Are EGGS BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reveals The TRUTH)

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Are eggs good for you? or are eggs bad for you? Well fortunately I've gathered

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some information so I should be able to get you a straight answer Hundred years

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ago eggs were good for you. fifty years ago eggs are bad for you. last month

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eggs are good for you, and the latest news that we have today is that eggs are

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bad for you. Sorry so if you just bought a couple of dozen eggs and they're

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sitting there in the fridge and you're thinking you might have to throw them

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away now don't worry Easter is a short while away they'll easily keep till

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Easter and by then eggs will be good for you again so no worries today we're

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going to talk about eggs and cholesterol and you're gonna get the big picture so

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that you can finally make some good solid decisions for your health coming

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right up

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so a lot of people are concerned because there are some studies out there and the

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last one is by JAMA Journal of American Medical Association so people are

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wondering so we have finally once and for all we've got the answer for you why

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are we so confused on all these things how can they be so much conflicting

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information so I'll just try to shed a little bit of light on this and in

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recent years in recent decades there are not just eggs but there's hundreds of

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foods that are so confusing because for every research study that says one thing

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there's a study that says the exact opposite so chocolate is it good is it

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bad is it antioxidants is it sugar it's a dark is it what coffee one week it's

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great for you the next week it's your nemesis same thing with butter so

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there's virtually no food that they have studied enough that there's a clear

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verdict on okay someone is always going to disagree on it so we have to be

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really careful with research we have to look at who's paying for the study how

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was the study done and what are the people is it

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possible that people with different opinions can come up with different

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results okay of course the answer is yes so the latest one by JAMA or published

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in JAMA was what they call a cohort or an observational study that means they

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take a bunch of studies and they look at data over time there's not an actual

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researcher that interviews and tests and evaluates people they send out a

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questionnaire and then they gather all these information all this data and then

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they look at it and there is a lot of variety of conclusions there's a lot of

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opportunity for drawing conclusions for or against depending on how you look at

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this so in this particular case they sent out they did one questionnaire and

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then they followed up 17 years later so people reported how many eggs they ate

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and then 17 years later they assumed that people were still eating the same

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thing do you think it's possible that they might have changed a thing or two

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during that that time period then let's look at another thing how do you know

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that of all the variables of all the things that were going on in these

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people's lives that it was the egg that was the key factor when was the last

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time you went to have breakfast somewhere and you ordered eggs and you

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got in a plate with just eggs on it you would ask what else comes with this

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right so last time I checked they asked you want bacon do you want sausage and

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they didn't ask if I wanted nitrates or chemicals with that which we all know

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goes with the sausage and the bacon if you eat it out if you don't get a high

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quality version they also asked there is toast with this eggs and there is spread

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in other words margarine then they give you a lot of jam or honey if it's Jam

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it's full of high fruit those corn syrup and then you get some

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coffee on the side with pesticides and orange juice that has been pasteurized

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and God knows where it's been so there's all these different things that are

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potentially a hundred times worse than the eggs and yet the eggs are singled

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out because that's what they were interested in in this study but do you

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think over 17 years that there could be some variation and people maybe eat some

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other things and change their diet up a little bit and there could be some other

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things that have an influence on health maybe even such things as smoking

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drinking whether they exercise or not or if they have a high-stress job we know

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that there are thousand different factors that influence health and unless

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you can do a study where you isolate one variable you have absolutely nothing to

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go on the other problem is not just with the study but the way we think about

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things so we've had this idea about cholesterol for the longest time and we

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think of it as bad by the way the food labels the so-called nutrition labels

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have you ever thought about that they list from the top to the bottom the

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worst things so they list at the very top they list calories and then they

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list fat and saturated fat and then they list cholesterol and sodium because

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those are in our minds we've been trained to think of those as bad and

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it's part of our consciousness so cholesterol is one of those things that

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we think of universally as a problem as a bad thing but let's look at it is that

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is that really what it is so we eat on average maybe 300 milligrams of

