Coronavirus: Effects No One Talks About? Here's What You Must Do

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Hello health champions today I want to talk about the mental health side

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effects of the Coronavirus not the people who are infected but everyone

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else whose lives have changed because there's a lot of stress there's an

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additional burden that can have side effects and we want to talk about what

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those are but more so we want to talk about what we can do about it if we

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understand the physiology and the mechanism behind it then we can turn it

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around and use it to our advantage so if you use the things I'm going to

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tell you about today and you really understand and take them to heart you

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could actually come out the other end of this ordeal and be stronger and

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healthier and better off then when it all started coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything the coronavirus might be the biggest

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health crisis we'll experience in our lifetime and challenges can be very very

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stressful but they can bring out the best in people and they can bring out

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the worst when we have a crisis we tend to rally together we tend to join forces

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we have solidarity within communities and within nations and across nations

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but stress can also create anxiety and depression we can have fear worry

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irritability and we can also get cravings as a result of this added

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stress there's a tremendous amount of uncertainty we are all wondering will I

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be okay how is this gonna affect me are my kids gonna be okay what about my

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parents my friends and of course what about my bills if this goes on for a

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while how are we all going to do financially there are lots and lots of

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unknowns and the biggest one is how long is it going to last when will it all go

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back to normal some people work from home so staying

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home is not a big deal but for most people everything normal is gone all of

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our routines are changed and for many people our self-worth our self-esteem

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comes in what we can produce and what we can give to others in our job and when

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we can't work a lot of that self-esteem might be reduced a lot of people get

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their sense of self-worth and their feeling good from social relationship

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from social interactions and now with the restrictions all of that is gone for

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a lot of people there are extra chores things that we don't usually have to do

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and that may not be a bad thing if we have to share in the chores like daddy

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has to learn to do some dishes but the additional burden can

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be quite demanding there's a learning curve for a lot of people in doing new

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things so some people might be familiar with telecommuting but for others it's a

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new thing and they have to learn new software and new routines there may be a

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lot more cooking and cleaning than we're used to because we can't go out to eat

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to restaurants we don't eat at work anymore and so forth and when all the

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schools are closed now the kids are home and while some people appreciate family

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time for a lot of people who are not used to so much family time it can be a

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bit stressful they may have to do some home schooling and they have to watch

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the kids in addition to everything else going on so all of these new

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circumstances and all this additional stress has certain risks that there

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could be a worsening of a chronic health problem and when people are stressed

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there can also be an increased use of drugs and the drugs I'm talking about

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are things like alcohol and tobacco and sugar when we're not feeling good we

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often try to compensate we try to feel good through ingesting something or

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doing something we do want to change how we feel but I'm going to show you how to

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do that without using any stimulants or any drugs when we're stressed and we're

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feeling bad it seems like it's just things happening to us like we have very

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little or no control over it but we have to understand that all of this is part

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of a physiological process that we're having a stress response and the body is

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very well designed to have stress but it likes to have short-term intense stress

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like an emergency like you're being chased by an animal you have to climb up

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a tree and you have to fight something or make a quick run for something those

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stresses are short-term and they actually are very good for us but

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chronic stress is more emotional those are stresses that don't require

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any physical exertion but we worry and with those we still have the same stress

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response we get higher heart rate we get higher blood pressure we get higher

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blood sugar our stress hormones with the adrenaline and the cortisol go up so all

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these things happen the same or similar whether it's an acute stress or a

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chronic stress but the short term is very appropriate and the chronic stress

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is very inappropriate what happens as part of that stress response is we have

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vasoconstriction the body starts reprioritizing as part of higher blood

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pressure to get the blood to circulate faster we have vasoconstriction and in

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the short term you get cold hands and cold feet if you're out running then

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eventually after 15-20 minutes you get warm hands and warm feet but with

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chronic stress when you're not moving that doesn't happen and one more body

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part is suffering from that vasoconstriction and that's the brain

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okay all the distal body parts the hands the feet and the head they're all

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experiencing reduced blood flow now why does that matter for the stress response

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because one of the things that the brain does one of the things especially the

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frontal lobe is it turns off the stress response so when we have less blood flow

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to the brain because of vasoconstriction because of the stress response we

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actually have less ability to control the stress response so now we end up

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with a vicious cycle that the chronic stress is causing a stress response and

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the stress response is lessening our ability to deal with the stress response

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and so on and this is why it's very easy to get into a rut when we worry about

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the virus we worry about the news we worry about all these different things

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we're having so many things to figure out and so

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any chores it's easy to get in a rut but we have to understand that its

