Brain, Ego & Happiness - User Manual For Humans S1 E14 - Dr Ekberg

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thank you so much for coming and we have come all the way to number 14 in our

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user manual for humans we've talked a lot about chiropractic and brain and

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nutrition and so forth but as you know in this office we want to address health

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at its core and what gets in the way of health is called stress and stress comes

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in three ways primarily it comes as a structural chemical and emotional stress

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and emotional is maybe the most important source of stress of all of

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those and yet it's maybe the the hardest one to tackle because it requires so

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much of the individual but today we will venture further into this into our

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understanding of how all this works on how it happens whereas emotional stress

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comes from and a major source of stress is the ego and we will try to explain a

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little bit more put the ego in perspective today so first we'll talk

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about how the brain develops we will talk about what neural networks are what

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the ego is and even if this is not the classical's that called psychology

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definition of ego we don't really care we just want i'll present one version

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just so we can have something to talk about what are some of the advantages of

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the ego why do we have 11 we need one and what are some of the shortcomings

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why is it good to not identify completely with it and finally as this

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title implies happiness that how do all of these concepts affect your happiness

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and your quality of life so my favorite little poem here it will

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mean a lot more after the lecture but we'll start with it and then you can go

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go back to it and we've had this once before but it's so good we have to have

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it again I have a little robot that goes around with me I tell him what I'm

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thinking I tell him what I see I tell my little robot all my hopes and fears he

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listens and remembers all my joys and tears at first my little robot followed

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my command but after years of training he's gotten out of hand he doesn't care

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what's right or wrong or what is false or true no matter what I try now he

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tells me what to do so fine led away we'll come back to it for those who have

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seen a lot of the seminars that probably starts to make a little more sense by

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now so how does all this start how does the brain work how how does it develop

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well a baby is born with about a hundred billion neurons and that baby brain

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weighs about 12 ounces and then by the time that we get to be adults the brain

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still only has a hundred billion neurons or maybe a few less if we've had a

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couple of parties and we we hit our heads a few times but it weighs forty

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eight pounds sorry 48 ounces we hope so it's increased four times in weight but

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it has the same number of brain cells so what's the difference what happened well

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the baby brain is born with all the cells but the cells are not very well

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connected they have some connections for basic life support but they haven't

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developed watch skills they haven't developed much habits they haven't

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any beliefs so what happens is this baby it starts to interact with its

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environment it starts to receive information it starts to move it starts

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to do things and by a process of trial and error and reward the baby starts to

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repeat certain patterns that are rewarding such as you dip your hand into

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food and you aim for the face and if you hit the mouth it's rewarding because you

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get a bite of what you wanted if you hit someplace else it's less rewarding so

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over time you fine-tune the pathways that that fire the appropriate behavior

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and what is then behavior it's a coordination in certain brain cells

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connecting to other brain cells firing off a specific pattern called a neural

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network and every time that pattern fires it produces the same type of

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behavior which is a desired motion so over time we make so many of these

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connections that the connections actually make the brain way four times

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more so each of these hundred billion neurons can make as many on average

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about 10,000 connections to imagine the complexity of these neural networks and

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on the right on the next slide we see some neural networks and these are

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actual individual brain cells these are called purkinje cells that live in the

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cerebellum and they can have as many as 300 to 400 thousand connections and the

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cerebellum is is one of those areas that are just interconnected with everything

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that happens in the body whether it's movement or thought it's all regulated

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and controlled by their from there so when the function or skill

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is executed so we talked about the baby and the movement then a specific neural

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network or several neural networks in combination or fired off so this holds

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true if we're walking or playing piano or hammering or juggling those are

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movements and skills but it also holds true for blinking or focusing your eye

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or salivating or sneezing none of those things happen by themselves secreting

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stomach acid after a meal sexual arousal for for procreation appreciating music

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that's a learned skill and its cultural we don't appreciate the same music they

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do in India or in South America so what we think is a pure musical scale sounds

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awful to them and vice versa it is learned behavior we're firing off

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certain patterns certain combinations of brain cells getting annoyed with traffic

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is a learned skill it may come as a surprise to you but the traffic is

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actually not annoying it is your interpretation of events in the wing

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that makes it annoying to you route people in traffic judging someone's

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behavior as stupid every time that you point something out in the world on your

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environment that you say oh well it shouldn't be like that they're doing it

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wrong they're stupid they're inadequate they're there whatever you're making a

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judgment that's a learned response understanding getting the punchline of

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the joke that's a learned behavior so all of these aspects that make us the

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make up the very humanity that we are they are learned behaviors

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they are neural networks that we fire them off and there's triggers in the

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environment and there's things that we find funny and there's things that we

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find annoying but it's all learned and it's all networks and where do most of

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these networks come from where does it start well basically we want to liken

