Coronavirus Is Getting Worse - Here Is What You MUST Do!

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about what you have to do

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and what you have to know when the coronavirus gets worse.

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Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything it's been several months now

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that the corona virus epidemic has been a real thing

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and during that time different countries and different regions have

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had different amounts of lockdown and for a while it felt like we had this

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thing somewhat under control but then all of a

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sudden it flared up again the new cases in the world were rising

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and then they were kind of sitting around

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75 000 new cases per day for several weeks and it seemed like it had

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plateaued but then around mid april it started

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taking off again and now we're seeing over 200 000 cases

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per day around the world so in the last few

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weeks we've seen a tripling of the new cases

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in the united states we had a peak in march beginning of april and then it was

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steadily dropping for a solid two months and we thought hey this is going pretty

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well but then all of a sudden mid-june it

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took off again and now in about a month we had a three and a

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half times increase in the daily new cases

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a number of explanations have been suggested for this rapid increase and

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one is carelessness then we also have opening

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up two early virus mutations and low levels

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of herd immunity so as far as carelessness i think we've

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all seen the footage of parties and political conventions and

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crowds in restaurants and beaches and public places

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so there's little doubt that there's been a lot of carelessness along with

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some very irresponsible people who are just openly defying

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the recommendations and saying that well this thing still hasn't

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hurt me so i'm not going to worry about it so

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unfortunately it will always be people like that but

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let's talk more about the other suggestions here did we open up too

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early well there are some criteria for opening

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up one is that the new cases the daily new cases should be less than

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four new cases per 100 000 people in the population

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there should be less than five percent of all the tests

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coming back positive but that is provided

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that you do enough daily tests that you have at least 150 tests

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per day per 100 000 people in the population

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also you want to see a two-week steady decline

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in new cases and new cases of death and you want to have a strong capacity a

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reserve capacity of icu intensive care unit beds so in europe

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many of the places where they've successfully

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opened up like germany and united kingdom

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and italy they have met all these criteria and maintained these criteria

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and it appears that they have sort of reopened somewhat successfully

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but arizona when they opened they failed four of these

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texas failed three of these and florida failed two of these and those are

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the states in the united states that are mostly responsible for the increase in

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cases in the u.s so i think it's very safe to

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say that many places have opened up too early

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then what if this increase was due to a new virus mutation

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because some places that opened early like Georgia

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was criticized for opening very early at the end of

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april but they never saw any increase in cases for the next

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six weeks until the beginning of july end of june where we saw a rapid

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increase and they've been tripling quadrupling the rates but why

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then did it stay the same for all that time

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that they were opening could that be the mutation and there has indeed been

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a mutation and it's referred to as a new mutation but it's not really how it

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works there was a mutation where one amino

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acid on the virus one of the spikes on the virus

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changed from a d configuration to what they call

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a g configuration and it's also been suggested and there's some

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evidence even though it's not solid yet that this version might be

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three to nine times more infectious however

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even though the d-configuration was dominant in the early phases so during

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january february it was dominant from march and on the g

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version was already dominant so in march we had 60 to 70 percent

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of cases was the g version and in april it was 70 to 80 so if that

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increased level of infectiousness was responsible

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for the recent increase then we would have seen it

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a lot sooner then what about immunity levels

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i'd like to compare now georgia and sweden why because

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one is where i used to live and one is where i'm currently living

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and both of them have almost exactly the same population about 10 million people

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and interestingly for the longest time for months they had almost identical

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curves they were running identical numbers of new infections

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and then around june 1st something happened which was

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that sweden increased its level of testing

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and they had a large number of backup cases they were there was a lag in

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testing so there were a lot of people waiting to be tested so for the next

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several weeks they saw a dramatic increase

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in numbers but then interestingly even though they maintained that high

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level of testing for the last several weeks

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there's been a dramatic decrease in the numbers

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of new cases whereas at the same time georgia that was running head to head

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for so long now has more than 10 times the number of

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new cases at the same time the number of deaths

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which was a problem initially in sweden because

