Best Time To Fast For Weight Loss & Autophagy

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Hello Health Champions.So many people are finding benefit from fasting and they're finding

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it so easy to do, but other people are afraid because there's so many strange notions floating

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around. So today I want to clarify some of those misconceptions and also talk about

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the best length of time to do your fasting. Who needs to do what? First lets just demystify

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the whole concept so we can get comfortable about what this really is. When we eat something

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that allows us to store something. We use some of the energy for the time being but the excess

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we can store. We can store a tiny little bit as carbohydrates and most of it we store

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as fat, because it's the most energy dense form of storage. It's the most efficient way

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to do it. And the way that we store it whether it's glycogen as sugar ,carbohydrate or whether

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we stored it as fat, the mediator is insulin. Insulin is the hormone that allows us to put things

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into cells. Now here is the big question. Why would we ever want to do that? So this is kind

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of like, you put things you put fat in the body stores. That's sort of like you're putting food in

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your pantry. Why would you do that? And the answer is because you plan to use it at some

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later point. So then when we don't eat now we can reverse the process and we can burn

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that fat we can take that stuff out of the pantry. That doesn't sound so strange that

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we put things in so that we can take it out. And for most of human history we've had some

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sort of balance in this system. And when you don't eat then insulin goes down. And this

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is a very very normal process put in we take out nothing could be more natural. How has this

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been working historically? So these guys lived a long long time ago Paleolithic Age hunter-gatherers

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And we don't know exactly how often they ate but we do know that they didn't have probably

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extensive pantries or freezers or refrigerators They were very limited in how much food they

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could store. So on a bad day they probably didn't eat. If they couldn't find food every

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day they probably went some time without, and on a good day they probably had one or two

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or maybe three meals. And then humans developed some organization, some civilization, agriculture,

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societies. So from recorded history up until 1970 we probably ate two to three times not

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everyone had the luxury of eating 3 meals, but very very few people would ever more than

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three meals. But then in the last forty years or so we've change that. We've gotten the idea that

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the three meals are not enough, that we need to add snacks, every two hours we need to put

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some extra fuel and we need to top it off and as if that wasn't enough a lot of people

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walk around with a sippy cup they have their soda or their sweet tea or some other drink

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and we're kind of used to having always having something to eat or drink and then of course

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we have the development of all these fancy coffee shops we're almost every beverage sold

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in there is a disguised sugar bomb. And what's interesting with a period of the last 40 years to the period before that

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is the two things happened. We started eating more frequently and we started eating

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more sugar and more processed foods and then we wonder why the rate of obesity and diabetes

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shot up like a straight line or even exponentially So while some people think that the idea of fasting

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is strange, what's really strange is what we've done in the last 40 years, because now we've

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gotten the idea to never ever empty the pantry, right? Eating food is like loading up your body's pantry

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and putting things in is a good thing but don't ever take anything out. We've gotten these

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ideas that breakfast is the most important meal and while the word breakfast literally

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means to break your fast it has come to mean that you eat something as soon as possible

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after you get up. And then we tell the kids that you need energy before lunch I have to

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have breakfast otherwise you can't perform you won't learn anything so make sure that

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you eat breakfast and of course as a result we have these horrible "frankenfoods" of chemicals

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and sugar and really nothing useful for the body. And what's really strange is this whole

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idea that we would need to eat every 2 to 3 hours. That there would be some health benefit

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that we would be better off doing that or that it would be dangerous to not eat every

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2 to 3 hours. But what about sleep? Do you have to set the alarm so you can get up in the

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middle of the night and eat something? Can you imagine the headlines? "Mass deaths last night

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during the power out. Millions of people didn't wake up to their feeding alarm and they starved

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to death in the middle of the night." No never happened, right? Because we don't need to eat

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every 2 hours there is no health benefit there's tremendous health detriment to eating every

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2 to 3 hours. Let's break it down and understand just how simple this is. What is fasting?

