Blood Sugar Explained Pt5 4/5 User Manual For Humans

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you have to move and why is that because during exercise something magical

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happens and these cells can start taking in glucose without insulin or with

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extremely small amounts okay so I'll take questions afterwards if there's any

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part of this that's that's unclear but remember it's all about use it or lose

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it and that holds true for sales and receptors also and upregulation and

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down-regulation is a crucial mechanism of all cells in the body so one favorite

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cartoon again blast berean this lady is talking to the doctor says I think

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diabetes is affecting my eyesight I have trouble seeing the consequences of poor

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food choices I love it so how does that how does this problem occur in the first

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place and there's a lot of talk about something called lice emic index and

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we'll talk very very quickly about what that is it basically measures how soon

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after you eat something has that big converted into sugar and enter the blood

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so if something is converted very slowly and absorbed very slowly it's set to

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have a low glycemic index so low glycemic index or things like fat

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protein whole foods vegetables meat fish and nuts in other words most of the

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things that that nature produces in their whole form something that is

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processed something that will doesn't need much digestion that is almost sugar

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as you eat it will get into the bloodstream almost instantly and that's

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called a high glycemic index so when you want to start controlling this you need

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to glycemic index it's and you want to keep

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them as if you want to correct a situation that's already other hand you

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need to give very very very low glycemic index it you basically cannot have any

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sugar or starch or anything like that and don't be fooled when they say whole

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wheat or complex carbohydrates because it is still high glycemic index food it

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will still get out very very quickly and in between there's some media lycée

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make index those would basically be beans and whole fruit and let me make a

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note there that while a whole fruit has a medium glycemic index if you juice it

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it becomes a high glycemic index because you break up the cell walls and you take

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away all the fiber and all the sugar becomes available instantly so a juice

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is not the same thing as a fruit and when they say made from that means it's

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not what it used to be simple as that and another note on I just use milk as

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an example that because fat takes longer to process and milk has both fat and

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lactose in it which is a sugar then if you drink whole milk preferably wrong

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whole milk then the fat will balance out the sugar so it becomes a medium racemic

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index whereas if you drink a skim milk you've taken all the fat away so there's

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nothing to buffer the sugar and that becomes a high glycemic index okay so

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understand that the principles and then you can figure things out for yourself

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so now is the time to shake you up and scare you a little bit and the people in

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this room you already know a lot about this I can tell but think about people

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you know and this large and realize that a lot of

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what we're talking about in all these sessions they kind of applies across the

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board even though we're just talking about diabetes today side effects and

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complications diabetes is the primary or contributing cause of death and 231,000

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cases in 2007 that's a lot of people the primary or contributing cause of death

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estimated costs 174 billion dollars and that's medical costs work loss and

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disability so it's not just the expense but at some point people are unable to

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maintain that work and they they're disabled which means they can really

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enjoy life at all nervous system damage occurs in sixty to seventy percent of

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diabetes that means that the sugar is the sugar in the bloodstream if so much

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above where it's supposed to be that it starts penetrating the tissues around it

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and it causes when sugar in the tissues attract water and causes swelling so

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that's why you have vascular problems and neurological problems because the

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vascularity that the blood is around the nerves as well so it's going to choke

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off clothes off blood vessels and nerves and that is why diabetes is also the

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leading cause of blindness because the blood vessels in the retina are so fine

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and so sensitive and diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of

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blindness there's 4.2 million people with diabetic retinopathy a leading

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cause of kidney failure with two hundred two thousand people in chronic dialysis

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they have to have they don't have any kit

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function they have to have them filtered because of diabetes and it's again the

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vascular problem blood vessels swelling it's the leading cause of amputation 65

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thousand seven hundred cases of a complete leg amputation and there's

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hundreds of thousands if not millions of cases where they start taking off one

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toe at a time because they lose their control they lose the vascularity so

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whenever they hit something and break something or break the skin it doesn't

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heal again okay the brain is shut off from the body part means it can't do its

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business anymore it also increases risk of heart disease stroke dental disease

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coma pneumonia influenza and depression do you need any more reasons okay this

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this is what quality of life is about and we're talking about something that

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affects a huge huge portion of the population so do you know anyone with

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insulin resistance someone who is pre-diabetic go ahead and just write

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down five people that you care about who could benefit from what you just learned

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just go down and scribble down some names more quick so consider it letting

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these people know what we talked about and consider bringing them next time

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that we talk about this or related topic because it can save their life this is

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serious business let's look at the prevalence because if you don't think

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that you know anybody or that you're in good shape then this is the prevalence

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in 2010 and this is from the National Institute of Health gov website the

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National diabetes information clearinghouse diabetes affects 8.3

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of the population that's 25 million eight hundred thousand people right now

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that have to take insulin then when we get up to ages above 65 years old it

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affects 26.9 percent of the population that are diabetic that's ten million

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nine hundred thousand people that's that's a huge number it's almost

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becoming the norm for people above a certain age to get these conditions and

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we've seen that it's about up-regulation down-regulate regulation is a

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physiological adaptation to chronic stupidity that's all it is and it's it's

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a stupidity that is recommended by the American Diabetes Association and the

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American Heart Association and the four food groups and so on prediabetes these

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are people who are insulin resistance with a greater risk it's basically a

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matter of time before they develop this and keep in mind when we talk about

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these numbers that we are the first generation to be exposed at this level

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that the pre-diabetic people a lot of them will become diabetic because this

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is the first time we've eaten like this thirty-five percent of adults 20 years

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or older or pre-diabetic that's 79 million

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people in this country alone or pre-diabetic those are some scary

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numbers and when you get to the elderly 65 or older its fifty percent one in two

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and we've just talked about the side effects and complications so these

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people are heading for trouble and it is completely

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