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they hit the elderly population hard in the beginning

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that curve has been almost a straight line down and it's approaching

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zero now so what about immunity well up to this point almost all the

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talk of immunity has involved antibodies and the thinking has

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been that once you get the virus and you

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fight off the virus your body develops antibodies and these antibodies fit on

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the virus and tag the virus and you can fight it off and kill it so they thought

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that as long as you have antibodies then you have some level of

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immunity the problem has been that the

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levels of antibodies and the consistency of the findings

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have been very shoddy that in some people you can find antibodies

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up to eight weeks in some people a little bit longer

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but in some mild infections there are no detectable levels of antibodies at all

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and this has made people question whether we can have

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any lasting immunity toward coronavirus at all and the

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official position has been very conservative and

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they've said that we have no idea we can't promise we

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can't guarantee at all that there will be any lasting

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immunity well there is some really good news on that

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front lately because there is a second level of

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immunity that is called t cells and whereas

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antibodies fit onto and tag the virus directly

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the t cells they target the cells in the body that have become infected by

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the virus so it doesn't find the virus directly it finds the

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cells that are infected and eliminate them and there's several

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pieces of good news concerning this because

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it appears that the t cell immunity lasts much longer probably for years

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and again they don't know for sure what level of immunity is provided by

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antibodies or t cells but it does seem like the t cells

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provide a longer immunity the problem is that is

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much harder to test for t-cell immunity

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it requires a lot of hands-on labor and it requires specialized

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labs it's not like just a simple test to do it

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but in sweden where they did a study of 200 people they found

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that 20 of those people had the antibodies but twice as many people

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had the t-cell immunity so sweden had observed what they thought

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was some degree of immunity some herd

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immunity developing but then they had disappointing

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findings when the antibodies were lower than expected so they started kind of

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doubting this whole immunity idea until they found the t

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cells that now sort of correlate pretty well

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with the immunity that they're observing but now we get to the really important

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stuff all the other stuff is just general

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information it's interesting but what do you do with it right here is

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what this means for you so first of all your immune system makes

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both antibodies and t cells so the better your immune system works the

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healthier you are the better your chances of making

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adequate antibodies and t cells so do you have a well-working immune

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system or a poorly working immune system the

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next thing we have to understand is that pathogens are opportunistic a

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pathogen is something that can cause disease like

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a virus or a bacteria or yeast or fungus

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they are opportunistic they take advantage

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of a weakened situation and that's why we've had these reports

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on the risk groups for the coronavirus that

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sicker people are higher risk they have a much much higher likelihood

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of getting a severe case and dying and people with asthma copd heart

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disease diabetes and obesity could have

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hundreds of times higher death rates than a healthy person as an individual

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we have two roles one is to be a part of the system

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and help reducing the spread so maintain social distancing and wash your hands

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and wear a face mask and be smart be responsible take care of yourself and

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others but the second part is what no one talks

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about and it kills me that there's been so

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little emphasis on this when it's so important and that

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is to get healthy it's like people don't even have

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the notion that that's possible stop and ask for a

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moment why are you afraid of the coronavirus

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and i'm not suggesting that you shouldn't be i'm not trying to be

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flippant but the reason is that you're not sure

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you're not certain and neither am i that

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you have a strong enough defense against the coronavirus

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and we have 600 000 people dead around the world and you don't want

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it to be you or someone that you care about but what

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you can do is you can change the odds we have such a distorted idea of health

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we think of it as either having symptoms or not having symptoms and that's health

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or disease but health is a continuum it's a spectrum

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so at the one end of the spectrum you have optimum health

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and at the other end you have death health

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optimum health is when everything works the way it's supposed to

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100 percent, all the cylinders firing and death is when function has ceased

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completely so this is a continuum from optimum health to death and

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if you're at the upper end then you have great health

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and great immunity if you're at the lower end

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then you have poor health and poor immunity

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and everyone in between which is probably some 80

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of the population have varying levels of health and immunity here's what we

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also have to understand statistics never apply to the individual

