Autophagy & Fasting: How Long To Biohack Your Body For Maximum Health? (GKI)

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Autophagy and fasting are two incredibly important and exciting topics

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right now because together with a ketogenic diet they're showing great

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promise in improving devastating conditions like insulin resistance and

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diabetes and even cancer today I'm going to talk about how to measure those

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things and I'm gonna reference a study where they managed to shrink brain

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tumors both in mice and humans and where they developed something called the gki

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index so we're going to talk about what that is and how you can start applying

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it and know if you are in that therapeutic zone where your body is

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truly healing and cleaning up coming right up

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I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything so fasting is pretty straightforward it's when you don't eat

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but autophagy is a little bit more involved autophagy develops as a

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result of not eating autophagy means self eating so when you're not adding a

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lot of food when you're not putting a lot of new nutrients into the body for a

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period of time then the body has to get better at using the nutrients that are

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already there and one of the best methods of doing that is to get really

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really good at cleaning house so that's what autophagy does when there's no

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nutrients especially protein coming in it needs to find protein from other

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sources so it gets really good at recycling and it starts breaking down

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debris and cells that have some debris in them and cells they're about to die

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and pathogens virus bacteria and even cancer cells all of that stuff all that

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debris that you don't need or that's in the way the body starts looking really

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hard and it becomes a resource so it's cleaning and getting resources at the

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same time and as a result autophagy has shown great promise for anti-aging for

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reducing cancer for reducing Alzheimer's and Parkinson because both cancer and

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Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are growths they're stuff growing that shouldn't be

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there and when autophagy increases the body gets better at cleaning up that

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stuff your immune system improves because some of the stuff it cleans up

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or virus and bacteria it gets better at detoxing because it goes and cleans a

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lot it manages inflammation better and it can even

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helped mitochondrial repair so mitochondria is the energy factory in

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your body every cell in your body has them the brain and the heart and the

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liver has the most because it needs the most energy and autophagy can even help

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with mitochondrial repair mitochondria are little things inside your cells that

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take oxygen and fuel and turn them into energy and your body gets about 95% of

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its energy from mitochondria but mitochondria are also very sensitive

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they're a little more fragile they kind of rust easier than the rest of your

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cell so as they don't work so well anymore as you age your mitochondria

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aged a little faster than you do very often and if we can use autophagy to

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help repair them then that is a very powerful component of that anti aging

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and also what can get you some more energy most cells in your body can use

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different fuels for energy they can use glucose or they can use ketones and fat

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but cancer cells are different they rely primarily on glucose so if you cut your

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glucose way way way way back so that your body starts relying on more ketones

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then you're essentially starving the cancer cells selectively and this was

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known as the Warburg effect one of the more prominent modern researchers is

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Thomas Seyfried and he has been looking into this cancer mechanism on how cancer

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doesn't do well without glucose and he published a study where he was involved

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with one study and they looked at some other studies as well where they managed

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to shrink brain tumors in both mice and humans and what they did that was new

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was they developed an index called the GKI index glucose ketone index which is

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basically just a ratio between these two and they found that once they get

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the ketones and the glucose about equal amounts in

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the blood as measured by milli moles then they managed controlled and even

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reversed the growth of the tumors as soon as the glucose went back up the

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tumor started thriving and growing again so they developed a therapeutic zone so

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let's talk about that so if we take glucose here in blue and we measure it

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in milli moles so don't worry it's really simple you take whatever normal

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number you get for glucose so in in the U.S. we're talking about glucose

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somewhere around a hundred or around ninety so a normal glucose value of

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ninety is the same as 5 milli moles we're converting milligrams per

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deciliter - milli moles that's all there is to it

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you divide your regular number by 18 and then you get millimoles if you live in

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the rest of the world then you might already get your glucose as millimoles

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ketones are typically measured in millions already so you just divide one

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by the other so if you take someone who is eating the standard American diet

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they're probably going to have their glucose in around a hundred hundred and

