Coronavirus Outbreak. Can We Stop The Spread In Time? #StayHome

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Hello health champions today I'm going to talk about the coronavirus covid-19 in terms

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of how fast it's growing and where we are on that growth curve because the

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numbers are going up faster than ever and the government is even considering

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stronger protective measures but are we doing enough coming right up hey I'm Dr.

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Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you

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want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything the quarantine that President Trump is considering that would be

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illegal to travel in and out of those states that he's considering and it it's

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been met with tremendous critique both from some people to say that he hasn't

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done enough that all of these measures should have been done long long time ago

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that and said there will not be a quarantine but instead they're gonna

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have a very strong travel advisory here are the current corona cases by nation

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as of March 28th and the top countries so we have Korea Netherlands Switzerland

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Great Britain Iran France Germany Spain and China which is where the outbreak

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started they had about 80,000 cases but since then they have been surpassed by

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Italy and the United States so Italy had over 90,000 and the US has over 120,000

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these numbers don't tell the whole truth because it depends on where you are on

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that growth curve and it of course it also depends on the population so China

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obviously has the largest population but other than that the United States has

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about the same population as all the other countries put together so if we

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instead look at the numbers of number of cases per 1 million people now we find

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that the United States is about 300 something the world average is this

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dotted line at about 85 and italy has over 1500 cases per 1 million whereas

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China even though they are at the end of their growth curve they have grown and

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they have shrunk they are about about in the 50s somewhere

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Spain is over 1500 we have Germany France and Iran somewhere in the middle

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Great Britain not so much but Switzerland has the highest number of

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cases per 1 million with over 1600 we have the Netherlands and then Korea

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which is the other country that was relatively early infected with high

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numbers never hit very very high they ended up around 170 or so so China and

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Korea are some of the success stories if you will where they are at the end of

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their they have past the peak and yet their numbers didn't get extremely high

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you probably heard about flattening the curb and what is that all about well it

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means that if we don't control the spread if we have a doubling effect on

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that spread and every person goes to in fact to other people and we don't

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control it at all then there would be a very very rapid rise that will have a

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tremendous number of infected cases of active cases at the same time and if

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that number of cases exceed the capacity of the medical system to handle the

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critical cases then anything above that capacity would basically be a casualty

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if they were critical and they couldn't get the help then they would perish so

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the biggest goal in the restrictions is to not have too many cases at once but

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to flatten the curve to delay the infections so that we would have fewer

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people at any one time be infected and then hopefully the healthcare resources

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would be enough to care for those critical cases there are a lot of

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unknowns around this virus and some people are suggesting that it's possible

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that it might be more like a flu virus that it's going to be a recurring thing

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and in that case it's not so much about preventing the spread as delaying it but

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again there's a whole lot about this that we don't know when we look at the

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kerbs we have to keep in mind if they're showing us total cases or new cases

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because most of the curves we see they're pointing straight up like this

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red line and they're representing total cases and

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so every day the cases are added to the previous day's cases and that's going to

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make the curb very sharp if that situation eventually gets resolved then

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that curve is not going to come down it's going to flatten and on the other

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hand if we have a curb that represents the new cases every day then that curve

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once it's resolved is going to end up down towards zero again so just keep

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that in mind when you look at a curve what is it representing is it total

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cases or is it new cases here are the new cases for the United

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States so at the beginning of the month we had a handful of cases and then it

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turned into a few hundred and then just about a week ten days ago we got into

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the thousands of cases per day and since then as you see pretty much every day

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the we have more new cases than the preceding day so that indicates that we

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still have an exponential growth that there is a doubling growth function here

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and the only thing that we can look at to give us some hope is that the

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doubling rate is slower than it used to be so there was a while when the double

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was every day and then every couple of days and then every 3-4 days and

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eventually now I believe it's around six or eight days that it's doubling so

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there is some progress but as long as it's doubling then it's still growing

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very very fast in Italy they have probably hit the peak meaning it's far

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from over but they don't have a doubling rate anymore that the number of cases

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about ten days ago the number of new cases about ten days

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ago is the same roughly the same level as it is today so hopefully their curve

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will start turning downward when we look at China this is a month earlier so in

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February they had their peak at the of January beginning of February and now

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at the already at the beginning of March they were down to where they were

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getting very few new cases and with South Korea now we're looking at March

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again and they had their peak at the end of February beginning of March so they

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went through the process a lot faster than China they were infected a good bit

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later but they were pretty quick to hit their peak and then come down so they

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haven't reached zero or extremely few cases they still run a couple of hundred

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cases every day but they have definitely come past their

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peak so here is a growth curve and the peak is where it's critical that's what

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we want to flatten China past its peak and they were at the end of that about

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March first South Korea have passed their peak and now at the end of March

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they are at the end of their curve even though there's still quite a few cases

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occurring Italy hopefully are hitting right as we speak have hit their peak

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and are heading downwards but the u.s. we don't really know where it is it came

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a little bit later and the growth rate is still very very fast so we still have

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a doubling rate and nobody knows exactly when that peak is going to hit but there

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are no official sources that think it's going to happen in the next few weeks

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but rather probably several weeks or maybe even longer

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the administration has received a lot of critique of not doing enough early on at

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first it seemed like oh well this is a Chinese problem and this is a European

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problem and now we know different that every country every region every

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province every County pretty much has infections so it's just a matter of time

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of when is it getting out of control so when are we supposed to introduce those

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stronger measures when are we going to get really really serious when

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going to do those things that we would have to do in an extreme crisis and if

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we're smart we want to do it at the early stages when it might get out of

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control that's like prevention or maybe when it's getting out of control we

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don't want to wait until it's almost out of control or totally out of control or

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monumentally out of control we want to be smart and proactive we don't want to

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be reactive we don't want to do things just because we have to because we have

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no other options because it's just so far gone this whole pandemic comes at an

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enormous price we have different kind of costs we have lost income from not being

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able to work we have lost productivity which affects

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companies and nations we have human suffering and we'll have tremendous loss

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of human lives and then there's even more trickle-down effect we have people

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experiencing mental health problems they get anxious they get nervous they get

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irritable both from the tension of the whole situation but also from having

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their routines disrupted so instead of going about their daily lives and being

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productive and doing things they enjoy and and I can create things now they're

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cooped up at home and they often have an increased workload because they're

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telecommuting but all their children are home so now they have to do some home

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schooling and there's more friction and more stress than normal and that is also

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taking its toll and we also want to consider the lives lost from non Corona

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causes that we may have quite a few people who are having non Corona medical

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emergencies that are now going to fall by the wayside that we may not have

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those resources available to care for those people or to prioritize those

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people because the health care system is already overwhelmed by all the critical

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cases of corona infection so I would urge everyone watching this video to

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follow all of the official guidelines restrict travel restrict social

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interaction and take it seriously take personal responsibility don't just do

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the minimum that you have to but go above and beyond and do everything that

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you can to contain this spread and on a positive note someone they call mr. P

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was released after recovering from the corona virus from a hospital in Italy

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and he was a hundred and one years old and here's the interesting part about

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that he was born in 1919 in the middle of the Spanish flu epidemic that claimed

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some 50 million lives so his real name and picture were not disclosed but I

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think it's a great testament to human endurance and survivability when someone

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can live that long and even live through two of these pandemics and here is the

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suggestion on what not to do this lady is trying to tell us I think to not

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smoke and not eat cake because it's full of sugar and sugar

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will diminish your immune system if you enjoyed this video make sure you take a

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look at that one also thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the

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