Collapsed Nasal Passage / Nasal Valve Collapse
Hello, I'm Dr.. Sten Ekberg. I'm a
neurologically based holistic chiropractor and
I'm not really presentable today because I just came from the dentist and only half my face is working
But I didn't want to miss the opportunity to
demonstrate something that I noticed my
nasal passage has collapsed on the side where I got the painkiller, so if you notice carefully [sniff, sniff, sniff]
That only one nostril closes, and I couldn't breathe through it. I felt like I was getting a cold or something
and it occurred to me that it's muscles that hold open nasal passages and
consequently brain controls muscles, so brain has a lot to do with nasal
passage clearance and very often patients will report
after an adjustment that
they can breathe better, so there you have it
brain controls muscles, muscles control tissues and function, so when there is interference then
things don't work as well. so nasal passages has everything to do with brain and getting adjusted can help
Thank you very much
for more information go look at
normally, I thought I had a little bit of congestion like a drop of
mucus or something so I tried to do this and
instead this happened
Absolutely nothing because muscles are necessary to open up the nasal passages