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twenty so they're starting out at about a six and their ketones will be

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virtually non-existent they might have a little bit of ketones in the morning but

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they'll be very very low there'll be zero point something or zero point one

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or two so they'll start off with the gki ratio some around 30 to 50 then as they

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fast as they get into ketosis they either fast completely or just cut their

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carbs way way back or eliminate them almost totally now their glucose starts

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dropping as the glucose starts dropping the body has to start burning fat as an

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alternative fuel source and a byproduct of the fat burning is ketones which is

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also a brain fuel so the brain can use glucose or ketones for fuel and

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as one goes down the other goes up and of course the ratio starts changing so

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here in the beginning as time goes we might have a ratio of 30 at gki index of

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30 and then as we get going it gets maybe to 9 and then 6 and then 3

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and somewhere when they meet when we're in this therapeutic zone we don't have

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to get quite to 1 but that's sort of the optimal place but somewhere around 1.5

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glucose to one part ketones is where we enter this zone so I just copied this

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graph off from the research paper and I don't know why they used different

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scales on the graph but the top of the scale is 7 for glucose and five for

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ketones so when we divide out the numbers we find that this optimal area

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the optimal therapeutic zone is somewhere it's starting somewhere

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between one to two parts of glucose two ketones so then you can keep going maybe

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all the way up to about 0.7 which means that you have more ketones than glucose

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but somewhere in this area you're still managing things you're still in a very

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very strong high state of etaf adji so again the gki is very simple glucose

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ketone index you divide the glucose by the ketones but you have to measure them

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in milli moles and if you get your glucose in moles then you just divide

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straight if you get it in milligrams per deciliter you take that number and you

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divide by 18 and you get your your answer so once you get started what

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you're going to need is a glucose meter and a ketone meter and you can get them

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in the u.s. you can get them online very easily they'll run about 50 bucks and

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then you'll pay a little bit for the strips but it's quite affordable these

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days so you can measure every day or even three times a day once you're in

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the beginning so that you see how that changes are happening so most people in

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the beginning they'll have a ratio of somewhere around 30 to 50 and any ratio

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over 9 means that you are not in ketosis you do not have a significant amount of

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ketones so you're not really getting any of the therapeutic benefits of ketosis

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orotava g but as you progress once you're in between 6 & 9 which is not a

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very powerful you're not anywhere near the therapeutic zone but just you have

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at this point a low state of ketosis and this can be enough for weight loss for a

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lot of people a lot of people are going to get great weight loss between 6 & 9

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some people aren't going to get any weight loss between 6 & 9

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depends on genetics depends on how insulin resistance you are how long it's

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been going physical activity etc so for people who have kind of easy or

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moderately easy weight loss they can do that in this zone and it's also a great

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zone for maintaining your results for just once you're healthy you're at your

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ideal weight you can maintain it between 3 & 6 is a medium level of ketosis now

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you're getting a lot of therapeutic benefits to reverse things like type 2

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diabetes and insulin resistance and for most people who have obesity or

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overweight they're also going to start shedding pounds at this level between

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1.5 and 3 you have a high level of ketosis and now you're getting

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therapeutic benefits from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and traumatic brain

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injury so we want to understand that the transition here a little bit at the

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lower levels of ketosis you're starting to change your metabolism but you're not

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getting a whole lot of autophagy benefits yet you have to get into a stronger a

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higher state of ketosis before the autophagy really kicks in before the body gets

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so desperate that it starts cleaning house and starts breaking down some of

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these unwanted growth and accumulations like cancer and Alzheimer's and so forth

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so between 3:00 to 6:00 you're getting a lot of hormonal

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benefits you're reversing insulin resistance you're reversing metabolic

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syndrome you're you're cleaning up at a more lighter level but you're not

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necessarily breaking down protein because you have to get into a longer

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fast or a lower level of protein in order for autophagy to really kick in

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and start working for these growths so at the high level of keto now you're

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starting to get therapeutic benefits for Alzheimer's Parkinson's and traumatic

