Can Apple Cider Vinegar Actually Reverse Insulin Resistance And Help With Weight Loss? 🍎🍏

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Can apple cider vinegar actually reverse insulin resistance there's some studies that suggest

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that apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar but is that always a good thing and if not

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then when is it not a good thing today we can explain it so you really get it coming

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right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and

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if you want to truly master your health by understanding how the body really works make

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sure that you subscribe and hit that notification Bell so that you don't miss anything was a

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study that suggested that if you ate a high start meal and you took a couple of tablespoons

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of apple cider vinegar with it then you would have 30% less rise in your blood sugar spike

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then if you didn't take the apple cider vinegar understand the big picture the mechanism so

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we can tell if that is a good thing or a bad thing or sometimes a good thing so let's get

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to it the very first thing we want to understand and the reason I like physiology is that it

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helps you understand that the body is smart there is nothing random about it so if the

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body becomes Insel resistance if the cell start resisting insulin then there's a reason

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the body is never stupid it never does anything random or unintelligent it's like gravity

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it always works okay the cells are always doing what they're supposed to do take it

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wouldn't work if gravity he would go up half the time and down half the time or next week

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gravity we just work sideways deny nature doesn't operate like that sells our intelligence

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intelligence is built into our cells so that's where we have to start understanding some

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of this because when they define insulin resistance they say that it is when for some reason the

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cells start resisting the action of insulin their kind of assuming that there's some random

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stupid behavior of the cell is cause whatever the body does something it's adapting to something

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so there is a reason what causes insulin resistance will it sort of in the name that your body

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if there is an appropriate amount of insulin then there is balance but anything that is

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introduced to the body or generated in the body or that is generated in the body in response

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to something introduced like sugar stimulates insulin if it gets to access it will shift

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the balance the body will start adapting to that change so insulin causes insulin resistance

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there is no mystery there insulin causes insulin resistance a type 1 diabetic who has zero

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insulin production can become insulin-resistant by eating a lot of carbohydrate and injecting

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the amount of insulin that controls that blood sugar insulin is the cause of insulin resistance

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plain and simple and what is the goal of insulin the goal of insulin is to get sugar into the

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cell through the things that can get insulin into the cell is 1 insulin itself we if we

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have insulin resistance and we want to try to get that sugar into the cell anyway then

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we can use more insulin or we can use something that improved the effect of insulin such as

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metformin or apple cider vinegar or cinnamon or herbs or other drugs that enhance that

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effect what is that a good thing while sometimes so let's take this a little bit further and

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let's look at a picture of why the cell May behave the way that it does so we eat some

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food it gets down into the stomach and then it goes through the intestines and then he

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gets absorbed into the bloodstream so that's this portion here and now there's glucose

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there's blood glucose in the bloodstream and it's goes by the cell and then there is a

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an insulin molecule and we're going to sort of imagined that this insulin molecule is

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a sales person is trying to do a sales job on this cell so the first time if insulin

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comes around and it knocks on the door the cell opens the door and Insulin says I've

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got some sugar for you and this is old great I was looking for that perfect the first time

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around it says yes please and then it says I'll check back with you later alright so

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then an hour later insulin comes back again cuz blood sugar is still high so insulin comes

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back and knocks on the door again and then the cell opens the door and it says all you

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know I'm kind of stuff right now I'm good for right now so so at this moment I don't

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want anymore so sell closes the door again insulin goes away but now insulin gets a call

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from the sales office and the sales office says hey you haven't met your quota because

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levels are still too high we got to get this out of here so now insulin comes back a third

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time the cell opens the door and it says you again alright it's not so happy now.

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First it was a real friendly exchange but now the cell is getting a little irritated

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like what's up here and so it sends the insulin away without letting anything in and it just

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kind of peaks through the door and says oh you again and it shuts the door now the insulin

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starts getting some real pressure from the sales office and it says I don't care what

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you do is like you got to go there so now insulin comes back and it disguises itself

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it wears some funny glasses and it speaks in a foreign accent I need knock it doesn't

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knock it uses the ringer next to the doorbell so oh this is difference of the cell opens

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the door and the insulin starts pushing stuff on them again and now the cell recognizes

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hey it's you again and I thought I told you to stay away you might check back with me

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tomorrow but I'm good for today and now the cell start to become very very resistant it's

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like what's up enough is enough and Insulin goes away and then the sales office says that

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you know we we don't really don't care we got to get this sugar out your haven't met

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your quota we've got some more powerful tools we got some tools for you there's some medicines

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there's some stuff that will get that door open no matter what so now now insulin returns

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with some stronger tools because there's resistance but the cell also has developed a lot of distrust

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okay it's like I don't want to be disturbed all the time I'm trying to do my work in here

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but the door just that is key knocking on the door I don't like those interruptions

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I don't like insulin it is disrupting balance it's making it harder for me to do my work

