Can Intermittent Fasting Make You Gain Weight Like Sumo Wrestlers?

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One of my viewers Little Voice asked me to make a comment on a video by Sam

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Robbins called sumo wrestlers gaining weight and

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intermittent fasting so I thought I'd do this comment to clear up some of the

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confusion and misunderstandings that resulted from that video coming right up

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hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything so dr.

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Sam apparently got the question how can sumo wrestlers gain so much weight when

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they are doing intermittent fasting so Dr. Sam did a video trying to explain

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that and he said number one they skip breakfast which slows their metabolism

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and this does not happen if you are fat adapted it does happen if you are

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insulin insulin resistant and carbohydrate dependent because if your

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insulin resistant then your body is fat storing so you have lots of fat stores

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but you can't access the fat store because the insulin keeps it locked away

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so now if you skip meals your body perceives that as starvation because

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it's starvation in the midst of plenty insulin resistance is the early stages

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of diabetes and diabetes is the full-blown starvation in the midst of

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plenty they have hundreds of thousands of calories of fat stored on their body

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they can't get to it because insulin locks it away so if you're not insulin

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resistant then skipping breakfast is not going to slow your metabolism as long as

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you're not completely emaciated if you have at least a few pounds of fat on

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your body that's not a problem number two exercise in a fasting state

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increases cortisol and stress hormones which leads to fat conservation

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so this is to almost the same answer as the first one because this happens the

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cortisol comes from you starving when your carbohydrate dependent so if you

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are fat adapted that does not happen unless you're also at the same time if

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the exercise that you're doing is an aerobic meaning that it is at such a

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high intensity that you cannot keep up with oxygen delivery because now in the

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presence of oxygen if you can't keep up with oxygen delivery you can burn fat if

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you can't keep up with oxygen delivery you can't burn fat you need

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carbohydrates and if you don't have carbohydrates and you can't get to the

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fat fast enough now you need sugar and your body produces more cortisol so it

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has to do both of those circumstances it has to be high intensity and you have to

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be not accessing the fats number three they eat too large meals eight hours

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apart no argument that's what they do number four they sleep after each meal

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again no argument except why do they sleep well if you eat large amounts of

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foods especially carbohydrate and your insulin resistance now one of the backup

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mechanisms for the body to deal with all that blood sugar is to convert it into

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triglycerides that's why sugar drives up triglycerides so a lot of the fat lipid

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profiles that people if they're out of balance and people are told oh you eat

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too much fat that's not true they're eating too much sugar because that's

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what turns into the triglycerides and that conversion from sugar to

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triglycerides is very very energy expensive your body uses up lots of

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energy to do that so you get really really sleepy and with the amount of

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food that these guys consume there is no mystery

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that they have to sleep after each meal five they eat high carb low fat no

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argument there that's what's gonna pack on the fat six

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they drink lots of beer that's gonna pack up pack on the fat seven they eat

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with friends which has proven to increase food consumption by forty four

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percent so while that has been observed we also have to ask what is it that

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makes people eat too much so think about that Thanksgiving meal you had the

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turkey you had the really fatty gravy you had some accessories and you are so

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full you're saying I can never eat another bite and then they bring out the

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sweet pecan pie and now all of a sudden you can make some more room because it's

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sweet it's the sugar it's the carbohydrates that bypasses your normal

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regulatory processes your body says you're full and you won't eat again if

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there's only real food available but if sugar is being offered you can always

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make another effort so it's the sugar it's the carbs that trick your body into

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eating too much so if you only eat real food whether you eat with friends or not

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if there is no carbohydrate or sugar available if there's meat and fish and

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vegetables and fat available you're not going to overeat so then he said this is

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why they gained weight then he went on to admit that yes they

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do eat a lot of food we're talking 8,000 to 20,000 calories so if we just take

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the mid portion of that range not the least not the worst then we'll end up

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some around 15,000 calories and he also said that they eat almost all carbs

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virtually no fat and some protein so that means they probably at least 70% of

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the calories from carbohydrates which would put them at an absolutely

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2,500 or more grams of carbohydrates per day and he said that they also go and

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scout these people based on who is gonna get fat who has the big thick structure

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already so these are the real reasons that they get fat not so much that they

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skip breakfast or they exercise or that they eat too large meals that has

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virtually nothing to do with it and this is the healthy lifestyle this is just

