Chia Seeds, Quinoa, Flax Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds... 13 Seeds On Keto - Snacks (Fats, Carbs & Omega)🌻🌱

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best 13 seeds on keto there's chia seed and flaxseed and pumpkin seed

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that are enormous ly popular as Kido snacks but how good are they really for

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keto and for health there's also a seed called quinoa that's very popular but

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how good is that for Kido so today we're gonna answer all those

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questions and more coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and

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a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so that you don't miss anything most people start low carb and

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ketogenic lifestyles to reduce insulin and insulin resistance and to lose

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weight and in doing that they can often reduce inflammation and reverse a lot of

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other health conditions but if you eat the wrong kind of fat then you could

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actually promote inflammation and offset some of the benefits that you otherwise

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get from the ketogenic and low carb lifestyle so let's look at why that is

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so I'll get into the ranking of the seeds in a moment but before I do that I

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want to explain some of the basics and I urge you to stay with me on that and pay

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really close attention because if you don't understand the basics of why the

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different fats do what they do then you won't understand why I'm

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ranking the seeds the way that I do and how much you can eat of each one and so

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forth so let's dig into that there are two essential fatty acids in the body

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it's an omega-3 called alpha linolenic acid and an omega-6 called linoleic acid

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and both of them are necessary both are good but what's bad is when they get out

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of balance when one starts to dominate and the best balance is a one to one

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ratio and you can go as far as one to four and still stay in balance the

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problem is most modern diets are about a 1 to 25 so

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the Omega sixes are vastly dominant they're pushing the omega-3s way out of

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balance and why does that matter because these essential fatty acids it's not

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really what the body is looking for it needs them to turn into other things

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that the body needs so this one can become arachidonic acid the omega-6 is

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in the arachidonic acid pathway which can turn into prostaglandin 2 which is

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pro-inflammatory and again we don't like too much inflammation but some

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inflammation is necessary it's part of the healing process and at certain times

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the body needs to do that but it doesn't need 25 times as much as the other

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pathway the other pathway is the omega-3 and there the body can turn that into EP

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a and eventually into DHA the epa turns into prostaglandins 3 which is a neutral

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prostaglandin so it's not really anti-inflammatory but it is

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anti-inflammatory in the sense that it balances the pro-inflammatory pathway

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and then the DHA that is the thing that the body is ultimately looking for as a

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building block because your brain and your nervous system is mostly fat and

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the most important component of that fat is DHA it is the dominant building block

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of your nervous system and if you don't have enough then the body has to

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compromise the nervous system will compromise and put other fatty acids in

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but it won't work quite as well so signaling quality will be compromised as

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a result so a lot of plant proponents and a lot of vegans they think that they

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can just eat any kind of plant omega-3 and the body will convert it into the

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DHA that it needs and that's theoretically possible

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but in reality it really doesn't work very well because less than 5% of the

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ala gets converted into EPA and less than 0.5% gets converted into DHA so

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even though you don't need a whole lot of DHA you would have to eat enormous

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amounts even if you drank half a cup of flax oil per day you would probably just

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barely make enough DHA and drinking that amount of flax oil is probably not

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something that you want to keep up so the ratios in the diet still matter and

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it's still important to get some plant omega-3s but not necessarily so you can

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turn them into DHA but because these two pathways compete with each other there's

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an enzyme that's the name is not important but Delta 6d saturates for

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those who really need to know and the more omega sixes that you have in the

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diet the more those omega sixes are going to suck up that enzyme and going

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to dominate that pathway so if you have 25 times as much Omega 6s then there's

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going to be 25 times as much of that enzyme allocated to this pathway versus

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that one so the conversion is going to be terrible but if you eat more of the

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plant omega-3s even if you don't convert a whole lot at

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least you will limit the amount of the enzyme that goes into the

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pro-inflammatory pathway so there's two reasons that you're looking to increase

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your omega-3s one is that you can potentially turn some of it into DHA but

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not much of that is going to happen the other reason is that if you increase the

