Body Symptoms And Diagnosis - User Manual For Humans S1 E09 - Dr Ekberg

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Good evening and welcome once more to user manual for humans part 9 and for

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those who have missed the previous eight parts they are all on my website and

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YouTube so you can the easiest place to find them is my website today we will

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talk about symptoms and body responses are they intelligent are they stupid or

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are they random chance because most of the diseases if you go to the hospital

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or you check a Merck Manual or you check the list of diseases and syndromes about

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half of them or so they're gonna call them primary or essential and that means

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that they have no cause that is what they mean they say essential

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hypertension means we have no idea where it came from and we've talked about that

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earlier in a lot of detail but we'll touch on it today as well everything in

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the body happens for a reason we have to believe and understand that so we will

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go through and show you whether symptoms and body responses are an intelligent

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stupid or random chance we'll cover what health is we'll cover what diseases we

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will talk a little bit about ecosystems we'll talk about adaptation homeostasis

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and aloe stasis so big words but don't worry they're pretty simple we've talked

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a lot about these in previous previous talks and if it seems like we're

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repeating some things yes we are and that's on purpose because the more that

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you understand the common theme of something the more

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that you will see a common thread that things will repeat in in physics they're

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trying to find the unified field theory they're trying to find one x one

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equation that explains everything because once you've found that one thing

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that explains everything then you don't have to look much further and that's

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basically what we're doing we're finding the the unified field system in the body

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if you will and the biggest problem that we have in healthcare today is the

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illusion of materialism and that illusion is that everything that is

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solid is more real than things that are not so that means we believe in in

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matter and molecules and and tissue more than we believe in signals and

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information and magnetism and so forth if materialism is basically when what

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they're doing in healthcare is they're looking at the physical parts and trying

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to understand function and they're looking at effects to try to

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determine causes instead of understanding will cause and effect us

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they're starting at the wrong end because they're looking at the physical

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body and the physical body is an effect it's an end result of something else so

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here's a question for you how many would here would look at the

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parts of a computer to try to understand why the program is doing what it's doing

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it makes no sense right you won't do that and yet when it comes to health and

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the body we always start at the wrong end so to

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disperse some of these these misconceptions that's why we do all

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these these different series and that is the common theme and that that we're

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dealing with so what is health the simplest way of explaining health is

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it's when everything works makes sense right

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it's so simple that we miss it because the opposite of that means that disease

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is when something doesn't work and we'll get back to this and I'll repeat myself

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a lot but I'm trying to drive home some really really fundamental points so what

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is it that we want to work well you have all these variables to have this

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biochemistry you have physiology in the body pH blood pressure blood sugar

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minerals muscle tone hormones and enzymes they all have to be maintained

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within very strict limits if your pH varies even by a percentage point you'll

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be dead I don't remember the exact values but it's very very narrow range

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of values same holds true for all of these blood pressure blood sugar

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minerals they all have to be made and something is maintaining those for

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you they're not happening by random chance there's something monitoring and

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making that happen and when everything works and is maintained we call this

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homeostasis that simply means it's a big word that means keeping things the same

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and that is the most important thing about health and when things like blood

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pressure and blood sugar start leaving that ideal range that's when we have

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diseases we have cardiovascular disease and strokes and diabetes and so forth

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the first part is the body's ability to maintain these variables the second part

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is to vary those in a controlled way so blood pressure and rest should not be

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the same as blood pressure when we exercise but once we stop exercising we

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want the blood pressure to come back down and if it doesn't that is a problem

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and that means the body can't tell the difference between stress and rest and

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we have to help the body relearn that so let's talk about some things here and

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once your once what we're trying to show you is basically that there is no such

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thing as disease and bear with me before you laugh me out of here because

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although you say oh well of course disease exists we're going to look at it

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a little bit differently and we'll see that disease is really nothing more than

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the body adapting to your environment it is normal adaptive physiology so it's

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not the body that's wrong but it's something in the environment so let's

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look at exercise its normal during exercise for your blood pressure and

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your heart rate to increase but if the blood pressure stays up when without

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this stress work then that's called hypertension and it

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leads to all sorts of problems so on the one hand it's a normal physiological

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function on the other hand it becomes a disease State you have decreased immune

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function during stress that's normal because if you have something chasing

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you your immune system is not going to help you against whatever is chasing so

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your body shuts it down but if it does it when there's no danger around now you

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have a depressed immune system and you're more susceptible to things like

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colds and flus and pneumonia and even cancer because all of those are immune

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immune system problems what happens during stress is that the body will stop

