Blood Sugar Explained Pt5 2/5 User Manual For Humans

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we eat but how is it processed by the body and interestingly fat and protein

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gets into the bloodstream very very slowly so fat and protein do not

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contribute to weight gain unless you just completely totally stuff yourself

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every day and so now we will talk about blood sugar and how it works so you have

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a diagram here on slide eight and we want to see if we can illustrate this

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here is the amount of blood sugar and here is a very narrow band and this is

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right around a hundred milligrams of blood sugar per liter now what happens

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in the body if your blood sugar goes significantly below or significantly

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above we can get in what's called a diabetic coma you literally physically

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get into a coma your brain stops working if you get very far outside of the zone

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either above or below so that means this is where the body wants to be and when

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anything gets far away from it it's an emergency it's life-threatening for the

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body so this is very very high priority for the brain glucose blood sugar is the

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primary fuel for the brain it can really only use it can use a little bit of

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ketone bodies and so forth but glucose is really the only fuel that the brain

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uses so it's very important for the brain to function for us to have a

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normal level and again the brain stops functioning if we get above or below

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so if we eat let's say that we are starting around the lower end of this

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hundred and we get hungry and we eat a meal a hunter-gatherer meal we catch

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ourselves a rabbit and we find some roots and some leafy greens and we make

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ourselves a meal that medial is going to be digested because it's protein because

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it's whole food lots of fiber good stuff it will be absorbed very slowly into the

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bloodstream so over the next few hours the blood the blood sugar Rises very

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very slowly and we'll say this is one hour two hours three hours four hours

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now remember we have to use insulin to get the blood the sugar out of the blood

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and into the cell because this is of no use to the body until we can get it into

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the cell so now we secrete insulin the pancreas which sits right around here

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releases insulin and the insulin takes the sugar out of the blood so once we

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have a certain amount of insulin the blood sugar will start falling again and

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it will go back down and then the body has some reserves so

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the body can maintain it within this level for quite some time so this is

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what the body wants this is what whole foods and real food and food with fiber

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and protein and fat does but that's not what we eat anymore how much sugar do we

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have in the bloodstream at any given time a hundred milligrams of blood sugar

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per deciliter multiplied by the volume of blood that you have in your body

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means that you have in your bloodstream at any given time five grams of sugar

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that's it one teaspoon of sugar is all you want in your bloodstream at a time

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that's all your brain can handle so going from the lower end of this to the

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upper end of this is about a span of 20 milligrams of sugar that's one gram that

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is how much your blood sugar can fluctuate before it becomes a reason for

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your body to respond and change before it becomes an emergency if you will it's

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not getting a little bit outside it's not really an emergency but the body

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will respond it'll try to keep it within this level which is about 1 gram

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difference so that's a fifth of a teaspoon and how much sugar is in a coke

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40 okay so if you're going to can only fluctuate if you're not sure you can

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fluctuate one gram and you dump in 40 grams of something that will be absorbed

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in 15 minutes do you think that's a bit of a stress to the body because it's

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never in the history of mankind has it been exposed to 40 grams of liquid sugar

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that just goes rushing straight into the bloodstream so this is what happens with

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real food now I'll just draw this now let's say that you have a cup

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of coffee with a little sugar in it and you have donuts and a coca-cola or or or

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apple juice for breakfast so now your blood sugar let's say that this is 100

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200 300 400 your blood sugar can very very quickly get up to about three four

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hundred and it will do it even faster than this it will it will happen in

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15-20 minutes remember we said this is an emergency what has that what has to

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happen what is the bulk body going to do about this emergency it's going to

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release a lot of insulin exactly and because this is an emergency it's not

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going to hold back it's going to dump all the insulin and can basically to try

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to get this craziness under control so with this much insulin in the blood

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stream assisting the sugar getting into the cells how quickly is the blood sugar

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going to drop almost instantaneously it's going to drop as fast as it came up

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so the blood sugar comes crashing down and then it gets to the normal level of

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hundred do you think with this much insulin and going down at this rate do

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you think it's going to stop smoothly right around a hundred a flat melt it's

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going to keep going it's going to keep going and then eventually it will taper

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off because now we have an emergency on the

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other side so what is this called what's the name for this this place when your

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blood sugar is really low hypoglycemia exactly what does it feel like when you

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have hypoglycemia sluggish irritable cranky and what you get cravings why do

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you get cravings because this is very unhealthy the brain doesn't work so the

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brain says give me some fuel quickly and what's the fastest source more coca-cola

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more sugar more starch more juice give me something quick so that I can come

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back to life so then you have some other snack or a muffin or something and up it

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goes and then it shoots back down and up and down this people who have

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hypoglycemia they really cannot develop hypoglycemia without this mechanism this

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is the cause of hypoglycemia it's the roller coaster the craziness of all

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these swings in mud sugar okay so one more little footnote what happens to all

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of these calories that you ingest it remember we said when they're ingested

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into the bloodstream faster than you can burn it and then all this insulin shoves

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them out into the cell but less than an hour has passed and in that hour you've

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only burned about a hundred calories so the excess has to be converted to fat so

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even though you've converted all these calories too fat you're still having

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ratings because the reverse process is too slow and your body needs in brain it

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needs this fuel fast it's going to tell you give me some more sugar give me some

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more much sugar okay so this is the devastating roller coaster that's the

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foundation of developing diabetes and virtually

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