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this to downloading programs and for different stages of development we have

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different dominant brain frequencies so baby has mostly what's called Delta and

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theta frequencies those are very low frequencies from 0 up to about eight

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Hertz and those are the brain frequencies that we use when we sleep

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and maybe sleep 23 hours a day and wake up to eat basically and then they sleep

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the rest so those brainwaves are appropriate for that segment of life

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then as they start waking up and interacting they shift and they use less

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of the Delta and they use more of theta and alpha and there's still low

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frequencies and these brainwave frequencies are basically pure download

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frequencies those kids before age of six they're like a blank slate or they're

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like a computer with a blank hard drive if you will and their keyboard is all

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their senses and their exposure to the world and everybody gets to type on the

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keyboard and type in whatever they want into that hard drive because at that age

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with those brain frequencies that maybe the child has no judgment of what's

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right or wrong or whether it's appropriate they're just download

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just pure download so by the time we are were six we have virtually all of our

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programs already established and that's a part of learning that's part of

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becoming human and functioning in a society so kids have something called

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mirror behavior there's even mirror neurons and what they do is they look at

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their parents to download the interpretation of what happens so if you

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if you watch this it's really kind of funny you see a little kid stumble and

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fall and before they start crying they look up and see where is mommy and they

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look at mommy's face to see what is the expression is it 10 horror or is it one

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of delight and if it's one of harder then the child mimics that and starts

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crying but if it's one of delight the kid gets up and keeps playing and this

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is how they learn what things mean so if there's a snake crawling through the

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backyard and mommy goes oh my god terrible it's dangerous get away you

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just program that behavior but if mommy says oh how about that that was not very

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dangerous let's come take a look now you program a completely different behavior

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so think about that next time you see a kid fall and notice what's happening and

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the famous joke is the little kid that falls and then someone watches from the

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side and says oh well you fell why aren't you crying and the kid says I

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didn't know anybody was home

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so but there's a lot of truth to that and that is just how that's human that's

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how we form most of our behavior and

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just programming so even some of the things that we consider universally true

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that we don't think about they're mostly learned so things like social behavior

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and courtesy what we consider rude or nice or gross people in this country

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don't eat many bugs yet in other cultures bugs are delicacies then go

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pick the termites and the ants and they crunch them up and they can't wait

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because they're they're tasty to them all reactions to what's good or bad news

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Shakespeare said 400 years ago that there's no such thing as good or bad

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only our thinking makes it so so all those things are learned behaviors and

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beliefs on basically every matter what's important what's fun what's frightening

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what's worrisome all those are things we learn and what's important to understand

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now is that the more often a neural network is activated the stronger it

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gets the more likely it is to fire off in the future we know this principle

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we've talked about it before use it or lose it it holds true for muscles it

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holds true for bones it holds true for individual brain cells and it holds true

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for patterns of brain cells pathways and networks of brain cells so beliefs are

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neural networks so beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that you've been

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thinking lot it's a practice thought and if you

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have a belief system that dude that you don't like if you have a belief that

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doesn't serve you if you understand this then you can change it beliefs are not

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written in stone if you don't like it get another one on the downside of that

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is that the more you practice negative thoughts the more things you find to

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feel negative about and is the practice patterns that that we have they become

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our most global belief the most fundamental the most the widest broadest

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belief and that is how we see the world so the question is when you think about

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the world when you think about society when you think about politics and

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countries and state of the world an economy and environment do you think of

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it primarily as good or do you think of it primarily is bad and if you do who

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told you and most people get there a lot of their beliefs from news and news are

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not a good representation of what's happening in the world because they

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focus if there's a million things happening they're going to find the

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worst and they're going to show you the worst even though there were nine

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hundred ninety-nine thousand and some then some good things happen that that's

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not newsworthy so they're not going to tell you so because they're selecting

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such a narrow slice of the world for you they strongly influence how you feel

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about the world and that becomes your your basic feeling how good you feel and

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how you get on how much you get out of life on the regular basis another

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concept another way of looking at this we talked about it as the hard drive we

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type in things for the little kid well all of our beliefs and all of our

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programs are like a tape player and if you record something on a tape

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player the tape player is not going to judge whether it's good or bad for you

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it's not going to judge whether it's right or wrong it's not going to decide

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whether it's true or false if you push the button it's going to play the record

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and if you push the button on your recordings inside if they're just going

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to play and there's no no judgment or evaluation of whether this serves you or

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whether it's true or whether it's used to be true or no longer true it really

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doesn't matter so neural networks basically behave like like a tape player

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and of course it doesn't help to get mad at the tape player if you notice

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something that you're doing is like darn why do I keep doing this why do I keep

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believing this why do I keep reacting and acting why do I feel this way well

