Back Pain and Stress Relief - Chiropractic Testimony - Your Cumming Chiropractor

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Hello I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg and I have David with me here today and he's gonna

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share a few things about his experience in our office so do you want to tell us

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first the reason that you came to seek help in the first place

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sure well I've been to upper cervical chiropractor before have my upper atlas

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adjusted and did it like multiple complications issues like I never had a

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really good alignment set up when I got back home in this area and coming I

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decided I should like you know fix my back pain I found your website great

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reviews and everything awesome history ? page with the Decathlon and

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stuff but came here and after being at just the first time that felt like

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significant results in like relaxation that I haven't had before because even

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before it was more like you know your backs gonna tense up and then you'll

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adjust to it but it was like my lower back just started feeling relief

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as he was pounding out the muscle tension that sent signals up to the

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brain but then after I came back to do as the seminar and he explained

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essentially like how your neuro connections need to be activated

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otherwise that start to degrade over time they started to make a lot of sense

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and also saw work and like help my dad with the sciatic thing another I mean

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she's been dealing with just from stress one of the things that I learned about

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in the sonar was that most of our neuron firing happens from movement like

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they're very effective your body having a thing about moving individual parts

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your fingers and feeling where it is in pressings to your body and the world

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around you takes up most of the signals so that's what exercise is really

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important because you strengthen those signals right so I decided like I go

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back and take a blonde Gordon again because I just got back home I take my

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board back for my little brother and just try to get like my nerves my

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nervous system strengthening and firing better together and after doing that and

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getting used to it I wanted to kind of like get myself more of a challenge and

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before every time I've ridden on my longboard are you gonna only go with

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like my right foot forward facing this way and even like pedaling or balancing

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any resource situation like going left foot I would as I can easily fall off

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and at the jump but in less than a day after having to adjustments

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week on Monday and Wednesday less than 24 hours us able to grasp the concept in

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the coordination of being ambidextrous on writing it going down like the

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same-size hills and curving like I was with the side that I was used to that

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I've been doing for like years it's cool too because the whole neuron aspect of

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the neurons that fire together wire together and if you don't use them in

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such a degree over time like a muscle so I could feel that effect happening in my

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brain over this week and it's actually been great because the brain fog that I

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would feel I'm trying to like go through my thoughts or have like a conscious

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discussion with myself I could feel myself getting stronger in my head and

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healing like when I was learning to ride my longer than the other direction I

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could feel like the signals being strengthened really quickly and adapting

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at a faster pace than before and aside from that being really satisfying it's

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maybe not really more vicious to like now it's one start tackling new things I

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guess I I probably shouldn't have but I was I was like gonna get in a drawing I

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always wanted to learn I'm agile and I'm sure like now vo they tackle it but

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honestly I don't have that much time to spin on I just want to start goose them

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don't be like how fast can i grasp this yeah like I'm all about it yeah but

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that's been great back pain relief is obviously been great but that's why I

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came here in the first place cuz it's just stuff like you go in from like

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eating the dinner table going to take a showers like it's constant pain like

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that just gets annoying right but um the other benefits I'm just like really made

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me excited about I guess the future for myself because it's just like a lot more

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stress-free and my ability of thought is increasing it's awesome doing stuff

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going stronger fantastic I couldn't have said any of that better myself so I

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think I'm so glad that you're noticing some benefits and that you're really

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seeing the bigger picture also because that's that's what gets us excited is

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when people really grasp that the big picture and the difference that can make

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so thanks thanks for sharing so just one quick note you said the word pounding

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and a lot of people might not understand

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what that means so would you want to elaborate on what kind of pounding we do

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here it's more yeah it's like more like gentle vibrations like in a rapid

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succession that it not only I guess those words supposed to do and

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stimulates the neurons to have your brain rewire it but also like has a

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relaxing principle to it as well it's not forceful in any way it's not like

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you're pushing the bones back into alignment like that yeah so it was yeah

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so this is it's called an arthroscope which is like a mini jackhammer which is

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very very gentle it can go from a few grams of pressure up to several pounds

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but depending on where we use it for the most part it's very very gentle and kids

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have explained it as tickling or feeling like a massage I gave a lot of times

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