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brain injury and the maximum authophagy the optimal therapeutic zone when your

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body will start breaking down all kinds of things including probably brain

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tumors is between 0.7 to 1.5 in the paper they said that you're starting to

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get for humans they said you're probably entering this zone somewhere between a

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gki ratio of one to two so that would be close to two this

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this zone and then if you can maintain inside that zone then you know that

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you're staying in that optimal therapeutic zone of maximum optimal autophagy

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and if you're getting results and you're not particularly interested in

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this then then fine but if you're not getting results or if you'd really like

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to explore how far reaching your health benefits could be with a deeper state of

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autophagy now you have to start measuring because a lot of people say oh

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I'm on the keto diet but what does that mean if your neighbor gets into ketosis

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because when when he eats 50 grams of net carbs that doesn't mean that that

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diet is going to put you in ketosis and vice-versa

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and an interesting thing was pointed out in the paper that they

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fed these mice and mice are very different from humans so they called it

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a ketogenic unrestricted diet they had standard diet unrestricted standard diet

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restricted ketogenic diet restricted and ketogenic diet unrestricted and for the

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mice it turned out that it didn't really matter if it was a standard diet or a

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keto diet what put them into this zone was the calorie restriction and most

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studies that have been done earlier on calorie restriction and longevity were

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done on mice but the ketogenic diet doesn't really work on mice they're

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different so when they fed them when they fed the mice a standard

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unrestricted diet their gki ratios were ranging from 15 to 70 and they had no

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control over the growth when they fed them a standard diet restricted meaning

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calorie restrictions they fed them a little bit everything but they starved

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them they got excellent results between three and four and when they fed them a

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ketogenic diet restricted they also got excellent results but when they fed them

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a ketogenic diet unrestricted the numbers didn't really drop much for the

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mice but they do for humans so the studies that they did obviously the

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people got the cancer and the the tumors from the standard diet with with a very

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very high gki index so obviously to do the study they would have to feed them

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something different so they gave them a ketogenic diet whether it was restricted

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or unrestricted they managed to get people into this zone so that was kind

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of interesting but again it points out two things that mice and humans are

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quite different so we can't just lump them together as far as results the

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other thing is that a ketogenic diet doesn't mean ketogenic unless you can

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measure and you have actual ketone bodies in

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your bloodstream and what it also means to me is that a lot of the earlier

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studies where they did calorie restriction and created longevity in

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mice doesn't necessarily mean that it's calorie restriction that's the primary

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mechanism for humans that we can probably get the same benefits without

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calorie restriction in a ketogenic diet because in humans the ketogenic diet

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results in a natural calorie restriction because we eat less fat is very

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satisfying for humans so after we do it for a little bit we eat less after I

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found this study I got really excited and I thought hey I gotta try this out

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so I'm very insulin sensitive I do want to maximize my health I want to see how

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I can optimize all these things for myself and that's my my one of my major

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goals in life so I decided to do a fast and I didn't know how long I was gonna

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go but I was shooting for five days I didn't quite get to that point but I'll

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explain so after 36 hours of a water fast I had

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water and coffee and at the beginning I didn't really have any calories at all

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so it's pretty much a strict water fast after 36 hours my blood sugar was 68

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when you convert that into millimoles I had 3.8 in blood sugar and 2.3 in

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ketones so my ratio was 1.6 I was right at the edge of of this therapeutic zone

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after 36 hours and I wasn't in ketosis but I was on a low-carb diet and I've

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been on the edge of ketosis and low-carb before for many years

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plus I'm insulin sensitive so I'm not sure how this would translate timewise

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but I think it'll give you an indication after 48 hours my fasting glucose had

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gone up and my ketones hadn't chained so my GKI was 2.3 so it actually the

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the ratio went up after 48 hours after 58 hours it was back down but not

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because of the glucose my glucose went down a little bit but the biggest change

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was that my ketones started going up so my ratio was 1.7 and then on day 3 is