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that that anger that upset you're being angry at a tape player so just

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understand how it works and then we can start talking about how to change it so

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now we'll move into what we call the ego and for more references on this my

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favorite source for this material is a guy called Eckhart Tolle so if you if

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you want to learn more he's probably the best source that I've seen he wrote a

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book called a new earth and there's a lot of good material on that so

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basically the ego is sum total of all your thoughts and the beliefs that you

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call I and this is a different different way of looking at things

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most people think and as modern human beings we have about they estimated

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somebody walked around and and counted their thoughts and said oh well we have

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about 60,000 thoughts a day and then you realize how many of those thoughts are

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the same today as they were yesterday they're repeating so thinking doesn't

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really serve much purpose it's just reiterating and most of that are

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thoughts that you identify with the thoughts become who you are and that is

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essentially what and who the ego is but the ego is not who you are the ego is a

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program you are not your thoughts you have your thoughts and this gives you a

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false sense of self because you identify with these things that aren't truly who

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you are then when you to the extent that you identified with them then they

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become you so this is part of our language for example we don't say I have

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a happy thought we say I am happy and on the reverse we say I am angry we don't

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say I have an angry thought or I am reacting in an angry way which would be

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more appropriate when we say I am angry that thought that state takes us over

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and we become it

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so what else does the ego do the ego games a sense of value it expands its

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value by identifying with thanks so if you have a nice shiny car and you feel

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good about the car then your ego attaches itself and identifies with the

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car and all of those properties of the car it brings on to you on to itself and

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if it's a Carlin you can be proud of something that's better than somebody

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else's then you feel superior and the ego feels enlarged and the ego gains

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strength the flip side of this is that the ego has no value in itself the ego

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only finds value in comparison with other things another thing where the ego

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is that it's addicted to having more because it only has value through

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identification with things then as soon as it has something then that's old news

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and it's going to want something else it's going to want more so therefore the

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ego becomes addicted to more and this becomes a very short-term gratification

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because you go for years and you you dream about that new TV that new car

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that new house but as soon as you have it then you start looking well who's got

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a better one who's got a bigger one so it's not that the ego is incapable of

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enjoying the present it only enjoys looking forward or by comparing so the

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only way it can compare what you have is by comparing it to someone else and say

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oh well they have less

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so because of this the ego also cannot stand the present moment the ego gains

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its value from attaching to thanks by identifying with things so in this

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present moment here is all there is but somewhere else some other time some

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other place holds the promise of something better something that is

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something that can raise the value of the ego so therefore the ego is it hates

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the present moment it always looks into the future or into the past but never

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now and because of that if you identify with the ego that's where you get this

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sense of restlessness where you're never you're never satisfied with where you

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are you're always looking back to try to remember something good or you're

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looking forward to hope for something better what are some things that

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strengthen the ego the number one thing is having more then so we've covered

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that having a having more money having more education having more property

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having more brand labels having more toys then you can identify with those

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and feel superior because someone else has less knowing more than this could be

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that you have a better education than someone else or it could be that you

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know a secret that you come across some gossip that the neighbor lady doesn't

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know yet then your ego is strengthened because you have something okay being

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morally superior now this is funny because you can actually the ego is also

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strengthened if you are let's say if you disavow all

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property if you give up all property and you live a a pious life for for some

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higher purpose then you you strengthen yourself in the belief that you are

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morally superior by giving up all these things but it's still ego you're still

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separating your own uniqueness even though you're having less so the ego is

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always doing this comparison and trying to find some aspect of which where

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you're different so if everybody has a million-dollar home then you're going to

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be different if you have a little cottage okay being unique being a martyr

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being proud patriotism all of these things depend on the ego so for example

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patriotism and the next one is related us versus them if you don't create

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patriotism which is ego and if you don't create a sense of us versus them then

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you can't start a war so before they start a war they have to make very very

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sure that they have created this separation and and this difference in

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level where we are we are right and they are wrong and now it's okay now we're

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morally justified to start a war being right how many would rather be right

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than happy you've heard that one that's the ego that's the ego we get so

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involved with something that we don't care that we're not recognizing that the

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purpose the point the justification for for continuing the argument is long long

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gone we just have to prove a point we I get the last word in and in that

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you're not making yourself happy you're not making the other person happy

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nothing is gained because the ego has taken over and it wants to strengthen

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itself by being right being angry same thing blaming complaining every single

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aspect of complaint if you complain about the weather if you complain about

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the traffic if you complain how late it is how stupid people are why they do

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this you are stating how you are being right and the thing you're complaining

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about is wrong that's strengthening ego and we do this even if we're complaining

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about the rain okay we have no one's going to do anything about it obviously

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but if we complain about it then obviously we are right and the weather

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is wrong okay making wrong laying on guilt unforgiveness revenge all of those