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cholesterol in our diet but the body manufactures a whole lot more than that

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because we don't eat enough so the liver has to make it okay it goes through a 37

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step process very very complicated it's not like the

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liver just snaps it's virtual fingers and have

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cholesterol there's a lot of work in making cholesterol so if we eat a little

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bit and that was too much then why would the body make more okay the body is not

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stupid the body is not random the body is not accidental everything that

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happened every one of these little billions of processes are on purpose

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we have infinite intelligence Manning managing this thing then on top of that

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cholesterol is so precious that is part of the bile so the liver has it as part

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of the bile and it helps you digest fats and then it gets out in the bowel so

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along with stuff that you're supposed to eliminate but cholesterol is so precious

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that the small intestine reabsorbs 50% of the cholesterol that was eliminated

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so you don't have to go through all that process of making more this is a

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precious substance so what is it used for

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the brain is 70% fat and 25% of that is cholesterol cholesterol is crucial for

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the functioning of the brain for the ability to rebuild the brain and

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maintain certain cell membranes so that you can send signals and determine the

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the regulation the inside and outside of cells whatever goes in everything in

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your body depends on cell membranes and cholesterol is a huge portion of that

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it's also a precursor for for hormones and anytime that you make repairs of a

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cell membrane cholesterol is involved so it's not a random it's not an evil it's

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not an accidental substance the body makes most of it the more you eat the

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less the body has to make the less you eat the more the body has to make if you

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make none of it then the body makes more did you know that vegans can have high

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cholesterol they eat zero and they can get high

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cholesterol so this idea that dietary stroll results in high blood cholesterol

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is absolute nonsense it has no impact whatsoever on blood cholesterol so why

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does the body make cholesterol does it make

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good or bad cholesterol no it makes appropriate cholesterol it makes exactly

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the type of cholesterol that is appropriate for the situation of the

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physiology of the body in that moment and it changes minute to minute so it's

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appropriate it's not good or bad it makes the right kind for what it needs

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to do so what they found was back in some studies in the 50 60 70s when they

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started this association of cholesterol and heart disease they found that some

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people with increased LDL had also increased cardiovascular disease so they

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concluded that the cholesterol was the cause of the cardiovascular disease but

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there is no causative relationship ever established it's an association it's a

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correlation it's an observation this is high and this is high we don't know why

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but one was magically proclaimed to be the cause of the other and since that

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day we have been afraid of cholesterol even though it's this nutrient that we

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have to have - what my favorite illustrations see how ridiculous this

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notion is of correlation of LDL causing cardiovascular disease is traffic if

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you're driving down the interstate and all of a sudden it comes to a grinding

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halt and you've got a traffic jam for the next 10 miles you're assuming

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traffic accident and then you're sitting in that line and it Moses along it

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inches along and 30 minutes later you get to the accident site and what do you

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see every time blue blinking lights so I draw the conclusion there that blue

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blinking lights caused traffic accidents because I never seen one without blue

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blinking lights is always there and almost as often there's those other evil

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people the ambulance and the fire trucks if it's a really bad accident we'll have

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all three of them so it must take three of them to cause really bad accidents

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right so we see how ridiculous that is because we understand that the cops and

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the ambulance and the fire trucks show up after the accident and so it is with

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cholesterol cholesterol doesn't cause it it shows up after and it just wants to

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repair the damage that's what cholesterol does it's like putty it's

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part of every cell membrane so if we have damage to those cell membranes we

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need more cholesterol to kind of putty up and and smooth it out

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the true cause of high cholesterol is inflammation inflammation does damage

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damage needs to be repaired so anytime we have inflammation and damage the body

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up regulates the LDL cholesterol the bad cholesterol so that we can deliver

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because that's what LDL does it's a transport vehicle to deliver cholesterol

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to the site of repair so the more inflammation we have the more repair we

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have the more the body will up regulate cholesterol and it will make the exact

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right type of cholesterol in the amount that we need to deal with the situation

