21 days now the longer that time is the more likely that

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we will never get there that the growth rate will continue to decline and then

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we'll never have another doubling and on the positive side we see Germany and

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Switzerland they have a negative meaning in Germany in 23 days they'll have half

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the number of active cases at rate the big concern is Russia still

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doubling every five days the fourth measure I want to look at is recovered

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versus total cases in the beginning the recovered is going to be very very low

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because it takes a few weeks for people to get passed and beat the virus and

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then as we go both total and recovered are going to increase but then

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eventually the total will plateau and the recovered will come close to it but

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not quite because there's also a death rate here are the percentages of

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recovered versus total cases on March 23rd the world was at 27%

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the US was only at 1% because it was kind of a new thing here South Korea was

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well along into the process at 39 percent of total cases had recovered on

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April 2nd the numbers were much better for most places South Korea was at 60

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and the US had gone from 1 to 4 on April 17th the world was at 25 the US was at

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9% Spain Germany Switzerland was doing a whole lot better and Germany and

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Switzerland now had more than half the total cases recovered and South Korea

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was at 74% now let's also look at the total number of infected people out of

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any given population so if we measure the number of cases per million people

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then a thousand people out of a million would be 0.1% so in the u.s. we had

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twenty 163 people out of every million so that's 0.2% of the whole country had

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been infected Spain was almost twice as many Germany closed and then we look at

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the Western countries they were all similar to the US or a little bit higher

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now we look at Russia India and Korea and we see very low numbers so that

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either indicates that they did a really good job of containing it

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or it means that they're just getting started so in the case of Korea we know

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that they did a great job containing it because they're on the downslope of the

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process India we don't really know where they are and with Russia unfortunately

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we know that they're just getting started and everything kind of points to

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Russia ending up in this range as well the yellow line is the world as a whole

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with 296 cases per million people so far in New York as we all know has been hit

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really hard and even if it's not the hardest hit it's the hardest hit of the

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major metropolitan area so in the state of New York we've had 12,000 286 cases

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per million which is over 1% of the people infected so when is it going to

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get back to normal well as you can tell it's not a real simple answer we know

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that South Korea is probably on the end of it we know that Switzerland is making

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great progress that they're probably past the peak of active cases we know

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that Spain is close to the peak and we know that the u.s. is not there yet

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while Russia is unfortunately just getting started but here's what's really

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important to keep in mind when we look at all these numbers that's public

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health that's statistics for the politicians to

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make decisions but what's most important for the individual the only one you can

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truly affect is yourself and what can you do there's been a lot of talk about

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risk factors and the number one risk factor is age

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the second is obesity and the third is insulin resistance

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now here's what most people haven't realized or thought about that these

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risk factors account for almost all the cases not every single case because

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there's still exceptions but almost all the death cases are because of age

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obesity and insulin resistance and the other thing people

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don't realize is you can do something about it you can change these you can't

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change age but it's not age per se that's dangerous it's the fact that most

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people of a high age have insulin resistance and cardiovascular problems

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and metabolic syndrome and poor nutritional status and so forth so even

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though age is the number one risk factor there are a lot of old healthy people

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and if you want to change these risk factors regardless of age then what you

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want to do is get healthy and health is not the lack of symptoms you don't wait

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till you have a symptom you don't wait till you have insulin resistance or

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diabetes or cardiovascular disease you change it beforehand and that's what

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every video on this channel is about that's the purpose of this channel is to

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help people get healthy to understand what it is and to prevent disease and to

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build health so nutrition activation also known as exercise yoga stretching

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going for a walk meditation relaxation training helping

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the body balance out stress responses and obviously reducing stress all of

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these are the factors these are the true risk factors because these determine

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these these determine your biological age and these determine your obesity and

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insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome and so forth one of the best

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ways to reduce stress these days is don't watch the news we all want to know

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a little bit about the coronavirus we want to understand where it's heading

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and we want to keep up but don't bury yourself in the news because it's very

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stressful and it's very worrisome and it will hurt your immune system if you

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enjoyed this video make sure you also take a look at that one thanks so much

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for watching I'll see you in the next video

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