Are You Healthy Enough To Defeat The CoronaVirus? COVID-19 It's Not All About Death Rates

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about the corona virus COVID-19 the

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death rates and the associated risk factors but more importantly I want to

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talk about what can we learn from these numbers and what do they mean to you by

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the end of this video you will have a completely new understanding of what the

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immune system is and the difference it can make in the fight against the corona

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virus. Coming right up.

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything early on the death rates for the

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coronavirus have been estimated between three and four percent and that was from

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a study of about 50,000 people out of China after their situation had

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stabilized once they had some experience to draw from later on they have

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estimated now the last number I saw was that it's around 1.4 percent but some

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researchers suggests that it's actually a lot lower than that because there are

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so many people who have a mild infection or who may be asymptomatic that never

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gets entered into the statistics because the authorities never find out about

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them so some researchers say it might be as low as 0.5% but the number isn't

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really that important we just want to start relating the numbers and

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understand what does the range mean and we also want to keep in mind that

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statistics are the numbers around all of this but it's people who are suffering

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and dying and even one person who dies unnecessarily from neglect or ignorance

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is a tragedy so we do know that age and cardiovascular disease and diabetes and

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so forth they are risk factors that will increase death rates so then people

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think that oh well if I don't have any of these if I'm young and reasonably

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healthy then there is no risk well that's not true because even though your

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risk might be low it's never zero so we all need to be careful and we all need

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to play our part in this believe it or not the first risk factor is gender so

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if you are male you are more at risk because women are healthier in general

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2.8 percent of men versus 1.7 percent of women

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died in this study out of China and if we average those then we get a little

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over 2% which is the death rate that came out of that study now the next

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thing that we've heard a lot about is age that the older people are much more

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at risk so for people over 80 years old the death rate was fourteen point eight

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percent almost fifteen percent and then the younger you get the less risk there

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is so between 70 and 80 the risk is 8% between sixty and seventy three point

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six between fifty and sixty one point three and once you get down to forty to

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forty nine years old the risk is only 0.4% and then it drops slightly from

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there and it's zero point two percent down till people under ten years old and

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the percentage is zero even though I did hear that a young girl died who was

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under the age of ten and when we look at the average then we get we use the same

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average of just over two percent that we got from all the total of the men and

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the women so as we can see there is an enormous difference between the old and

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the young it goes from being extremely risky to hardly any risk at all then we

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want to look at the risk by underlying condition the death rate by underlying

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condition and for people who had cardiovascular disease the death rate

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was ten point five diabetes seven point three chronic respiratory disease was

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six point three hypertension was six percent cancer five point six and if

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they had no known underlying condition the risk was zero point nine percent and

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again the average little over two now we want to keep in mind here though that

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the zero point nine percent were people who had no known no documented

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underlying condition and that didn't mean that they were perfectly

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healthy and if we look at these conditions cardiovascular disease

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diabetes hypertension these are primarily associated with insulin

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resistance and metabolic syndrome and we also know the people with insulin

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resistance and metabolic syndrome have more of just about every condition that

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there is so most of these increased risks are due to metabolic syndrome and

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insulin resistance it's not the only factor obviously but it is the primary

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factor and if we also weigh in the fact that if someone has diabetes that they

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have a documented a1c of probably 6.5 or so or over then these the none they also

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include people who are on their way to insulin resistance so it didn't mean

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that they were perfectly healthy and we want to keep all of these things in mind

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as we move forward so if we put these side by side we can see that age for

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sure is the biggest risk factor and again you can't really do much about

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that but cardiovascular disease has almost the same range the same spread so

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most of the risk factors are something that we can do something about and we

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also want to keep in mind that it's not the age in itself that is the risk

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factor but it's the fact that most of the elderly people also have some of the

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underlying conditions so now if we compare the range if we look at the

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14.8% of 80 plus year-olds versus 32 not 39 year olds we have a seventy four

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times the 7400 percent increased risk from being older then we also have to

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ask though if almost 15% died then what was it that helped eighty-five percent

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of them to live and if we look at the risk factors if we compare the

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cardiovascular disease versus those people

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didn't have any underlying condition now we see that there's a eleven hundred and

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sixty-six percent difference at twelve times difference so what am I trying to

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show with these numbers with these huge ranges I'm simply trying to show that

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there is a difference what is the difference between someone in this

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category and someone in this category because the virus is the same okay

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the virus is the constant it is opportunistic the body and the immune

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system is the variable so what is it about this one versus this one and what

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is it about this one versus that one so let's think about health let's think

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about vitality let's think about the body's resistance as a charged battery

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if a battery is fully charged it has a lot of capacity to do work to do its

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intended purpose but as the battery loses charge it has less and less

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capacity it has less and less reserves left to do what it's supposed to do and

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then we want to contrast that with how much does the body have to do how much

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work is there to be done how many tasks and chores are there to solve so as we

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age we tend to lose charge on the batteries but we also tend to increase

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the burden the total charge the total number of things to resolve and handle

