Can Stress Cause High Blood Pressure?

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I got a question here and she said that the cardiologist said that her (heart) piping her

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(heart) plumbing was all fine but that stress was causing the problem and yes that is

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true but we need to understand more about

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what stress is stress is not just having too much to do and not enough time that

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is indeed stress but stress is anything that can interfere with the body

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anything that can activate or over activate the sympathetic nervous system and

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anything that prevents that nervous system from finding the natural balance

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so again for getting rid of stress is not the solution because the world is

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still going to be there. We can't turn the world off. What we can do we can some

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what... we can selectively reduce stress by changing our lifestyle a little bit but

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more than that what we really want to do is help the body deal with the stress

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better it's a physiological problem in addition to just the emotional stress so

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people think of stress and they say oh yeah I have too much to do but it's it's

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the emotional and the chemical and the structural stress it all interferes and

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then we do something else in this office that takes a little more explaining but

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it's it's basically about how the autonomic nervous system how flexible

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and how good is it and regulating does it tend to get stuck or is it confused

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and all of those factors can involve those stressors that we mentioned the

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scars and the metals and so on so yes stress is a big problem it is

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often the initiator but we can't just look at that

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and ignore all the other things

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