Bread or Sugar - Which is Better For Your Health?

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Which one is better for your health, sugar or bread?

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The official dietary guidelines say that both are perfectly okay as long as you

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limit your sugar to less than 10% of calories and half of the bread you eat

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is whole-grain. But then there are others who say that that's not true that

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complex carbs like bread is just another form of sugar. So which one is it? Today

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we're going to talk about all the different factors that you need to

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understand to make better decisions about sugar and bread, whether it's white

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or whole-grain so that you can safely navigate in the oceans of myths and

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misinformation. Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything. So the first thing a lot of people think of and people say that

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carbohydrates are essential because of blood sugar that the body needs blood

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sugar for energy and when the blood sugar is low the fastest way to bring it

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up is to eat something sugary so let's talk about blood sugar there's something

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called glycemic index and a lot of people say that well sugar has a high

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glycemic index it raises blood sugar quickly but complex carbs are different

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that bread especially whole-grain bread is very different it's much much slower

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so let's look at the numbers the glycemic index of table sugar of sucrose

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is 65 and the glycemic index of white bread is 75 so white bread is actually a

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lot higher than sugar well how about whole-grain that's

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supposed to be slower right well whole wheat bread is 74 so there's one point

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difference between white and wheat and they're both about 10 points higher

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than sugar so they raise blood sugar faster than pure sugar and these are

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numbers from a place called health. you're gonna get different

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numbers they're gonna be up or down five or ten points depending on whose study

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you look at and we also want to understand about glycemic index that

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it's a very rough estimate because it depends on the person it depends on

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their insulin resistance it depends on their age on their activity level and it

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depends on what else you ate together with it okay most people don't eat these

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things by themselves but it still gives us a really good idea about how this

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works so how can a complex carb have a higher glycemic index how does that work

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so we need to understand just a little bit about how these look at as a

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molecule so table sugar sucrose is a disaccharide it has two sugars two

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monosaccharides two rings of sugar hooked together one is called glucose

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and one is called fructose and the glucose has a glycemic index of a

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hundred that's how they define glycemic index the hundred is the baseline so to

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speak both fructose is much much slower it's only 15 so it takes a little bit of

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time to split this up and then you sort of take the average roughly so that's

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just a ballpark to give you an idea of how the body ends up responding at about

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a level of 65 even though starches are complex they

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are much much longer chain it doesn't take the body very long to

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start breaking it up and the breakdown of starch starch consists of amylose and

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amylopectin and the breakdown of these start already in the mouth we have

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something called salivary amylase and that's an enzyme in the mouth that

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starts breaking down carbohydrates starches in the mouth

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even before we have swallowed anything so the breakdown starts very very

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quickly and then once these long chains these complex carbs are broken down

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which happens in minutes then they're broken off in little pieces of - they're

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broken down in disaccharides the sugar is called maltose - glucoses fit

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together is called maltose and then from there it doesn't take very long before

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an enzyme called maltase is going to break up that disaccharide and now we

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have two glucose molecules each which has a glycemic index of a hundred so the

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response is not going to be a hundred because it's going to take a few minutes

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to break this up and start the process but in the end that is why because it's

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so fast to break these up that in the end the total result the glycemic index

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of complex carbs can be higher than that of pure sugar so from a blood sugar

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perspective both of these are disastrous because they raise blood sugar very very

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quickly and when blood sugar goes up very very quickly it's gonna come down

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very quickly so you're creating a blood sugar rollercoaster and the result is

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very often hypoglycemia and this is when you feel weak and unfocused and

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irritated and lack of energy and you get cravings and now of course you hear that

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blood sugar is a good thing we gotta raise blood sugar and you go eat

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something sugary or you go have a piece of bread and now you're back on that

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roller coaster the next factor I would want to look at is about GMOs that both

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sugar and bread today are very very unnatural cane sugar is okay it's not a

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GMO but most other sugar which is the majority of sugar and high fructose corn

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syrup in the world come from beet sugar and corn and those are both GMOs so most

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of the sugars are going to be GMO today and even though we

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per se isn't officially classified as GMO it's only because they didn't have

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the sophistication of gene splicing of inserting individual genetic traits and

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genetic sequences into the molecule so back when they were hybridizing when

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they were developing wheat in the second half of the 1900s they didn't have that

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technology but the end result is pretty much the same because what they did is

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they hybridized them they combined different species of wheat different

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strains of wheat and now they ended up with new products with new strains and

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why is that important because thousands of years ago there was only one type of

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wheat and by the time the Egyptians came around there were two types of wheat and

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then it took thousands of years before they had anything more they were called

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Emmer and Einkorn but then when they started hybridizing these things so

