Apple Cider Vinegar vs White Vinegar (Are The Benefits Different?) 🍎🍏

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Hello Health Champions. Millions of people have received health benefits

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from apple cider vinegar and a lot of you have asked is it ok to use another

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vinegar or does it have to be apple cider vinegar so today we're going to

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clear up all of those issues and talk about the pros and cons of each coming

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right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former

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Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so you don't miss anything so to compare the different kinds of vinegar let's

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quickly look at the benefits first so the first benefit which has been

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thoroughly documented and researched is that it increases insulin sensitivity it

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reduces blood glucose it helps with weight loss it reduces a1c it lowers

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triglycerides and cholesterol the second set of benefits our digestive

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improvements because of the acidity the digestive tract depends on acid so when

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we don't have enough acid being naturally produced then things will work

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better if we add some we can digest proteins better minerals can only be

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absorbed in an acid environment we have antimicrobial properties some of the

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pathogenic bacteria are sensitive to acids so when we lower the pH then

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they're killed off. Bile is released in response to acid and so are also

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pancreatic enzymes so there's a lot of digestive function that depends on

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proper amounts of acid the third set of benefits is that apple cider vinegar

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contains some enzymes and bacteria there's some residue called the mother

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the sludge at the bottom of the bottle that has some of this in it

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that could potentially act as probiotics that could help balance our biome our

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gut bacteria and in doing that it can help the

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overall digestion because if we can make the whole environment healthier down

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there then you can improve digestion it can reduce leaky gut and because leaky

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gut produces food sensitivities if we can heal it then we reduce those food

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sensitivities and we improve food tolerance we can reduce inflammation and

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when everything is working better now we can also absorb the food because we have

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to have a healthy gut in order to have the proper surface area to absorb those

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nutrients now is there a difference in how it's made if we want to make apple

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cider vinegar we start off with apples obviously we add some yeast and the

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yeast start eating the sugar in the apples they ferment it and they turn it

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into ethanol or alcohol like in wine then we add some bacteria and the

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bacteria will consume the alcohol and turn that into vinegar so all along the

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way there's some microbe that is consuming a resource and transforming

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one thing into another if we make white vinegar the process is very much the

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same we start off with grain or corn or rice, sugar, whey, potato whatever starchy

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sugary resource that is the cheapest in that area at the time is what they've

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been using but then the rest of the process is identical the difference

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though is when you make apple cider vinegar you typically end up with some

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sludge called the mother in the bottom of the bottle and you leave it there in

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the case of white vinegar whatever you have left in the form of sludge you

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filter it out and then you pasteurize it so whatever potential benefits that we

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have with that mother they have now been removed if there are some enzymes and

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things in there and then of course the pasteurization process will

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off any bacteria in there there is however one more way to make vinegar and

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that's by using ethylene which you can derive from natural gas or petroleum

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products so if they're cheaper at the time than these then that has been

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favored in some areas and now you can take that ethylene into vinegar in an

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oxidation process using metal catalysts they're using things like palladium and

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copper and that of course is a completely different animal because in

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both of these cases it's a biological process we have living organisms we have

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microbes that are consuming a substrate of value whereas here it's just a purely

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chemical transformation so here's a biological and here's an industrial

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process now in most countries if the vinegar is intended for human

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consumption as opposed to cleaning or some industrial purpose then for human

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consumption it has to come from a biological process but there are some

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countries that don't make that distinction so they can sell you vinegar

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for human consumption from any of these processes then which one do we go with

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which one has the most benefits well the research has been done on how it

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improves insulin sensitivity but the research doesn't specifically mention

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apple cider vinegar it talks about vinegar or acetic acid and all of the

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benefits they don't really know the mechanism but they know that vinegar and

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acetic acid does produce insulin sensitivity and that doesn't exclude

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apple cider vinegar because obviously apple cider vinegar has acetic acid in

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it the next one has to do with the digestion based on the acidic properties

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and this has not been researched by itself but we do know enough about

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digestion and physiology that we have very good reason to believe that the

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acidity is why it works the way it does and a lot

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of the digestive benefits are because of acidic properties the third one is how

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the digestion might be improved based on enzymes or bacteria contained in the

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vinegar and here we basically have just guessing and anecdotal evidence to go by

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we do know that vinegar can contain some enzymes and bacteria but we don't know

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to what extent they are useful or beneficial what difference they make so

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when we look at apple cider vinegar versus white vinegar based on insulin

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sensitivity then both of them are basically equal we have no reason to

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believe there's a difference when we talk about the acidity then again

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they're going to be equal because it has to do with how much acetic acid do they

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contain and what is the pH but the third one is where there is a difference

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because the white vinegar is filtered and pasteurized and it's guaranteed to

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remove all the enzymes and bacteria so in this sense apple cider vinegar would

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have more benefits even though we're not sure exactly how much benefits those are

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which one you pick in the end is pretty much going to be up to you as far as

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benefits we would say that they're either equal or possibly that the apple

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cider vinegar would have some additional benefits through the enzymes and the

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bacteria but it's hard to quantify how much those benefits would be the second

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factor would be costs because you spend a few dollars for a quart of apple cider

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vinegar or a few dollars for a gallon of white vinegar since you don't use a

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whole lot of either one it's probably not going to be an issue for most people

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but it could be a consideration for some third thing to consider is the flavor

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and that just boils down to which one do you like better and if I was to put my

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own two cents worth in I would say that the

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less altered it is the better so I would definitely opt for the apple cider

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vinegar in most cases except where I think the flavor is more suitable with

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white vinegar and some kinds of cooking the more I study health the more I see

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that the more we leave things the way they are the less we interfere the less

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we process it the more microbes the more natural life that we allow to be in

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there the better off we are if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to

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learn more about how to get truly healthy and how the body really works I

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think you really enjoyed that video thank you so much for watching and I'll

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see you next time

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