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omega-3s you will at least compete and reduce the omega-6 pro-inflammatory

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pathway so when it comes to fat balance to balance these things out there's two

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things that you're looking for one is to increase the DHA for brain food and the

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only really powerful reliable way to do that is to eat fish and to take

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fish oil then you can eat grass-fed beef and dairy and butter but it doesn't

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really contain enough DHA to give a substantial boost to the amount it does

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help a little bit and these animal products contain the finished version

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the DHA what it does do is it's sort of neutral because you can eat the meat and

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at least you're not adding a bunch of omega sixes you can also increase your

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flax oil your your seed intake of the seeds that are very high in omega threes

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and we'll talk about those and again they're sort of neutral in their benefit

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they're not going to add a lot of DHA but they will be the they allow you to

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eat a fat that doesn't contribute with omega sixes and they will compete a

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little bit with this pathway and hold it back so those are all good things to do

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but the only really substantial way is to eat fish and take fish oil

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supplements the other thing you're looking for is to reduce the

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inflammation and now the most powerful way is to reduce the total amount of

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omega sixes and in doing that there's two things you're looking for is you

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want to reduce your consumption of vegetable oil and those are the seed

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oils it's everything that they use in commercial cooking so when you go out to

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eat you can be sure that they're using these omega-6 vegetable oils because

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they are so inexpensive you can also reduce your consumption of grain-fed

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meat because when you feed the cow grass it ends up about a 1 to 1 ratio so

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that's where it's neutral but if you feed it grain now it's gonna have a lot

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of those omega sixes and now you're shifting the pathway over in this

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direction again I know that was a little technical I hope that you could follow

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because it's going to be so important now that we start looking

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the different kinds of seeds and why we want to use more or less of them number

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13 on the list is quinoa and it's not cuz it's a super terrible food but from

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a keto from a low carb perspective it has 57 grams of net carbs so a lot of

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people think of it as a grain and they use it as a grain so in that sense it's

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better than most grains because it has a lot of protein and it is gluten-free but

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on a keto diet you really can't eat quinoa because it's so starchy number 12

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is pomegranate seed and again it's a very very nutritious food it's very

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healthy but and a lot of people don't think of it as a seed even though it has

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that name because it's really more of a fruit nutritionally speaking and on a

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keto diet then it doesn't have hardly any fat but it has 15 grams of

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carbohydrates and it's almost all sugar so you could have a couple tablespoons

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maybe it's sort of like a berry if you keep it really limited because it's very

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nutritious but you cannot eat a whole lot of it on a keto diet fat wise it

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hardly has any fat at all so it's not gonna affect your Omega 6s or

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inflammation or anything like that number 11 is safflower seed and that's

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one of the most popular ones to make oil from cheap cooking oil it has 38 percent

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fat so again all these numbers are out of a hundred grams of food which is

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about three and a half ounces so all the numbers are in percentages of the amount

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the weight of that food so safflower is 38 percent fat but thirty-four percent

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net carbs it's a very very starchy it has almost zero

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omega-3s and it has 28 percent Omega 6s so you can't eat a whole lot of

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safflower before you start adding up the carbs and

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you start adding up the omega 6's and pushing that inflammatory number number

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10 is watermelon seed a lot of people like to eat those seeds and they are

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quite nutritious but it has 47 percent fat 15 percent net carbs but it has 30

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percent Omega 6s so again it's it's quite a bit of fat but most of it is

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omega 6's which is the pro-inflammatory so let's just talk a little bit about

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how much omega sixes are you looking for well there's not like an exact number

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because it's going to depend on how much omega threes you get in your diet that's

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going to offset the balance but you probably want to keep the total

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consumption of omega-6 fats somewhere under 20 or maybe even 15 grams a day so

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when you look at something that has 30 or 28 grams of Omega 6s that means if

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you ate 50 grams if you just had two ounces of those you already maxed out

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your allowance of Omega 6s for that day number nine is poppy seed it's a very

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tasty little seed that you can use sort of as a spice you're probably not going