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humans had thousands of years to get used to a very very limited number of

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wheats where the proteins were the same over

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and over and over and over it was the same type of food we were exposed to but

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then from 1950 and on they hybridized it thousands of times and each time they

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hybridize it they bring in the parent strains and they create a new strain

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then the offspring can have 5% of the proteins that neither of the parents had

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so for every generation of hybridization we can get 5% new proteins and in one

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study they found 14 new kinds of gluten proteins from a single hybridization and

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have they done this thousands of times and that means that the protein types

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have virtually nothing in common with the grains with the wheats

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that humans have been exposed to for thousands of years so whether those were

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okay or not they have virtually nothing in common with the type of wheat

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that we're eating today today the wheat has about 12% protein whereas the

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ancient wheats like Einkorn had about 28% so we've changed they've hybridized

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it to make white bread to make fluffy bread to give it shelf stability and to

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increase the yield and one of the greatest reasons that they've worked so

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hard on hybridizing was that it was a staple for a starving world so they have

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indeed solved a lot of feeding the world problems by developing wheats

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with a higher yield but it came at the cost of not ever testing to see if this

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was safe and doing it at breakneck speeds and developing all these

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different proteins that we don't really know how humans react to and today what

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we see is that one of the most common allergies that there is in mankind is

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that two wheat so both sugar and wheat are very very foreign to what was on the

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planet thousands of years ago and we don't really know yet we we know that

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people get sick quite a bit but we really have no idea how far-reaching

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these effects are next is vitamins and sugar is a pure crystallized form of

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carbohydrate it has nothing else in there it is 100% carbohydrate crystals

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which means it has no B vitamins it has no minerals and vitamins and minerals

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are necessary for us to metabolize these okay so when you eat sugar you get

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calories in order for you to convert that sugar into energy it requires B

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vitamins and minerals and if it doesn't come with the sugar that you eat the

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body has to borrow it it has to steal it from someplace else so you have a little

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bit of B vitamins and you have some minerals in the body from a time when

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you ate some real food and you have a little bit of reserves

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but every time that you eat sugar you steal from those reserves and you're

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depleting yourself so this is one of the primary mechanisms for nutritional

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deficiencies much the same thing holds true for bread but here is one of the

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main differences that bread is not as bad as sugar when it comes to vitamins

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and minerals because bread does have some now in white bread they

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pretty much strip all the nutrients away but then they add some of them back they

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do what's called fortified and one way of thinking about that is like if you

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give me a dollar and then I give you a penny back then I have fortified you so

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that's kind of what they do they take away hundreds of nutrients and they put

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back a few and the once they put back our synthetic they're isolated forms

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they're not the complex versions that nature put there in the first place so

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even if it's fortified it's still going to be deficient and here's also the

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primary difference between whole wheat and white bread because even if white

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flour is a little bit better than sugar whole wheat flour is a lot better than

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white flour because it does have not just the starchy portion but it has the

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fiber and it has the germ which contains some good essential fatty acids some

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natural complex E vitamins and some minerals and so forth the next factor we

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want to look at is how does it affect immune function so both sugar and bread

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both sugar and starch because starch breaks down very quickly into sugar they

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both feed all the enemies in your body so anything that you don't want in your

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digestive tract such as yeast fungus bacteria and parasites they live

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primarily off sugar they don't do nearly as well on protein and fat so when you

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eat sugar or starches then you're selectively feeding the bacteria all

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life-forms that you don't want and that starts upsetting your biome your gut

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flora the population of bacteria in your gut and when that gets imbalanced now

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you're more likely to get gas and bloating and leaky gut and allergies and

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so forth and then there's the issue of immune reactions to the food itself so

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technically it's basically impossible to have an immune reaction to the sugar

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itself so in that sense the sugar is better than the wheat but you can still

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have immune reactions to the enemies that you feed when it comes to wheat

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however it is one of the most common allergens so not only are you feeding

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the things that you don't want but you're also getting allergies and

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sensitivities primarily from the gluten but there are other components in there

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it's not just the celiacs there's today there's hundreds of different kinds of

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gluten and celiacs is just one of those so even if you don't get the severity of

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a celiacs reaction you can still have an immune reaction to all those different

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types of gluten and here is also where there's a big difference between white

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and wheat sugar of course has no fiber white bread has no fiber but whole wheat

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bread does have some fiber and this fiber can actually be beneficial in

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helping to balance because it doesn't just feed the the pathogenic bacteria it

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also helps feed the beneficial bacteria and maintain some kind of balance there

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so what about toxicity the sugar in itself isn't toxic high doses of sugar

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makes it toxic but of course if we eat organic sugar then there is no toxin in

