Are ENERGY DRINKS BAD For You Or Are There BENEFITS? (Real Doctor Reveals The TRUTH)

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Hello Health Champions.

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Today I want to talk about energy drinks are they good or bad for us are they a good

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source of extra energy how do they work and most importantly are they safe for us in the long

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run, right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and

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if you want to truly Master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe

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on hit that notification Bell so you don't miss anything energy drinks have been on the

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market for a few years now and some of the more popular brands or things like Red Bull

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and Monster Rockstar Eastroc Hi-tiger and then there's also some energy shots like

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5-hour Energy they pretty much have the Monopoly on that market but it's a huge industry the

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energy drinks sell a total of 53 billion dollars a year around the world and the energy shots

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alone account for about twenty one and a half sold almost 75 billion dollars of so-called

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energy drinks and energy shots but do they work and how do they work is it really a difference

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between a soft drink or so um vs an energy drink soda can be caffeinated and then they

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have a sweetener and caffeine but in an energy drink they add more things so they do have

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these things but in addition to that they have things like guarana taurine ginseng and

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B vitamins caffeine is the most popular drug in the world that's been used for a long time

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and it is regarded as generally safe the way it works is it does have some mechanisms to

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increase energy metabolism in the brain but at the same time it causes vasoconstriction

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so it reduces the blood flow to the brain so we're asking the brain to do more work

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but we're giving it less energy with which to do so so in small doses I think it's totally

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fine but the more do you use it or if you overuse it now you can start creating some

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imbalances and some damage caffeine is also a stress stimulator it increases norepinephrine

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or adrenaline which is a stress hormone it increases arousal and attention and that's

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of course why we use it in the first place it's a stimulant we want to feel awake we

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want to feel energized while it does that it also increases anxiety and it interferes

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with sleep so these are things that most people are aware of and they drink their coffee anyway

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and the majority of the world's population are getting some caffeine everyday but how

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much caffeine are in these various drinks a regular can of Coca-Cola has 36 milligrams

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of caffeine in a can of Mountain Dew has 55 a small can of Redbull which is an 8 oz can

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has a team of just a little more than the soft drink but keep in mind that's a small

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can a larger can of Monster a 16 oz can has 160 mg of caffeine so it's got twice as much

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as the Red Bull but it's twice the size a 5-hour Energy Shot is only two ounces but

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it's packed with caffeine at 200 mg and then the 7-Eleven Energy Shot is pretty much the

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same thing but it's a 230 ml mg and energy drink called Rockstar xdurance has 300 mg

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of caffeine and that's a larger can as well but a regular coffee from Starbucks a large

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coffee mind you 16 oz actually has 330 mg if it was just about the caffeine then we

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might just go for the coffee like we said though a lot of these energy drinks contain

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other things in addition to caffeine let's take a look at those who are Rania is a natural

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plant that contains caffeine the Gwar on your seed has between two and four and a half percent

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caffeine compared to Coffee seed of coffee bean it's not actually a bean a seed which

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has one to 2% caffeine soda guarana is just another plant source of natural caffeine which

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is about twice as high so if they had caffeine and guarana then they're just really adding

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two different sources of caffeine and if they don't declare the caffeine from the guarana

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the thing that's added to a lot of them is taurine and taurine is an amino acid it is

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prevalent is high concentration in our central nervous system but it's an amino acid that

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we can manufacture it's a natural component of body tissue and 1/10 of 1% of your body

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weight are about 75 G to 3 oz is actually taurine so we have it already taurine is believed

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to be a stimulant but there is no proof to that fax or they're just sort of adding it

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just in case and ginseng root is a plant it's a considered an herb that has been used for

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hundreds or thousands of years and it does definitely have some health benefits not necessarily

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as a stimulant but more as an adaptogen it helps the body balance certain things the

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thing though is high-quality ginseng is very very expensive so I'm sort of questioning

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the quality that they added to these mostly synthetic products that are they really using

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a good quality ginseng and all these drinks of course have sweeteners and they're either

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going to use sugar to a small can would start out at 25 grams they're typically much much

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sweeter than soft drinks or soda a large can would have as much as 70 grams of sugar per

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can and if they're low carb or if they're sugar-free now they just replace that sugar

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with a synthetic chemical with an artificial sweetener like aspartame or sucralose saccharin

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or Acesulfame potassium and as I talked about in other videos these are neurotoxins they're

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based on pesticides and there is a tremendous range of physiological health problems and

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neurological problems with these who course it all depends on quantity when it comes to

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these things but in my book sugar is one of the worst things in the world and if possible

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than these newer toxins are a little bit worse one more thing that they often add is B vitamins

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but the thing with vitamins is they will only do anything at all that only do something

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if you are already deficient if you have the B vitamins you need then they don't act as

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an additional energy source or as an additional stimulant is kind of like if you going to

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paint a wall and all you need is one can of paint than having a thousand cans of paint

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isn't going to make that wall any better and besides that all the vitamins that they're

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adding are synthetic they're made from cornstarch and sugar and coal tar so they're not the

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nutrient that the body is really looking for so how did these additional ingredients on

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top of caffeine how do they work do they do anything well there isn't a lot of research

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they've done a lot of research on caffeine but not so much on these additional things

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in energy drinks but they did a double blind study at the Centre College in Kentucky and