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when things really started happening after 63 hours of fasting and by this

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time I had had a little bit of butter and MCT oil in my coffee but I hadn't

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had any protein or any sugar or any carbohydrates after 63 hours my blood

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sugar was up a little bit it was 81 or 4.5 million moles but now my ketones

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started going up pretty quick so at ketones were 3.1 and my ratio was

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1.4 so now I was inside this optimal range after 66 hours only 3 hours later

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my blood sugar was about the same but my ketones were up to 3.6 my ratio was 1.2

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and after 69 hours 3 hours later my blood sugar was 73 in ketones that in in

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millimoles that's 4.1 and my ketones were all the way up to 4.7 so now I was

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at 0.8 and I was way inside this range so three days of no calories was about

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all I could take at that point I don't know if that's because I was

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inexperienced or it's because I'm relatively lean or because I didn't take

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enough salt but I planned to try this again and I'll let you know day four and

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five I started eating a little bit I started off with some avocado and sour

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cream and they I didn't eat a whole lot but I had a few meals I had two two or

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even three meals but I kept them very low protein

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and high fat of course so day four and day five I maintained very close to a

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one-to-one ratio between glucose and ketones and I think it's very possible

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to sustain this for a good long time even while you start eating or while you

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do some intermittent fasting or some fasting mimicking everyone has different

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experiences fasting and this was my first long fast I was slightly hungry on

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the first two days not a big deal on day three I started getting really hungry

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and toward the end of day three I started getting really lightheaded and

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and craving so that's where I decided that I was gonna start eating again so

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now of course you're wondering the next logical question is how do you get into

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this zone really fast can you do it fast well I would suggest that you learn a

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little bit first you learn the mechanisms you figure out how to measure

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it you watch a dozen videos so you understand fasting and insulin

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resistance and all these different things you read up you you've watched

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some videos on autophagy so you know a little bit more while you're doing it

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and then you give it a try you start with intermittent fasting you go if you

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haven't done it before you lower your calories you get into ketosis you start

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with intermittent fasting maybe an an 18-6 pattern or 24 and then you do

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OMAD one meal a day just so you know that your body can feel good and and it's

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it's still functioning even though you're fasting for a little bit then you

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try a 36 or a 42 hour fast or so and then when you're still when you've done

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that and you're still feeling good now is when you're ready to go for a little

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bit longer fast I would not recommend that you go more than three days or a

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lot more than three days I think three to five is fine as long as you've done

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all this gradual trial but if you're gonna go

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longer if you're not experienced I would strongly recommend that you're under a

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doctor's supervision so that you know that that you're covered if something

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happens if you do it gradually and you know your body then you should be fine

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with three to five days then you start that you do your three to five days and

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if at any time you don't feel good a little bit of hunger is good

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intermittent strong hunger that goes away when you drink some water or coffee

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that's fine a little bit of lightheadedness is fine because your

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body's gonna go through some changes but you shouldn't feel sick you shouldn't

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feel really bad that would be the time to stop the fast and eat something

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figure things out and and try again later if you get through the three to

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five days then you can continue you can maintain this state with intermittent

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fasting with a ketogenic diet and with low to moderate protein protein is the

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main thing that stops autophagy because the protein is the resource that the

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body is looking for and when it the protein is scarce when you're not adding

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it that's when the body goes scavenging and cleaning up inside the body you want

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to if you continue this you want to do low calorie and you want to do less than

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20 grams of protein that way I think you can safely sustain this comfortably

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sustain this depending on the person for probably 2 3 4 weeks that would be my

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goal as I get more experienced with this I'll try it again

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in in a month or so and we'll see how it goes if you found that interesting

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you'll probably love a lot of the other videos that we have on related topics

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about insulin resistance and diabetes and fasting and intermittent fasting and

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OMAD at and so forth there's a library of videos for you to check out so study and

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ask me questions if you have any and we'll try to get that sorted out

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give us a thumbs up and share the video with anyone that you care about and I'll

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see you next time

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