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I don't trust them anymore and so insulin returns with these this ammunition which is

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basically a way of tricking the cell into opening the door anyway and every time that

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happens and the cell opens the door then the distrust and the resistance increases all

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right so I hope that made some sense now let's look at the typical treatment for insulin

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resistance and type 2 diabetes and I made some videos on this but here's a quick summary

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that the sole purpose the soul intention of treatment of insulin resistance and type 2

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diabetes is to lower the blood glucose they see the blood glucose as the only problem

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so and is a big problem if it gets way high so the treatment is aimed at lowering blood

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glucose and they do that either by adding more insulin or by adding other medicine or

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herbs or natural things that will enhance the effect of insulin again by this analogy

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it is trickery it's making the cell open the door anyway but now it will understand this

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cell is intelligent we know that there's a reason that the cell is resisting so if we

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trick we're going to increase in balance we're going to make it that the body and the cells

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are less healthy and sure enough the treatments for insulin resistance increases insulin resistance

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and when it does that it increases body weight so they tell people with type 2 diabetes that

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oh well you know you ought to lose some weight because then this can get better but then

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they give you treatment that will increase the weight that will make it virtually and

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recommence solved one problem and create another it reduces the diseases related to high blood

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sugar which is blindness neuropathy and kidney failure but it increases its speed up the

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development of metabolic syndrome which is associated with obesity cardiovascular disease

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inflammation high blood pressure and stroke all right so now back to the question can

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apple cider vinegar actually reverse insulin resistance well there's two scenarios that

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we want to look at one is a low carb scenario a low carb keto intermittent fasting it's

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a scenario where you're actively and forcefully reversing insulin resistance if you're reversing

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insulin resistance that means that you are sending the salesman less often to the cell

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you're withdrawing the pressure the sales pressure and now the cell relaxes the trust

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increases the once in awhile it wants some glucose so it's not like this is the ultimate

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bad guys just how often is he showing up and in this situation now apple cider vinegar

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is a good thing it's sort of like the mediator at a peace conference okay it can bring the

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parties back together a 10 facilitate the parties this cell and the insulin talking

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to each other again however if you're on a high carb diet standard American diet lots

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of grain lots of sugar lots of fruit lots of dairy then you are in the movement your

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your tendency your momentum is to increase insulin resistance which means that the sales

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pressure is increasing increasing increasing and the trust is going down down down the

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cell is becoming more insulin resistant doesn't trust anybody just wants to be left alone

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so in this case apple cider vinegar isn't really a good thing or a bad thing it is good

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maybe maybe it's sort of neutral but maybe it's a little bit good that it can slow the

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absorption of the carbohydrate maybe that helps you stay full a little bit longer so

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that you don't eat as much at set Russell possibly it could have a slight slight benefit

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is it going to reduce insulin resistance not really not in that scenario however if you're

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just keeping eating this high carb diet and you think the hey apple cider vinegar is going

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to fix the problem now apple cider vinegar is a problem because it tricks you into thinking

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that you're doing something good for yourself and there is no way of reversing insulin resistance

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unless you reduce insulin on and the carbohydrates that trigger the insulin and in that sense

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apple cider vinegar it is sort of weak in comparison to some to metformin and and Insulin

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injections but it it has sort of the same tendency it's just a weaker version of the

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same principle participating in the same mechanism and all these treatments that we talked about

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produces storage produces metabolic syndrome with all of those at degenerative diseases

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that go with it to under the right circumstances which is a low-carb diet than apple cider

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vinegar can assist but it can't do the job I itself if you take apple cider vinegar cuz

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you think it's going to do the job but without reducing the carbs now you're shooting yourself

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in the foot and you're actually making it more of a problem because you're sort of delusional

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you think you got a solution but you're not really moving any closer to it automatically

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looking for is balance balance in the body is called homeostasis is the state of keeping

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things the same keeping things in Balance that's the ultimate goal when you have homeostasis

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your imbalance when you have high blood pressure when you have stress when you have diabetes

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when you're high insulin resistance the body has been pushed out of homeostasis it wants

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nothing more than return to homeostasis but we have to remove pressure if you will and

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another way of thinking about this is that there's a demand and supply and those two

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have to be in Balance but when there's too much sales pressure when the supply exceeds

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the demand there will be resistance so the only thing to get healthy the only way to

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get healthy is to balance the supply and demand to balance the storage of food with the usage

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of food so insulin again is a storage hormone that promotes and abolitionism and storage

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and if we eat too much carbs we're doing too much storrings if we eat too frequently with

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doing too much storing but if we reduce the carbs it allows us to use the stores if we

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eat fewer meals it allows us to use the stores in between meals so we create a balance between

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using and storing and supply and demand let me know if that made some sense to you and

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if you like this video you're going to love that one thank you so much for watching and

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I'll see you next time

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