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things they go hand in hand with what we just talked about and also ego like we

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said the ego cannot exist in the present moment the ego is thought and as such it

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can only find strength in the past or the future because in the present

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there's nothing to hold on to accept beingness so in the past it holds on to

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all the great deeds that you did in the past and in the future all the great

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things you're going to do

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so here's the time for my little disclaimer this is the official

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disclaimer just because I have some strong opinions doesn't mean I agree

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with everything I say so just in case you find something to complain about at

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the end here's so why do we have an ego in the first place well the ego is there

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for survival the ego is what gives us the desire and with desire comes to

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drive and where the drive comes comes from silica said survival so if you

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don't have an ego if you have no preferences if you don't want anything

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then you're just sitting there you don't even care about food and there are some

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people who get into such deep meditative States that they're just totally

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blissful they don't care they can pass on or they can stay it doesn't really

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matter so when you totally disengage the ego you can't stay around very long and

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it also provides a lot of automation so we don't have to think about every step

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but we need to find some balance because the ego also has a lot of disadvantages

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the number one is that the ego is completely unconscious the ego isn't

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aware of anything so because of that you're very very limited in how much joy

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and peace and happiness that you can experience because with the ego you

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cannot get into a gym peaceful rajaiah state because it all

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depends with the ego it all depends on comparison and as soon as you have

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something you want something else and because the ego misses the now it really

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misses out on life completely because then now this moment is all there is

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there's never been anything outside of this moment because now is this moment

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and five minutes from now when we experience that time that will also be

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now so if we're present in the moment then we are aware of where we are and

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what's going on but thought connects backwards and forwards in time and so

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does the ego but true peace and joy is only present right here and now and with

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the ego and with thought we just can't experience that so what's the main

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problem with the ego is from a health perspective and from a joy perspective

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is because of everything that we discussed the ego is the main source of

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stress in life and as we talked about on other seminars on the videos stress is

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what gets away in the way of health it's the number one thing that gets in the

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way of your body heat the natural healing ability on your body

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some more ego characteristics the ego is composed of thought so those

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never-ending thoughts that race around in your head we are on 16 that's the ego

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the endless judging and evaluating and justifying and you probably recognize

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what I'm talking about that everything you have an opinion about everything

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that you even think about or label you you're making a automatic judgment and

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we're always racing around with our thoughts justifying our behavior well if

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he said this I should have said that and then we were playing these scenarios for

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for some imaginary person and that's all the ego and it gets in the way of joy so

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again the ego isn't good or bad it is simply unconscious and because it's

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unconscious to the extent that you identify with ego you're missing out on

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life on joy and peace and and the prep the present moment the ego can only be

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happy for very very short moments of time and that's when you have the

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experience of getting something you you acquire something new you win the

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lottery you graduate you get a new title you get a new knowledge you find

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something out but those are very fleeting moments and they're not the

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true joy so who are you you are not the thought you're the one who has the

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thought and if you start relaxing and finding out where you're feeling the

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absolute best when you're feeling absolutely totally blissful

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you learn to find that what you truly are in that state is just pure beingness

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you have no opinions to have no thoughts and in that moment there that as good as

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you can feel basically the ego instead is about doing this and having this so

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once you realize that you are not your thoughts and you are not your ego then

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you can step back and you can watch your thoughts you can watch the ego and as

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soon as you can create that separation that little bit of distance between

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yourself and what's happening then you're not sucked in and now you have

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disengaged the ego and you become conscious and and you can you can start

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experiencing again some more ways of dissolving the ego is consciousness and

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awareness dissolves the ego when you stop and question your thought your

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behavior or your reaction that dissolves the ego meditation the ability the

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practice of stopping repetitious thoughts dissolves the ego when you make

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peace with the present moment so when you don't make peace with the present

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moment you're basically arguing with what is and whatever is it is there's

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there's no way to change it because it is what it is and when you're arguing

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with it when you want it to be any way different than what it is you're you're

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arguing with reality and you're not going to win that

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alright and that's basically where where most of stress and frustration comes

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from is when you argue with what is so how do you do how do you do this I

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mentioned a few resources books tapes discs programs videos youtube leave the

Time: 2020.71

resources are endless but commit yourself to sharpen your axe and commit

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yourself to grow that consciousness grow your ability to recognize what's going

Time: 2033.129

on your awareness so take 30 minutes a day to read and to listen and to grow so

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we'll keep this brief and short and if you have any questions at this point

Time: 2054.04

we'll be happy to take those and for next time hope to see all of you back

Time: 2060.04

and feel free to bring someone else who wants to know more about this and if you

Time: 2067.569

have suggestions for topics if there's anything else that you'd like to know no

Time: 2071.559

more about let me know thank you thank you

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