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It is the period where you don't eat. So assuming that you sleep at all most people would get several hours

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of fasting and if you have your late-night snack and you eat first thing in the morning

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you probably still yet somewhere around eight hours or in the neighborhood of that. And

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if you don't have that late night snack but you eat your dinner at 7 then you get 12 hours

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if you have dinner a little earlier you have 14 hours and this is how humans have created

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balance by having 12 to 14 hours for most of human history and that's how a lot of these

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problems are avoided. Then what a lot of people find when they need to reverse the process

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is that there's really not much need to eat breakfast so if you skip that and have your first

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meal at noon and dinner at eight, you have 16 hours if you have dinner a little earlier you have

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18 hours so it's not really that strange and what most people find is that this is not

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even just easy but it's so easy that they don't understand why they would ever not do

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it or why they would start having three meals or snacks or anything like that. So let's talk

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about fat storing versus fat burning and how we get back to balance there, because if

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you look at the obesity epidemic it's obvious we've spent a lot more time in fat storing

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than we have in fat burning so the red above the line here is fat storing and the green

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below is fat-burning so if you go to bed on a full stomach then you're going to have to

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process that food that food is going to be put into storage so most of the time you sleeping

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you still in fat storing then you get a few hours before waking up where you have some

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fat burning but then as soon as you wake up you start eating your breakfast and you mid-morning

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snack and your lunch and so on and for most of the day again you're in fat storing. You're

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putting stuff in the pantry. You're never taking anything out so throughout the day you might

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have a few minutes at best where you do some fat-burning but most people won't even get

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to that point especially not if they're eating high carb and high sugar. Now if you dropped down to two

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meals a day and you skipped breakfast it might look something like this that the first part

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of sleep is probably still some fat storing but then instead of just eating as soon as

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you get up now you get all those extra hours of fat burning in the morning and because

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you're not eating so many meals throughout the day you actually get some fat burning

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in during the day as well so you have more of a balance between fat storing and fat burning

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you're allowing your body to clean out the pantry you put energy in to use, so now you're

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using it instead of just adding more and more and more. And what if you do an extended fast?

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What if you go a couple of days or even longer? Well you basically keep burning fat for the duration

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that you don't eat, right? This seems really really simple but it's very very powerful

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that the more time you go without eating the more fat gets burned. And as an additional

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benefit of course the longer you go without food the longer you allow your insulin to

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drop so it's not just about the weight, but it's also about the health benefits, about reversing

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type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. The longer you go the more powerful the effect.

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Then how long do you go? Well that depends on your goal and your situation and your DNA and

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so forth but basically if your goal is weight loss it's going to depend on how stubborn

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your weight is. Have you reached a plateau or do you just want it to happen faster?

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And the same exact thing holds true for insulin resistance because it's basically the same

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mechanism this weight is put there in the first place by insulin and if you have stubborn

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weight you have stubborn insulin And other reasons to do fasting can be degenerative

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disease if you want to reverse that.

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If you have met your goals but you want to do some prevention or if you want more

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longevity or if you just want to increase your health span. So much of the time we

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talked about living longer but what's the point of living to 90 if the last 40 years

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are riddled with disease and suffering. What if you could live to ninety or a hundred and

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a hundred and twenty and be healthy and enjoy that virtually all of that time. Let's go over some examples for weight loss and the

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vast majority of people somewhere 60 70 80 per-cent will get good results if they shrink

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their feeding window down to six or eight hours which means their fasting window gets

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to be 16 to 18 hours. Most people will get pretty good results and if you're one of those

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people then just do that and be consistent and you'll develop a very good lifestyle that

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works for you but if that doesn't work for you if you have stubborn weight, if you hit a

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plateau if you needed to happen faster then you got to do more. It's as simple as that. So now

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the next step is one meal a day which means you eat once a day or if you go further than

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that then we're talkin maybe 42 or 48 hours and it's not as hard as people make it out to

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be because if you start off with 16:8 or 18:6, and your body gets used to it, then it's not

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that difficult to have dinner one day and then just to skip the whole next day just

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make it till bedtime the next day go to bed and when you wake up you've fasted 36 hours.

