Apple Cider Vinegar… For Acid Reflux? 🍎🍏

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Hello Health Champions. A lot of people are taking  apple cider vinegar to help with weight loss  

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and insulin resistance but is it okay to take  it if you have things like heartburn or GERD?  

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Today I want to make sure we get that totally  cleared up. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr.  

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Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic  decathlete and if you want to truly master health  

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by understanding how the body really works, make  sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell  

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so you don't miss anything. GERD is an acronym  for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease and if you  

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look it up you'll probably see something like the  following. 1. It's when acid enters the esophagus.  

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So the esophagus is your food pipe it's where the  food comes down when you swallow into the stomach  

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and if acid is in the stomach and it flows back  into the esophagus then that can cause heartburn.  

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That is correct. Second thing you'll probably hear  is that the LES or the lower esophageal sphincter,  

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which is this little muscle right here, if it's  not closing then that allows the back flow of this  

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acid. And that is also correct. The third thing  you probably hear is that it's because there is  

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too much acid in the stomach and that is just  not correct because most people don't have enough  

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acid. There is something called hypochlorhydria,  which simply means - Not enough of hydrochloric  

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acid and that is extremely common. Your stomach  is supposed to contain or produce something called  

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hydrochloric acid which puts its pH at a very  low level. So if the pH is between 1 and 3, which  

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it's supposed to be in the stomach, that puts it  right down here at the bottom of the scale. It's  

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right above battery acid and this is because  the acid is there to help you digest protein.  

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It's there to kill pathogens. A lot of pathogens  will enter through your digestive tract and if you  

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have a high enough level of acid that will  kill them off. It's also there to help you  

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absorb minerals and some vitamins like B-12 that  can only be absorbed appropriately in an acidic  

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environment so if you don't make enough acid then  this stuff isn't going to work. Now if you have  

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a normal amount of stomach acid this is what's  supposed to happen. Your pH stays between 1 and 3.  

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And this low pH; it signals to the body to  close this lower esophageal sphincter to prevent  

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the back flow. Then you're going to digest  protein in a timely fashion. You're going to have  

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mucus to protect the stomach. The stomach  produces mucus that acts like a barrier  

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against the acid and then if everything is  working, the food, the protein is going to move on  

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through to the small intestine after about  two to four hours and in the ideal scenario  

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everything works. But here's what happens when you  have hypochlorhydria - when you don't have enough.  

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Now your pH is going to be much higher,  somewhere between four and six and now this  

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is not going to provide the proper signals  to close that lower esophageal sphincter so  

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it might remain partially open. You're also going  to have a slow and incomplete digestion. It's not  

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going to happen in a timely fashion. The food  is going to be in the stomach much much longer  

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and this is going to allow the stomach content  to reflux - gastroesophageal reflux disease - and  

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this is going to severely irritate the esophagus  because the stomach has this mucus on the lining  

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but the esophagus doesn't have any of that. So  that's why the esophagus gets very very irritated  

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when it gets acid and now you experience the  symptoms of heartburn or GERD. Now if this goes  

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on for some time you can develop something called  Barrett's esophagus. So they send down a little  

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scope and take pictures and now they see that  these cells lining the esophagus don't look  

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like normal healthy esophageal cells anymore.  They're starting to change and at first when they  

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change it's called metaplasia - changing growth.  And if this goes on for a really long time then  

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they change into something bad called dysplasia  which can eventually lead to cancer. What are  

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the symptoms of hypochlorhydria, of not having  enough acid. Well interestingly the first one  

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is heartburn. The sensation of too much acid  is because you don't have enough. Another thing  

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that can happen quite a bit is that you just  don't have any appetite for meat. Your body is  

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very intelligent so if you can't produce enough  stomach acid to break down meat, your body is  

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going to tell you don't eat it because it's going  to cause problems if you can't break it down. Gas  

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and bloating irritable bowel syndrome again if you  can't digest the food properly in the early stages  

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it's going to cause problems down the road. Thin  hair and nails these are all made from proteins so  

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if you're not breaking down food and utilizing  protein then you can't make the tissues that  

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you want. Leaky gut is very very common and as a  result you often have food sensitivities and you  

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can also start developing autoimmunity. In women  it's very common to have hair loss associated  

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with it and in general you're going to find  multiple nutritional deficiencies because if you  

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can't break down food then you can't absorb all  your proteins, your amino acids, iron, minerals  

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vitamins etc. On top of the symptoms there  are some conditions associated with this  

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and lupus systemic lupus erythematosus  which is an autoimmune condition can happen.  

