Best Fats To Eat For Optimal Health & Weight

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What are the best fats to eat? The idea of low carb and high fat diets called

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ketogenic diet are sweeping the nations and thousands of people are having great

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great results in losing weight and getting healthy, but we also have to

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understand why the fats are healthy and why they're not healthy and that way we

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can not only lose weight but we can sustain health in the long run because

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it's very possible to eat the wrong kind of fats lose the weight and appear to be

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healthy in the short term but we all want that health for the long term

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coming right up am Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to

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truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything the best

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fats to eat are the ones that are naturally occurring in food already and

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then we're talking about meat fish avocado nuts and seeds but of course

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these have to live and grow in a way that's natural and normal and healthy so

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if we eat meat there's nothing wrong with that and yet the fattiest piece of

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meat you can as long as it is grass-fed and organic the same thing with the fish

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eat the good fish the tasty fatty fish but make sure that it is a healthy that

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they raised it healthy that it's not farm raised that it it is wild caught

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and that it is one of the species that doesn't have a whole lot of mercury so

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you want to find something kind of low on the food chain so most small fish and

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salmon are generally totally fine the larger predatory fish like tuna and

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swordfish etc. They often have tons and tons of mercury because they're high on

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the food chain and they accumulate these things over time

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avocado is a great great food eat as much as you can

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nuts and seeds are also great but you want to try to eat them raw and it also

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shouldn't be the majority of your your food it shouldn't be like its own

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food group because it has a lot of Omega 6s and you can throw off the balance a

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little bit but in general as long as you eat things that are healthy and natural

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then the fats occurring in these foods are protected as long as they're in the

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food and as long as they're uncooked so you cook them minimally or you eat them

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raw and that's how you get the good fats out of them so these fats could be

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saturated or polyunsaturated or monounsaturated and the more saturated

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fat is the more stable it is because it's saturated it doesn't get oxidized

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but the main key is they should be unprocessed so the other category of

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fats besides naturally occurring are the added fat so sometimes it's hard to get

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enough calories to get enough fat to sustain a ketogenic diet especially if

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you're very insulin resistance and you have to cut your carbs way way way back

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by only eating naturally-occurring fats and this is where you can go to some

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added fats and when people ask me what fats to add I'll tell them three things

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above all others because they're inexpensive they're generally good

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quality available and I'm talking about butter extra virgin olive oil and extra

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virgin coconut oil because you can find these in lots and lots of places you can

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find grass-fed organic butter you can find extra virgin organic olive oil and

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same thing with coconut oil then if you like you can also if you find good

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quality you can also use lard or bacon fat so why are these the good ones

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because they are saturated and therefore they are stable and the worst thing

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about a fat is when it gets rancid because now it's toxic and it doesn't

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matter how healthy it used to be a week ago or a couple of days ago once it's

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rancid now it's poison to your body so these are essentially the things that

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stay fresh without needing even refrigeration you can prolong it

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with refrigeration but they really don't need a whole lot of refrigeration and in

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the fridge or freezer they'll keep for for months and years

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the only other fat that we want to talk about are cold-pressed oils so there are

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certain things that you can get cold-pressed and we're talking about

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things like flaxseed and walnuts and macadamia and think and avocado so if

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these things are truly processed cold-pressed and they haven't done

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anything else to them they haven't filtered them they haven't heated them

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they haven't refined them in any way then this is still a healthy food but it

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is very very very sensitive to heat and oxygen and it has a terrible shelf-life

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and the other thing that people don't like or don't know about these that is

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if if they're healthy then they're also gonna have a very strong flavor so a

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truly unrefined cold-pressed avocado oil is gonna have a very very strong flavor

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same thing with with walnuts or macadamia it's gonna have a strong

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flavor of the food it's made from so therefore if you use it for salad

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dressings then it'll pretty much take over so if you like that that's still

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perfectly fine just keep in mind that they have a short shelf life and they

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need to be kept in the fridge or even freezer to last for any amount of time

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what makes these good again is that they're minimally processed and for the

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top five here they are saturated and that's why they're stable the

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cold-pressed is very unstable because it is made from plant material and there's

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gonna be a lot of unsaturated Poly-unsaturated oils in there to react with the

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oxygen so it's healthy as long as you keep it cold so that's the main thing to

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understand about fats that these we use for fuel primarily and these have some

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other more detailed purposes but saturated fat is not bad as long as you

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keep your carbs down because in the absence of insulin you're going to burn

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these fats for fuel and they're going to be very satisfying you're going to eat

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less often you're gonna eat less total amount of food because they satiate you

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very well so eat unprocessed minimally processed and the butter extra virgin

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olive oil and the extra virgin coconut oil are the ones that are widely

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available they're inexpensive and they have a stable long shelf life you know

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some people who need to know this please share this information so that they can

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