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making as much stomach acid and that again makes sense because stomach acid

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is not going to help you against whatever's attacking you but if you

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can't make stomach acid when there's no external danger now you can't digest

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food properly because there's a purpose that you have stomach acid stomach acid

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is not a stupid mistake on Nature Park it is there to digest food so if you

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can't make stomach acid now you start having things like ulcers and leaky gut

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and malnutrition and allergies and all sorts of things so a normal

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physiological response on the one side becomes a disease or a health problem

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when it's out of context what if you go to high altitude then

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your body will start to increase the number of red blood cells so you have

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more oxygen carrying capacity and that's a normal response this it'll start

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within a few minutes but it'll take a few weeks for it to to complete and then

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find that the proper level for that altitude yet if you have if you make

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those red blood cells without having the altitude without being at high altitude

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now that's called polycythemia and it's a serious health problem because your

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blood gets too thick and it loses some other properties that it's supposed to

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have you will have more blood clotting your blood clotting ability like we

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talked about when you're being chased by something your blood clots easier so

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that you can close a wound but if your blood clots easier when when you're not

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having any any reason now you've become more susceptible to strokes and and and

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blood clot so obviously if your insulin sensitivity goes down during stress

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that's a normal response because you want your blood sugar up so you can run

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away but if you do this at the wrong time you're setting yourself up for

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diabetes if you can't get an erection where the bullets flying around you

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that's perfectly normal because that's not gonna help you much right but if you

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maintain the same level of stress when the bullets aren't flying now it's

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called erectile dysfunction and you have a problem with procreation

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so are you seeing how everything I've talked about is a normal physiological

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response given a stressful or a certain circumstance but when we maintain that

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response in a different context it becomes a serious health problems and

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even accounts so far we've covered about 99% of all the diseases that people

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suffer from okay so I've said this stuff before but saying it from a slightly

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different viewpoint to help you see that these are perfectly normal responses and

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the problem is not in the body it's in the environment and it's in the body's

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perception of the environment hands up everybody on all the responses that I

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described are they due to intelligence stupidity or random chance

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let's see hands up for intelligence

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nobody's passing all right so it is intelligence it's not stupidity it's not

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random chance these things don't happen for no reason

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okay so let's see a little more class participation next time so we're

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throwing in a cartoon here business doctor talking to his patient and he

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says we can't find anything wrong with you so we're going to treat you for

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symptom deficit disorder I love this guy now let's talk a little bit about

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ecosystems what what is an ecosystem an ecosystem is could be really really

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small it can be an amoeba in a pond that amoeba is a tiny ecosystem in itself

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your body is an ecosystem a fish in a lake the fish is an ecosystem and the

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lake is a bigger ecosystem and our whole planet is a very large ecosystem so

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ecosystem is a place where there's different variables cooperating and all

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participating in making something happen and all those variables are necessary to

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complete the picture to a degree so now let's say that we have a lake and for a

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few decades we've been dumping petroleum and heavy metals and pesticides and

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toxic waste into this lake and now the fish are dying so we can't enjoy our

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little sport fishing and pull the legs out over the fish now because they're

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they're dying away how many people here think that we can make we can help the

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fish in that lake by adding some chemicals

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to the lake okay you think we should just we'll throw in a ton of aspirin or

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Tylenol in the lake that should do it right there they're sick they need

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tylenol obviously or maybe they need blood pressure medication right or maybe

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we can invent some really really specific chemical that can suppress

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their symptoms or the fish gonna get healthier no because they're part of a

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unhealthy ecosystem and they're not going to get any healthier until we

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start reversing the factors that brought the problem in the first place so why

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when we laugh I talked about the fish and throwing chemicals in the lake and

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everybody laughs why don't we laughs when we suggest that for humans how come

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we think it's a good idea for humans to add chemicals to their toxic ecosystem

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isn't that amazing and we do it all the time and we have a two trillion dollar

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health care system that thinks the problem is you don't have enough

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chemicals there's not enough chemicals in your body we need to add a few to get

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you healthy it's ludicrous how do you heal an ecosystem you reduce or remove

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the factors that interfere with the function in the first place if it's

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toxins to get the toxins out if it's stressed with humans you get the stress

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down if it's too much sugar too much pesticides too much heavy metals you

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reduce all of those that's the first then you restore the function to that

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prior to degeneration so you have to get the body cells up and working the brain

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cells the muscle cells all of the organ cells they need to be helped back up and

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that's what we talked about what chiropractic does we talked about that

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in other sessions that you nervous system need rebuilding and that's what