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physiology and if we understand these mechanisms we can do something about it

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the first thing we have to understand is that it's the stress response that's

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hurting us it's what our bodies are doing in response to something which is

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the stressor so the stressor is the news and the world and all the events going

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on but they are not the thing hurting you it's your response to it

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it's our response to it and it seems like we don't have a lot of choice in

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that because it's just going on we have to respond right but we can respond

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differently so if you notice that you're feeling down and then you I'm gonna give

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you some steps on how to deal with that but if you now break the pattern this

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vicious cycle that we talked about if you know how to break it then you can

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create more blood flow to the brain and now you can have more control of the

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stress response and now we have separated the stressor from the stress

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response and here is why it's so incredibly important to know how the

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brain works because the brain doesn't just control everything about your body

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it is everything about you so if we can juice up the brain if we can stimulate

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it and get some more energy and some more blood going into it the benefits

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are not just better stress management but everything starts working better so

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one of the things that happen is when we're in a rut we might have lack of

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motivation well motivation is also handled by the

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frontal lobe so if we can juice up the brain then we can also get some of that

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motivation back and make it easier and easier to deal with things instead of

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harder and harder your digestion will improve because stress shuts off your

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digestive system we have a fight flight and a feed breed system and whenever

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you're stressed you're turn on the fight flight

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and you turn off the feed breed which controls your digestion the fight/flight

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system also turns off your immune function so by juicing up the brain and

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having it control your stress responses you're also going to improve your immune

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system and I think you can all agree that that would be a good thing right

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now so here's what you want to do first of all you have to know that it's just

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physiology it seems like it's happening to you that you're just a pawn in the

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big scheme of things but you have a choice and it's just physiology you can

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change it next you have to notice how you feel you have to be willing to pay

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attention to how you feel and if you're feeling bad you have to know that you

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can do something about it and finally you want to decide to do something

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different so if you notice how you feel and you're not feeling well

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then you decide to do something different and it's super simple once you

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understand that it's just physiology and you can change it the absolute most

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powerful way to change physiology is movement and 90% of the signals that

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reach your brain that stimulate your brain that juice up the brain are

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related to posture and movement and gravity so if you do something related

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to movement like dancing for example then you're gonna activate these systems

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tremendously and if you have a dance game for example hook up the computer

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hook up the Xbox and start dancing bring the whole family and just take turns and

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cheer each other on go for a walk get some fresh air fill your lungs that's

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the interruption that's a pattern interrupt and I know you're not supposed

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to walk out in public but I'm sure that for most people you can find secluded

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areas to walk where you're not going to run into people you could do things like

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jumping jacks you could do any kind of exercise

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program but jumping jacks would be a very powerful pattern interrupt it's

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kind of like a hit exercise it's fast movements it gets your heart rate up and

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you're working pretty much like dancing you're you're really really activating

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the brain Yoga is another great way to do because it calms you down and even

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though it doesn't get your heart rate up like jumping jacks it's still a powerful

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way to stimulate the brain because when you stretch you're also sending lots of

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signals to the brain whatever you're doing don't do it too long take a break

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once in a while go read a book a book can be like a mental vacation it's a way

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to break the pattern and get away from things once you're feeling good now you

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can share that good energy and uplift others you can call them on the phone or

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you can do Skype or teleconferencing and most importantly you want to take a

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break from the news and the social media yes you want to stay informed but you

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don't need hour after hour after hour you don't need to know it all so if you

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want to spend some time on some social media suggest that you watch this

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channel right here because here you'll learn more about how the body works and

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then you can make some positive changes while you're cooped up and then you want

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to give yourself permission and this may sound strange but we can work kind of

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funny sometimes as humans because we think that we have to feel bad if

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there's something terrible going on around us but you don't have to feel

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guilty you are allowed to feel good even though there's terrible things going on

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it's all there okay there's nothing that you can undo by feeling bad and even if

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there's a lot of people suffering there suffering is not going to go away

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because you feel bad you can't get sick enough to make anybody else healthier

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you can't feel bad enough so that anyone else will have more

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happiness alright obviously you don't want to laugh in someone's face if

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they're having a hard time but the best thing that you can do is to build

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yourself up and feel good so that you can be uplifting to others we're

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experiencing a health crisis of historical proportion but it is what it

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is and you can't undo it at this point so use this time as best you can and

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take it as a challenge to yourself to build yourself up use it in a positive

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way so that you come out stronger and healthier and better off because of it

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if you enjoy this video make sure that you also check out that video thank you

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so much for watching I'll see you in the next one

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