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so we can't blame cholesterol for heart disease any more than we can blame the

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ambulance for the traffic accident we get things backwards because we don't

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understand the big picture we don't look at physiology we think very very

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primitive in in in certain ways so the problem is in some ways humans are too

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list ik and on some other hand we are too complicated in our thinking

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so we're too simplistic in the thing in the way that we think oh I eat this

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saturated fat it ends up as saturated fat it doesn't work like that

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your body is not the food that that you eat because if all that was if there

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wasn't required any steps in between and you cut yourself then you say oh I got

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this cut I need to provide something to heal it let me rub some avocado on it

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let me slap a piece of lettuce on it let me rub in some sausage but it's not the

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way it works it has to go through a process of digestion with enzymes it has

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to be transformed it has to be broken down into small components and

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transformed from one type of component to another and what creates inflammation

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is sugar and grains what creates high lipids triglycerides is sugar and anyone

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who knows this anyone has tried the keto diet or a very low carb diet knows this

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if you have high triglycerides you cut out the carbs your triglycerides drop we

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have to think differently okay the body transforms things it's not the

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cholesterol that we eat that becomes the cholesterol in the body there's a reason

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for everything that it does it's not the fat that we eat we see fat on the body

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so we think oh I can't eat fat but the fat on the body is a result of insulin

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which is triggered from sugar and carbohydrate so in that sense we are too

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simplistic in our thinking on the other hand were too complicated because that's

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why we have pluses and minuses that's why every research article out there has

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another one saying the opposite because if you give some smart people some

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analytical people enough data they will find a pattern they will draw a

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conclusion and depending on their opinion and their goal and who paid for

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the study you have two groups of people that draw the

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opposites and conclusions from the same data so we can't just look at research

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I'm not I'm not opposed to research I think it's great that we learn things

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but we have to look at the big picture we have to look beyond the details

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because the more we get lost in the details the more confused we get and

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that's why nobody knows up from down anymore when it comes to food so we have

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to ask different questions we have to look at the big picture the principles

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how does this stuff work in the body we have to look at the physiology what

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happens with the hormones what happens with the digestion how do we build

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tissue how do we repair tissue and we have to look at history what has worked

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for humans for the longest time so birds make eggs they've been around

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for hundreds of millions of years humans have been around for hundreds of

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thousands of years and we have eaten eggs wherever they came came along so

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that is not a new food it is not something that happened last week that

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there's going to be another study to change anything it's been around for

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long it's part of nature it's good for you don't worry about it okay what you

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should worry about our modern abominations like artificial sweeteners

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and Splenda and aspartame and margarine and canola oil and all these different

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things that we make there are man-made things that were made by nature they

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have stood the test of time all right humans know how to select

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foods in nature we have for thousands of years so don't worry about it eggs are

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good for you that's the official statement of the day don't have to wait

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til tomorrow if you like to have some today go for it and the other thing I do

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want to add that's super important is just like there is different quality of

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margarine versus butter they can look similar but they're totally

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different there's a difference between farm-raised fish and wild fish there's a

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difference between corn-fed hormone Laden beef and grass-fed beef so there's

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also a difference between the eggs from chickens because if you cram 14 of them

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into a square yard and you feed them pellets and hormones the resulting egg

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is not gonna be as good as if this chicken or hen was roaming around

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picking the bugs and the seeds and the grass and getting some sunshine and

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fresh air and moving around the way that nature have done it for hundreds of

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thousands of years that is the way nature produces healthy food when we

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change it we change everything about that that food when you change the

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health of the chicken you change the health of the egg so pay a little extra

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for those pasture-raised eggs if you have someone local that can get you some

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eggs even better so please leave your comments let me know if you have any

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more questions let me know if you have some favorite egg recipes so please

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share this content with as many people as you can because we do need to get

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some good solid big picture understanding out there we can't just

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get lost in the details and the lists of the day we have to start understanding

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things so that we can fight against the fads and the trends and get truly

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healthy for the long term thanks for watching

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