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itself because it is a natural molecule it's just a concentration that makes it

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toxic we still have to be concerned with pesticides if we don't eat organic and

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of course like we talked about the GMO but when it comes to bread now there's

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many many many things that make it not so great

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first of all it's grown with pesticides things like glyphosate but then in order

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to make it whiter to make it more luxurious and appealing they bleach it

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and that also improves the texture of the flour and the baking properties but

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then they go further and they add dough conditioners because they want the dough

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really really sticky and elastic kind of rubbery because that makes for very very

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fluffy bread so then they add the bleach and the dough conditioners and there's a

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number of chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and calcium peroxide, calcium

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bromate potassium peroxide, potassium bromate and the list goes on and on and

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on and all or most of these chemicals are banned in most other countries

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virtually the entire Southeast Asia and the European Union as well as many other

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countries have banned these substances but in the United States we still use

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them because we like fluffy bread so much and when we talk about the dose we

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also have to understand insulin resistance and while there are many many

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different facets insulin resistance is probably the greatest single factor that

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we have to be concerned with and there's two different ways that you can promote

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insulin resistance with these foods the first one is the glycemic index anytime

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that you raise blood sugar dramatically then you're gonna have a strong insulin

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response and over time if you keep adding sugar after you keep having high

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insulin responses when you don't have a famine period over the winter when you

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keep having these foods 365 days a year three meals a day or more then you

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develop insulin resistance so the blood sugar the high frequent blood sugar

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promotes insulin and will drive insulin resistance but the other way is that

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fructose like we talked about here it's 50% glucose

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and 50% fructose and the fructose can only be metabolized by the liver so if

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you eat the even just if you eat the recommended amount of 10% of calories

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from sugar you're still getting 25 grams of fructose on top of all the other

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stuff that you're eating and fructose can only be metabolized by the liver so

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it's like force feeding the liver it's like over stuffing the liver and when we

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talk about the dose then in small amounts

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if you eat organic sugar and especially if you eat fruit sugar fructose in very

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small amounts if you kept that under 5 or 10 grams then it would be a healthy

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food because it wouldn't overwhelm liver and those are the kind of doses

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that we would get just by eating seasonal vegetables and fruits but today

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we change the rules when we concentrate them when we refine the foods now we're

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getting many many many times more of that fructose and that's why fructose

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which is sort of a natural thing does become a poison and this is also

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why sugar seems to be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to

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developing insulin resistance and diabetes because the blood sugar itself

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while it is a strong factor in developing insulin resistance and

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diabetes it's not as strong as the fact that fructose clogs up the liver because

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even though the glycemic index of grains is higher than that of sugar this by

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itself grains by itself is not as strong a

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promoter of diabetes a lot of populations will eat grains and rice and

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bread until and they'll be fine until they introduce sugar and that kind of

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tips the scale and they get insulin resistance and diabetes so there's two

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factors and if you are instantly resistant we need to limit both

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sugar if your insulin sensitive could be alright in very small doses if you ate a

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teaspoon or two a day then you would probably be alright I

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occasionally have one or two pieces of dark chocolates but I eat it somewhere

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around 80% so I get about one gram of sugar per piece and if I have one or two

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a day then that is not enough to really do any damage it's not enough to create

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insulin resistance or to feed any enemies because it gets absorbed even

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before it gets down there when it comes to wheat however then the dose sometimes

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doesn't matter because if you are sensitive which more and more and more

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people are then even one bite could set off an immune reaction a sensitivity

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that promotes more inflammation that perpetuates the gut imbalances and the

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leaky gut and the inflammation so sugar could be okay in small doses but if

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you're sensitive then wheat is not okay in any amount so

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these are the things that we need to understand when we talk about if sugar

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or bread is good or bad because it's different for different people it's it

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depends are you overweight are you insulin resistance how active are you

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and do you have a sensitivity do you have a gut imbalance so it's not as

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simple as just looking at the weight and the calories and the glycemic index we

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need to understand a little bit more and then we need to put it into practice and

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start noticing what's happening in our own bodies

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personally I don't eat wheat I eat very very little sugar but if I were to go

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back to eating bread at some point and if you decided to I would say if you are

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insulin sensitive and if you know that you have a strong digestion that you

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don't have a sensitivity to wheat then I would find some ancient wheats

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I would go back and find some Emmer wheat and then I would find it organic

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I would grind it myself I would bake it myself and I would eat the bread fresh I

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would freeze the leftovers and I would avoid any of these pesticides and and

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any of these issues that we have talked about if you enjoy this video you're

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probably going to get a lot out of that one thank you so much for watching and

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I'll see you in the next video

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