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we help with then you need to provide conditions that support the ecosystem

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you need nutrients water light oxygen carbon dioxide you need biodiversity and

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symbiosis and all those good things which happens by the way both in the

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lake and inside us you have as many bacteria in your gut as you have cells

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in your body there's hundreds of trillions of cells bacteria in your gut

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and they're working with you for the most part if you eat proper food and

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don't take antibiotics so it's all about it's all about balance now let's just

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talk real quick about homeostasis Alice basis and adaptation homeostasis is

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simply the ability of the body to maintain values within a narrow range

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from number seven here so an example would be blood pressure at rest we want

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to have a blood pressure of 120 over 80 we want to have a heart rate of about 55

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to 65 beats per minute and we want to have a body temperature of 98.6 degrees

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give or take a couple of tenths that's normal homeostasis physiology at

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rest then a low stasis talks about the ability to change

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these values temporarily quickly and temporarily so that we can deal with

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what's going on around us so if we're exercising our heart rate could go up

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our blood pressure could go up to 200 over 150 that's they addressed

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that's a lethally high blood pressure but during exercise it's normal you're

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supposed to have it you have to have it in order to get the blood to the body

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parts that during the work your heart rate might go up to 120 or 180 beats per

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minute even and your body temperature would also go up a degree or so I put

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98.6 to 104 that's not during exercise that's during making an infection so a

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bacterial infection could be a temporary condition that allows your apple stasis

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to raise your body temperature to 100 and 203 not any higher than hundred for

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because then that becomes lethal too to deal with that situation and then

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adaptation that's a more long-term process so in homeostasis and aloe

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stasis you're not really changing your DNA you're not changing your body

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structure you're just changing a few variables around but in adaptation now

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you're changing your body physically - you're expressing your DNA

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me to adopt to a new environment so that means if you go to the gym and lift

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weights you're going to put on more muscle so that you body can deal with

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that stress better in the future if you go to high altitude you increase your

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red blood cells if you start putting more weight on in the weight room you'll

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start building stronger bones so that they can deal with it and so forth let's

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see a show of hands is this any of this random chance if any of this stupid is

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any of this intelligent yes good class

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good so now we go to slide number eight and this is the we'll spend some time

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here I'm repeating myself but we're going to talk about it from a little bit

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different perspective again so this is the order of responsiveness and the body

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and we'll tie this into what will will end it a little bit differently so you

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see the point of this so if you do exercise what's the first thing or even

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if you just you're standing at the bottom of the stairs and you know in

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five seconds I have to climb the stairs then your brain reacts to that reality

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it perceives that reality and it says we will need more blood it activates the

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reticular activating system in the brain that starts this cascade of events and

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we need more blood so we activate what's called the HPA axis that's your

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hypothalamus your pituitary and your adrenal glands to make more adrenaline

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so that you can change your physiology incline

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the stairs and this adrenaline causes vasoconstriction it makes your blood the

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muscles in your blood vessels contract so that your blood vessels get thinner

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and your blood starts going faster and your blood pressure goes up and the

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blood goes out to the muscles that's the whole sequence of what happens from the

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the awareness that you need to exercise until your body has responded with the

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appropriate physiology let's do the one about high altitude you get to high

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altitude what do we know about high altitude if the air is thinner there's

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less oxygen what did you say those nosebleeds there you go you're good yeah

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yeah and because there's less oxygen we're gonna have less saturation of

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oxygen on our red blood cells so that's gonna create a deficiency in oxygen

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saturation so now the body needs to compensate what does the body do it

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perceives the need for more oxygen it starts a neuro the nervous system

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talks to the endocrine system and starts a cascade they release a hormone called

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erythropoietin and it's a hormone that you release all the time because blood

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cells only live about 3 to 4 months so you need to make new ones all the time

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you make billions every day trillions every day but at high altitude

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you need to make a little more so your body releases more erythro bleeding to

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stack the odds in your favor so now you make more red blood cells than normal

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and you increase your oxygen capacity your oxygen carrying capacity so we have

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we have a condition of high-altitude that leads to a physiological change

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- an adaptation to a different expression of your DNA if you will let's

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look at one more gravity so gravity causes deformation of tissues it pulls

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stuff down and this gives us the need for bones if we didn't have gravity we

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wouldn't need bones or not nearly as much of them rather we start this neuro

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endocrine activity and we release something called calcitonin calcitonin

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is a hormone that shows the calcium into the bones it makes calcium deposits in

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bones and it makes the bones stronger we increase the bone density in response to