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case so we could describe a situation and say

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that the death rate is so many percent but

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there is a spread and if you live then your death rate was zero if you

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died your death rate was a hundred percent

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and if you're in the healthiest end of the spectrum then

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you have a 0.0 something percent chance of dying whereas if you're at the

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lowest end of the spectrum it could be as high as

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15 percent and here's the key you have a lot

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more to say about which end you are than most people realize

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let's say that you were here by the orange arrow

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and it was possible to do things to get up to the green then you could maybe

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take your risk from ten percent to one

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percent and this i'm speaking hypothetically but

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just suppose that three to four months ago when we

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knew this was an epidemic that the whole world's population would

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have taken some steps to improve their health

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then if we could reduce the death rate by 90

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we could have saved over half a million lives and again i'm speaking

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hypothetically but i absolutely believe that is possible so some people now

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would say that oh well you know i had this diabetes for 20 years it's too late

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this thing is upon us now well it's been three to four months since we knew it

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was a fact and it could be three to four months or it could be a

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year until you encounter it the first time because

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most of us probably will then you have plenty of time to do something

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about it because some of these changes you could start showing changes in hours

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not only can you change the odds but you have a lot more power over it

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than you've been led to believe and we're talking about

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a probability though not a guarantee there are no guarantees in life but if

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you do the right steps if you take systematic consistent steps

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then there is a guarantee that you will improve

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your odds you'll improve the probability to go

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unharmed through this there are several things we know of

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that ruin that destroy that down regulate

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the immune system and these are things people do every day

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they eat sugar sugar drives insulin insulin is associated with obesity and

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diabetes and heart disease and high blood

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pressure virtually all of the strongest risk factors we also

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know that stress shuts down the immune system you can be in one of two states

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you can be in healing or you can be in fight flight defend

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yourself stress anticipate danger and

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when you're stressing you can't heal worry i know that you want to be worried

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about this virus and yes you should have respect for it

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but you can turn off your worry and of course nutritional deficiencies

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will keep your body from functioning optimally

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so if you're still doing these things then figure out how to stop

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because it could be the difference between life and death likewise there

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are things that improve your immune system that up regulate

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immunity that increase the beneficial genetic

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expression and one thing is fasting a lot of people

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are scared of fasting they say oh i've had food every two hours for for years

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i could never do that well it's so much easier than you think

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everyone can have three meals within eight hours and fast 16 hours super

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simple but if you give your body 16 hours without food you have

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dramatically up regulated your immunity you have

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reduced your insulin you have up regulated your

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autophagy which is when your body increases its

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recycling and it increases its immune cells

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it increases its t cells that go out and clean up the body of debris such as

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pathogens and viruses if you do meditation that might be the

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fastest most powerful way to

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have benefits all the way around meditation

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once you get good at it which it is simple if you do it regularly you will

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reduce stress you will reduce worry but more than that it might be one

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of the most powerful ways to up regulate the positive aspects

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of your genetic expression and your immune system

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exercise an appropriate amount of exercise

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so we've talked about that on many different videos

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but if you work out too much that's excess

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stress but an appropriate balanced amount of exercise is one of the most

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positive things that you can do for your health it up regulates

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hundreds of positive genes and it down regulates

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hundreds of negative genes and why do i always try to explain

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why instead of just giving you the list of the things to do

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at the end because knowing why is super super important

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when you understand why then you're involving the mind over matter

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involving the mind body connection and you get better results than if you

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just did the thing so if you cut out sugar

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that's good but understanding why and cutting out

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sugar is better you have more influence

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on your genetic expression you up regulate more positive genes

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and down regulate more negative genes you get a

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better immune response you get a better physiology

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if you know why this was just a short summary of the things to do but if you

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understood what i was saying about knowing why and

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you'd really like to know more we have hundreds of videos in the library every

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single video on this channel talks about the holistic

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aspects about the why on how all of this fits together to make the body the

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healthiest it can be if you enjoyed this video i think you'd

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really like that one next thank you so much for watching i'll

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see you next time

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