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Thyroid issues most of which are autoimmune as  Hashimoto's. Psoriasis which is not just a skin  

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condition it's an arthritis it's an inflammatory  arthritis it's also an autoimmune condition.  

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You can have lots of allergies asthma eczema  gastritis osteoporosis because bones are mostly  

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protein. And you can also have pernicious anemia  because you need that stomach acid to absorb  

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B-12 and make blood cells so what causes  hypochlorhydria why doesn't the body make this  

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well hypothyroid when the thyroid slows  down everything slows down including the  

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production of hydrochloric acid you can also have  a stomach bug called h pylori helicobacter pylori  

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which is a nasty bug that gives you ulcers but  also convert some of your acid into base so it  

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basically wrecks your stomach acid you could also  have taken too many antacids and this is what  

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we're going to see in every store there's just  yards and yards of antacids because people have  

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so much of these problems and then they think that  oh if I just take an antacid I solve the problem.  

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No you calm down the symptom temporarily but by  taking that antacid you're setting yourself up  

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for all of the problems all the conditions that  we talked about on the previous slide. Stress  

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is one of the most common cause stress causes  everything have you noticed well it's because with  

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stress your body shifts you have your fight  flight system and your feed breed system  

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your digestive system so when you're in a fight  flight mode whether you're running from a lion  

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or you're just worrying about the bills or the  last rude person that you should have told off  

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in a certain way. Either way it's stress whether  it's real or imagined danger and your body is  

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focusing all its resources on the outside and  when it does that it turns off everything to do  

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with digestion and that's why stress is associated  with all digestive issues there is also a strong  

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association between increasing age and a lowered  production of hydrochloric acid and that's just  

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because most people as they age they degenerate  it doesn't mean that age has to cause that  

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if you stay healthy if you maintain your body  remember use it or lose it then you can still  

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reach a quite advanced age and not be degenerated  unfortunately once you have one or more of these  

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they tend to feed each other in a vicious cycle  and that's what makes this problem kind of  

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tough to get out of sometimes so now that you're  starting to understand more about how the stomach  

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and the digestive system works you can see how  apple cider vinegar could actually be beneficial  

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that its pH is 2.5 so it's right in that range of  what the stomach needs to be when you're digesting  

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protein and even though it seems counterintuitive  to some people that it feels like you have too  

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much acid why would you add more it actually  works if you understand what we just talked about  

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so apple cider vinegar adds natural acid to the  system and it helps improve the signaling to close  

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that lower esophageal sphincter to prevent the  backflow and it helps your digestion overall  

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now what about taking apple cider vinegar if  you already have GERD or heartburn well it is  

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quite safe and most people are going to find  that it improves the GERD it's going to go  

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away or it's going to diminish significantly 90  - 95 percent of people in my office that we put  

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on either apple cider vinegar or a digestive  supplement called betaine hydrochloride which  

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is basically just stomach acid in a pill. The  vast majority get better now if you already have  

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some irritation if you have an ulcer or you have  gastritis if it's just really raw and irritated  

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then you may notice that it feels a little  worse if you take that apple cider vinegar or  

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the betaine hydrochloride and that just  means you're not quite ready for it yet so  

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you need to start with some soothing digestive  enzymes you need to take some digestive aids  

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that do not have the acid component in it and  then later when your digestion improves then you  

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could try again. Always remember that you don't  want to treat the symptom you want to address  

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the root cause you want to heal the body you want  to reduce the stress you're going to give your  

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body the proper nutrients. Now I understand  if you have an extreme case of heartburn that  

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you probably want to take some antacids you might  want to take some Tums but realize that it's not a  

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solution it will cover up the symptoms but if you  keep using it it will set you up for that vicious  

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cycle and make it harder and harder for your body  to function so always address the root cause.  

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If you enjoy this video and you want to learn  more about how the body works and how to get  

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truly healthy check out that video. Thank you  so much for watching I'll see you next time

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