Cold Flu Season Prevention Tips

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Cold and flu season 2018-2019 is soon upon us so what can we do to not get the

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flu? Coming right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with WellnessFor

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Life and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body

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really works make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything so how come that there is an official cold and

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flu season every year do the bugs kind of migrate or is it certain things that

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humans do that make us more susceptible so first of all not everybody gets the

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flu even though the flu virus there's bugs all around us not everyone gets it

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because some people have a stronger immune system some bodies can put up

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more resistance so what are the factors that influence that well in your body

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you have a system your autonomic nervous system kind of operates on a seesaw and

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we call that the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system and the

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sympathetic nervous system that's your fight/flight system it's designed to rev

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things up to increase your blood sugar to increase your heart rate to increase

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your blood pressure to get you ready for a fight

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to get you ready to run away and whenever that happens whenever that

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sympathetic nervous system is activated you automatically by default

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decrease the activity of the parasympathetic and the parasympathetic

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is your feed breed system that's what handles your digestion and your immune

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system and your repair and your healing and your reproduction so modern human

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beings have more stress than we've ever had because we live in a very very

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complex world but starting somewhere around Halloween it tends to increase

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and that is why we become more susceptible we

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increase our stress so what is stress stress is anything that activates your

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sympathetic nervous system so that it can be chemical stress structural stress

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and emotional stress so in chiropractic we talked about this triad of health

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that the human is influenced by chemical structural and emotional factors so

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chemical stress would be things like toxins and pathogens and unstable blood

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sugar for example all of those are chemical stresses structural stress our

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trauma slips and falls but also lack of movement because movement drives the

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frontal lobe that inhibits stress so sedentary living in activity is actually

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a form of physical stress and emotional stress is when we feel overwhelmed when

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you feel tense or frustrated or inadequate or there's just too many

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things to do and not enough time and starting somewhere around Halloween with

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all of that can be and then going on through the Thanksgiving and then all

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the Christmas parties we tend to eat more candy we tend to go to more parties

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we tend to not have time to exercise because of all the parties and we're

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less inclined to exercise because it's cold and dark and then all the emotional

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stress because we have all these things to do and all these parties to prepare

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for and all these dinners to cook so stress everyone would probably agree

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that for most people stress increases during the holiday season which

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coincides with the flu season so knowing that what can we do about it well the

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first thing that you want to do is to cut back on sugar because sugar it is

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the main form of chemical stress it as soon as you eat sugar you destabilize

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your blood sugar you create a blood sugar rollercoaster every time your

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blood sugar is low you make cortisol which is a stress hormone and there you

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go sugar also feeds all the pathogens all of the bugs that create the flu

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the colds and flues they are fed by sugar everything you don't want in your

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body everything that feeds offer you loves sugar so number two avoid sugar

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okay number three don't eat sugar number four

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eat good quality food eat grass-fed meat eat organic meat eat wild caught fish

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eat organic vegetables eat quality fat eat grass-fed organic butter eat extra

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virgin olive oil eat coconut oil but don't eat sugar I think you're getting

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the picture now I really hope so and five stay physically active I know the

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season is very challenging because we're so tempted to go inside and just do

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other things but we want to stay active the activity drives the frontal lobe the

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frontal lobe inhibits the stress response and balances out this seesaw

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and you can benefit your immune system by doing that and finally to combat the

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emotional stress try to find some time despite all of the hurry to relax put

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aside five minutes do some deep breathing put aside some time to do

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meditation there's a guided meditation on our site here's a link for that one

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so there are a lot of things that we can do and realize that the flu does not hit

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you accidentally it does not land on you just because you have bad luck it lands

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on everybody and if you have a stronger immune system if your parasympathetic

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sympathetic nervous system are imbalanced then you will probably not

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get the flu so a lot of people wonder about the flu shot and I'm not going to

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get into a lot of detail there my personal opinion is I don't get the flu

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shot but I would recommend for everyone to do your research don't take my word

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for it and even more importantly don't take your medical

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doctor's word for it and don't get the flu shot just because it's offered free

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at your local Kroger or Walmart or wherever else you happen to be make an

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informed decision and do all the things that it needs to get you healthy and in

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balance and strengthen your immune system if you enjoy this sort of content

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell and please share

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this content because everything on our channel is about saving lives it's about

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helping get the message of health out to the broader public thanks for watching

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