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to eat any huge quantities of it so carb wise you're not really in any danger if

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you have a teaspoon as part of something the Omega 6s will add up pretty quickly

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though at 28% number eight sunflower seeds so 52% fat pretty low on the net

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carbs 11 grams but it has 23 grams of Omega 6s 23% Omega 6s so sunflower seeds

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is one of those things that once you get going you can probably eat quite a lot

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so the Omega sixes and the inflammation is going to add up pretty quick

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number seven is sesame seeds and even if people don't sit and crunch a whole lot

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on sesame seeds it's very popular in Middle Eastern cuisine something called

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tahini and in moderation again it's not bad but it has 12 grams of carbs which

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isn't gonna be adding up too much but again if you're trying to stay under 20

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grams of omega sixes then even even an ounce is going to give you like 7 or 8

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grams so again realize that these numbers you're gonna have to fit them in

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to your daily budget just like you fit the carbohydrates in a ketogenic diet so

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it counts everything that you eat all sources for that day so everything to

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this point I've done in red which means that I pretty much recommend you stay

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away from it some of it you could do from a keto

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perspective some of it you could do from a omega-6 perspective but overall I

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really wouldn't suggest you eat a lot of these you could have a little bit here

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and there and the same holds true for some other seeds that I've found in my

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research like fennel seed and mustard seed and cumin seed and fenugreek seed

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etc even if they run a little bit high on net carbs then you're not going to

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consume they're more like spices so you're not gonna consume a lot of them

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so feel free to use those you would probably never eat more than a teaspoon

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of any of those at one time but now we're at number six so now we're getting

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into the more recommended range so number six is hemp seed and this one is

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kind of a big maybe because a lot of people love hemp seed it's one of those

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highly promoted superfoods and I've used some of it in in smoothies but I'm

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starting to think twice about this because it's promoted as having more

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omega-3s and more Omega 6s like more of the essential fats than any other of

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these seeds which is true when you add them up there's a lot it's 35 grams and

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it even looks like a pretty good ratio they promote this and they say oh look

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it's like a two to two and a half to one ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 so

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that would fit right into the one to four ratio but here's the problem if you

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put a couple of ounces of that in your smoothie now you already have 15 grams

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of omega sixes this omega-3 the 10 grams 10% of omega-3s can compete a little bit

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but it can't undo the weight the the substance the the mass of omega-6 that

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gets into the system so what's more important even than the ratio is the

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total amount of omega sixes because the omega sixes are pro-inflammatory and

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there's really no amount of omega-3s that can completely offset that the

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other thing to realize is that both of these essential fatty acids are they're

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necessary in small amounts but in very large amounts they become highly

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reactive their poly unsaturated so they react very easily with oxygen under heat

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and light so you're risking increasing your your oxidation your oxidative

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damage in the body by using either of these they're fantastic and small

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amounts but you don't want to just eat a ton of Omega 6s and then try to eat a

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ton of Omega 3s to compensate it's really not a good idea you want to try

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to keep the Omega 6s down get some high-quality Omega 3s into balance but

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don't try to eat a ton of either one number five was a new one to me when I

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looked into this and on paper it looks like the superfood and there's lots of

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articles describing it as these superfood and it's called I think Sacha

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Inchi someone called it Inka peanuts or

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something like that and on paper it looks fantastic 50% fat

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percent net carbs because all the carbs are fiber in this puppy and it has 24%

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omega-3s it's the highest vegetable source of omega-3s on the planet and it

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has 18 grams 18% of omega sixes so the ratio looks sensational and again by the

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same reasoning that we just went through it still provides too much Omega 6s and

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you can't just undo the effect of Omega 6s by adding a bunch of Omega 3s so have

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some but have it in in moderation and don't think of it as a superfood number

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four now we're getting into the pretty good ones and pumpkin seed has 49

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percent fat it's very low in net carbs it has virtually no Omega 3s and 8 grams

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of Omega 6s so again it's it's a very very nice snack it has lots of nutrients

