Chiropractic Visits: How Often? Chiropractic Not Working?

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Chiropractic adjustments. How often do you need one? I'm gonna explain the

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bigger picture so that you understand the variables that determine how often

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you might need one. Coming right up

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Hey I'm doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything.

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Chiropractors often get criticized for adjusting so much that they they sell

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care plans to people that go on three times a week for three months twice a

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week for three months and once a week for the rest of your life so why do they

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do that? and is there a way that we can get fewer adjustments and still get the

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same results or even better? So let's talk about all these factors first of

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all before we can answer the question of how often we need to understand several

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different things so first of all what is an adjustment and with that I don't mean

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the the twisting and the cracking or using an instrument that's just the

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action but what's the mechanism when we do an adjustment what's the mechanism

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how does it influence the body how does it change anything because it is not

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about moving the bone I don't care how many chiropractors have told you that it

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is about the alignment of the bone that's not what it's about if it was

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about moving the bone then you would simply find the misalignment you would

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move the bone from A to B and you'd be done all right but that's not the case

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if that was the case you need one adjustment but there are other factors

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involved so it's not about moving the bone it's about the effect on the brain

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what happens in the brain when you move the bone because the brain controls and

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regulates everything in your body so if an adjustment has a benefit it's because

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it affected the brain somehow it changed the brains perception it changed the

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brain's ability to carry out its actions so what effects

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does it have on the brain first it is stimulation okay when we move something

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we activate receptors we activate muscle spindles we activate mechanoreceptors

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stretch receptors and we send signals to the brain that's number one and this has

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been verified by EEG electroencephalograms in dozens if not

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hundreds of studies when we stimulate when we do something like an adjustment

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which is also very quick and very sudden it's very different from a stretch for

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example we have a pattern interrupt it's like a defibrillation in a sense it's

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like a surprise to the brain and these can also be verified on EEG s the other

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thing to understand is that it is a patterning retraining that every skill

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that you have whether it is in sports whether it's it's throwing a basketball

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shooting hoops if it's playing an instrument playing piano or violin

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you're not going to create a habit you're not going to get skilled in one

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attempt you're gonna have to do it over and over and over because all skills

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that you have are patterns in your nervous system it is by creating habits

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and patterns and pathways that are habituated that you can carry out

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actions and skills automatically so posture muscle spasms they're also

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habits misalignments are also habits that we need to interrupt and that we

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need to retrain so adjusting is a skill retraining and it takes a certain amount

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of repetition okay there's no way around that

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here is where and this is where chiropractors agree that yes it takes a

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lot of repetition but the question is how much repetition

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and what are the other factors involved that might reduce the need for so much

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repetition or if you've been adjusted for a year and you have seen you see

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temporary results and then he goes right back to where it was what's going on why

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doesn't it take why doesn't it last what is required for an adjustment to work so

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first of all we know that an adjustment is a signal so in order for it to work

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the brain has to process that signal it has to be able to understand it it has

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to metabolize it okay brain cells have a metabolism they have energy expenditure

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it requires energy to process a signal so in order to process the signal the

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brain requires glucose or in some cases ketones if you're on a ketogenic diet

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your brain learns to utilize more ketones than glucose it also needs

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oxygen and these two are enough to process the signal temporarily but that

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is not going to change the skill because in order to change the skill in order to

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retrain the pattern we have to make new synapses we have to enhance we have to

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enlarge the pathways involved and that means we have to build something we have

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to add materials we have to have raw materials with which to build new

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synapses and new pathways and strengthen the nerves involved so now we also need

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building blocks that's nutrition that's essential fatty

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acids and cholesterol and essential amino acids and in order to utilize

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those things we need enzymes and vitamins and minerals and cofactors and

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food factors that there are tens of thousands that we know of and even more

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that we don't know of but that's the stuff in whole food and that's why when

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we eat processed foods we can be deficient in the building

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blocks and the cofactors needed to process those signals so nutrition

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becomes incredibly important for the adjustment to work so there are a few

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things that can interfere with this signal so if we adjust over and over we

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we make a change and then it's back to where it was then the brain is either

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missing something like we said the nutrition or there is something else

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interfering with that signal over and over and over it's like a circuit

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breaker it trips you fix it and it trips again well what was it that tripped it

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again and this is what we have found over and over is maybe the most

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important factor to address today even before or at the same time that you

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start adjusting at all and if someone has poor digestion then they're gonna

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have inflammation and they're gonna have deficiencies because they can't break

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down the food so it causes inflammation they can't break down the food so they

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can't absorb the micronutrients so now they don't have the nutrients necessary

