Are Vegan Low Carb Diets Healthy?

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Are vegan low-carb diets healthy or unhealthy? Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So this

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video was requested by one of my viewers called Little Voice and she saw a video

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by ask GojiMan and she asked is there any truth to all these claims? So let's

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take a look. Our vegan low carb diets healthy or not (by Gojiman). Well we're not going to

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talk so much about vegan or not but I'm gonna address these claims because

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there's a lot of incorrect statements here claim number one the body is

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designed to run on carbohydrates that your brain heart and liver prefers

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glucose while the brain runs primarily on glucose when glucose is plenty it can

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run as much as 75% on a fat by-product called ketones so that is an incorrect

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statement heart prefers fat. If you don't eat enough good quality fat especially

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saturated fat from a natural source then the body is forced to convert

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carbohydrates into fat so that the heart can have its preferred fuel and most of

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your other organs run from a mix of carbohydrate and fat in a stressful

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situation they up regulate their their sugar use and in normal circumstances

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they run more on fat so that is incorrect.

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Claim number two glucose is converted into ATP therefore the body literally

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runs on carbohydrate that is pure nonsense because everything that you eat

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gets turned into ATP if your body can convert it into

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energy at all it is because it turned it into ATP so fat protein and

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carbohydrates all turn into ATP. ATP is adenosine triphosphate it's your body's

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energy currency and one molecule of glucose can be turned into up to 38

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units of ATP and the same holds true for protein fat however can be turned into

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as much as a hundred and forty-six to 163 units of ATP so it's a much denser

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much more efficient storage form of energy we can get much more energy out

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of the fat than the glucose but either way it's going to be turned into ATP

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before we can use it for energy so that does not mean that the body literally

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runs on carbs claim number three fat and protein can be turned into glucose

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through a process called gluconeogenesis this is true but the video says this

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only happens if there aren't carbs available and this is not true a lot of

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things there's hundreds or thousands of processes in the body that always happen

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to some degree but the body adapts so depending on circumstances we up

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regulate or down regulate it happens more or less but it's not an on or off

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switch so again glucoeogenesis happens under

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all circumstances

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it does happen more obviously when carbs are low but it still happens on a

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regular basis. Claim number four the World Health Organization recommends

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that 60 to 70% of your calories come from carbohydrates and 10 to 15% should

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come from protein and 20 to 30% should come from fat and he says that every

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Health Organization is pretty much on the same page on this and this is true

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that is what they recommend it doesn't make it a good idea these people are not

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health experts they're not doctors they're not clinicians they're academics

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they're administrators and they're politicians that's why they put them

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high in organizations that's what they're good at they're not good at

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health so I for one I'm not going to take my health advice from

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administrators so it's a correct statement just not a wise one in my

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opinion claim number five carbohydrates are the preferred fuel for the body and

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therefore the body will only use fat and protein for energy when it's forced to

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do so and also through the process of ketosis when carbohydrates are really

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low and it is true that carbohydrates will be used first but in no way does

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that mean that it's a preferred fuel it's the most dangerous thing there in

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the body so it has to be gotten rid of as soon as possible so think about it

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this way a good blood sugar level is somewhere between 80 to a hundred or 80

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to 90 ideally milligrams of glucose per deciliter that means at any given time

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the average person has four to five grams of glucose in their bloodstream

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if that increases even just a little bit up to six and a half grams that's toxic

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that's the level of a diabetic when your blood sugar gets up to that level you're

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classified as a diabetic and if it gets even higher then you can have what

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diabetics experience as a diabetic coma so sugar is very very toxic to the brain

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and that's why it is so closely monitored and that's why it's so quickly

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disposed of the blood sugar is always kept at a certain level and if you eat

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fat it's gonna stay at a steady level if you eat carbohydrate it's gonna go up

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and down up and down up and down creating an unstable supply and constant

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rollercoaster swings with the reactive hypoglycemia as a very common problem

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claim number six the body stores carbohydrates

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therefore they are essential the body stores a lot of things it stars stores

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fat protein and carbohydrate it starts the least carbohydrate because it's very

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difficult it can only be stored as glycogen and the body is very limited to

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how much glycogen it can store it will store a maximum about 2,000 calories of

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glycogen but it can store hundreds of thousands of calories of fat even a lean

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person like myself can store about has on the body about a hundred thousand

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calories of fat but I cannot store any more than two thousand calories of

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carbohydrate so that in no way makes carbohydrates essential claim number

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seven the brain and the red blood cells use glucose only so this is half true

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the brain we talked about it can run as much as 75% on

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fad through ketones so that is incorrect but here is a correct statement the red

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blood cells do only use glucose but it's never a problem because there's always

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some blood glucose available but they don't need a whole lot because the red

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blood cells are interesting little things they're very specialized during

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their development they eject their nucleus so they don't have a lot of

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stuff in them that needs energy to manufacture things they're transport

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vehicles and their job is to transport oxygen not to use it if you have to use

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anything else than sugar you have to use oxygen so that's a specialization that

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the red blood cells have gone through so that they can deliver oxygen without