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and you could eat a lot a good bit like if you had 3 and a half ounces worth you

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be at 8 grams for the days if you had half of that you'd be at 4 grams you

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could probably fit a handful of pumpkin seeds into your budget and still stay at

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it in a really good place inflammation wise but again it's very

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easy to overdo and you want to keep it in mind so it's not like you can eat as

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much as you want right but it's kind of recommended but not one of the top super

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three that we're gonna go to next number three is cocoa nibs so what's that

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well the cocoa bean that you make chocolate out of when you put it in cut

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into pieces and you dry it that becomes cocoa nibs and some people use that as

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candy I think it needs a little bit of sweetness it's sort of bitter it's like

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taste pretty much like a hundred percent chocolate it's essentially what it is

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but they still has some fiber and protein in it

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but it's great to use for smoothies if you want like the whole thing if you're

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gonna add some chocolate flavor to your smoothie and you want to hold the most

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unspoiled chocolate you can find then cocoa nibs are going to be a great

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source for that forty three percent fat net carbs are very low virtually no

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omega-3s but only one point two percent Omega 6s most of the fat is saturated

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which is a great fat it's stable it doesn't react it's neutral alright so

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you probably can't eat a lot of cocoa nibs they they're bitter it's sort of

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like you probably use a half an ounce or so in a smoothie but feel free to use

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that it's gonna add lots of nutrients and it's not going to add hardly any

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Omega 6s at the top of the list I'm gonna unveil number one and two at the

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same time because they're sort of a tie for me it is number ones flax seed

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number two is chia seed and different people are gonna have their their

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favorite but let me tell you why I like the way I do and like I said I just had

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to pick one but they're pretty much equal they are both high in fat they're

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extremely low in net carbs you really can't eat enough of them to make a

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difference in your carb intake the Omega threes are very high so again even

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though you're not necessarily gonna make DHA out of them they will displace a lot

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of the omega sixes you will eat a good fat that is not part of the Omega six

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pathway and the Omega 6s are only six percent so the flaxseed has like a four

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to one ratio and the Chia has a three to one ratio so some considerations about

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this though is that the Omega threes are extremely sensitive they will go rancid

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in a heartbeat that's why all the flax seed oil that they sell is in the fridge

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in dark bottles under vacuum and the moment that you open the oil they only

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last for a few weeks all right so you want to be very careful with these

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they're protected by their shell but once you break the shell they go rancid

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in a heartbeat so what I do anytime I use these I either use the whole thing

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and I put it in a smoothie and break it right then and there or I grind them up

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ahead of time and I store them in the freezer so that way they keep for

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several months both of them are also fantastic sources of fiber so if you're

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looking for good fiber both for gut motility and to feed the bacteria then

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both of these are our awesome sources they're also containing what's called a

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a gelatinous fiber so they can thicken things a lot of people like to put

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tablespoon or two into water and just have it gel and then you can sort of eat

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or drink that and all the fiber is sort of soaking up the water so that can be

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quite filling but it also gives you a lot of nutrients so you could have a

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snack that way flaxseed is a little more stubborn I don't know that you can

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really soak it and and have it break the shell therefore with flax realize that

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if you just swallow the seed it's pretty much a waste it's gonna go straight

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through you unaffected so you have to break this the shell of the seed first

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you could chew it if you have a lot of patience I wouldn't recommend it it

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takes forever I would suggest you put it in a blender

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or you grind it some other way right before you're gonna use it so recently

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did a video on nuts on keto and I had a similar format but I also shared the

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omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and I didn't do that here because I realized it was a

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little confusing because it's not the ratio that matters as much as keeping

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the total amount of omega-6 is down and I

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hadn't really thought that through so if you go watch that video if I done it

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again I would probably move walnuts down a good bit because they're very high in

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omega sixes so even though the ratio looks good it's not that great it's sort

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of like hemp seed or such a in Chi it probably would end up down in here

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somewhere if you liked this video then you're

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gonna love that one thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the

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next video

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