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The beauty of this is that that fasting period includes two nights so you've slept twice in that period

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And if you're used to not having breakfast then you just go another 6 hours to lunch and you

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have 42 hours. If you want to you can now just have the evening meal and you have forty-eight

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hours. It's not as hard as it sounds and the fasting that last more than 24 hours that's

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not something most people have to do all the time if you do once in awhile that's going

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to break up that plateau it's going to break up that stubborn pattern and it's really going

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to make things happen faster for the vast majority of people. But another interesting

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thing happens to people is once they get past that 42 up to 48 hour mark they find that

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the worst has passed that they're not as hungry as they used to be the kind of getting in

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the groove they're getting the flow of things their minds are brightening and their periods

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of hunger are less and shorter so it's not as hard as people think to go from that 48

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hours and just do one more night and now you're at 3 days and then you can just basically

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go as long as you feel good. As long as you're comfortable. As long as you're clear minded.

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As long as you have some energy. Don't go run marathons or anything silly like that but

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just for daily life, people find that they can usually extend it a few extra day so maybe

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go 3 to 7 days and if you hit a point where you feel hey I've had enough then you eat

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something. The only thing to make sure of is to drink plenty of fluids and take some salt

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and minerals because you will be losing a little bit extra of that. And if your goal is to reverse insulin

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resistance and type 2 diabetes then the exact same reasoning holds true there because if

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you have stubborn weight then you have stubborn insulin so the mechanism is exactly the same.

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But there are even more reasons to fast such as degenerative disease because the longer

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you go with fasting the more autophagy you get. And autophagy literally means " self eating"

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When you're fasting your body get energy from the fat. You're burning fat. The longer you go the

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more fat burn but the most precious resource beyond energy is protein because protein is

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used for building blocks and enzymes and hormones and your body constantly have cells wear out

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so your body has to make new ones and if you're not eating protein the body has to find it

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somewhere. So protein becomes very very precious and where can you find protein in the body

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well muscles is the obvious choice but the body doesn't want to spend muscles. It needs

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those to do the work. So it up-regulates the cleaning crew, the recycling crew. It puts more

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people on cleaning duty and that goes out and clean every nook and cranny in the body

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looking for debris and waste materials and dead cells and virus and bacteria. So in essence

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you're up-regulating not just the cleaning crew but your immune system and you can take care of

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sagging skin and all sorts of dead cell and waste that the body doesn't need. It gets better

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at finding those things and as a result now we have results with arthritis and diabetes

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and blood pressure and even think like auto immunity. Something like multiple sclerosis

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The brain and nervous system has a very poor cleanup and repair. And autophagy is

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really the only thing that's going to significantly improve the ability to repair the brain and

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the nervous system. That is also very powerful after a traumatic brain injury. The first thing

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you want to do if you get a concussion is to stop eating because that autophagy is

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going to help clean up the damage and there's even evidence that periods

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of fasting and autophagy can help reduce and even reverse cancer at least certain kinds

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There are so many benefits to fasting that it's a great idea to do it even just for

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maintenance so now we're doing it for prevention for longevity etcetera like we talked about

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And now I would suggest that you do a combination of 16: to OMAD. Somewhere in that range. You eat

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once a day, twice a day, 3 times a day. If you have a tendency to lose a lot of weight, too

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easily. If you don't want to lose weight, then don't do so much of the OMAD. You do more

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of the 16:8. If you tend to put on weight if you have stubborn weight then you do more

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of the OMAD and less of the 16:8. I have a hard time keeping weight on if I do OMAD,

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if I do one meal a day, for any length of time I just tend to keep losing weight

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cuz it's hard to eat that much food in one sitting. I don't feel bad but I get thinner

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than I want to be. And if you get 16 to 24 hours of fasting on a regular basis you're

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going to get a fair amount of autophagy but you're not going to get massive amounts

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of autophagy. So that's why I suggest you do a 42 hour fast once or twice a month depending

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on how you feel how much weight whatever what your goals are like we talked about what feels

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right for you and like I said you just skip a whole day and then you skip breakfast the

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next day and you're at 42 hours and now when you gone 42 hours instead of 16 you have

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exponentially increased your autophagy. But then I also believe that there are benefits to going a little

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bit longer once in awhile. I think now you can get into deep, deep autophagy levels where

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you could maybe prevent cancer or reverse early stages of cancer there's some research

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that indicate that might be the case and about every 3 months or so maybe two to four times

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a year maybe once a year, You do a little bit longer fast and I would suggest go in at least

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three days I would go 3 to 4 days for myself and if you feel good and you want to

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go longer than that's fine too. If you enjoyed this video you'll love that one, and if you really

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