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insanity no matter what you eat to eat 20,000 calories to be so insulin

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resistant you have to sleep to eat high carb low fat to drink lots of beer

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so we have to look at at the whole picture we can't just say oh well these

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people do this so that's why they get fat you can't look at someone who wears

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the blue hat and is mean to dogs and say oh if I wear a blue hat I'm gonna be

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mean to dogs doesn't work like that you have to look at the big picture you have

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to look at what is it that they're doing so poorly so crazy that it throws off

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everything else so based on this he drew some conclusions and he said that

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because they do this and get fat it's better to eat several small meals rather

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than two large meals and again has nothing to do with it what has to do

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with it is how much carbohydrate are you eating and how much total food are you

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eating are you insulin resistant as a result then he says they do eat too much

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carbohydrates amen he suggests that you eat somewhere around a third of your

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calories from each fat protein and carbohydrate and that's certainly better

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than the official guidelines because they recommend 60 to 70 percent from

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carbohydrate and low-fat however this might work a third from each if you're

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already healthy if you're not insulin resistant if you have a normal body

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weight if you stay physically active if you eat whole food I think you might

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get away with that but if you have some health compromised if your insulin

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resistant if your if you don't exercise every single day then this is gonna make

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you insulin resistant or keep you instantly resistant then he says

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calories matter total calories matter and that's not really true it is the

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carb calories that matter because you couldn't really eat whole food without

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carbs you can't eat enough meat and vegetables and fats if you turn it into

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a contest I suppose you could stuff down a lot of calories but you couldn't keep

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it up because your body would just eventually say hey you know I've had it

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I don't want more food it's the carbohydrates that creates the storage

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that makes you able to keep eating that amount of food then he concluded that

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fasting exercise leads to cortisol and that really is consequence is reduced

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muscle and increased fat and it is true that cortisol causes that but like we

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said above it really only happens if you do high-intensity exercise or if you're

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not fat adapted if you do aerobic exercise meaning you keep it at a

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intensity low enough that you're not huffing and puffing now that exercise

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that fasting exercise does not result in a lot of cortisol there's going to be a

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smidgen with every amount of exercise but it's not going to trigger a lot of

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cortisol and now you get fat burning it's one of the best ways to burn fat is

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low intensity exercise while you are fat adapted he says to keep the workout

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short and intense and totally agree with that then he says to do it 45 to 60

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minutes that's not short if you do high

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tensity exercise like and check out this video right here on high intensity

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training you want to do a warm-up and then the intense portion of that should

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be no more than five to ten minutes because that gives you all of the

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hormonal benefits it gives you all of the good hormones like human growth

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hormone and BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor and it does give you

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a lot of cortisol on high intensity but it's of such short duration it doesn't

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have much of a long-term impact the cortisol half-life is very very fast

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whereas the growth hormone half-life is very extended so that level stays up 24

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48 72 hours even and he says sleep is important no argument there so we can't

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just look at what someone is doing and saying oh because they do that it's it's

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gonna cause this if they do something that's absolutely insane that's going to

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override anything else that they do so yes intermittent fasting is not going to

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work if you eat 20,000 calories but it's not going to make it worse either

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however intermittent fasting will work wonders if you are fat adapted and you

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keep your carbs low because now the intermittent fasting helps further

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reduce your insulin resistance that's what it's really all about you start off

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with low carb maybe even keto to reduce insulin resistance and then you add

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intermittent fasting to it because any period of time that you don't eat helps

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your body get less insulin in the system so it has nothing to do with

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intermittent fasting their weight gain it has everything to do with the carbs

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and the insulin resistance that they have so if you're doing intermittent

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fasting do yourself a favor and do it with a low carb or even keto diet

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because if your body is carb dependen then you're not going to be able to

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sustain these long fasts very well you'll be starving you'll be hungry

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you'll be cranky because your body says give me some blood sugar because you're

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not fat adapt it you can't access those fat stores very well

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your body will we'll get to them eventually if you fast long enough but

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you make it so much easier on yourself if you get your body fat adapted because

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then you're more balanced and level to start with hope that this was helpful if

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you enjoyed this sort of content where we learn how the body really works then

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything and please share this content with as many people as you can

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because this is about health it's not about treating symptoms or losing weight

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it's about living and thriving for as long as possible thank you

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