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they compared a 5-hour energy shots to one group that got caffeine water and one group

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that got only water and it was double line because neither the subjects nor the research

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leaders the study leaders knew who had gotten what they have them perform a visual reaction

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test and then they measured brain waves to see how they reacted and what they found was

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that they had better performance they have more brain activity with the caffeine than

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the people who just got the water but other than that there was no difference okay there's

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no difference between the 5-Hour drink and the caffeine water they performed and measured

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the same what else are you getting for your hard-earned money well you're getting some

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chemicals multiple dextrin to getting preservatives to getting artificial sweetener sucralose

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Acesulfame potassium you getting natural and artificial flavors and you're getting red

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number 40 and blue number one that's what you're paying for so these are all called

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energy drinks but do they provide any actual energy do they provide anything that you need

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well actual energy in the body is called ATP adenosine triphosphate it's the energy currency

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in the body and it's made in in the mitochondria manufactures a teepee out of substrate out

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of fuel that have calories called fat glucose and protein but in order to pull the energy

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out of these Foods you need vitamins and minerals they act as catalysts they're participate

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in the reactions they make enzymes and so forth and finally you need oxygen oxygen is

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what we use to burn the fuel to oxidize the fuel in the food so actual energy in the body

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is made but you can't do this at the same rate 24 hours a day because you will burn

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out your organs they need a little bit of recovery so you need to have some proper sleep

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you need to have some rest.

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Or you will burn out another good source of actual energy is inspiration being excited

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about something feeling good about something now you're still going to need some recovery

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but in a state of feeling good you will always have more energy available then if you feeling

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bad about something you should board about something according to a website called caffeine

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Com the there's an official definition of what energy drinks are so there's three requirements

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one is that they have the intent to increase energy and there's a reason I put these in

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quotation marks number to there has to be more than one ingredient known to increase

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energy so that's why the caffeine sodas don't count because they only have that one ingredient

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to increase energy and then we want to Define what energy is what are they looking to increase

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will energy is a perceived in meaning not necessarily a real but something that you

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perceive increase in mental stamina mental efficiency and mental alertness and here's

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the kicker I love this one D purely physical energy boost do not qualify it has to be proceeded

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if it actually gave you more energy then it wouldn't be an energy drink so what that means

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is basically that energy drinks do not by any means provide energy but they bring you

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a perception of increased attention by that definition that means that energy drinks are

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stimulants and a stimulant is also known as a drug is something that changes the mental

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state that changes the physiology of the body that overrides something so if you have an

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energy drink with sugar now you're getting the Sugar Plus the stimulant and you're going

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to have swings both from the stimulant but especially from the blood sugar cuz now you're

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feeling like you're getting some actual energy from the sugar because it is a fuel but it

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short term because you spike your blood sugar and then it's going to crash if you get an

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energy drink without sugar now you got those neurotoxins from the artificial sweeteners

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and then you're getting a stimulant on top of that so what is a stimulant what does it

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do well I think of it as a cattle prod K it gets your attention it raises your alertness

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temporarily it could be a slap in the face so this year could be your future tool instead

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of an energy drink whenever you're starting to doze off then just bring out your palm

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you could think of it as whipping the horse the horses plowing the field of horses pulling

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the cart and it's getting really really tired and it doesn't want to go any further now

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you can pull out the Whip and you can make it go a little further but I'm sure you would

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agree that it doesn't increase the chances of that horse doing better work in the future

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that doesn't improve the health you can get a temporary a little boost out of that horse

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but it's not going to do much better in the long run but my favorite metaphor for energy

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drinks or stimulants is a credit card because credit card gives you the illusion of having

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money just like an energy drink gives you the illusion of having energy it's not actually

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adding any more energy at the time ask yourself can you use a credit card to create Financial

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Health can you get better finances so the more you use the credit card the harder

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it is going to be to repay and if it's not giving you anything then you're borrowing

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if it's not giving you money then you're borrowing money if it's not giving you energy or health

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then you're borrowing energy and health so keep that in mind with energy drinks that's

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whatever you're borrowing must be paid back and the more you use it the more you fall

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behind the harder it is going to be to repay that energy that are thinking you're thinking

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well I never noticed anything I've used those drinks for years well that's because we don't

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understand what health is we don't understand prevention heart disease diabetes adrenal

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fatigue autoimmune disease dementia Alzheimer's disease take decades they don't happen tonight

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it's not like you have one drink and you get dementia then it would be easy then we would

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figure this out in a heartbeat but the more you abused your body the more you use energy

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drinks and you borrow energy the more you're burning your candle at both ends and we have

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to start understanding once and for all that a lack of symptoms is not Health a lack of

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symptoms is just no symptoms yet so in a nutshell energy drinks are basically really overpriced

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soda soft drinks a soft drink a soda is about a quarter $0.25 give or take depending on

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the brand vs22 $4 for one of these glorified energy drinks it is really really clever marketing

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and a lot of hype that's what it is they give you a little bit more caffeine and they give

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you some questionable chemicals / nutrients none of which actually gives you energy so

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my suggestion is to keep your stimulants as low as possible for the times that you want

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a little bit of stimulation go have a cup of coffee have one or two don't have 8 or

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12 and as far as energy drinks go I've never actually had even one aren't you supposed

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to always try everything at least once no if you enjoy this video I'm sure that you're

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going to love that one thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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