Are FOOD PRESERVATIVES BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)

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Preservatives in food. Good or bad?Coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So

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preservatives are a hot topic and we're going to talk about what they actually

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do and why it is a good or a bad idea to eat food with preservatives so first of

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all what do they do they make food last longer that's the purpose that's why we

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add them to food but how do they do that well let's ask why do you eat food in

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the first place because you want nutrients you want energy you want to

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increase your survival you want building blocks you want to take in the things in

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your body that supports life well that's exactly why mold and bacteria and

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pathogens are attracted to the same food that you are trying to preserve they're

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trying to get some nutrients they're trying to get some food value out of

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that food so if we add a preservative that makes the food last longer it's

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because the preservative makes the food less attractive to the mold and the

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bacteria and the pathogens so once we add the preservative now the pathogens

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can't use the food because it's dangerous it's lethal for the mold to

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eat that food so now the food lasts longer and if it makes the food useless

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or dangerous to the mold and the bacteria and the pathogens how do you

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think that affects you because they are biological life forms you are a

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biological life-form and even though there are differences we're not that

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different the reason that we're attracted to the same food is that we

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have a lot in common and if it effects them in a negative way it's going to

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affect you in a negative way so from that perspective preservatives destroy

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the food value of a food to some degree at least and the other thing that we use

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as a preservative is anti oxygen so again let's talk about what oxygen is

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oxygen is the stuff that we breathe why do we breathe it because we need that

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oxygen to burn the food to utilize the nutrients and the energy in the food we

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breathe oxygen that's why we breathe but if we add a bunch of antioxidants that

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means that that interferes that counteracts the effect the the mechanism

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of utilizing oxygen so the more antioxidants there in the food or the

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more antioxidants that we take in the less we are able to utilize oxygen it

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interferes with our ability to use oxygen so we have less food value we

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have less ability to turn that food into energy and the same holds true obviously

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for the pathogen so the more nutritious of food is the less shelf life it has so

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if you think about an organic tomato or organic spinach or a fresh fish or a

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piece of meat the higher the nutrient value the shorter the shelf-life and

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that's why we have things like freezing and conserving now in the old days they

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they conserve they preserve things by using bacteria that created a natural

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atmosphere and those are okay like using sauerkraut or pickling those are natural

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methods of preserving things that don't create any of these another way is using

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a lot of salt to preserve something that they used in the past

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you can also dry things that they used in the past

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but overall the more nutritious something is the less shelf life it has

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and so there are two things that we do to extend shelf life and the first is we

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process or refine the food which means we remove the nutritious portion of the

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food so in the case of grains for example the germ has all the nutrition

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the starch has virtually no nutrition so by removing the germ we extend the shelf

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life of the flour but in the process obviously we just took away everything

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that was useful about that food and like we said the the second way is to use

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preservatives to poison the food so that it is less attractive or dangerous to

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the pathogens that want to compete with us for the food we want to stay away

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from preservatives as much as we can there are times when a small amount

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might be beneficial when we have no other alternative but for the most part

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as far as you can you want to stick with fresh food and frozen food and read that

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list of ingredients and stay away from preservatives if you enjoy the sort of

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information if you'd like to make sense out of things and understand the deeper

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workings make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that

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we can keep this content coming your way and please share this information

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because this is life-saving information people not knowing this is why we have a

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healthcare crisis this is why we have an exponential growth of degeneration and

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lifestyle diseases thank you so much for listening

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