Cold Hands And Feet All The Time

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do you have cold hands and feet all the time I'm gonna explain how that works

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hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to get as healthy

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as possible by understanding how health works then make sure you subscribe and

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hit that bell so that you don't miss anything so some people tend to have

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cold hands and feet even though their body core is feeling warm they're not

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really freezing they just have cold hands and feet what's that all about

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well if you're cold in the core if your whole body is cold that's a metabolism

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problem that's an energy problem and I made another video to explain that but

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if your body is warm and your hands and feet are cold that's a circulation

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problem so what is it that warms the hands the thing that warms the hand is

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blood and if your body core temperature is somewhere around 98.6 degrees then

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the blood is supposed to be close to that by the time it gets to the hands

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it's gonna cool off a little bit but if your body is 98.6 your hands are

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supposed to be around 90 to 92 to 93 degrees that's a normal reduction in

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temperature on the way out to the hand but a lot of people when they feel that

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hands are cold their hands can be like 78 or 80 degrees even in a room where

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it's 72 I've had people with a hand temperature of 74 their hands are just

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barely warmer than the room and what that means is there is very very little

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blood getting into the hands and the same thing of course with the feet so

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what is it that regulates how much blood is getting into the hands and feet and

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there is something called vasoconstriction so you have blood

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vessels that have muscles in them in the larger blood vessels and they can

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tighten up that's called vasoconstriction or they can relax

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that's called vasodilation when they relax

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that allows more blood into the periphery into the smaller capillaries

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the finest blood vessels that we have in the hands and toes so then obviously the

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question becomes if the vasoconstriction keeps the blood from flowing into the

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hands what causes vasoconstriction and the

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answer is stress and more specifically it's something called a stress response

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when you have a stress response then your body changes your physiology and

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adapt to a stressful situation to an emergency of some sort so let's just say

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that you had a bear or a truck or something attacking you are coming

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toward you fast now your body needs to ramp up it needs to rev up everything

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and you're gonna increase your heart rate you're gonna increase your blood

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pressure and the way that body does that is the heart pumps harder and the blood

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vessels constrict so that they're tighter and now the blood can move

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faster through the blood vessels so that there's actually more blood getting to

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the muscles that are gonna get out of the way and save you so in an emergency

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this works really really well but if it's not a true emergency if you're just

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feeling uptight if you just feeling tension then you're still maintaining

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the vasoconstriction but you're not having an emergency so your heart isn't

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pumping faster or harder so now a normal heart output against that

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vasoconstriction means that the blood is actually slowed down it's prevented to

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get to the periphery instead of getting there faster so the same response works

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two different ways depending on how intense that stress response is and if

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you have more of the moderate chronic low level stress response then you're

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getting the the cold hands and feet with our vasoconstriction instead and then

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the next question is what is it that regulates the stress

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response and that is the frontal lobe your cortex the brain and especially the

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frontal lobe so the better the frontal lobe is working the better it can

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inhibit or turn off that stress response so by practicing relaxation exercises

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you can reduce that stress response and you're getting a little bit of

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activation of that frontal lobe at the same time when you're relaxing the other

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super powerful way to activate the frontal lobe is called exercise and with

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exercise you're getting a little bit more it's not instead of relaxation they

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work wonderfully together but it does a few more things additionally so when you

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exercise you obviously increase your circulation because your heart rate goes

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up and you need the blood to do the work but one more thing happens have you ever

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noticed if you go out for a walk on a cold day and your hands are cold when

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you start and then 10-15 minutes later they're still cold but then somewhere

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around 20 to 30 minutes all of a sudden the hands just get warm and they feel

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really warm and it's almost like you can take your gloves off and they still warm

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that's because it takes 20-30 minutes for the capillaries to open up for the

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the finest circulation to open all the way up and once it does on a regular

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basis something really cool happens it's called angiogenesis and that is a fancy

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word that means making new blood vessels so what that means is your body is

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always checking how things are working and if you need more of something it up

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regulates it makes more it increases the capacity to produce that product that

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effect so if you have more peripheral circulation on a regular basis your body

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is gonna make more blood vessels so you can support that blood flow if it

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happens a regular basis how cool is that and a

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third thing happens with exercise because you're going to move and

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movement is the primary stimulant for incoming information to the brain and

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especially the frontal lobe the cortex so with exercise you have three benefits

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that all contributes to keeping your your hands and feet warm the first is

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exercise increases circulation second it increases angio neo Genesis making new

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blood vessels and third it activates the frontal lobe which can turn off the

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stress and control the vasoconstriction so the two ways are exercise and

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relaxation exercises breathing exercises and we have a video on that also so give

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those a try and let me know how it works if you have some good results please

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share it and more than anything share this information with people who need to

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know everyone needs to know how to get off of drugs surgery and feel as good as

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possible all the time if you're new to this channel please hit the subscribe

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button and the bell so that you keep this information coming and you don't

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miss anything thank you so much for today

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