Chiropractic Subluxation

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they try to get a cadaver spine and they try to bend and twist it to put pressure

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on a nerve they hooked up the nerve and sent a current through it and there was

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no way that had been twisted to reduce the current so they took the the nerve

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out of the bone and laid it on a flat surface and put pressure on it and now

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sure enough there was interference with with the signal transmission so

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everybody looked at that and they went wow yeah that's fantastic and a dime of

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pressure reduces nerve function by 50 percent so everybody took television can

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you imagine how much how much nerve interference that would be in your body

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when that little pressure changes the transmission well the fact remained

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before they took the nerve out of the bone they couldn't create any kind of of

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interference so in that the system is so wonderfully designed that once that's

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the function of the moment it doesn't put pressure on nerves it does the

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opposite well it's it's supposed to protect the nerve and create the

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appropriate openings for the nerves to exit but when they couldn't create what

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they wanted they took the nerve out and and put pressure on it and see there so

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basically they had to break the bone had to put so much pressure on it that they

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broke the bone and that's like 800 pounds per square inch room or whatever

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that those tremendous forces and and all it shows us the body is so wonderfully

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designed that works so the mechanism is something

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completely different but no one's ever really or in the last 20 years now we do

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know the mechanism that it's not the pressure on the nerve but that model is

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still the prevailing one so it doesn't invalidate what chiropractors do it just

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makes them look dumb when they can't explain why it's why it's working on

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right but once we understand that it's not the nerve bundle with the signals

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and the signals are like software and the movement creates signals

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now the model model works and if you go to the route where the signals are

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generated exactly well they're processed here they're not all generated there

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because they're generated here there so just that where does it come from them

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like they're generated here but doesn't it originate no no it's the environment

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that drives the brain so when something touches you here that creates the signal

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that the brain responds to and that creates a motor response and now in

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parasympathetic reactions that's yeah that's part of it but even simpler than

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that when you when anything touches you when any receptor reacts there's a

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signal goes into the brain and that is what the brain works on that's what

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drives the brain yes the brain can generate some impulses internally

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through thinking and so forth but the vast majority of signals are coming from

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the environment driving the brain and that is that's the cycle so what we're

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doing is we're really just improving the feedback because when when a joint isn't

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working it's because the brain doesn't get the proper signal so if it doesn't

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get the signal it doesn't know what to do

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