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the gravity so again all of these things are normal physiological responses the

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body is just perceiving a need and it's responding to that need but if it

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perceives this out of proportion or inappropriately now we have a so-called

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disease on our hands if we don't have enough bone density then that's called

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osteoporosis because we haven't put enough bone we haven't put enough weight

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on our bones and we may have some calcium imbalances not so much

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deficiencies but rather just ineffective use by the body to deal with it and it

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can go the other way - if we have too much of this response from this gravity

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response then we have other diseases where we make the bones too thick and

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then they get brittle and they actually don't work very well either

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that's called osteopetrosis and Paget's these and things like that so everything

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is about balance in the body it's about perceived need and about physiological

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adaptations and your body is only responding to what it believes that you

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need given the situation is any of this random chance is any of this stupid is

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all of this intelligence very good

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barely barely leading you on at all because no one hears here's the kicker

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here's the whole point of this slide you see that that dashed line across the

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bottom this is when you take a drug when you take a medication this is where the

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drug has its effect if you take a drug for against blood pressure it goes in

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right between the adrenaline and the receptor that causes vasoconstriction so

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you can block if you have high blood pressure and you take the drug and the

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doctor tells you oh don't worry about the high blood pressure we'll just give

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you this pill and your blood pressure will be normal no problem anymore

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they are not telling you the truth that should be malpractice because they're

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not fixing the problem they're not changing the body's perceived need

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they're not changing the stress response they're not changing the imbalance all

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they're changing is from the dotted line and down they're blocking the expression

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meantime your body is just as unbalanced and in as much stress as it was before

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and this problem will express itself somewhere else

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it is exactly like you're driving in your car and the oil light comes on and

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you say well I don't like that oil light I'm going to put a little piece of tape

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on it or I'm going to click snip the wire the oil light wasn't the problem so

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if you block the oil light if you block the indicator then the problem will get

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worse and show up somewhere else always okay so the same thing was true for all

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of these a dotted line is right between the hormone and the receptor that causes

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the body response that's the place where drugs work and therefore drugs are

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appropriate in the emergency room if you have excruciating pain if you have

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broken bones take some drugs get out of pain but the drugs cannot get you

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healthy the drugs can only block the expression they cannot change your

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physiology for the better okay now number nine we will talk about light and

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dark anybody know what light and dark is

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the point I'm trying to make is light is something that has measurable properties

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okay you turn on the lights you can bring out a light meter you can measure

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the intensity you can measure how many photons are coming off you can measure

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the frequency the color the wavelength you can measure all sorts of things

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about this light because it has properties now you go into a dark room

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and you turn on that light meter or any other instrument and with darkness there

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is nothing to measure darkness does not exist we talk about darkness we believe

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there's such a thing as darkness but darkness doesn't really exist

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darkness is nothingness it's only a absence of light so this is really

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crucial it's it's really basic analogy but it's so crucial to get this health

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and function has measurable properties there's things about health that we can

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measure there is there's brain output there's electricity brainwaves there's

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signals there's communication there's all sorts of things happening as a

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result of proper function there's a facilitation there's inhibition things

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turning on and off this is function when all of that works we have health

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therefore health is something that is measurable but just like darkness is

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nothing more than the absence of light disease is nothing more than the absence

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of function so disease is a made-up thing it doesn't just like darkness it

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doesn't really exist if only shows up when something isn't working

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just like darkness is only present when there's no light there and this is so

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key to understand that if you're chasing diseases you're chasing shadows they

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don't exist you can never get to the source of the problem by looking at the

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disease you have to get to the source so down at the bottom this this is so

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important I hope you put this somewhere and frame it to blow it up you cannot

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create health by removing symptoms anymore than you can brighten the room

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by removing darkness I mean when you look at it that way it's so obvious and

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yet there's not one in a thousand people in this society that understands what I

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just said well that that knows that before they came here

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all right so brings us to the last part tune and glass Bergen is wonderful guy

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looking at a television set that says the commercial says ask your doctor if

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placebos are right for you and that is the only doctor that I would go to that

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prescribes placebos if you enjoyed what we talked about

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please let someone know about this I enjoy doing this but the greater purpose

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of this is to provide a community service to let people know because most

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people in our society today die and suffer because they don't understand

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what we talked about they don't understand health they don't

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understand stress and they think that pills can do something good

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and because of this they suffer and they die by the millions so getting this word

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out even if you are healthy right now you know 50 people that need to know

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this stuff so share the information with them and that concludes our presentation

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thank you all very much for coming and I'll be happy to take any questions

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