Chiropractic Doesn't Cure Anything

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Can chiropractors cure anything? That's a question I often get. And sometimes

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it's sincere and sometimes it's a little bit in spite, but it's the wrong question.

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Chiropractors can't cure anything. Nor do they want to. Chiropractors can't treat

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hardly anything. They can treat a spine. They can treat a misalignment according

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to their scope of practice. And even though I'm a chiropractor I have gone so

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far in different.. not away from chiropractic but in addition to

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chiropractic that I hardly think of myself as a chiropractor anymore. I think

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of myself as a holistic doctor. If... The answer that I've been thinking about, I

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haven't used yet, is if someone asks me, "What kind of doctor are you?" I want to

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answer, "The kind that get people better" And what's the thing about... If some

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people think that because chiropractors sometimes claim, or sometimes get the

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reputation... oh we help with this condition, and this condition, and this

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condition then it's like no that can't be true. If an orthopedic if a specialist

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medical doctor can only handle one thing how can chiropractors or holistic

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doctors handle all of that stuff? Well it's a misunderstanding in the very

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premise of what you're asking because chiropractors don't treat they don't

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cure what we do is we support the body. The body is designed to heal and that's

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something that we have forgotten as a society. That there are so many people not

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healing anymore that we assume that I guess it's not happening, I guess we were

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wrong the the body isn't supposed to heal, is it's made defective and it

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breaks. Well what we find is if we support and help the body by addressing

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the underlying condition by addressing the underlying cause and if we can trace

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it far enough back to the root cause then we can unleash that

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healing ability again. So do we can we treat or cure anything? Absolutely not. We

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don't even want to. Can the body heal and cure anything? Yes. So it's not that we

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have this wide variety of treatment it's that we handle the crucial factor the

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thing that is holding the body back. So that is why we have patients that report

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to us that they no longer have migraines, they no longer have back pain, they no

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longer have tennis elbow, they no longer have insomnia, they no longer have

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indigestion, but it's not because we treated those

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things that's because we help the body heal it. It's a shift in understanding

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and that's the only way that we can ever get anything better and the only way

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that we can ever do anything about the health crisis that we have. If we stop

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treating and curing and if we instead start addressing the cause and helping

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the body heal. This sounds really really really simple and people kind of get it

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on the surface, and yet five minutes later I hear someone complain about

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something. They say can you treat this because it even though it's a simple

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concept it takes a lot of time and a lot of study to really truly get it.

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Hope this helps. If you have any other questions please comment or ask us a

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question we'll be happy to address any concern that you have and we'll be

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trying to give you some some helpful answers thank you

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