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to process the signal and to rebuild synapses and pathways so what we can do

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is we can identify if they have a food sensitivity we can give them a digestive

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enzyme so now they break the food down better we reduce the inflammation they

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absorb more food that we give them some nutrients so now there's fewer

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deficiencies now they have the building blocks and the raw materials to actually

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process the signal and to create new synapses and this is the difference

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between an adjustment that is short term effect and that starts lasting longer

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and longer but there can be other things interfering as well so if they have a

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metal toxicity a metal can sit in a synapse it can block a receptor it can

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block a crucial function in the body so that

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we adjust and then that circuit breaker goes off again same thing with chemicals

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so the body has a normal way a natural way of dealing with toxins we eliminate

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toxins through the liver and through the bowel and the kidneys and the lungs and

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the skin but if the body gets overwhelmed or if it gets stressed or

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deficient then it has a lesser ability to get rid of these things and now they

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start accumulating until they become a problem I'm tripping these circuit

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breakers if you will so by assisting the body by helping the liver by taking some

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homeopathics to assist the body in eliminating toxins

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we're actually supporting that adjustment there are also other factors

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there are immune factors if you have chronic pathogens if you have chronic

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inflammation so if you have sinus infections if you have a poor gut flora

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then all of those are factors and we've talked in other videos about scars and

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another factor is electromagnetic fields because your body is an electromagnetic

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fields if you have a lot of electromagnetic fields around you it

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interferes with your body's ability to adapt it makes it more difficult the

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body has to expend more energy to compensate for that external

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electromagnetic field so these are all different reasons and different factors

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that are important to understand of why the adjustment may or may not work so

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well so 50 60 70 years ago people got a few adjustments and they got tremendous

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results because we didn't have such processed food such poor digestion we

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didn't have so many deficiencies we didn't have metal toxicity chemical

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toxicity they've added 80,000 chemicals in our environment since 1950 it was a

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different world and these are the factors that have changed that we need

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to understand these are the real reasons why we

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SiC and why chiropractic doesn't work as quickly as it used to so if you've had

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chiropractic care for years and you're just getting better and then you're kind

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of just coming back to the same place all the time then it might be time to

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find someone that can address some of these other factors or encourage your

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existing chiropractor to maybe look for some of these things or ask about those

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in our office we have had people come from other chiropractors they said I

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went to this place for a year I've been adjusted every week for two years and

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the adjustment holds for two-three days and then we start helping them with

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these factors some digestive enzymes some metal and chemical detoxification

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and all of a sudden their adjustments start holding and rather quickly we see

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them once a month and they're doing just great so everyone's different this is

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not something that's going to happen every time but very very often we find

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that these are the factors that really determine how well that adjustment is

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going to work because it's not about moving the bone it's about creating a

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signal helping the brain develop a new pattern and having the nutritional

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status the ability to process the energy to create the energy to process that

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signal to have the building blocks to create new patterns and new synapses the

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body is an ecosystem and everything works together so how often do you need

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to get adjusted I suggest that you need to get adjusted

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three times a week initially to interrupt the pattern and to start the

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pattern retraining but if you have a proper nutritional status you should

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already start to see some stabilization again everyone's different this might

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happen in two weeks for some people and four weeks

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in other people but it should not have to go on for months and months and

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months at that frequency then there are other reasons

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other factors that are not being addressed and I believe that maintenance

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chiropractic is incredibly important we should never ever stop getting adjusted

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entirely because of all these different reasons we live in a different world we

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live in a very stressful toxic world and chiropractic has the ability to create

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pattern interrupts and resets that can be incredibly powerful I believe a

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maintenance for most people should be maybe once a month every six weeks every

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couple of months very few people can go even longer than that and still do well

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but again it's not about symptoms it is about having a fully functional body to

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have all the organs and all the synapses to have a stable brain that can sleep

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well and function well and think well that has good endurance that doesn't

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fatigue easily from physical movement or or mental tasks that's all a part of

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health and by understanding these factors you have the bigger picture that

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can help you understand what chiropractic does and how to get truly

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healthy so watch as many of our videos as you can because these are things that

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we talk about in from different angles in in all of those if you enjoy this

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sort of content make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that we can keep this content coming your way and please share this

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information because very very few people even very few chiropractors understand

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what chiropractic is they are great at moving the bone they're great at getting

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people better but they don't really understand the profound brain effects

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and the the complex picture that they're influencing so share this with as many

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people as you can because it will save lives and there's so many people who

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would go to a chiropractor if they understood even a little bit of this

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thank you so much for watching

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