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so up here we can call those resources or health or immune system or stamina or

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vitality or energy all of these things that we know are associated with health

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they are also your immune system right your whole body is your immune system

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and then these things down here we want to think of them as the sum total of the

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body burden what is burdening the body what's the work

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load right so toxicity and infections increase the workload deficiencies

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nutritional deficiencies if the body has to have something and it doesn't get it

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now you have a deficiency the body can't perform the job at its best if you have

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metabolic syndrome insulin resistance diabetes then you have a group of

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conditions also associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes and

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degeneration is another factor that is part of the stress on the body as we age

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we tend to decrease on the resources and the longer we live that more we tend to

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accumulate body burden and toxicity and deficiency and metabolic syndrome and

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degeneration so some of the factors involved in this process are gender like

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we talked about but again we can't do anything about that

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also age is a factor that we also can't do anything about however there is

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something called biological age so you could be 80 years old and be here or you

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could be 80 years old and be here and that's the choice that we have not

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necessarily in this moment but in the long run that's something that we can

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influence insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome

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those are other factors that we have a lot of control over not in the

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short-term not in a matter of days but in the matter of weeks and months we

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have a tremendous amount of control so if we put all this together we can think

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of this as our energy as our resources and as we age that decreases but how

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fast it decreases we have some influence over and then we can think of the body

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burden as the red line that increases the longer we live the more we

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accumulate then this green area would indicate your health Reserve so the

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higher the green bar is the of the red bar the more health reserves

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you have the more resources you have to tackle challenges and then over here

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obviously the red over the green would be a deficiency that means it's a

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deficit that's the degree to which you're vulnerable and if we equate this

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to the death rate then we would see that some people have a zero point something

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death rate maybe even zero point zero something okay no one is completely

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bulletproof and we often have things that we don't know about so we shouldn't

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take anything for granted but if your body does its thing

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then you have close to zero percent death rate if you have on the other side

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of the spectrum your death rate is close to a hundred percent there are some

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people who are pretty much doomed they're so close they're so feeble

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they're so fragile that any little thing can knock them over I heard someone say

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that the immune system had nothing to do with the corona virus that it's just

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gonna run its course and I don't know where they get such an understanding

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because if the immune system had no role in this then we would have either a zero

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percent death rate or a hundred percent death rate that would be nothing in

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between either the virus would be so weak and feeble that it couldn't hurt us

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and then we wouldn't need an immune system or the it would so overpower our

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bodies it would just be so virulent that our immune system had no say in it and

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then the death rate would be a hundred percent so that's ridiculous okay the

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range is zero to a hundred and everything in between

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depends on your body's ability to defend itself and defeat the virus so here is

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the spectrum here's your health spectrum from best to worst so what are some of

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the things that you can do to start moving no matter where you

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are you can always start moving in the right direction so what are some of the

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things you can do well nutrition you can eat real food whole

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food lots of fresh food that has real nutrition you can take some supplements

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if you don't get all of it from the food you get some quality supplements for

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vitamins and minerals vitamin C vitamin D zinc good quality minerals they all

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help support your body because that immune system that body needs resources

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you can make sure that you don't stress too much that you get proper sleep you

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can look for information that give you a little bit of hope instead of just

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despair instead of just looking at all the worst news you can listen to

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something uplifting where you can select some videos or some information they

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give you a more balanced view you can go for a walk and get some fresh air

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obviously you want to avoid the crowds but there's plenty of places where you

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can go and not run into crowds a moderate amount of exercise is a

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tremendous immune booster doing some intermittent fasting to help your body

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clear out some of that sugar and some of that insulin resistance and also

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allowing some autophagy to boost your immune system so don't think of these as

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a quick fix there is no quick fix for real health but what do you have to lose

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if you've never done anything serious about your health you've been thinking

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about it well why not take this time right now just start cut out the sugar

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make some good decisions and if you've never meditated before go right today

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and start meditating find a guided meditation or just sit down and relax

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and think about something that makes you feel good so no matter what your risk is

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it's never zero so do what you can to protect yourself follow the guidelines

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diligently and for the next few weeks or months make sure that you do everything

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that's recommended you wash your hands and you wipe your surfaces and objects

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and don't touch your face avoid crowds all of the good things you've all heard

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so do it but even more important than protecting yourself is to protect others

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and the main thing about this pandemic is to contain it to stop the spread so

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do your best to stay at home if you don't have to go out then don't avoid

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crowds and avoid risk groups so again it's not just that you want to avoid

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sick people to not get it you want to think well maybe I'm an asymptomatic

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carrier and then you want to avoid meeting with elderly people you want to

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avoid the other risk groups such as cardiovascular disease or cancer so

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avoid sick people more so not to give it to them if they have some other disease

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than Corona so I want you to take responsibility for this do your part and

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remember that if you are super healthy your biggest problem is that you may

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give it to someone else who is not if you enjoyed this video make sure that

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you share it with as many people as you can and then check out that one thank

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you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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