Are FATS BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)

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Are fats good for you? Has there ever been a topic more confusing than that of fat?

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well I'm gonna explain everything that you really need to know so you get

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it. Coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works

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anything. So for the last 50 to 70 years we have

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been misled and scared about fat it's been demonized and we've been misled

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because they've been looking at the wrong thing and they've been asking the

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wrong question so they've been getting the wrong answers. So when we ask our

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fats good they usually try to answer by talking about saturated versus

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unsaturated they talk about animal versus vegetables they talk about

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specific food like butter, canola, extra virgin olive oil, flax, coconut, soybean

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oil, corn oil, etc, etc but they make it about these things and it's not. If we

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ask the wrong question it's very very confusing so the question is not our

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fats good that's the wrong question it's not about are saturated fats good that's

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still the wrong question. So let's start looking at what we really want to look

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at what the real criteria are so we can understand this once and for all. So up

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at the top in green are the fats that are good that you can eat as much as you

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like don't ever worry about them they're just good solid food and the more you

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eat of them the healthier you get in the middle or foods that they're somewhat

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unnatural or a little bit altered so if you eat it once in a while it's probably

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not gonna kill you just don't consider it a healthy thing don't overdo it don't

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do it often and down at the bottom are things that have been completely

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destroyed that are unnatural and altered and that we want to avoid like the

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plague because they're basically poisoned so let's look at what

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some of these are. Grass-fed meat, grass-fed butter, extra-virgin olive oil,

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clean fish, avocado, whole avocado or unrefined cold-pressed

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avocado oil which is not all that tasty because it's very very strong in flavor

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but if you like it and you find it then that's still a healthy food raw organic

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nuts coconut oil flax oil again cold-pressed organic in a in a dark

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bottle kept in the fridge then that would be okay so these are all good

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healthy foods don't ever worry about eating too much of those then we get

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down into the orange category here's where we have corn-fed organic beef so

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you say oh well I thought organic was good yes but this animal still wasn't

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healthy sure you kept pesticides away from him but you fed him corn which is

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not natural so the cow gets very very sick from that kind of food sort of like

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humans do with beer and doughnuts and ice cream and therefore the fat get

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unhealthy you get the wrong ratios you get a lot of unhealthy properties from

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that fat then we have corn-fed butter corn fed beef etc so if it's not organic

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then it's even worse obviously extra-virgin olive oil that's not

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organic would not be such a good thing farmed fish okay not as bad as some

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frankenfoods but close because these fish are fed the absolute worst things

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that you can imagine they're fed hormones they're fed artificial colors

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they're fed any kind of leftover that they can make them eat. Refined avocado

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oil or any refined oil at all roasted nuts are not as good as raw nuts because

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once you roast them the heat alters the fat properties the if the fatty acids

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get oxidized and go rancid to a point so here are things that you want to eat in

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moderation here you can eat as much as you like then

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down here is avoided like the plague these are things like corn oil canola

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oil soybean oil why I thought those were natural things yes but you can't squeeze

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oil out of corn you have to heat it you have to use petrochemical solvents you

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have to deodorize it you have to do all sort of very very harsh things to it

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deodorize it because it tastes terrible and because they're so heavily processed

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or even processed olive oil because most olive oil in the cheaper categories are

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actually mixed up with other oils and they're just as bad as any of those but

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the point is these are so heavily processed that they don't resemble food

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any more they have nothing in it that your body wants and I put dry roasted

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nuts down here not necessarily because all dried roasted nuts are that's

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terrible but I just looked recently and I looked at dry roasted peanuts of one

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brand versus another and one brand contained peanuts oil and sea salt and

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that would be okay don't eat it like health food but have a snack once in a

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while sure but the other brand of dry roasted peanuts

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had an ingredient list of about 20 ingredients so that means that the rest

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the other 17 ingredients were chemicals flavor enhancers msg artificial flavor

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this or that so be very very careful that a lot of things that the more

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processed they are the more chemicals they add to it then that makes it a

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terrible food. And then at the very very very bottom that's it's not even food

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anymore it's more like plastic is shortening and margarine because now

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it's not only unnatural and altered but they also destroyed it they have turned

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it into something that the world has never seen before those

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trans-fats that don't ever go even close to to any of those so now that we look

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at this it's not about whether fats are good or bad for you it's the quality of

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the fat and in this top category we can see that we have saturated and we have

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unsaturated the meat fat the butter it's saturated the coconut oil is saturated

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the flax oil clean fish and avocado organic not still HAP's have some either

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unsaturated or a mix of fats in them so you have you have both kinds here you

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have animal fats and you have vegetable fats so it's not about these categories

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it's about how much did we change it if it's the way that the animals have lived

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on the planet for a very long time and we do very very little to change or

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alter the food then it's still a good food but the more we change it the more

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we change their food supply the more we change the processing the worse the food

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gets the further away from the natural product we get so the reason this is

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also so confusing is that they do a ton of research and the research has all

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these different opinions about these items but the question is when they did

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research on saturated fats which one did they do the research on and when they

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did the research on canola oil or when they did it on and any of these items

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which one which category was the food that they used because you can use good

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meat or terrible meat and you also don't know what else this person ate because

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it's extremely hard to isolate a person who would eat only grass fed or grain

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fed beef they probably had some bread and maybe some margarine

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so be very careful with the research I'm all for it but don't think that just

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because they put out some research that that's some sort of rock-solid

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information that you can trust we want to look at what do we want to understand

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about this first of all are fats good yes fats are good if they're good fats

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- what about saturated fat well saturated fat is more stable so

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generally saturated fat is better because we can alter it we can process

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it from milk to butter and it doesn't change much because saturated fats are

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stable we can mess with them a little bit and not destroy them vegetable fats

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we want to get them as much as possible from whole foods like avocado and raw

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nuts and clean fish those are fantastic sources of unsaturated fats vegetables

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have some fish have some we want to get them from whole food because they're

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unstable so when it comes to processed you want to avoid the vegetable you want

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to avoid any sort of vegetable or seed oil or anything like that because when

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they're unstable and you process them then you destroy them and finally when

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it comes to trans fats down here at the bottom don't ever eat a trans fat again

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it's like lead or aspartame or any other neurotoxin you just don't ever want to

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get any of that again so like much other food it's not about the fat it's the

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quality of the fat it's how much did we destroy it if we stick with foods the

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way that nature made them were usually okay the more we change them the further

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we take them away from the nature the natural package the further we go away

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from that the more we destroy it and the more harmful it is and then you can call

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it fat or sugar or meat or it doesn't matter if we destroy

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it's not good anymore so because a lot of people have eaten a lot of processed

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food a lot of altered food we get these confusing messages and we think it's

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about the type of food rather than the quality or how altered it was share this

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video and help us get the world healthy thanks for watching

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