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using it however they can only get about two units of ATP from a glucose molecule

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instead of 38 if we want to get more than two we have to use the oxygen and

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again the red blood cells job is to deliver oxygen not to use it up that's

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why they only use glucose and they're the only cells that do that as far as I

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know claim number eight there are two molecules of water associated with every

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molecule of glycogen and it is true that glycogen is what we call hydrophilic it

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attracts water it holds water to it like a sponge but it's incorrect that it's

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two molecules to one molecule because glycogen is an enormous molecule it

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holds tens of thousands of units to it so there's tens of thousands of

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molecules of water per like a molecule not two so the two comes from the fact

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that it holds about two to three times its weight in water claim number nine on

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a low-carb diet you can lose weight initially

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and you will lose six to ten pounds very quickly but it's all water there's some

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truth to this because most of the weight loss in the beginning is water but

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that's true for no matter what diet you go on it is not true that six to ten

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pounds are due to the water loss from glycogen that is limited about three to

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four pounds because you can only store about one pound of glycogen which holds

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about two to three times its weight in water claim number 10 ketosis is only

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normal if you're sick or starving this is not true

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again there's thousands of processes going on in the body all the time and

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they don't go on or off they go up or down and every night you do a little bit

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of up regulation for ketosis everyone makes more ketones during the night so

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it's a normal phenomenon and it's true there is more when we are sick or

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starving because the body is very adaptive claim number eleven you may

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lose weight with the ketogenic diet but he says it's all water loss and also he

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says the weight loss is not sustainable because if you keep eating like that

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then you're gonna gain the weight back so again I'm sorry all you guys who have

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consistently lost weight over years and years that didn't really happen and we

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do know that carbohydrates is a food that triggers insulin and insulin is a

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fat storage hormone so we do know and there is an abundance of meta analysis

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meta studies on this and there's a lot of clinical research and results as well

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that the carbohydrates trigger insulin causes fat storage

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and insulin resistance if you want to get out of that you reduce the carbs and

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you fix the problem claim number twelve fat in the blood slows the blood flow

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and thereby creates insulin resistance high cholesterol and cardiovascular

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disease and this is really interesting because it's the blood sugar that turns

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into fat triglycerides high triglycerides which is fat in the blood

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is almost invariably caused by high blood sugar because if your insulin

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resistance the blood sugar can't get out into the cell so the body has no choice

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but to convert it into fat and now you have some of this happening but the

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insulin resistance is a result of the carbohydrates not the fat and the high

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cholesterol and the cardiovascular disease comes from inflammation which is

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a result of insulin due to carbohydrates so end an incorrect statement claim

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number thirteen these are all the reasons that the World Health

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Organization recommends a high carb diet the main reason that they do that is

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that they're politicians and there is something called lobbying the biggest

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industry in the world is processed foods and they need to pack a bunch of starch

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and sugar into their food and they have lobbyists who influence all these

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politicians in the World Health Organization and any other health

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organization that's why the Captain Crunch and the marshmallow cereals have

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a heart-healthy symbol on them because there is lobbying activity claim number

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fourteen low-carb and keto is not good in the long run it's not a long term

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diet so the only way the longest term that I

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can think of would be as long as Homo sapiens has been around then that would

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be about 250,000 years there is probably most likely due to all the available

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evidence we have probably had a whole lot better access to fat and protein

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through the months of the year then we have vegetables and fruit and grain

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grain is a new addition in the last 10,000 years so low carb and ketosis is

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what humans have done for most of their existence so long term study would be

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the 250,000 years that we have been around so again that is not a correct

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statement so one thing that he said was that that I completely agree with that a

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lot of confusion comes about from eating processed foods it's not so much whether

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we can eat a certain potato or we can eat a certain thing but it's when we

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turn the potato into a potato chip it is when we we process the food we destroy

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the nutrients we change it around we still need to eat low carb but if we

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eat whole food it's gonna be pretty much low carb and grains have not been part

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of human diet for all of these years as far as the vegan aspect I don't want to

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get into a whole lot of detail so this is not about vegan versus not but we

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need to understand that some of the things that we do can be good short-term

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and some can be good long-term so vegetables are cleansing they're

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wonderful for a short period of time to clean out the body to cleanse the liver

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to assist the body and getting rid of accumulated junk but it's not a

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long-term plan it's not good for the long term because it doesn't have the

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building blocks animal products have better quality building block

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and they're more bioavailable they go more directly in in their natural form

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in the body so we need both we need vegetables and we need animal

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foods animal foods and vegetables in the long run for balance and lots and lots

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of vegetables for periods of time as a cleanse so I hope that helps answer some

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of these questions and these are important questions these are very very

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common misunderstandings there's a lot of myths there's a lot of outright

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misinformation so if you'd like me to do individual videos on some of these then

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please let me know I'll probably do some anyway but if there's specific ones that

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you'd like to know more about let me know and I'll do a short video on that

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and expand on it if you're new to this channel and you enjoy this kind of

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information where we talk about how things really work so that you can get

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your as healthy as possible make sure that you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so that we can keep this content coming your way thanks for

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