Chiropractic vs Medicine (DC vs MD)

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Chiropractic versus medicine what's the difference? I'm gonna tell you. Hey I'm

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Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so that you don't miss anything so there are many different

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ways of comparing healthcare different modalities of health care or treatment

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so we're gonna look at one that you probably haven't thought of previously

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and chiropractic we deal with trying to rebuild health primarily and in medicine

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they primarily deal with treating symptoms and both of these are perfectly

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fine because in an emergency you should be very very grateful that there's some

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skilled medical doctors around but if you have a functional imbalance then

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there's not a whole lot that they can do for you

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whereas in chiropractic it is more about rebuilding so you could think of these

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as this is the fire department this is emergency and this is more like a

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carpenter or a landscaper or someone is trying to rebuild and create something

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so one isn't bad we're wrong it's just there for different things so first I

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want to talk about what is life what is it that makes something alive what is it

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that we can measure from something that is alive that we can't measure from

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something that is dead and the answer is signals everything that is alive has an

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ability to receive and process and interpret and produce signals that's

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what makes something alive from the little single cellular creature all the

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way up to humans with somewhere around 40 50 trillion cells incredible

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complexity but the way that this life is expressed is through signals and the

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more of the appropriate signals that we have the better

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life can be expressed the more vitality we have so when you move you are

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creating signals when you think you're creating signals when you perceive

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something you first have to receive signals and then process and then create

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an output that's what perception is when you talk you have to create signals and

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maybe most importantly when you feel good in order to feel good you have to

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create a lot of signals and let's talk about that one for a little bit so your

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brain processes everything about you and no one knows exactly how many signals

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per second but just to like a ballpark they've estimated it processes about 1

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billion bits of information every second that's a lot of information so that

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information is coming in through the spinal cord up through the brainstem and

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into the frontal lobe and the frontal lobe processes this information and then

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it responds and sends signals out in response to the information it received

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and here's the key to understanding what we're gonna talk about that the frontal

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lobe has mostly inhibitory action that means for the most part it turns things

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off so it gets a signal in and it turns it off it negates that signal and that

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is how the brain creates balance and experience so when you have a negative

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thought and the brain needs to do away with that the better frontal lobe

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activity you have the better you can inhibit that thought if you have pain a

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little bit of pain is good because if the pain is there so that you don't hurt

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yourself so that you can detect dangerous situations but if you have

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excessive pain the brain needs to be able to inhibit and dampen and turn that

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pain down so some around 80 to 90 percent of what the brain does is to

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turn things off those it's inhibitory signals

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so life is signals and the brain processes all those signals so in this

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perspective what's the difference between chiropractic and medicine and

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why should we understand this why should we be very very concerned because

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chiropractic is what's called a receptor based therapy that means we stimulate

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receptors we put pressure on receptors we activate motion receptors we activate

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stretch receptors in muscle spindles and joints mechanoreceptors in joint

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capsules so in doing this we send very large amounts of specific signals to the

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brain we activate the brain so the brain can create more signals and in order for

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us to feel good we have to turn off a bunch of signals so this is why people

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in meditation the people who report and I can attest to this as well that when

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you find that highest state of meditation you are supremely happy

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you're blissful and in that state you have a higher activity in that frontal

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lobe than any other state and in that state the frontal lobe turns off more

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stuff than any other time and that's why you feel so good

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so in order to feel good you need to create lots and lots of signals in

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chiropractic they actually through this receptor stimulation we increase signals

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in the body okay and here is where the biggest difference in medicine comes in

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medication by definition is designed to block signals it reduces the amount of

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signaling in the body it interferes with signals in the body so in an emergency

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that's not a bad thing if you're a burn victim if you broke a bone you're in so

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much pain you just want that pain gone and cutting off that signal in that

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crisis can make you much much more comfortable but long-term this mechanism

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is devastating it interferes with health it reduces your

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vitality is reduces the expression of health so that's why it's so critical to

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understand the difference between increasing signals and decreasing

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signals understanding the difference between health and crisis management

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medicine is great at crisis management let's have them do that let's hope they

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get better and better at it but let's take charge of our health by

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understanding that it's about signals it's about filling in all the little

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pieces of a healthy lifestyle eating better of moving better of thinking and

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feeling better that's how you create health so again to put it in the

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simplest possible term the difference between chiropractic and medicine is

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that one increases signals and the other decreases signals if you enjoyed this

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sort of content make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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and please share this information with as many people as you can because this

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channel is all about saving lives and the earlier in life you start the better

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off you are don't wait till you already have a

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symptom then you already are far down that the slippery slope of degeneration

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so again share this content and thanks for watching

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