Best Supplements For Health Explained

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what are the best supplements or do you even need supplements stay tuned and

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I'll explain hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and by subscribing to

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this channel you will learn everything that you need to master true health

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today we're going to talk about supplements and there is so much

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confusion and so much misunderstanding about what they are first of all we want

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to start understanding what is the purpose of supplements we want to talk

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about four different categories of things that people take on the one side

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we have nutrition and on the other side we have pharmaceuticals I put those

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opposites because they serve absolutely totally opposite functions and then in

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between we have herbs and nutraceuticals so what's the difference well nutrition

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is that which sustains life nutrition is that which comes from life it is all the

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stuff that Mother Nature has produced that we have developed alongside for

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millions and millions of years so just like there is no scientist in the world

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that can create life or they can create a single cell there is no scientist in

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the world that can have a test-tube and produce things that sustain life that is

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the area of mother nature so it doesn't mean that these things aren't good at

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some point so nutrition is food and we want to get as much nutrition as

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possible from whole food unfortunately we don't really get enough anymore

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because there even the best of efforts even if we buy all organic food the soil

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has been depleted the minerals just aren't there anymore the food has to be

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transported we don't know exactly what went on in producing it there's so much

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hybridization and GMO going on that with all of that even the best

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efforts may not give us all the nutrition that we need so it's a good

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idea to supplement but when we do we want to look for things that are made

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from food concentrates it is very difficult to find and I'll clarify a

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little bit what to look for but you want something that is made from whole food

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concentrate that has all of the vitamin complexes all of the mineral complexes

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all of the genuine replacement parts that you need to rebuild your body all

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right the next category is herbs herbal therapy we use a lot of it in our office

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and that's when we're looking for a little bit stronger effect the body may

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not be ready for healing it may need some cleansing it may need some support

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or some stimulation and some other way and herbs can do that they're a form of

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natural medicine that can go in and change and alter things at a subtle

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level they are made by nature so they are also very natural and they work with

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the body however they are not the genuine replacement part they are not

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the thing that's going to help rebuild the body so we look for them only in

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certain circumstances the next category is nutraceuticals and this is what most

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people get when they go shopping for supplements ninety-eight percent of

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everything sold in vitamin stores are nutraceuticals

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they were developed by pharmaceutical companies who managed to isolate and

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extract what they believe to be the critical component of a vitamin but it's

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only part of alignment it's not the vitamin complex it is a small

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crystalline fraction of the whole thing and as such it can stimulate it can do

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some good for a limited time but again it does not sustain life it is no

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two thing that the body is looking for you want to think of the difference

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between a complex and the synthetic as a complex being a tree and the synthetic

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fraction being a part of a tree maybe a leaf or a piece of bark or something and

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it can help for a little bit but it creates problems in the long run

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the last on the list is pharmaceuticals and there's a place for them but they

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are the most powerful they are completely synthetic and their job is

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their purpose is to interfere they are supposed to go in and block some

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physiology when the physiology for whatever reason has gone haywire a

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pharmaceutical is strong enough to go in and block it and stop it and create a

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short-term desired effect all right that's the purpose of these things well

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nutrition like we mentioned is made by mother nature it's things that are alive

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herbs are also made by mother nature they're things that are alive they have

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all natural properties nutraceuticals are made in a lab most of them are made

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from synthetic products or from petroleum like coal tar most B vitamins

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are made from petroleum coal tar product a lot of vitamin C which is not actually

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vitamin C but ascorbic acid is made from corn starch they're made in a laboratory

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setting their crystalline partial fractions of the real thing and of

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course pharmaceuticals are synthetic they're made in a lab so on that note

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here's the timeframe for these things nutrition works forever that's the food

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and the food concentrate because that is what sustains the body that's what

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sustains life it works forever and what we find is the nutrients that we use the

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supplements there are whole food supplements people do well on them for a

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very very long time herbs like I mentioned in the beginning

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we use them for special circumstances they're not intended for long-term use

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but they do have their place once they have done their job then we try to

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switch over to get more of our nutrients from food and whole food supplements

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nutriceuticals go in and they do something quickly and

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over time what happens with a nutraceutical is because it's a fraction

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it sort of senses it has a relationship to the things that it used to hang out

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with so when you take a nutraceutical when you take a fractional supplement

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into your body it's going to attract the other portions that it used to hang out

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with and now you're in essence leeching those cofactors from your body and

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therefore in the long run something like ascorbic acid which isn't actually

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vitamin c but a fraction of it ascorbic acid can create a vitamin C deficiency

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and today we're seeing a lot of things that is actually scurvy

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but that go by other names so any type of nosebleed or fragile gums or retinal

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bleeding or weak varicose veins and things like that spider veins a lot of

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those things are a deficiency in the vitamin C complex and we're not getting

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enough of it and we can actually deplete ourselves by using mega doses of

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ascorbic acid pharmaceuticals finally there's a place for it but it's for

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crisis intervention only if you're trying to save a life if someone has a

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bleeding if someone has a shock if there's an emergency there's a time for

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it but in the long run crisis intervention will do more damage

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then good always so now you're starting to see that that which is natural

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supports the body that which is synthetic interferes with the body

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side-effects go along with that so things that Nature Made that's the

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stuff that's supposed to sustain life it has no side effect it's the thing that

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builds life herbs are very very limited in side effects they do have some

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medicinal properties so side effects are possible but they're very very limited

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synthetic supplements look really good initially and a lot of people they when

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they're extremely deficient they start taking something and then they feel

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great and they swear by and they say oh I'll take this for the rest of my life

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and then a few months later they start crashing but they stay on it because

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they felt so good initially well those are side effects that start to develop

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so nutraceuticals typically develop some side effects over time and of course a

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pharmaceutical always has a side effect by its very design and mechanism once

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you go into an ecosystem and you push something you're going to upset the

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balance you're going to have a side effect now that doesn't make them evil

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in an emergency that can be very useful and save lives but we have to understand

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the appropriate time and place and that they always have side effects of their

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short-term use only we have to change the way that we're thinking when I look

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on the internet I see millions and millions of questions and answers and

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they're always the same I have this what do I take for this and someone answers

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if you have that then take that that is not how it works because even though

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something works for one person it doesn't mean it's gonna work for you

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because the source of the problem could have a different origin and also we

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never ever want to get into the habit of taking supplements because they're

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supposed to do something they're not supposed to change a symptom

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they're not supposed to work they're supposed to provide the building blocks

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they're supposed to support life if you're missing something and you provide

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it you get healthier you want to get out of

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the mindset of taking something for something that's just using a safer drug

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one with less side effects sure you could take a nutraceutical or an herb

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and there's less side effects but you haven't fixed the source of the problem

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we have to start understanding the body and supporting physiology and getting to

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the source of the problem I hope you enjoyed this little explanation I know

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it's very different and we will keep getting good and different information

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so that you can understand it from a different perspective make sure you hit

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that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified for future videos if

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you have any questions comments suggestions you know where to put them

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right down below and we will do our very best to look at them and address them

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